New Egyptian Plainswalker is a Nubian

In the Egyptian world of Amonkhet filled with the new race of Jackals and home to Naga, Minotaurs, and Aven. The new plainwalker of the set will be none of those but a human again for the 30th time. And of course she a strong independent Nubian women who will most lily end up becoming the Kangz of this plain.

Why can't I get a cool Jackal or an Egyptian in my Egyptian themed world.


Americans see the world in black and white. Get used to it, brown people other than terrorists or wetbacks don't exist in their mind.

>When you'd rather have monsters and weirdos than minority representation
Go back to /pol/.

It's an US game. They're a nation founded on the idea that 90% of the world is niggers and they gotta defend their white nations against them.

It's a miracle that their language even still contains the term "Asians", really.

What sticks out the most to me is the fact that she's wearing a pair of crossed golden fists across her chest.

Ajani was cool, karn was cool. I want weirdos.

Is sapience required for the spark? I would like a random animal or a blob monster traveling around

>dismissing the glorious, noble races of Amonkhet as nothing more than monsters and weirdos
>wanting yet more human representation
Fucking human supremacists.


All those "glorious, noble" races share exactly one common quality - they're fictional. African-americans are real, their struggles are real, and the need for representation and role models is also real, which is why a single african-american character is better than ten alien ones.

Yeah, there are basically three requirements to being a planeswalker

>Must be born (no mana constructs like Angels)
>Must have independent sentience and intelligence (so no slivers)
>Must have a Spark ignited (often through traumatic life or death experience)

The first two are requirements to have a Spark, and the spark must be ignited somehow. Now, even these rules can be broken sometimes (Karn Karen is a notable example), but thems the rules.

>Not wanting a crocodile headed planeswalker fucking shit up and taking names
It's like your not even trying anymore.

user wants some non human or Egyptian Characters when the game has 90% Human walkers and 3 black walkers but no Egyptian or Middle Easter Walkers, and he's the """racist"""

What the fuck are you smoking?

>in Egypt
>african american

No one said racist, cockbreath.

Cool the game has three and I promise there will be more on the way. But wouldn't blacks benefit from having real role models like Scientist, Doctors, Artist, and real world movers than some made up characters in a 20 year old card game.

>go back to /pol/
>no one said racist

Nice frog. Are you even trying to hide your /pol/ posting?

Next thing you'll be trying to convince me that Roman empire was a white utopia.

Do you really think kids(and us) give an actually shit about the ethnicity of a planeswalker. Fuck off with your bullshit, because there is plenty of African-American role models. Have my last (You) since your either dumping chum in the water good for you or you actually believe the shit that's coming from your mouth.

You said /pol/ which you fags = to racist, listen tumblr whale or nu-male cukie boi, you ain't going to get laid fighting for Political Correctness on Veeky Forums or in real life.

>Do you really think kids(and us) give an actually shit about the ethnicity of a planeswalker
Yes, I do think so, and I'm far from the only one who thinks that way. Also, it's very funny how all those who screech "Kids don't care about ethnicity!" are always white men themselves - a demographic who never suffered from a lack of representation.
When people tell you about "privilege", this is exactly what they mean. You're literally too white to even see the problem.

>Gets told to go back to /pol/
>Spews /pol/ memes like a fat edgy mexican

Neck yourself

user, there were no African-americans in ancient Egypt. That would require there be Africans in the America's that went back and colonized Egypt

Actually, it's well known and documented that people are more interested/pay greater attention to things that resemble them and their in groups.

This most likely explains why so many anons were pissed when Nissa stopped being a nazi.

Sophistry. You know exactly what I mean, so stop trying to argue semantics.

Why hate the frog, little guy just wants love

>Egyptians were black

Why do you dumb fucks even care? Slapping some demographic pandering only really affects WotC positively by giving the internet SJWs something they can enjoy. It doesn't affect the game in any meaningful way, and the players that say, "huh, that's cool" vastly outweigh the screaming regards who leave the game because some black person is in a card. (And both are outweighed by the people who don't care one way or the other)

How many black walkers are there compared to whites? Can't be called minority when is the majority

The country is literally on the continent of Africa tho.

I mean, the Romans were by any reasonable definition white. The empire was a pretty decent society for the time, but by no means a utopia.

Jokes aside it affects other things, for example, did you know they teach now in colleges that Hannibal Barca and Cleopatra were full subsahararian black? no? well, they do in some colleges, and is shit like this which keeps normalizing this kind of history revisionism


This user is onto something.

I OK'd a few really mundane black characters for my project and impressionable tumblrites with tons of disposable cash came flocking. Rich, imaginative fictional races doesn't bring in the cash, all that does is "ignite the imagination" of a select few.

You dopes are missing out on a gold mine to exploit here ;)

Your point?

>This trading card is the same as historical revisionism that I heard happens in 1 or 2 colleges.

>African Americans
Real struggle happens outside of North America

Tell me about "privilege" I get for being a poor white man living in a ghetto. I'm going to lose my fucking medical care because of the Republicans, I've been beaten by the cops because I stood up for my friends, and other white people treat me like shit for being poor and living where I live. But you know, I'm white so I've got privilege coming out of my fucking ass and I don't need to worry.

Read my post? I didn't say is the same, I said it normalizes that history revisionism

The real question is...would she be black?

>silly goyim

Have you ever not been severed at a restaurant because it was assumed that you were one of the staff?
How often are you followed around stores, so the employees can be certain you are not stealing?
Do your parents own a house or land?

Cleo and Hannibal were black, and so was Mozart and Caesar, stop whitesplaning

You gotta love how many "poor white people living in ghettos" appear every time the subject of race creeps up.

>We need a black walker or the children will grow up broken
>here's Teferi, Koth, Kaya
>those don't count because i don't know them. we need one NOW.
>b..but Kaya just...

Not him but I that actually happened, and go figure, it has to do with how do you behave and which clothes you wear, so I have these black friends (well, not really they're all mulatos) and once they dress like normal people (and when I also do it) people start treating them (and me) different, fucking odd right?

If you go check from the outset Cleopatra was considered a full blooded roman even as queen of egypt and was never disputed as anything else. Egypt's royal history is a joke.

>He thinks all whites live in suburbia and rich parts of the cities
Poverty doesn't discriminate, user

Yes, and the Romans were black. What's your point?

Egyptian ruling-middle class DNA is European and it has been confirmed by 8 studies now and people still can't accept it. Most pictures show light-skinned nobles using Nubians as slaves.

Kinda makes sense that a rebel would be Nubian desu.

Anyone who claims egyptians where black are not only inscientific, but also are so stupid they believe anything they get told.

She was full blooded Greek though

That's because as offensive as it is to blacks that rich whites don't give a fuck, trash whites are offended that blacks don't give a fuck. There's tons of them, they're just not outright systemically put down by the powers that be and instead continue wallowing in their own filth.

There's more white trash than there are blacks at all. And even though they're all on the same boat they just continue hating each other because they're dumb.

Sorry, but if history and Theros taught me anything, is that Greeks were black.

Great, just great.

It was time we had a black planeswalker and black centric plane, I'm so tired of how many white walkers and white planes we had till now, literally all of them

>mfw this whole thread
It's like clockwork.

>We live in a time where empirical evidence can be flat out ignored by the scientific community in order to push narratives and agendas

It's one thing for creationists to pull shit like this, but these "institutes of higher learning"? That shit's dangerous.

>Have you ever not been severed at a restaurant because it was assumed that you were one of the staff?
No, because I don't have the fucking money to go to a restaurant for the night out. At best, I can get McDonald's or something shitty like that.
>How often are you followed around stores, so the employees can be certain you are not stealing?
Quite often, because a) I own a lot of baggy clothing b) said clothing is old and ripped which makes me look more like a punk and c) I've actually stolen food because I didn't have enough money to pay for it.
>Do your parents own a house or land?
No, we live in a shitty motel because it's cheaper then renting a shitty house. Hell, me and my folks were fucking homeless for a year because we couldn't get enough money. Do you know how much it fucking hurts that you can't feed your dog and you have to get rid of him? That you and your parents are starving? You have to get rid of anything you own to keep the collectors at bay. Fuck, I've done things I'm not proud of, so I keep my family alive for another week. Thanks asshole, now I'm fucking upset again. Hope you have a fan-fucking-tastic day you cunt, because I'm fucking done. I would of hanged myself if I didn't have to take care of my parents, but fuckers like you make me think that I did the wrong thing.

Come on guys, it's 2017 B.C.

You do understand that people are as hidebound as stone, right?
Change is never good, even in the scientific community.

>a black planeswalker

Teferi, Koth, Kaya

>black plane
While not a full plane, Jamuura exists, and was way better than this Amonkhet bullshit.


>Teferi, Koth, Kaya
Don't know any of those
Don't know him either

Also, stop whitesplaning

Wait, if you are in such dire straits, why are you on Veeky Forums, the least sensitive place on the internet?

>look at me I'm so poor but somehow I have money for internet and a fucking computer abloobloobloo

>/pol/ack false-flagging, badly

Your bait isn't as good as that other guys; you're being too obvious. Better luck next time senpai.

Because I'm on my buddy's computer and he likes Veeky Forums, so I thought I would give it a shot. Hell, he's the dude that got me into playing magic (he gave me one of his old decks to keep). Seems that I made a mistake.

>Change is never good

Who dares, wins
God helps those who help themselves
Fortune favors the bold

Now now user, he could be using a public computer, say at a library or something.

See, your trolling was already a little obvious but now you crossed the line into retardedly blatant. Try to be a little more subtle for the rest of the thread and you may manage to infuriate a couple more fa/tg/uys.

Kudos to your persistence though.

What about tezzeret?

Not the same user but it's not hard to get internet access for dirt cheap or free in most first-world countries.

>Working two jobs to pay my tuitions
>Living in a house with 4 rooms with 4 other people to be able to pay the rent
>"Black people struggle so much, guys"
Fuck this shit, they struggle and anyone else, they don't have it worse nowadays, back in the 60s? sure, nowadays? fuck off

>>Must be born (no mana constructs like Angels)
Should note that you can still have an angel walker by having a normal mortal race become a planeswalker, and then having them transform into an angel.
We have Ob Nixilis the demon planeswalker, after all.

>Because I'm on my buddy's computer and he likes Veeky Forums, so I thought I would give it a shot

He's evil, that turns him into honorary white and a bad example for honourable POC

>Free internet
>But goes to library instead of working his ass off
Yeah, you can't fool me

>We aren't allowed to have a cool black villain in MTG because SJWs would riot if a PoC was portrayed in a negative light

Feels bad man

Hell I live in Indiana a state not known for its progressive policies and you can get free internet.

Some people speculate that Elspeth will be the first angel walker when she rises.

Mite b cool

>Poor people always spend every waking moment working.
Sounds like SOMEONE here has never been in poverty.

I actually prefer if she were the first zombie (specially those cool Theros zombies with masks)

>Playing mtg
Nobody in here is poor

Note the past-tense, user.

Oh no! A darkie in my card game? How terrible!

Let's have a cool Egypt inspired plane with cool jackal dudes and minotaurs and naga and I don't know FUCKING SPHINXES

I guess we need a native for a planeswalker card SO LET'S BE AS BORING AS POSSIBLE

The human planeswalker meme needs to FUCKING STOP

But user, market research shows people have trouble identifying with non-human characters :^)

>The new planeswalker is from the plane on which the set is taking place.
This is what pisses me off the most.

This kang should have been in Kaladesh or Innistrad or something. This plane should have a goddamn minotaur from Theros.

>pants down whiteboy

Despite what /pol/ may tell you, Egypt was not 100% white throughout antiquity.

Their nobility was on average lighter skinned. The nation, however, ran a pretty varied gamut when it came to pigmentation.

Those are goats, those aren't awesome minotaurs

Minotaur walker literally never

And yet they release a black walker...odd

No one is saying Egypts were white though, people is saying that they weren't full subsaharian black like they're portrait 99% of the time nowadays


>Be 13% of population
>Have like 7 walkers
>Be 18% of population
>Have 0 walkers
Why blacks always get stuff?

Wait for the next block. Spic central.

>18% of the population
I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're waiting for a Zorro walker?

>Egypt isn't in Africa.

>not in Africa
>black people in popular culture
>not about African-Americans regardless of the setting