Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Elves, Elves, Elves Edition! Tell me all about your experience with Elves, were they high and haughty or dark and dismal, in tune with nature or masters of urbanization? Does your setting have Elves, and how are they used?

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Fucking Knife-Ears need to be gassed desu

What the hell is a nightwalker?

Elves obsolete, plant girls are in.

Here's a more interesting topic.

What's your go-to race when making a cutie awoo, /pfg/?

Disregard elves, fuck plants.

Witchwolf Skinwalker or Rougarou

Human. Skipping the awoo part.

Why do you ask?

It's a template for PLD that boosts rest recovery in exchange for limiting total magical healing before being incapacitated. To put it mildly

Autistic killjoys belong in /5eg/.

None, because awoos are for degenerates.

>ywn have tender touchy sex with Aoife when the beast suddenly takes over and mating presses you
>ywn have Ebonsprig press her big bulbs against your back and whisper sweet madness into your ears

Where do you think you are?

user thats not a mating press anymore if the girl is in charge...

I was just really confused last thread and thought it was a race or class that could some how take on bad shit and do interesting stuff with it. Wasn't sure why I couldn't find it.


>wood grain knot

I have some pictures that would beg to differ, but I can't post them here.

>Against your back
>Not against your chest


>Want to be Ana in Pathfinder
>Build Alchemist
>Healing bomb and infused ammunition
>take 1d6 damage
>heal for 3d6

Best healer.

The Nightwalker Template (Subject to tinkering)

For every point of HP magically healed, gain 1 Corruption.
When you gain Corruption and it meets or exceeds your Maximum HP, you must make a Will save, DC {10+Corruption-Max HP}. On a failure, you become incapacitated with madness until after an overnight rest is completed, at which point the EXCESS corruption is removed (Warning, large amounts of expelled corruption have unknown magical effects!). On success, you have the option to initiate a rage as though you were an equivalent level barbarian. When the rage ends, you will be incapacitated with madness for a short period.
Resting for an hour at night is the equivalent of resting the whole night normally. Resting the whole night restores all HP. Resting all day removes all Corruption.
DR 1/Moonsilver (magic)

If you become overwhelmed from a forceful transfer of corruption, a poison held in all bodily fluids much like a disease, Nightwalkers have a chance of absorbing the essence of the source, their bodies transforming into aspects of the other's body. These transformations only manifest at night, melting back into the body under the light of the sun.

You guys think this warrants a level adjustment?

Marsala really is born to suffer, isn't she?

>TFW you roll max damage and minimum healing

I would post my sexy plants but they're all NSFW.

>tfw /pfg/ starts talking about plantfucking and I have a tab open for the other /pfg/, plantfucking general over in /trash/


Well all of that sounds pretty fucking awesome. I kind of want to steal that.

Cacti are best plants, bless you.

So succulent.

>/pfg/ also means plant fucking general

I should have noticed this before i made Aoife

This was a huge mistake.

>rotjr has saboten


"Cactus flower", apparently. Her mama was feeling poetic.

Saboten is just japanese for cactus.

plant fucking was here all along.

You'll also need that

I got bored and made a power to help deal with an area where magic has a serious advantage over psionics.

Yeah, its called amazon position instead.

How long do we figure before one or more of the men are Saboten's customers?

They're the elves from 8-bit theater where it's nothing but treacherous viziers.

Occultist has the most Spells Known of all 6th-level spontaneous casters (Magus and Alchemist technically beat you due to being Prepared, but still), you'll have your niche by virtue of simply ALWAYS having a solution on-hand to help with the problem. Plus, Occultist's archetypes almost always make you stand out just by how different you are from everyone else; you're not hamstringing or gimping yourself with your choice.

I came buckets

Perhaps it's because she's Calistrian, and thus has a prickly personality?

Thanks for the logs.

Seriously it looks pretty fun to do AoE healing with bombs.

How do I get my diplomacy bonus past 50

Assume situational bonuses can be broadly treated as being static.

>mfw realizing I'm retarded and could have based a convoluted homebrew off of Explosive Missile to make it far simpler

Well shit

Welcome to Pathfinder where your homebrew probably already exists in some book.


Well, while that might be the case in some instances, I highly doubt there's an official way to shoot any extract/infusion into allies from a distance. I'll have to bring this up with my GM at some point though, so I can start unraveling the hot mess I've built up.

You know when you're just pouring over your sheet desperately trying to find any details you might have screwed up that would look bad for your app?

15 minutes to go it seems!

I want to pat Aoife's head

Shardwalkers got extended to 1900 EST. you can wait 3 more hours before panicking.

Although did Argentum stop checking the threads there to only deal with people on discord or IRC? You may want to log on there if you've not already, as that's probably the people being chosen.

I'd guess it depends on how long Ameiko-senpai takes to notice her fanboy.

The time until she does would be inversely proportional to Saboten getting plowed.

Exhibit A



Are links not allowed on blue boards?

/a/ gets away with sadpanda threads, so i don;t see why not.

>/a/ gets away with sadpanda threads
h-haha y-yeah about that...

/a/ gets away with a lot of things because they're the favored child.

why do PFS players sound so hostile
They are always so tense and easily provoked

Because you see what you want to see. You have a heavy confirmation bias.

I am a PFS 4 star GM and can honestly say PFS players are no more hostile than your average player, less so than most /pfg/ players.

I do like playing elves, though I've probably played more dark elves in general than regular elves I think.
>Mfw my dark elf is the party slave.

Do they not?

>tfw long time GM
>tfw have players play elves who are 600+ years old
>tfw tell them that I prefer they not play such ancient characters as their portrayal of them is always extremely shallow

I have never met a player who has given a convincing portrayal of a 600 year old being. Imagine if you met someone who had been alive since before the fall of the Byzantine empire. Multiple times older than the country they occupy.

In Golarion the last 600 years has been fucking packed full of shit.

Being 600 would warp someone if their original psychology was even close to a human's.

>its another "you're not allowed to play elves because you don't live up to my unrealistic and constantly goal-post shifting standards of a fictional race that nobody can know what they would actually be like" episode

This is why I don't include elves as a playable race because player's don't live up to my expectations.

They don't anymore, mods are on another powertrip.

The best way to play a long-lived race is to play the early parts of their life and ban anything further than that. IE: The first century or so, maybe a little into their second century if it can be justified as something like extended training at wizard school.
Also your expectations are dumb, even if your players are also shit

>Also your expectations are dumb, even if your players are also shit
This is why I just ban the races or more often just not include extremely long lived races

>its this shitpost again

Please find new bait material

I don't understand your objection. Who are you to tell your players they're playing a 600 year old wrong? When's the last time you met a 600 year old?

Bulbs or petals? Stamen or pistil?

Why has no one considered giving the bard a makeover yet, anons? It does its job reasonably well, but there's ZERO aspect of customization to it apart from versatile performance. Why hasn't anyone come up with an Unchained Bard?

Why are you such a slut for being the party spunk bank?

Archetypes do a fairly decent job at letting you customize the bard.

Bard is Tier 3, and thus perfectly fine.
The bard doesn't need a makeover.
Cavalier could use the unchaining far more.

I just wanna be a knight in shining armor, why can't the Cavalier do that well?

It could use some better archetypes that keep versatile performance, and a few archetype reworks to make some stuff less shitty, but other than that it seems pretty good at what it does. Seriously why the fuck does any worthwhile archetype also lose Versatile Performance? Dervish Dancer literally trades the entire feature away for half of one iteration of it for NO FUCKING REASON. On top of most of its abilities not being something you can use all at once.

Paladin does it far better. Fighter can pretty much do most of what Cavalier does if not more these days.
Fundamentally, the Cavalier is only good at doing damage, and not much else.

Here's what crumbles my cookie, guys.

I want to play a knight with a mount. Heavily-armored dude on horseback or griffin lancing foes or being a real bitch on foot.

I can play the Cavalier, but that's painfully mediocre on-foot which is typically 60% of the time. It's also pure first party. I can play the Hussar, but those don't get heavy armor. I can play an Ordained Defender Warder with the Chivalry Inquisition, which is the best case for this but is too religiously focused.

Paladins only get their mount at level 5, and they're explicitly religious!

>but those don't get heavy armor
Mithral Full Plate with Fusing (UltPsi) and a Steelbone Frame has 0 ACP. Aka no penalties for not being proficient, and counts as light armor for class features.
Armor proficiency feats are mostly pointless in PF short of going for a few specific feats or PrCs.

What's the best dinosaur I can take as an animal companion if I want to use it as a mount?

The main problem I have with the cavalier is that it's a mounted or GTFO class in a game that likes fucking over mounted characters.

Are you in open, easy terrain and on your horse? Lance, Spirited Charge, goodbye whatever the fuck was in a straight line in front of me. Using literally any other tactic is foolish compared to how effective Spirited Charge is so it becomes the only thing you do all combat.

Are you in a dungeon or in rough terrain or anything preventing the charge, which the GM will start doing ALL THE TIME because they resent how much damage you do with your charge? Congratulations, you are a strictly worse fighter.

Firstly, how do you know what a 600 year old acts like?

Secondly, they apparently MATURE that much slower too. It's why elves, the supposedly super magic race who make great wizards, take 120 motherfucking fucking years to learn it, while kobolds can be wizards by 16.

user, you just listed a dozen things that will only be financially available well after the campaign has started.

Elves take a 60 year gap year fucking and having kids before going back to their studies.

Lances should break after X number of uses.

I always trade out the mount with archetypes cuz I hate mounts.

I am happy for Pike giving us another mountless Cav option that isn't just terrible.

All of them? Every single elf wizard has spent 60 years having kids?

What, yours aren't?

They're underaged until they're 120.
That 110 year old elf girl has been through six boy bands and eleven puppy-crushes.



They're not that childish, they just aren't fit for adventuring.

Imagine a 16 year old girl who remains 16 for 100 years, or a 16 year old boy who remains 16 for 100 years.

Imagine the drama, the sex, the petty slights.

Makes you understand how they can hold onto a grudge, yeah?

I can't help it, I like being used and told what to do ;-;

Except they're not 16. Not while they're 80. They're barely 10 by then.

If I was 600 years old, I'd be fucking fearless. Either I've seen everything, and would know it's coming, my vast knowledge would make me unfuckwithable, or I'd be so god damn bored of life that the fucking crossbow trap behind the door (There's always a crossbow trap behind the door) better hit me in the god damn head.

You should make a camp follower for Blingmaker that wants to open up an exotic bordello!

Imagine living so long you were around to see the stagnation and fall of your civilization by the younger races.

It would be like a slaver owner from 1850 still having kids when Obama was elected, or a man who was there for the Polish charge during the Siege of Vienna sitting on his porch and hearing the clarion blare for Islamic prayer in his village.

Are you guys saying that someone who's really, really old like this would become sick of living and devolve into an extreme masochist?