Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pet Edition
Familiars and pets! Do you like classes with an option of getting a cute, possible supernatural critter helping you? Isn't that just busywork to control two characters at once? Isn't it also lame how every nature-themed class or archetype gets animal companion as if it was the only thing distinguishing them?

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Last session, I ate two attacks of opportunity from a dire wolf, knocked down once and tripped again. It sucked and my character began bleeding out, but it allowed an ally to complete the objective.

I was reflecting upon my experience, and was in a similar situation my first adventure with this character. I used a smokestick (for the first time every) and it saved the party's ass from a minotaur.

If I move while in the threatened range of an enemy while in a cloud of smokestick, obscuring mist, or anything else like that, that would not provoke an attack of opportunity, correct? Thus, using a wand of obscuring mist while prone would enable me to stand up, even if I am right next to an enemy, is that correct?

I want to play a cute Nirmathi ranger girl that's secretly in love with a handsome Molthuni officer!

>! Do you like classes with an option of getting a cute, possible supernatural critter helping you?
No. I hate features like that with a grand passion.

>Round 1
>Level 3 Avowed crits an Aether Lance
>Does 88 damage due to Overcharge Modulcation
>Downs two CR3 Trolls

>le nat 20 meme
Fuck off.

What meme? You realize nat 20's, which are confirmed easily against low ac creatures like trolls, do in fact double damage?

Are you saying that Overcharge Modulation isn't an immense amount of damage now being doubled?

FFXIV Scholar homebrew never.

Wow, it's almost like OM is a problem that should've been fixed a long time ago instead of nerfing the shit out of everything else. Surely no one, especially not me, has ever considered such a wild and unexpected scenario.

>Isn't that just busywork to control two characters at once? Isn't it also lame how every nature-themed class or archetype gets animal companion as if it was the only thing distinguishing them?


>implying that's going to stop the Honkening

Yes according to RAW. However mind that using the smokestick/wand provokes an attack of opportunity on its own. so it's really only useful if your enemy has combat reflexes.

I really hate that "you are tied to nature so you get animal companion!" shit. Like, seriously, stop. There are more ways to show that someone gets their power from primal sources.

I just want a big fluffy woof to sleep with.

>Activation: Wands use the spell trigger activation method, so casting a spell from a wand is usually a standard action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.

So, that would be a great thing to use to cover standing up from prone or something like that.

All this ludonarrative dissonance stuff is overblown, the vast majority of apps even if the quality is bad are perfectly functional for a game of DnD. It's really so much more about improv skills than creative writing.

If you can't bullshit up a decent app, you certainly can't improv well

Fuck it. I'm bored.

Rolled a random Shardwalkers app and got... Mari aka Crimson Gleam!

Review incoming shortly.

i'm going to second what the first reply said here.

apps are the best way to determine quality in terms of time efficiency

O-oh. I was hoping for mine, but this is fine too.


Totally missing the point, app process is not in question.

Why wouldn't characters have ludonarrative dissonance when the entire fucking rules system is choc full of it?

Overcharge Modulation, being bonus damage, isn't multiplied on a crit. The actual Aether Pulse damage is, however, multiplied, just not OM's extra damage.

>A few anons said they really like when they seen ludonarrative harmony

Yes and?

Since we touched on it last thread, what makes a character "interesting" to you /pfg/? What makes them into someone who you want to hear how their story plays out or how they interact with the campaign/AP? Are gimmicks needed to be interesting, and if so what is a "right amount" of gimmick? Gimmick referring to narrative ones, and not so much build ones, though those can be compelling sometimes.

Which one is yours?

Do your guys characters ever get fatalistic, fighting to the death no matter the odds?

Then the math would have been 38 damage on both trolls

You know they ripped that spell straight outta pathfinder, right? We've had it for four years.

Yes. I love fights to the death and resolutions from characters like 'I will finish this fight/mission even if it kills me. One of my favorite tropes.

its difficult to describe what makes something compelling but basically

have a solid goal

make it something thats more or less unique to that character or could be spun to make it unique.

especially something that proves that the character fits and belongs in this setting moreso than others.

basically if you can copypaste your character into every campaign and have little to no changes its a shitty character

I want to snuggle up with you!

I want my character I'm playing currently to have an epic last stand type fight where he holds the line so his allies can escape to safety.

And he starts the fight saying "Only one of you will have your name written in the history books for killing me. Who wants to try first?"

No and frequently this gets me in trouble with the GMs when the trouble gets beyond my characters capabilities and they bolt.

Yes, but usually only because systems have set movement speeds and no mechanics for escaping combat.

That's a good point. I think a character can have the same personality and build and what not, but if it feels unrelated to the setting, the whole thing just feels out of place. Like if you want to be a stern, but caring tactician type, that can probably work in a lot of campaigns or settings, but the "why are they doing anything" element of the character should be build to be as congruous with the campaign plot, since it either never comes up, or more rarely, takes over the plot of the game.

Fuck man, I live for the moment I get to deliver one of those lines

in particular, I desperately want to yell this line

Aether Pulse Lv3 = 2d6: even with ioun would still be 2d6 (could've gone up to 3d6 @4th with that). 3 selections (which is maxing it out early) = 4d6 with ioun.
Dmg +1 for FCB. Dmg +1 Enhancement. Dmg +3 2h power attack?
Strength 22(?!?) = 6*1.5 = 9 and it's probably not that high even if 2hu made it.
+1d6 extra damage from modulation.
Crit 20/x2

Maximum damage 24+14 +1d6 = 44
Maximum Crit Damage = 82

IF every single die rolled maximum, AND the character is optimized as fuck for aether-lancing, AND of the right species and feats, you still don't attain that level of damage.

in other words, you're a lying sack of shit.

Should I get a young squire, apprentice, or protegee so he can carry all my stuff?

Rarely willing to back down, since if it can kill us it can almost certainly outrun and outdetect our hiding too.

It was 44 on 2 trolls, hence 88 (though the crit math was still wrong)

Not that they should have that ioun stone at level 3, given it's 10 times their fucking expected WBL.

Definite bullshit on that 88 there.

Yes, because it's the right thing to do!

Always. Make sure you teach him about lovemaking with hands on lessons too!

Oh so what you're saying is a level 3 wizard deals 96 damage with burning hands.

Get a goat. Ride it around.

Only if you're a genuine Knight or master of a craft.

Wait, doesn't this mean half the cast of the /pfg/ campaigns should get boy wonders or artists or bright-eyed heroines or foxes?

I'll farm too!

I once wanted to make a paladin dog that took leadership, for the handler. Would need to start a game at level 7 though.

Now that I see the feat that combines leadership with preexisting pet features I want to find an excuse to make something with a big ass worg. I haven't decided how to go about that yet, though.

Back in 2e, this was completely part of the game. At name level (usually 9, some classes 10) you were basically considered a master and it took considerable effort and mistreatment in order to avoid disciples flocking to your door.

>DM asks how we're going to deal with evil minor artifact
>say "I got this"
>walk up to it
>say boop
>tell party I cast planeshift on it
>smug look towards to the DM

See I'm HOPING he turns this on us.

I love you user. I'll let you treat me like your breeding sow.

Why not both?

You're nothing but a pervert!

>teaching a goat love making with hands-on lessons and then riding around on it all day


But I'm your pervert. The pervert who's only perverted for you.

Is there a third party supplement that makes alchemical items good?

its called 'the alchemist'

Where are the rules for a normal katar on the SRD?

I meant good at higher levels.

Punching dagger.

Yep, and that's first party.

The grenadier archetype seems pretty interesting, cause you can apply alchemical items onto arrows. I think it's a move action, so that + vital strike could be somewhat viable.

I hope everyone's having a good Saturday?

Where's it state that? Can't even find it on the PaizoSRD.

Its called 'the alchemist'

Because it says Dagger, punching.
A Katar is exactly a Dagger, punching.
So if you want a Katar, that's Dagger, punching.

Right, but where does it state that Katars = Punching Daggers? They're in different weapon groups after all.

>katars aren't punching daggers

Tri-bladed katars are in a different group. Punching daggers are just normal katars, and assumingly, them not being in the light blades group is a typo or because they're not "blade" like enough and too "fist" related.

>full pouch

The fact that they're in different weapon groups (Light Blades & Close) vs Punching Daggers (Close) is what's confusing.

Meanwhile, normal Daggers aren't Close weapons because ???

What kind of custom weapon would Assassin Creed hidden blade be?

Reskin a butterfly knife?

Does anyone have a generic character generator or something I can use to generate a slayer?

Waiting for this review like wew

Is the Slayer a man or woman? Where are they from? Give us a tiny bit about their personality.

The Slayers a man in his mid 30s, with a robotic arm/construct arm who happens to be a Gunslinger/Bounty Hunter.

He's definitely NOT generic.

You can be in multiple groups

Pet classes were a mistake. Fucking WotC deciding that giving someone an entirely seperate set of actions was a good idea. Fucking Paizo for making the Summoner.

Fucking both of them for setting the expectation that a pet class needs to be MORE POWERFUL than a class without a pet because each creature needs to be considered a goddamn standalone character.

The pet should be incredibly weak and you should have to get new ones a lot from their deaths.

"In this edition of /pfg/, crying over pet classes that nobody fucking plays anyways"


Right, but if Punching Daggers and Katars are the same thing, why aren't they in the same groups?

It's ERPtastic!

Well wait no longer!

Bored, reviewing a couple Shardwalkers, starting with Mari aka Crimson Gleam

>Half-Drow born from an unhappy union.
>Treated like a slaver throughout childhood
>Runs away and joins the circus.
>Has some bardic talents, and travels with them for a time.
>Troupe alternately abuses and cares for her; never giving her a comfortable life, but never giving her the impetus to run.
>Attacked by bandits in the wilderness; which she fights off in the guise of the Crimson Gleam.
>Once they escape, she flees through a random gate and ends up in Karlsgard.

A drow outcast wandering through life with a song in her heart, and a bow in hand.

Spheres bards are always good to see, and one focused on healing is certainly going to be welcome in almost any party.

Why does the Crimson Gleam even exist? There's absolutely nothing in her backstory which would justify the need for a secret identity AND nothing which gives her any motivation to take up the mantle of a masked crimefighter. It makes no sense, and feels tacked on at the last minute. (Also isn't Transformation sequence part of the Magical Child? Are you allowed to use the pseudo-gestalt to grab archetype features?)

The personality section talks about her "ideals of protecting and inspiring others" so... where does that come from? Everyone she's met has treated her like a slave, so why does she still have this sunny disposition? What motivates her to not give up on people? I can think of half-a-dozen ways to solve this issue, but the author needs to pick one.

Nothing in her personality section really supports this abused outcast that the backstory tells us of. That's not to say she should be angsty all the time, but the hurt doesn't just go away, it's still having *some* effect on her and I'd like to know what that is.

Where are the flaws? As written the character is purely kind/perfect, with no rough edges. Give us something to *dislike.*

>The pet should be incredibly weak and you should have to get new ones a lot from their deaths.
Then what would be the point of having one at all?

That would make him from Alkenstar, which is basically Texas. From how he sounds, you want something gritty and tough, like a strip of cowhide.

Butch, Clint, James, Casey or Billy are good ones. The last name should be a mild pun for the arm while being a bit cool.

How about, James (Jimmy) Cyberin?

I'm also interested in a generator. I'm tired of making so many NPCs.

>Appeal: 4/10, there's potential here for a fairly nuanced portrait of an abused child perpetually trying to please everyone, in an effort to prevent further abuse. However, what we get doesn't do anything with that concept, and instead just kinda throws its pieces out there with no rhyme, reason, or connection.
>Backstory: 2/10, short and relentlessly dour. doesn't reflect the character's personality at all, and is incredibly generic.
>Compatibility: 8/10, Spheres Bard, personality is Jesus-esque in its niceness.
>Shardiness: 1/10, other than a passing reference to the Way, there's nothing tying her to this specific setting.

Next: Another Roll of the Die! (Unless someone has a specific request.)

Fun fact, you can select Transformation Sequence for any vigilante as of blood of the beast as a level 1 social talent

And yeah I know, I need to work on her, and its nice to have some confirmation of what i feel her problems are.

If you're GMing a game, is it considered poor form to use failed apps as plot relevant NPCs/BBEG Lieutenants tokens?

Only if you don't get the player's permission.

I like Axel Cyberin!

Review one of the Dragons, FotJR or SotJR apps!

Last time a /pfg/ GM did that, a player threw a bitchfit for 3 weeks.

Personally, I think it's alright.

You don't need to generate NPCs. Just make up shit for them on the fly. Your players shouldn't know the extent of the NPCs abilities or skill ranks anyway.