Village girl engaged with childhood friend. Completely chaste relationship. He is concripted by the army before they get married. Village girl searches for her fiance after hearing that their regiment suffered casualties. Sees that fiance is still alive but is shellshocked and suffering ptsd. He is comforted by the whore who sells her services to the army. She taunts the girl the she cant comfort the young man like she can. What should the virginal village girl do?
Village girl engaged with childhood friend. Completely chaste relationship...
Can OP explain the point of this thread?
>What should the virginal village girl do?
Beat the shit out of the whore.You wanted her to fuck somebody else like some bullshit hentai, but fuck your feelings and fetishes OP. She's going to beat the whore to death in a fit of rage and then becomes an adventurer because there's nothing left at home for her
now we're talking
>village girl goes on to become paladin
>"No. We will NOT be attempting to reform the succubus. SMITE!"
Best paladin.
Look at the soldier in disappointment.
''I waited for you this whole time.''
Turn arround and leave cause there's no use in fighting a whore and an invalid soldier.
And thus se searched for something different in her life and became and adventurer.
She decided to avoid war instead deciding to join up with a martial arts monastery because it was the most availible place for her to learn practival knowledge and how to survive in the outside world.
(Someone continue this writeup).
Damn me and my shit grammar.
>"So Bloody Mary, I noticed.. you always avoid going back up north near Haven. Never take a job that goes that way. Why's that?"
The hard, lean form stretched and leaned back and for a moment I didn't think she was going to reply. She bought herself a little time refilling her mug from the wine bottle on the table then talked at last in her husky soprano. "I had me a boy up there. Beautiful, we promised we'd get married and I said I'd be only his but.. You remember ten years back, all those North-men? Well they took the boys out of Haven and sent them to to keep them from sacking every Abby within twenty miles of the shore."
"I guess he ain't like me. Or he saw something real bad. He pulled back into his shell, when he got back he couldn't talk to anybody or be touched except by this one stupid whore. Stupid lil' thing barely came up to my shoulder 'n told me I wasn't woman 'nuff to make him better. That he didn't need some farm-girl with calluses on 'er hands and no knowing of how to be careful with a delicate man."
"It took four strong men to pull me off her. When they did she wasn't breathing no more 'n they told me it was time to run before they'd string me up for all that I'd done."
She put down the empty mug, wine all gone now. "And that's why I don't go 'round Haven."
Objectively this.
Talk shit, get hit.
She dies when the monastery is raided to be re-purposed as a fort by the invading army who are. A true waste of life considering the fort is besieged in the fall and its occupants starve in the coming winter; the names of the girls that -they- had left behind their final thoughts.
The war, to be remembered as a mere border skirmish in the history books, lasts less than a year.
I take my knaifu and end her laifu.
>"Oh...that probably explains your alcoholism, too."
"Huh? Oh, no. That's 'cause I once got eaten by a dire Tyrannosaurus Rex. Thing swallowed me whole, had to cut my way out. Not pleasant. Don't recommend it. I drink to forget it."
"I smelled of triceratops for weeks afterwards no matter how many baths I took."
in this thread, OP tries to take us into his magical realm
Fuck the rich old merchant who always wanted to bang her. No point in holding out, now.
On a different but similarly depressing note, I recall what happened to one Exalted PC I had.
When a human 'Exalts', his very nature changes. He basically gets a spark attached to his soul that allows him to do magic kung-fu and other mystical tricks. It also gives him an immensely extended lifespan, up to thousands of years.
My PC was a boy who ran away from his village to become an adventurer - comparatively rare, in Exalted, but possible. He fell in with a bad bunch, but Exalted when the gang battled the walking dead.
So my Dawn Caste goes back to his village, meets his childhood friend, and marries her. At this point, he's a tremendously powerful hero - same for all Exalted, really. He tells her that he never stopped dreaming of her, and she's the only woman he's ever loved.
About thirty years pass, and she eventually passes away. He doesn't age at all. The thing is, he was effectively taking pity on her, and more-or-less taking a vacation, because he was a near-immortal god-king. In a way, he was lowering himself to dwell amongst mortals.
Of course, he was a great and loving husband, but part of him never really saw the point. He was always faithful to her, always returned home, always made sure she was well-off. The village also flourished. But they were monkeys compared to him.
After that, once he'd got his humanity 'out of his system', he went right back to being a glorious Solar hero and eventually married his Lunar mate. All the time he had spent with his first wife was basically a long afternoon for him.
I agree. Luckily his plans were derailed by a realistic user.
women beating each other women for stealing their man is always amusing
jerry springer is hilarious
Not OP, but reverse NTR is kind of hot.
As are muscular women.
This poor women is gonna have to fight her way through every fetish isn't she? Already got through NTR and vore, so at least some of the worst are behind her
>This poor women is gonna have to fight her way through every fetish isn't she?
If she goes through them by increasing order of depravity, the last ones she'll go through will be gentle femdom, holding hands and post-marital sex in the missionary position with leglocking without intending to reproduce, but purely for the sake of mutual pleasure
And don't forget, she'll get her fiancé back like a total badass and give true and actual love and comfort to her husband to be.
Sounds more like he had a pet than a wife
>NTR is kind of hot
You deserve a painful death
Only the reverse kind, you cuck.
They are both rooted in the same perverse mindset
>purely for the sake of mutual pleasure
You are corrupted beyond redemption, user.
Cut her face
>implying the mutual pleasure isn't from the intention to reproduce
And you were so close to maximum perversity
Unironically this, if some literal whore is taking advantage of a guy newly exploring the wide and wonderful world of horrible PTSD and mental issues, she deserves to stoned
(At Least beaten, jokes aside.)
She leaves the little boy to his whore and adventures on her own, becoming a woman of legend. She becomes so accomplished historians of the future argue she was actually a man.
nobody ever said the husband to be was a customer of the whore. I smell faggotry here. you better not be a faggot. go away faggot.
also your post stinks of the sjw stronk wymyn who don't need a man meme. kys fampai.
Get some taste, 妻 is too good for anything other than NTR.
>He is comforted by the whore who sells her services to the army.
I know you're trying for wizardhood, but you should know what it means when the words 'whore' and 'comforted' are used in the same sentence.
>sjw disco dancing man
>historians of the future argue she was actually a man
Pick one.
yeah fuck getting back with the guy who cheated on her. She can drop him like a rotten potato.
And thus my next backstory was born
It just seems like a pathetic tale for the soldier to go get his mind chewed up, and get left for dead by his fiance.
>beats up the whore, killing her accidentally (whore hits her head on the edge of the table)
>passing adventurers witness the trial of the girl for murder, paladin casts detect evil, detects none, drafts her into the company
>paladin falls, becomes barbarian
>girl becomes party paladin
>while fighting the fire giant king her latent sorcerer powers manifest
>turns out she has dragon blood in her
>becomes dragon disciple
>500 years later rises to minor deity rank
William Taylor was a brisk young sailor
Full of heart and full of play
If she cared enough to actually go to the front lines, and get told this, she'd likely tell the bitch to go away and then start comforting the man in a way only she can.
consensual hand-holding.
>fight her way through every fetish
Final battle of the campaign is against the eldritch abomination who'd been warping the world into their Magical Realm. This involved punching the DM.
No, not him. Fuck that guy.
>falling to invading armies without damaging the structure
China tried to do it for millenia.
They got their asses kicked by a handfull of monks.
That's how it should end, he cheated on her.
Faggot deserves to be left with his ugly, infected, whore.
This. All of this.
Holy shit, this is an awesome character backstory.
I am actually stealing this. Going to be my next monk.
Thank you.
I think being mentally and physically broken from shell-shock and watching friends get turned inside out makes a good case for a moment of weakness desu.
If a girl I was dating watched like eight of her close friends get disemboweled I could understand her having a moment of weakness like this. Especially if she's drinking to forget and gets taken advantage of by a blatantly predatory prostitute. A second chance might be in order.
Of course the relationship would be on thin ice for a long time, but probably better than just dropping everything wholesale.
Lol no.
He cucked her once. He'll cuck her again, and hide behind his mental illness as an excuse.
He's damaged and worthless and will only hold her back if she keeps him. She should save herself some time and just dump him immediately.
You win the thread. Beautiful
>people cannot ever change
>being taken advantage of by a sexual predator and raped somehow equals cuckoldry
Piss off. And even if she doesn't keep the romantic side going, she still likely isn't going to leave a close friend to suffer.
This. He's a broken man who needs a familiar face in his life, and it's a good reason for her to stick with him. The trust between them will need to be rebuilt, but that's more of a problem of his traumatic experiences. She's still his sweetheart, and he'll remember that.
The better question is, how will she help him best put himself back together?
>women beating each other is my magical realm
For me, this thread was successful.
I hope your cuck queen enjoys the STDs her dysfunctional toy will share with her.
The boy's a failure and unclean. Leave him to his whore.
There's better men in the world.
Why would she settle for damaged goods loser when she could have a good looking alpha male?
>she's still his sweetheart
Fucking top kek mate.
Careful with that edge.
Seems a touch snowflakey. Let the palabro keep his class, turn the village girl into either a brawler or a fighter and remove that bullshit about dragon blood and sorcery. Her talents should involves cracking skulls with either her bare hands or with whatever she can find lying around when pissed.
Did you miss /r9k/ or something? Because that must be one of the most cuck post I've read in some time.
Nice fetish thread OP
Sad little cuck, aren't you?
Damn straight,
And after she's done smashing the whore's head into mush against a rock, she's gonna fuck his brains out. And she'll hold his hand the entire time. Those who obstruct others' love must be punished.
Your desperation is showing.
Did you lose someone user? Did it hurt?
Stale memes bruh.
>says someone is worthless for the crime of being raped
>gets butthurt when called out
You are fucking pathetic.
Not the user you're arguing with but honestly would you abandon the friend you've spent all your life with because he's seen some shit fighting for you and got taken advantage of because of it? I'm saying this implying you have friends
Okay when was it mentioned that he was raped?
Are people with PTSD no longer capable of giving legal consent? Or are we assuming they only fucked when drunk?
Can we also establish if he paid her for her services? Because she is a whore, they typically get paid for sex.
No, i just think that people who try to destroy other people's love life deserve to be bound to the ground and laid in front of a stampeding herd of cattle.
Cool thread, but if this is a bright fantasy setting where a headstrong girl can up and become an adventurer, what the hell did the soldier see on the battlefield that broke him so badly?
>getting taken advantage of
m8, he bought a whore to deal with his stress.
If he truly loved the girl, he'd have written her letters, and been patient.
There's no relationship to salvage here.
Agreed. So they both get beaten to a pulp and she leaves town.
He's just a fragile bitch.
From what I do know, shell-shocked people aren't really fit to make decisions and typically do literally anything to get their mind off of it, even if it doesn't help. That's why you always see the "alcoholic veteran" and the usual Vietnam flashback type of shit.
So it's entirely possible that he was just sitting in his room staring at his hands, doing the whole "they will never be clean again, how can I touch [farmgirl fiancee] with them."
And then Miss Whore walks in, shakes her hips and makes him forget about his troubles because he's in no logical state of mind.
Especially since it doesn't seem he bought her, otherwise the whore wouldn't have made herself so known. She most likely saw him as a walking meal ticket because you can't follow the army camp if there is no army, now can you?
>He would have written letters and been patient!!1!
Shell shocked, PTSD, Trauma. These are important keywords to remember.
This is not a bright fantasy setting in the slightest, it is DM's fucked up magical realm.
PTSD does not render you incapable of consenting.
>Source: prior NCO who had to deal with this kind of shit before.
He made a poor choice and fucked a whore. You can't blame the whore when the soldier made the choice. It's not like she drugged or over powered him.
desu the little faggot got what he asked for when rolling a martial instead of a Wizard, putting the martialfag out of his misery would be an act of mercy and good for the gene pool
Fighting in a military unit is different psychologically than adventuring. Your brothers are people you know through the unshakeable bond of combat en masse, where you are always at risk of being killed by an enemy that will hold no quarter whatsoever. Many veterans with PTSD often describe a horrid sense of helplessness and shame, a pervading weakness that infests the mind, that they were unfit and incapable of stopping the deaths of their fellow men.
It's not just that his brothers are dying. It's that he cannot do anything to stop it, when he feels responsible for their safety.
This. PTSD is a wicked curse in that it forces itself to the front of your mind and drowns out all else. You will do anything, ANYTHING to rid yourself of it.
He's drunk, remember? Fuck, she probably put the drink in his hand herself. She's the type of bitch who'll date-rape a man so she can extort him later.
So you're saying he was drunk the entire time? And this whore was completely sober?
They made it clear he was a repeat customer who found comfort in her. I doubt he was drunk every single time, or that she was sober the entire shift.
Have you considered that she's taunting the girl because SHE wasn't there for him, and the whore has fallen for him instead? Like, she really cares for this damaged guy, and she's lashing out at this fresh-faved girl because she doesn't want to lose him. After all, she's a soiled woman.
If he's gone all PTSD, he must have seen and done horrific shit.
I didn't say that he didn't consent, I said that shell shocked people make shitty decisions. Some become an alcoholic, some give in to the professional whore who could make mentally stable men give in.
Honestly, what he needs is stability and the whore was taking advantage of that by simply being there. It's also possible that they didn't fuck at all. If his issue came from contact, maybe holding a friend as he bled out,
he'd be against touching in general. In that case "comforted" would probably simply mean "sat down and listened to his 'I've seen some shit' spiel."
>They made it clear he was a repeat customer who found comfort in her.
They said he was comforted. That doesn't imply repeat. Even if it did, that means he saw the whore the same way someone else with PTSD would see hard alcohol. "I need to forget" type of shit.
Shit if he was a repeat customer he wasn't with her for happy cheating times. That'd be some fucking depressing or rage fueled "I hate myself" fucking.
Time to fuck his Dad. I had a campaign that ended that way, and I'm still sore about it.
Is that the sword NTR one? Because that story was fucking hot.
So we've established he was not raped and he did consent to her company and services.
The soldier got PTSD and fucked a whore while deployed.
Any trust the girl had for him is justly lost.
He'll have to learn to live with that. But hey, the whore's there for him.
>manslaughter in a fit of non-possessed hatred
>not evil
>The soldier got PTSD and fucked a whore while deployed.
PTSD is confirmed
Fucking the whore is not.
>"B-But the whore said she comforted him!"
You'd honestly immediately assume the worst coming from a whore using the vaguest of word choices trying to chase you off?
Now it'd be different if she said "We fucked every night and he only forgets about his troubles when he's with me" but she didn't.
Even then, you're acting like the girl would be wrong if she gave the very clearly damaged man that she grew up with and loved a second chance after he ended up broken probably fighting for her.
If she's that callous she's probably as much of a bitch as the whore.
>One moment of weakness overrides years of love and trust
>the relationship cannot recover
That's not how people work.
You people know sex is only a whore's main job right? there are a lot of people who are wierdos and unironically pay hookers to vent to them and cuddle.
He totally fucked that whore tho
This is true. I've worked retail. People will vent to literally ANY stranger that shows an inkling of concern.
Whores are just easier to do it with since psychiatrists cost money and cashiers are busy.
Depends on the person.
Also, having sex with a whore when you're supposed to wait for your childhood sweetheart is a fuck huge severe mistake. Not easily forgiven, if at all.
Kind of shit often ends in a murder-suicide.
You'd be fucking shocked, user.
There's no excuse for betrayal. If you think otherwise, go back to /r/cuckold.
only an autist deals in absolutes though.
Realize that it's only natural for a man to search for other women to fulfill his needs when she's not around, and accept her place as a cuckquean for now.
Source: Greek myth, soldiers were allowed to take women from the armies they fought and turn them into their slaves. No wife would object to this.
Again, the better question is how the two of them deal with the situation after the whore's gone. Do they leave the army and try to return to their lives, or go adventuring?