>Suddenly blatant /pol/shit shows up on multiple boards I'm browsing
kill yourself anytime you spammy fuckers
>Suddenly blatant /pol/shit shows up on multiple boards I'm browsing
kill yourself anytime you spammy fuckers
Even if her post is probably bullshit (and some parts are confirmed bullshit, like the lawsuit stuff), the fact that it seems true is proof enough that gaming has a white male terrorism problem
>Things That Never Happened: The Post
>clickbaiting with a year old post
fuck off
"Wahh. I want my safe space. I dont like topics that are controversial. Wahh"
Gaming has a beta male problem. That's for sure.
I wish /pol/ crossposters would stop. I post on /pol/ too. I probably agree with you on many issues. But this board is largely preoccupied with ignoring how shitty the real world is, and then you faggots dredge up the pettiest shit and post it. Eat a fucking dick. Nobody believes you're really agreeing with the article. Nobody is convinced to hate tumblr more because you posted it (posters are already going to be committed liberals or conservatives or lolbergs or whatever). It accomplishes nothing. It's not even good trolling, it's the lowest hanging fruit.
tl;dr I hope you get b& you fucking faggot
Oh my god, why in the world would I ever visit a site called that?
>year old post that everyone has seen
Pretty sure it's because noone here cares about that topic enough to take it seriously and it's not funny enough to be treated as a joke.
So get out and take your shitty bait with you.
Remember to sage.
What's that supposed to mean? Jewish trolls?
"It's a corruption of lol"
-Fox News
and yes the connotation is that libertarianism is consistent with Jewish/antisemitic stereotypes
Holy shit.
Look how triggered everyone is.
So you admit to baiting and shitposting?
Any political group that a person dislikes is consistent with Jewish stereotypes.
It's almost enough to make one question antisemitic conspiracy theories. Almost.
>the fact that it seems true is proof enough
You seem like a faggot.
I know, I wish triggered little mischlings like OP would continue family tradition of drunken ranting at holiday gatherings, not shitpost here.
>white male terrorism
I'm assuming whoever wrote this was hoping acting retarded would get them clicks.
>Even if it's blatanly false, the fact that I feel like it's true makes it true
This is the new 1800s, fucking feels before reals
Not really, though. /pol/ goes overboard with the Jew memes but libertarians are literally everything medieval and early modern Europeans thought about Jews, except rolled into a memeworthy form. Then again considering which board we're on and the fact that libertarians have abnormally high rates of autism and asperger's syndrom, I suppose you are taking this personally?
>"kike" comes from supposed practice of shaving (kiking) coins as practiced by Jewish moneylenders
>libertarians' primary stereotypes are that they're obsessed with money and/or are all rich banker wannabes
I don't see why you'd deny that it fits tbqh, even if you think Jewish stereotypes are the worst thing in the world.
How much attention to tabletop wargames get from SJWs these days anyway? Why should they care about us when they can hate on the democratically elected US President? We're not their interest and never will be.
hey reddit
I thought Reddit was as much an Alt-Right stronghold as Veeky Forums. Or so the Huffington Post and Tumblr tell me.
>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
user, "hey reddit" is the new "weeb", it just means now "I disagree".
Not clicking, sounds like bait. However I think it is a perfectly acceptable topic for Veeky Forums. It's Satanic Panic in different clothing.
Not bait if you take it with a grain of salt. It's great comedy
This is old as hell and we already debunked it. As usual, white men win.
What? Is 'All traditional gamers are racist, sexist pigs, so say we the SJW left' a perfectly acceptable topic? I think not user. Unless you want a flamewar. But at this point that's all we'll get unless this thread gets deleted.
And besides, it's nothing like the satanic scares of the 80s. It's a group who see everything as oppressing certain people and disenfranchising them and scream bloody murder about it.
A) that is not the stereotype of libertarians. They are stereotyped as being basement dwelling neckbeards
B) that is far from being the only or even main stereotype of Jews. They are more commonly stereotyped as nebbish intellectuals with touchy feely politics
C) that is not the origin of the term like and I have literally never heard that proposed. The practice of filing coins fell out of popularity a hundred years before the earliest use of the term kike as a pejorative
This hasn't just been refuted, it's been debunked.
Kike comes from Jews at ellis island signing the forms with a circle rather than a cross. I want fake/pol/ to leave.
The part about contacting their lawyer is pretty hilarious.
Can we go back to the times where we just laughed at, trolled, or ignored that stuff instead of being offended? I swear to god, it's a hobby to some people to go out and look for shit to be offended about. It's like /v/ constantly flips its collective shit at stuff kotaku or giantbomb or whatever puts out, yet keeps going there.
Typical SJWs.
>not checking these digits
Get ahold of yourself my man
Some rules were meant to be broken
Boy I sure am glad you took the time to dig up the mad ramblings of some literallywho. What kind of retard goes to a site he hates to find people he disagrees with and bring back their posts which everyone will surely hate?
>indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?")
U wot m8?
Yeah, fuck the reals.
>people actually get triggered by this
It's just here for a laugh, mates.
Whether you're right or left, we can all laugh at this.
If someone is whoring for attention, we're all better for ignoring them. And, we're all worse off if even one person pays attention to them.
Why is Veeky Forums filled with unironic SJW faggots? When will they be purged?
>I was only pretending to be a faggot
It's not, these are trolls.
And, if you don't want to be labeled a troll, quit bumping this attention whore bullshit.
Veeky Forums is apolitical. IRL politics have nothing to do with playing Wargames or RPGs. You can be whatever you want, at the games table you set that aside for courtesy's sake.
Literally the only time I see this dumb shit is when it's /pol/ spergging out going OMG SJWS!!!!!!
Why do they care so much what some random ass blogger thinks?
Because they are the mirror image of the SJWs in every way, right down to the triggering.
"I am thirteen years old and in a game store for the first time. I examine their selection of dice and take them to the counter to pay.
“How old are you?” asks the balding, middle-aged man behind the counter.
“Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed!” he chuckles in glee. The Warhammer 40K gamers at the table behind him take up the refrain. “Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed! Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed!”
I run."
This is hilarious.
>Veeky Forums is apolitical.
I mean I am not from the States and I literally cannot believe this is real.
>seems true = true
Yea, fuck all that evidence and facts and shit.
This is on the same tier of
>and everyone started clapping.
>Veeky Forums is apolitical
At least it used to be, until /pol/ supplanted /b/ as the floodgates of shit. Now retards think Veeky Forums is their personal echochamber, when it was, is and always should be everyone's anti-echochamber.
WAs is the operational world. Everyone now treats Veeky Forums as basically Stormfront. I've seen the BBC call Veeky Forums an Alt-Right stronghold several times. As far as the world is concerned, we're all Nazis now. I hate that fact and blame /pol/ for it.
It's not.
Everything is fun till someone loses a trial
As a games workshop, I can confirm the credibility and inference of this story.
I tend to send people to /trv/ and Veeky Forums when they come with that argument. It's surprising how much it helps them to understand how this works
>As far as the world is concerned, we're all Nazis now.
And before that Veeky Forums was considered a hive for pedophiles and "hackers." I'll take the Nazi label gladly, especially since everyone who doesn't agree with the latest, FotM "progressive" cause is called a Nazi.
Her tears tell us more than any evidence
Fuck off, pussy. The fewer limp dick crybabies that come here, the better. Veeky Forums's best years were when it had no or a terrible reputation.
As a literal Communist, the idea that any police officer told this woman to leave tabletop gaming or she'll "die" is hilarious
A lot of new posters have started browsing Veeky Forums because of claims like that.
>wtf, why do people care about political extremists using lies, threats, and bullying to attempt to control and suppress anything and anyone who doesn't kiss the ideological ring?
What if phone posters are exactly as numerous as desktop posters because desktop posters post from their phones when they're away from their desktop?
So, always?
See, now you understand why we don't like you, /pol/.
>Why are you guys so evil?
It's what my character would do
>a website is getting an influx in newcomers when something big happens
Well golly gee I wonder how this could be happening
Go back to your shitty Onyx Path forums WoD-larper faggots.
It's like an ourouboros of idiocy with you guys.
> "While the topic of online harassment has centered around white women,"
We are missing the current age here
Well, I am noticing a lot more misanthropic /pol/tards forcing themselves into threads, and weirdo 'biotruthers' and other autistics angrily screeching about nonsense hypothetical situations that anyone who actually games either knows doesn't happen in practice or is a nuanced situation that can't be boiled down into a one size fits all answer.
Still can't stand SJWs, and uneasy about all this use of "white male". But alt-right types do love sending death threats over pointless petty stuff.
This guy speaks the truth
Born with a penis = evil
Being competitive = evil
Being an individual = terrorist/ nazi
Only Nazi's today are the leftists who think banning speech and prosecuting for thought crimes makes things better.
I miss having quest threads on Veeky Forums.
Because it's fun.
>wtf, why do people care about political extremists using lies, threats, and bullying to attempt to control and suppress anything and anyone who doesn't kiss the ideological ring?
We all hate /pol/tards user, you don't have to explain the reason.
The woman is blatantly unstable. Her detachment from reality is extremely concerning, and pretty overt. Biggest red flag is that her top complaint seems to be online harassment, including much of the reasoning on why the cops can't help, but half of her examples are things that have allegedly happened in person. Not one third of the way down she claims that she's actually won a "precedent-setting" humans-rights case against one of her attackers, and then follows that up with more claims of invisibility and futility. Shortly there after she strait up says its illogical for women to be expected to teach themselves self-defense. This bit,
"The majority of gamers do not engage in online terrorism, but are instead complicit in lower levels of harassment. It is almost impossible to convince gamers that sexist and racist jokes are unacceptable and that they make others uncomfortable and drive people off."
-is not wholly inaccurate, but very frustrating. I've seen bad shit go down, but I've never everyone stand there and let it happen. A lot do, don't get me wrong; most bystanders are just that, and will let you get away with murder, but for every forty-nine the fiftieth is going to at least call the cops. These days I'll bet you someone's going to record it too. Whether or not they give it to you or post it on worldstar is a wholly separate matter.
You go into any hobby shop around here and you'll see people of every age, gender, and race to some degree or another. I can't deny that it's mostly white males; it is, about 90% probably, but the other 10% includes everything else. Played Clout and Magic with a trans-man for a solid five years from 2008-2013 before he saddled up with the police. There's a Hispanic man that's a regular at the local Magic tournaments, and my college's Anime Club coincidentally is comprised largely of people who play D&D to some extent, and of the dozen or so regulars four are black, two are Hispanic, and three of them are females.
user is stepping up the past challenge!
What was confirmed bullshit? Story?
It is. She won the largest sexual harassment lawsuit in manitobas history. I went to the same university as her.
/pol/ uses banter, memes, and deadly gifs.
>deadly gifs
like those .js files from the days of yore?
the fuck are you talking about its hilarious
Some user sent a flashing gif to some guy saying that he deserves a seizure. He's been arrested and charged.
>Making a call to harass a mini company with barely any social media to moderate, and no way to enforce its will on others, to stop harassment in their fanbase
Really made me think.
>Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed
I kek'd at this.
You mad, bro?
>Do you remember the guy who pus his dick in that skull?
That's a blast from the past. He got it from some french catacombs didn't he?
Spotted the newfag
I had a class with her. She is a giant attention whore.
No way. Proc it, what'd she look like?
Wise words. Let's just sage this and leave it to be forgotten in the sea of piss that is Veeky Forums.