How do Space Marines even procreate?
btw. Warhammer 40k/ DoW 3 Discussion.
How do Space Marines even procreate?
btw. Warhammer 40k/ DoW 3 Discussion.
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>The gene-seed of an Astartes is the foreign genetic material originally engineered using one of the Primarchs' genomes as a foundation. The gene-seed develops into the special organs that are then implanted into a potential Space Marine's body. These gene-seed organs are responsible for most of a Space Marine's physical enhancements over baseline human capability. All Space Marine gene-seed was originally cultivated by the Emperor himself from the DNA of the Emperor's 20 genetically-engineered sons (each son being the Primarch of one of the 20 Space Marine Legions of the First Founding), and is a rare and precious resource for the Space Marines of the Imperium, even in death. The biotechnology necessary to create new gene-seed has long been forgotten or lost to humanity; therefore, it must be cultivated from dead/dying Astartes warriors and returned to the Chapter's Apothecaries, who will oversee the creation of new Astartes from the Chapter's raw recruits. The gene-seed is the very essence of a Space Marine Chapter and it carries each of the characteristics that are particularly unique to a given Chapter, be they mental, physical, spiritual, or martial.
There's also a bunch of chemical, hormonal and physical operations to modify the body.
Pretty sure they can't procreate in the traditional sense
>Garbriel is as tall as a primarch
The Iron Warriors had the Daemonculaba, and I know at least one NL warband has some weird ritual to get kids to murder each other and they pick the winner--but how do the other traitor legion warbands recruit new marines?
Why the fuck is Gabriel Angelos as tall as Horus?
With your mom.
You can't tell from that picture, but Angelos's hammer is actually a set of Terminator armor on the end of a stick.
>Pretty sure they can't procreate in the traditional sense
Fluff is a bit all over the place about it, so at this point it would be on a per individual/chapter basis.
Either way, between their mental conditioning and training regimen even those that can wouldn't have much time or interest in 'doing it' and any resulting children would probably be normal humans (though likely candidates for induction into the chapter at a later date).
I think they tried to extrapolate his size by comparing him to other elements in the game, but ignored the fact that the DoW games are hardly to scale.
Gabriel Angelos confirmed Primarch
He's part Ork. Every fight he gets bigger. Cyrene was out to the torch to stop these ork-human hybrids from spreading and threatening galactic stability. Angelos is the last Waaghborn.
I recall some do it by making chaos cultists attack loyalist marines.
The one that strikes the killing blow gets to go through the process using the geneseed of the marine he killed.
I don't imagine any potential children would necessarily be potential candidates for induction - even if you argue on a genetic viewpoint, that gets mixed up with whoever they procreate with. Though the children would likely be normal humans, yes - they've been augmented biologically, but they're still baseline humans, at least technically.
Though it does amuse me to imagine a Space Marine dad being disappointed his son is three years old and still needs encouragement on chewing his food.
They don't. Or more accurately, they don't have to. The Progenoid glands that every Astartes has (in his chest and under his thyroid gland) are used to clone all the implants that make a Space Marine. Particularly stable gene-seeds can create enough zygotes to make enough implants for two additional warriors, but unstable ones, like the Flesh Tearers, are lucky to get one-for-one. This is why Apothecaries will go to such great lengths to harvest a fallen brother's Progenoid glands; it is literally the future of the Chapter.
This is, perhaps, one of the ways in which the Emperor succeeded:
The whole point of the Great Crusade was to secure the galaxy for humanity, so he made sure his super-soldiers couldn't just replace humanity wholesale. Not the Primarchs, not the Custodes, not the Thunder Warriors, not the Astartes.
>even if you argue on a genetic viewpoint, that gets mixed up with whoever they procreate with.
Which is why I said 'likely' and not 'surely' or 'guaranteed'. I was just saying that a child MIGHT inherit what it takes from the father. On the other hand the mother would in most cases be from whatever planet the chapter regularly recruits from so she too would have compatible traits.
Space Marines have working gear but they're mules. This was the Emperors design decision to leave the space Marne population controllable.
>You can't tell from that picture, but Angelos's hammer is actually a Nemeroth in Terminator armor on the end of a stick, looted when they helped Titus on Graia
Iirc certain chapters have done experiments using the family and relatives of successful inductees (though not direct descendents for obvious reasons) and found no appreciable increase in gene acceptance.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with a person's soul and there was secretly an element of arcane alchemy involved in the origins of the proginoid glands, since the Emperor gained the knowledge and power to create the primarchs via chaos.
>Iirc certain chapters have done experiments using the family and relatives of successful inductees (though not direct descendents for obvious reasons) and found no appreciable increase in gene acceptance.
>the Emperor gained the knowledge and power to create the primarchs via chaos
I hope this is the right thread:
just getting back in
can I use old chaos dreadnoughts as helbrutes? Because I have 2 dreadnoughts that are useless otherwise
Horus Heresy canon, ignore as you will.
Ignoring it is the only way I can pretend that the setting isn't horribly, erroneously fucked up to its core and is completely unenjoyable due to a cheap desire for twists and conflict in a book series.
This is amazing.
You actually missed again.
I'll try again in an hour. I told you I'm barely getting back in, I don't know shit anymore.
>How do Space Marines even procreate?
Warhamster players don't so I guess their little painted figures don't either.
I see nothing wrong with Emps learning something about the Warp from Chaos which made it possible to create the Primarchs. It fits the grimdark tone and also adds up with some of the Primarchs being tainted since bitrth.
If the Emperor wanted marines to procreate, he would have made Female Space Marines too.
Personally, I find them to be the most enjoyable Warhammer novels
Anyone who has a problem with how the Emperor went about creating the Primarchs should either stop trying to use a fictional character as a substitute father figure or understand that he has/has been given at least a minimal amount of depth.
It makes perfect sense in a universe where trying to create new life that is expected to fully function via purely scientific means always goes wrong. The Chaos gods also make sense as the beings to be duped out of such knowledge because it could be said that they create new life every time they remove a portion of themselves to create a daemon.
To quote from the HH books and their bits on Custodes, Space Marines are "incapable of procreation." Sterile, in other words. So don't expect babby spess muhreenz.
This could be applicable only to 30K ones since methods of creation were changed by Rowboat who didn't want marines to be inhuman tools.
I actually wouldn't bee surprised if it wasn't the reverse with most 40k Space Marines being more inhumane than their predecessors simply because a standardized method of activating the progenoid glands was adopted following the Heresy. During the Heresy and before each of the Legions supposedly had their own methods and rituals of getting a gland to work.
In 30k marines were expandable force and it wouldn't be surprising if creation was cruder and simplified making astartes the living weapons that would obey Warmaster and Emperor without doubt.
Ye, mthe Crimson Fists had an project going for some time, where they took candidates who fulfilled all criteria and aced all tests, but did not succeed to take the gene seed themselves, to procreate to make better aspirants. Afaik this failed
>How do Space Marines even procreate?
One word: Daemonculaba
Most of the biggest changes were in conditioning (in-game the result is seen in And They Shall Know No Fear, which 30k Marines lack) - there wasn't time for that during the Crusade, and it really starts to show with a few legions, and the other big factor would be the lack of Primarchs - having a primarch around means you can massively speed up the rate of marine production - though some legions still had much higher rates of induction.
At the end of the Crusade and the height of the Heresy you got some legions able to get production times down to about a year, but the results were really not stable.
Being World Eaters, they did not care about that though.
>Gabriel is primarch sized now
Jumping terminator and hammer spinning was not enough, Relic?
Check HH:7 Inferno, in the Custodes section it explains that both Custodes and Space Marines can't procreate.
RTS biology.
Alpha and Omegon were the size of marines.
Abaddon in his terminator Armour was the same height and mass as the clone of Horus who was wearing Horus's armor. They were like mirror images of each other.
So what is the big deal? Where does it say that marines can't get primarch huge?
Isn't being horribly fucked up the setting's main selling point?
Why does nemeroth seem to have two different heights?
aside from the fact that it should happen with like 1 marine in a million i think the problem is that Gabriel was never that big to begin with, and it's not even "bigger because cyborg" since his head also grew
He became daemon prince.
They have sex with female Space marines like everybody else. This is the source of space marine babies.
Duh, via orbital insertion.
Put the Emperor's seed into kids.
Taller than the average actually
Can i mix and match skitarii and cult mechanical like csm traitor legions or do they have to be in allied detachments like space marine chapters (e.g Ultramarines and blood angles)
no idea
pretty sure that picture is at least as old as Veeky Forums itself
They were bigger than normal marines but the Alpha Legion were also bigger than most marines which is why the Primarchs were able to hide among the rest of the legion.
>Alpha and Omegon were the size of marines.
No. Alpharius and Omegon were slightly taller than Alpha legion marines. Alpha legion marines are the tallest marines, and A&O are the shortest primarchs.
>So what is the big deal? Where does it say that marines can't get primarch huge?
The entirety of the HH book series. Primarchs are like 14ft tall in HH while Marines in HH are 8-10
Wasn't that Luguft guy huge?
>Primarchs are like 14ft tall in HH while Marines in HH are 8-10
Marines are 7' and Primarchs are but a head taller. And Magnus is only yet another head taller than Angron.
There are a couple cases of huge marines like Abaddon and that one guy form the Exorcists who sounds like he's as big as a primarch.
Interestingly, you wouldn't use any modern day methods of physical or chemical castration to inhibit sexual desire or the ability to procreation. The former, being an extreme example that would upset a desired function in testosterone production and the necessary and very long term growth development of any aspirant Astartes, and the later produces undesirable results as well such as higher body fat, lower bone density, lowered testosterone production.
My best guess is, being 30,000+ years in the future, they have perfected chemical or gene modification to sterilize and inhibit sexual desire without any of the drawbacks we have today. Yet, even without that passage from Inferno, you could chalk it up to intense psycho-indoctrination. When you thoroughly re-program the brain on a subconscious level you don't really need to go all out on the biological components, and they routinely put their Astartes through hypno-therapy when they are not in the field.
Finally, I would like to add that Astartes are not incapable of finding something, or someone, attractive. They are fully capable of admiring physical beauty as well as emotional but the part of their brain that would link it to sexual desire and physical stimulation is either muffled or severed. They might enjoy looking at a shapely woman or man but they would not become sexually aroused by it. An example can be found in The Emperor's Gift though its up to yourselves if you want to take an ADB novel as hard canon.
I wanted to further add that, physical castration is the least likely method of sterilizing the Astartes. You have to remember that many of them start as adolescence from planets with a strong warrior culture, be it hardy barbarian hordes, honourable knights, or murderous Hive gangers. Masculinity and sexual prowess are strongly tied to these kinds of cultures,and it would not be uncommon for them to mentally mature at a much younger age and sexual intercourse, at least for some of the older initiates, may have already been achieved on feral and feudal homeworlds.
Thus removing that perceived element of masculine strength, could have adverse psychological damage and ego death. Space Marines are obedience, but they are also proud and aggressive. It would be a step backwards that would require a great deal more work of mental conditioning and mind scrubbing, as well as genetic and chemical enhancements, to overcome any limitations of crude ancient Terran styles of castratii. Some chapters might find this a boon (Iron Hands comes tom ind), but many would not want to go out of their way to flense every element of their being and humanity. They are still Space Marines, and they are proud warriors and knights.
why is nemeroth pictured twice?
He becomes a daemon prince >ke 1 marine in a million i think the problem is that Gabriel was never that big to begin with, and it's not even "bigger because cyborg" since his head also grew
> Anonymous 04/11/17(Tue)05:35:51 No.5264756
Please read the thread before posting, its not very big.
how can we tell that size isn't just a form of hierarchical proportions?
considering the style of this last trailer is similar to the first teaser which was confirmed to be a dream a marine has in a recent novel I wouldn't find it so strange for this too to be a distorted vision of what had/will happen
Space Marine and Deathwatch have the most accurate and believable size scales. Both follow Jes Goodwin's design very closely, and he is effectively the voice of god when it comes to such matters.
>Marines are 7'
Not in HH. They're 8-10 feet tall, depending on the legion/author.
>and Primarchs are but a head taller.
Again, not in HH. Primarchs are like like literal gods compared to marines in HH. Dorn literally moves faster than Loken can perceive in Eisenstein.
Whether HH is canon or not, is another question.
Why can't we just all take a deep breath and say "it's just warp fuckery, it swole his head like steroids." and then just appreciate a little bit of sloppy artistic license in some vidya?
besides, none of you queers can claim that in a setting completely consumed by the idea of "now make it bigger", one more tankperson out of millions of giant spacegorilla tankpersons in powerarmor can be TOO LARGE. He is wielding a magic hammer to fight interdimensional, alien-orgy birthed, literal cuntdemons after fighting fungal asteroid goblins and you're concerned about him being at most 50% larger?
Now I've got Nightmares.
Lugft Huron
So space marines can procreate and have sex, ok. But I think the most important question right now is, if a space marine had to have sex with a female xenos would they attempt to fuck the girl to death?
we can't disregard internal inconsistency bringing external consistency as a reason
but I agree on ignoring it as artistic license
The only canon that matters is what GW's designers put forth. Jes Goodwin says 7' on average, ergo they are 7' on average.
They wouldn't fuck xenos because their brains have been so thoroughly conditioned and brainwashed that the very sight of them would make their cocks shrivel up and any lust replaced by a deep, abiding hatred and desire to kill with bolt and blade.
Ah I see then, embarrassment and quitting without even hitting it then
Oh they hit them.
With a bolt round or power maul. To the head and chest. Gotta make sure they're dead, you know. Sneaky xenos like to play possum.
Don't forget to burn the green ones!
>The only canon that matters is what GW's designers put forth
Nope. Canon is established once the setting moves forward and retcons can't happen anymore.
Wh40k isn't just about Tabletop, y'know?
very carefully
Black Library is pick and choose canon. GW and FW both rightfully ignore what they don't like. If its not endorsed by them in their own products, then it doesn't matter.
Therefore, Space Marines are not 8-10' tall.
No one could resist fucking a farseer, not even a space marine.
I don't know about that...
It is, because whatever they decide to do with table top echoes down through to every other secondary and tertiary product.
As soon as he finished killing the 'Nid he went straight over to fuck her body
>NL warband has some weird ritual to get kids to murder each other and they pick the winner--but how do the other traitor legion warbands recruit new marines?
That's actually the Carcharodons. One on one fights to the death are the first step in the recruiting process
stahp projecting, kid, and gtfo
>Black Library is pick and choose canon.
You gotta present proof.
Mira x Titus otp
>One on one fights to the death are the first step in the recruiting process
I see nothing wrong with that.
Fucking Hell
Gabes been lifting
Night Lords do that same. If you are referencing the Red Tithe then The Harvest is the NL equivalent.
they raid outposts and take good candidates. It's basically the same as loyalist only with more kidnapping and torture.
>Fluff is a bit all over the place about it, so at this point it would be on a per individual/chapter basis.
Uh, not it isn't unless you're a fucking retard who thinks 1d4chan is a reliable source and probably a newfag. Space Marines are mentally sterile. They aren't castrated or such nonsense, nor do they have families. Instead they are completely and utter devoid of sexual desire, leaving their junk inoperable. The only desire of the Space Marine is to fight and kill- either for the Emperor or themselves.
Didn't a female character notice the Grey Knight's huge dong during the shower part?
>the Emperor gained the knowledge and power to create the primarchs via chaos
According to a Lord of Change, and we all know how reliable and truthful they can be.
They plant their "geneseed" in teenage boys.
That's Lowkey very cute.