/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General

We're currently working on Expansion 4

Gang Wars Edition

Here's the current worklog:
| Expac 4 |
-Much of it

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

Everyone is welcome.


Imgur Album - imgur.com/a/maXHJ
Tower Girls infinity Chan Board - https:// infinity ch.net/twgrl
Booru - tower-girls.booru.org/
Brushes, Fonts, and Templates mediafire.com/file/k83sgc5t5dfvv3s/Towergirls_Files.zip

Spreadsheet Princess - docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12IcT_vwIHKAMz-ghvB3fgHTr7DkHvjrbu4Hzlw4XCIU/edit#gid=0

Subtitle Pending - towergirls.boards.net/
Kingdom Conquest - towerkc.blogspot.ca/

Tabletop Rulebooks:
docs.google.com/document/d/1AiYSs3a-sOL9SgVkjNNFfSRBfJxef99Ow4E7iSP6ra4/edit (Towers)
mega.nz/#!oBkXlaLa!HubjjHJRD_gdcXMqHIoh-6E1GTxZmR2djuX-d-vj4Og (Lewd Adventures)

towergirlsquest.tumblr.com/ (Gats)
towergirlschivalryedition.tumblr.com/ (Eversor)

if you'd like access to the discord or have anything you wish to talk about privately involving towergirls, editing, etc, please contact Brumus here:

A) [email protected]
B) "Tired Knight" on Steam

Last Thread:

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1st for Dusk Elf

>1sting your own thread

What kind of loot could one find in a tower?
Are the drops themed around the princess at the top?
If so, which tower has the sickest loot?

>What kind of loot
Anything from random garbage to legendary artifacts guarded by fierce minions.
>princess at the top
Not usually, no. It's whatever the respective Dragon Princess stole over the ages.

I'd imagine then that the drops would increase in rarity with each consecutive dragon princess.

>If so, which tower has the sickest loot?

Mimic Princess

>Instead of boundless riches and magical items it's just all food.
>Monsters just have...tons of snacks on them.
>You're not even sure these chests can be considered chests anymore
>More like...squat pastries.

I should go to sleep.

>Mimic Princess using pastries as breast padding.

Maybe her vore fetish goes both ways?
>Captcha wants hamsters
>Presents me with guinea pigs and a squirrel.



>She shape shifts into a sweet roll
>"Come on, Mr. Knight, take a bite~!"

What if Dragon Queen had her own sheet? Like, each head had their own five princesses, Queens, Princes, Kings, etc.

Forgot my pic, post wasn't as long as I hoped, All sorts of failure going on right now.

>>She shape shifts into a sweet roll

I know. For some reason Skyrim and the infamous Sweet roll came to mind.


I can't help but find this really unsettling...

Something about the eyes I think.

I find it cute, except for that skull and sword that implies she ate the knight and that huge a spider. Other than that it's a cute picture

Mimic is a cute.

Ok, that's really fuckin cute

Oh gosh she has a little hand-tail. I never noticed that before!

That might be neat.

I know this question has been asked before, but I forgot. If you have to reject the rewards to go back in time, then how do you get letters/more letters/Tower Princess? Are they just exceptions to the rule?

I suppose they'd have to be.

Hey what happened to that person who agreed to commission one or more of the final 3 north princesses from Red?

I've got some bad news for ya Blank.

To what are you referring?

Never trust an user.

just a rough right now of slaver knight x squire

also got a few things over in trash

It is SUPPOSED TO BE unsettling, she is a monster.

>Slave x Squire
The best!

god i love the newer slaver art

Easily one of my favorites

did a quick edit to slaver card

Hey does anyone have the stats for ballistic, butcher, train and curse knights? I tried going to the archive but I cant find them and I forgot to save the word doc. I wanted to get them done today

Here's curse knight's
Roving Collector
Curse Knight
+Vast knowledge of all things curse, hex, or charmed
+Large enough to be ridden by humans
+Takes curses from others unto himself
-Regularly rampages from full moons
-LOUD jangling
Charm Trove: A huge collection of charms and trinkets, each imbued with different magics to help resist against different manner of curses conveniently spread about his cloak.
Arcane Magnet: Can remove curses from a chosen person and transfers them onto the user.
Repolarize: Temporarily invert the effects of curses placed on yourself at the expense of being -2 on all rolls for as long as this ability was used afterwards.
Stamina: 2
Prowess: 2
Speed: 2
Charm: 2
Wit: 4
“An imposing, cloaked figure covered head to toe in all kinds of trinkets and baubles. He believes curses hold the key to immortality.”

oh dude thank you!


Well this is now necessary every thread now


It has almost all of the sprite stuff

Mad Meat Mulcher
+Relentless Warrior
+Not afraid of a grind
+Gourmet Chef
-Low Impulse Control
-You look tasty

Cursed Cleaver: Ancestral weapon that craves bloodshed and split bone

Flesh Hook: Great for hauling hides and opening veins


Today's Special: Once per encounter, may target an enemy and gain extra stats when attacking or moving towards them.

"A brutal and predatory knight from a backwater hamlet. Knaves and evildoers who cross his path tend to go missing."

Bullet Hellion
+Mean and Green
-Still Wimpy for an orc
+Quick Feet, quicker hands
+Heavy Firepower
-Complicated weapons

Blessed Pistol: Bottomless clip that's good at any range.

Ballistic Blade: Made of live ammo, it explodes with gunfire on contact.


Heavy Artillery: Can spend one point of power and wealth per gen to upgrade his weapon.

"A runty orc that returns from exile to spread the loud voice of his revolutionary weaponry."

Had to change all instances of his original name.

I've not been paying any attention at all since we finished expansion gen 3. Have we started carding the Gen 4 girls yet? Or no?

I really don't. It just completely rubs me the wrong way. Something about the weird proportions really makes it clash with everything else and it doesn't really fit the style of everything. Also the colors are too muted. I also feel bad for the original SK creator because I basically just threw away most of the old design and made it all grim and broody for some reason.

I just don't like it, hard to say why. But a lot of people seem to prefer it so I won't tell anyone not to use it.

Is grim and broody really unfitting for a slaver?

Different user here, but Broody seems unfitting. It looks like a wacky villain from Mad Max or something, so broody doesn't fit at all.

yeeeeah thought so but I was hopeful
still anyone wanna do that 15 bucks a girl from Red

picarto.tv/Eversor streamin

moth x lantern knight

It's wonderful.


This is a nice pairing.

Whatever happened to Dudelor anyway?

Adorable. Please do more knights and their matching princesses

Too bright, too bright

If you guys could only chose one princess, who would it be?

Personally, l really like the idea of waking up to Zombie Princess softly biting my head in her sleep.


Ok, dumb question, if I want to contribute to twg's current gen, how would I go about doing that? I'm not certain who to contact in the forum labyrinth.



how do you wana help?

I want to give old Pirate Princess a hug and tell her she's always got cats.

Toss out some requests mate

Pirate princess or queen respectively

Kobold Knight x Kobold Princess.

I've seen that there's a few princesses in need of stats according to /trash/, and I've drawn a couple myself, though I don't know whether my style is compatible with what's needed.

qt, i like

I'm really freaking busy with life. Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth for a while. I want to draw more, but time hasn't really been in my favor as of late. May doodle a bit tomorrow morning while I get a certificate in not being electrocuted.

Love all the new stuff I've been missing, and Red, you are excellent.

And then, I vanish for another 12+ hours-

Leprosy Knight x Zombie Princess
Bard Knight x Cerberus Princess

Ah, glad to hear you didn't abandon us.
Until next time, then.
Even if you find your schedule to be full, it's always a good idea to doodle something once in a while so as not to get rusty.
Also, more Fusions, Ever's Originals are nice, but they lack a certain quality you always gave them.

I...I can't decide!
I guess either MILF Pirate, Knight, DP3, or Mantis

Copper knight and Arcane princess actually able to touch each other? Or Copper bonding with sword princess since they're both possessed armor

the newer are pre-stated, but when we get to editing and imrproving them, your more then welcome to help.

aside from that id love to see what gals youve made so far

I've made a warforged and pseudodragon, which I posted yesterday.

And the other

Finally! Thanks Red

/trash/ is kinda doing its own thing. We've achieved equilibrium between them and us since that became a thing.
As for princesses needing stats, hop on over and make suggestions. You never know what might stick.
You're more than welcome to post them where appropriate. And if you are dedicated and decent/good, you could probably make your own gen too. ;^)

Kobold for life. No competition.

>make your own gen too
Please no, we got enough going on with the main, Blank doing his thing, and Shame.

I've yet to see a side project take or demand a significant amount of attention or energy away from the main gens. If someone's willing to make the investments needed to do one of their own, I say go for it.

made my first build and I think I lost

You don't lose in Towergirls, so long as you followed your heart and truly loved your princesses

But it sure feels like it when I only qualified for 3 finals and one of them is a gimme

I find the Rewards section kinda lame to be honest. Puts too much emphasis on "save these Princesses specifically" without giving much room for deviation or personalization.

Final rewards are overrated.
I never earn one, yet I love my build I'm working on, because it's mine

I agree with that though I try to get some funding from here to help me out and its worked out well so far

Forge Knight x Cyclops Princess

Together in the workshop, smithing a pair of wedding rings.

Rings of protection. They're gonna need 'em later, if you know what I mean.

Thirding that the rewards are bullshit. Best rewards require the dumbest things. I ignore the reward sheet and just imagine that all options are available no matter what.

>Want Bunnysuit
>Half the princesses I like don't have obscured eyes

Original requester here,
Thanks so much dude!

>No stats or card for Mechanicus Princess
Do you WANT your equipment to break and wear down?

Moth Princess of course.

Oh, does it mean all are obscured or winking? I thought It meant just any.

>You are of course, a Knight.
>While trotting along a sunny forest path you come across a merchant and her cart.
>A cart full of the most lewd and lascivious items you have ever seen.
>Surely a Knight of quality has no reason to peruse such vulgar contraptions.
>It's best to leave-
>Oh gods
>They have a toy themed after best princess...

What caught your eye user?

Winking is pretty much obscuring, I'd say. You can't see the eye behind the eyelids unless you're a lizard, after all.

Condoms with Knight Princess's face on the end, so I can have Knight Princess in Knight Princess while I'm in Knight Princess.

Best pairing.
Best princess.
Best Knight.

>Over 20 lbs. of pussy and ass!

Except it's literally entirely Goblin princess or one of the other small ones, because their whole body only weighs that much.

DP3 arm bra and matching banana hammock

these are coming in a bit

>It's just a goblin sitting there who gets off on being used as a toy.
>With actually a pretty good Goblin Princess cosplay.

>"Ahh a fine choice Sir Knight! Enjoy your goblin princess doll!"
>"Waaait a minute... this isn't a goblin princess doll! This is just a goblin! And she's not even a princess!"
>Shopkeep puts a crown on the smug goblin
>"...just take the money."

After that the knight doesn't even bother with his quest anymore, just settles down with the "princess" he "saved", or so they tell the neighbors.

Parents of Baby sitter Courtier confirmed?

>Your lovely Goblin Maiden ends up telling her friends about you one day while you're out gallivanting about
>Come home to 4 slightly different Gobbo cosplays

They're like mexicans, every time you come home there's some other extended family member "just staying for awhile", so says the goblin spouse. They'll do anything to earn your permission to stay though.