At the end of your quest your party agrees to go separate ways

>at the end of your quest your party agrees to go separate ways
>your character retires to do whatever the fuck they do
>after a few months your character learns that the party either never really split up or reformed to tackle a new threat
>they have replaced your character with another person of the same class
>they didn't even try to contact you

How does your character react?

>"ANOTHER White Necromancer? Here? How. How the fuck did they find another?"

With my disguise rolls they might not even be aware that they replaced me. There is also the possibility that I am the new guy.

My character is a sniper.

The end.

The current party is all from the same homeland.
My character is best friends with two of the others.
Everyone is also heavily involved in the politics of the land.
Not only would they not invite her, they couldn't even conspire to leave her specifically out without resorting to some real cloak and dagger shittery.

I guess that I just enjoy retirement.

Pretty sad honestly.

Obviously cry like the little bitch that I am, over the fact that my super speshal friends replaced me with another person.
I would then force them to take me back, resulting in many awkward moments of one-upsmanship between me and the new guy, as I'm very clearly overstaying my welcome.
The group would eventually call me on my shit and I would suffer an identity crisis, betray the party, get the new guy killed, then redeem myself in the final battle with the BBEG and ultimately die.

Cue tearful send off and uncalled for third movie in the "trilogy".

Good, fuck off I'm busy
I won't even miss the pay

>is currently a space faring warlord with a ship capable of blowing up planets

Yeah, my PC has better things to be doing. Maybe he'll come by and killsteal a big fight at the most.

Isn't this really weird? I mean, it seems I, as the player, have decided to roll up a different character for the rest of the campaign, so why would I also want to bring back my old character? Would be really strange, wouldn't that make my old character a NPC that the GM brings back? That'd be ok I guess?

Since my character has become the new BBEG for all intents and purposes, he wouldn't give a shit. They're all going to die anyway. That's what happens when your character gets the Crovax treatment when the party leaves you for dead.

Kick back and relax. Either they solve the new quest on their own while I'm out here being glorious, or, more realistically, something stupid happens that they can't deal with, even with that dashing knockoff of myself, and I'm temporarily dragged back into their shenanigans.

Probably by not being suprised in the slightest, since part of my 'retirement' included faking my death and getting a new identity.

There will be other quests and other parties, but at least my former allies are proving they won't be a liability.

They found another god?! I'll be too amused to take action.

I'm pretty sure my party would look for the Paladin if there was true evil to be fought. If there wasn't demons and liches to be fought, then I doubt he'd care much, because assuming he survives this campaign, he'll probably continue on hunting evil long after the party disbands.

My character is a steampunk sky captain that has managed to marry his way into one of the biggest kingdoms of the land.

He doesn't give a shit no more.

Go back to fucking all the hot girls the wizard can't get.


In all likelihood, he doesn't give a shit. He only joined to fulfill his quest, so it's not like he had an investment to continue afterwards regardless, and if they thought they were coming up with an excuse to replace him, that only reinforces his worldview.

I make shitty exploitative loner characters in the hope that they will learn to appreciate friendship throughout the journey, but if he got beta-kicked then that probably didn't happen.

Too busy faffing about in my demiplane to care tbhfam.

My party is absolutely going to reform without me to fight a new threat.

That new threat is me. I spared them because they amused me. Like pets.

I'm retired no, so who cares

Turns out playing shit 'good necromancer' concepts is a cliche and not the super innovative original concept you thought it was.

Accept life as always being the one who will be forgotten, because the reason he got into the party was from being left behind by another group.

Call me when you fight Orcus

>ITT: A bunch of edgy nerds making shit up
Especially that last one. I really believe you, buddy.

I would be annoyed.

I'm likely the bbeg and one of the former party was a diplomancer.

Contacting people is what they did, why wouldn't they do it now?

NE is fun

>Replace ME?
>I am the GREATEST there ever was.
>How DARE those peasants leave me behind?
>Fine then!
>I will make my own group. With blackjack and hookers!

And that's how the GM created a rival group of adventurers with my previous character as the leader of those misfits.

>A bunch of edgy nerds making shit up
Well then, show me yours and I'll show you mine.

Find the nearest bookie and put five gold on "Total party kill in 3 months or less"

My druid teleports through the company keep's decorative plants and asks them all "What the fuck, man?"

>Party loved you so much they wanted you to live the rest of your life happy and carefree

The weak should fear the strong.

Had a character get lynched, but not die, the party didn't do jack shit, and moved on without a care in the world.

Character was sort of a changeling so came back under a different guise to get revenge.

Good. He made a positive impact on them. He continues to guard the amber temple with exanther.

>A bunch of nerds making shit up
Yup, that's RPGs.

be sad then
or just quietly hang myself

>See! This is exactly why we replaced you! You're good, but you're also a giant dick!

Considering the fact that we all work and live in the same military compound, that sounds really awkward.

Regardless, he has no plans to return to farming, so he's probably just going to leverage his rank as an officer and his personal reputation into getting a nice job somewhere in the organisation. Maybe as an instructor.

He'd be upset that he's been replaced, but it's not like retirement hasn't been on his mind already. He'd be a lot more bothered by it if it had happened earlier in his career, when he didn't have anything to fall back on.

>Imperial Guardsman officer working for the Inquisition

Hope the new guy likes being the meatshield. On the mean time i'll keep playing cards and drinking alcohol and hoping the PTSD is more bearable now that i don't have to sleep near the Psyker

This. It's easier for me to be a bully when I'm the city slumlord instead of some nobody adventurer.

Form a new group, show up to the dungeons and locations I know they'd be interested in and get the treasure before they do.

Easy peasy.

But I'd only do it once or twice to be a dick back to them and then go off and do my own thing again. Someone that chases around another group of people just to make their lives miserable without goals of their own is just a tool. If I retired there's a reason for it and I'm probably running a business or something. I can't be bothered being pissed forever. Just one or two return dick overs is all I need, then I can resume doing whatever the fuck I do.

>Get angry
>Break out the old war-gear and paint
>Best every Chieftain
>Rally the tribes to my banner
>Proclaim myself king of the Northern Realm
>Invade the South and dispose the lawful king
>If they see me as a useless, a barbarian to be cast aside when no longer needed, I will show them how wrong they were
>Burn down the Capitol
>Put their soldiers to the sword
>Take their gold and baubles
>Lure them to the north
>Fight them all in combat
>Avenge the purposeful slight or die
>Leave them shattered, broken and regretful or dead.

Your life wouldn't feel as sad as it does if you just stopped trying so hard not to enjoy things, honey.

Shrugs, cracks open a beer, fucks his wife before bed.

*Shrug* oh well I'm retired and raising my kids, those idiots can have fun.

Stay retired

*unzips behelit*

HAH! I knew it! I knew they would betray me when in suited them. They never took me seriously. Never saw the battle prowess and deadliness of a proud Ratling warrior. But they've fucked up now.

Time to build an army to "help" them during the last battle, and then use my army to take the treasure or macguffin or virgin sacrifice or whatever they're trying to rescue. That shit is mine now.

Yeah, I can learn more without having to follow this group around.

... Maybe I should stalk them, just in case they manage to become a part of an important story that should be recorded. For history.


I am retired. I would help them out as an old comrade and give the newbie some advice, but I am not leaving my family this time.

Ah yes, finally someone who shares my enjoyment of demiplanes.
As for my retirement, i plan on an timeless demiplane with no gravity, endless overland flight and an array of statues- not neccesarily sculpted.

Shrug. If those knuckleheads want another go at it, they can be my guest, but I accomplished my quest and am living my days out in pea-


Barbarian, are you going back to grab that cursed axe even after I specifically told you it was a trap two years and fifteen sessions ago? Fighter!? Why aren't you brushing your teeth? Do I have to order you people for everything!?

That does it, I've attached my name to this group, and I am not leaving you until you learn to function without me! Move aside new guy, you might learn a thing or two!

>Every other member of the party is a power-hungry asshole and/or idiot, or is dead
>Can instead go help his friend become king while making love to his girlfriend

I don't think he'd care.

>"Well fuck you too then."

Later guys
I'm a minor noble now, I'll be over at the town I own fucking a cute elf girl while you're all off getting killed for a slightly shinier magic orb or a pile of gold equal to the amount I make just by sitting in my comfortable chair

>be the fighter
>sorceress lover tells you she had a miscarriage and drives you away from the party.
>years down the line a runt and his two friends show up at your door
>begs you, the rusty ex fighter, to help save their mom.
>ignore them, making up some bulls hit about being a farmer.
>a quick look at your property confirms you aren't that good at it.
>you slam the door but the kid sticks his foot in the doorway and keeps it there even though you're pretty sure you heard bones crunch.
>you ask what's his mom to you, he says that she's the sorceress. She told him you were his real father.
>intrigued now, you agree to come if only to find out why she lied to you and sent you off.
>over the course of the adventure, you bond with the boy and the party, giving them advice and keeping them from making deadly rookie mistakes.
>reach the sorceress and battle with the demon is draining her magic.
>though you strike the demon down, it landed a mortal blown on you and you spend your last moments in the arms of your lover with your son at your side.
>you ask why she lied, why she denied you this life
>through tears, she tells you of a vision she had, that you'd die to protect her and your child.
>as the world begins to close in around you, you touch her face and try to say something eloquent but can't think of anything.
>stroking her face with your hand, you use the last of your strength to tell her you're glad you died this way.

>same class
Considering that there aren't many rogues, fighters, or spellswords anywhere near their level, much less a single person that's all three, that would narrow the replacement down to his younger sister. The party is good people, as well as capable, so she's in good hands. He would probably just send a letter wishing them luck, asking them to watch out for her, and to hit him up if they need him, but otherwise continue enjoying his retirement. Maybe stop by the guild she's in charge of to make sure things are still going smoothly while she's away.

Uh, yeah, it's all made up. That's kind of the point of TTRPGs. Are you sure you're on the right board?

>Replaced the Rogue Trader
Given that my character's a bit unhinged and has a big fat inferiority complex he's probably gonna try to find them and steal the new captain's shit.
Still got 4 Fate Points, try and stop me

>tfw he only becomes a giant dick to the party when he's left behind

Good. Leave me to my oven and loaves. I am old and weary, my fire grows faint, and there is much bread to be baked.

He moves on to the next step of his plan, and prepares the ambush. These fuckers need to learn how to use their heads without me, so who better to teach them than their former party tactician? Hell, if myself, a few minor magical items, and some hired help end up being too much of a "threat" for them, then they sure as hell aren't going to survive what's coming, with or without me.

I'm not a bad guy, sometimes people just need a little tough love. Sometimes that love involves showing them how fucking badly things go when they saunter into things without a plan. They'll be thankful it was actually me rather than someone legitimately trying to kill them.

>Implying I didn't quit the party
>Implying I wasn't content just being a family dwarf running a chain of armor shops along the deep roads.
>Implying I won't just be roped into this stupid new adventure anyway when the new dwarf can't even buckle into plate armor correctly.


Oh, wow. Yeah, actually, what she did after the Dark Tournament is exactly where I got the idea for this plan. Really didn't expect anyone to put that together just from what I said lol

Can't say she would be surprised; mercenary pay is good, and you can't honestly expect those guys to hold a promise for too long.

Hurt but understanding, I suppose.

She's known all along that she was out of place in this world of heroes and monsters and she'd just been dragged along for the ride.

If I was actually an adventurer IRL, and this shit happened to me, I'd honestly feel really betrayed. Probs just stew about it with my retirement funds, muttering on about how I could do better; and when they came back as conquering heroes, I'd probably just be like "Oh, hahahahahaha, wow, that's so cool, I'm so happy for you guys!", but in the inside I'd be like "wtf I hate insensitivity now!"

...This didn't happen to you, OP, did it?

>they have replaced your character with another person of the same class
While the other Noble is busy adventuring with my group, I gather up my resources in money and men, trying to intrigue aganist his house and telling everyone that all the murderhobo stuff my ex party is doing is all a result of the fuckers bad influence. When his family is dishonored, their land is mine, I will lean back in my comfty chair and puts his sisters had while shes sitting on my crotch, (not entirely because revenge, but in the kingdom the most things are either solved by duell or political marriage)

Thank fuck. The campaign was dragging anyway, they saved me explaining why I'm not able to take part in another one.

How is min-maxxing my disguise edgy?

I'm not the same guy but he is completely justified in calling you out on your unfunny snowflake response


Also yea they are being a bit teenager in their ideas.

Corvax dude here. I will admit, the whole idea of our campaign was to be edgy and who can out edge the next guy. I believe I beat them because I played the good character that slowly became evil till I was left for dead, and then it got cranked to 12.

>the other horsemen Trying to replace the settings current incarnation of the horseman known as death(who just so happens to be a shitty little ratfolk skeleton)
Looks like he's going to have to remind the others who was given dominion over a fourth of the earth.

If your wondering, it started out as your typical high fantasy evil party campaign, and now over a year later the party is now in the lower mythic tiers slowly becoming the four horsemen with my lich taking the obvious role of death with hades on his heels. Hell just last session our rogue was the first to earn the title of the horseman Conquest.

It's been a wild ride so far, the kicker is we're supposed to be some how saving the planet, at least that was the original plan.

>Horsemen of the apocalypse.
>Saving the world

Then run off doing backflips and later riding on a motorcycle spending my fortune I gathered.

I didn't even know being fate's little bitch was something they could retire from.

My retirement is death.

Well considering my last character, who was generally on good terms with the party, discovered that if she continued along her path she would go bat-shit insane if she kept collecting a bunch of artefacts of great importance to her family...

So insane to the point as killing a good chunk of the party, being hunted down by the remainder, and destroying a number of worlds in her path...

Yeah I can see why they might have not invited her after that. Using an artefact to look into the future was a good call, I guess.

And because I forgot to mention, this was during a Dark Heresy campaign. Involving Haarlock. My character ended up being a very very very distant relative.

Fairly well as the first thing hed di is abandon his lordly responsibilities to go fight things
"BLOOD AND GLORY! Our compatriots forgot to send us word for help! Come squire we must make haste if we are to arrive in a timely matter!"

He would plough his fields, then plough his wife, and maybe eat some baked turnips and head down to the local public house to buy the local lads a round and talk about the harvest.

My character is a brainwashed assassin on a one-year bodyguard contract for a specific PC in our party.
So I guess he'd probably not care too much, but follow them from a distance and attempt to intervene if his customers life became endangered.
Pretty sure his Guild wouldn't give a flying fuck if his customers left him behind intentionally. If that fucking halfling winds up dead, then someone is getting flayed, so yeah. He'd follow, but stay out of sight.

It's pretty much what happens when a group is too passive aggressive to just kick a guy out of their group.
They end the game, start a new one without him, and without telling him.

Shit is harsh as fuck and I don't condone it.

>>Horsemen of the apocalypse.
>>Saving the world
What, you've never read Discworld? Or the second Death Junior comic?

I didn't say we are saving it anymore, just we were at the beginning of the campaign.

The cringe in this post is palpable

*that said we probably will anyway out of spite towards the "gods" (see just mythic tier and hamming it up) of the setting, especially one with the nickname "the crystal dildo (god of earth an Crystal) who wanted the maguffin that allows for interplanar travel to destroy them, and was an all around ass to us.

>DH acolytes party
>Play Deathkorps Quartermaster Revenant
He probably wouldnt mind nor care.

Move on I guess? These people are clearly assholes and not worth my time.

Wait, they got the ultra paranoid wizard back out of hiding? Impressive. As for not trying to contact me it would have been near impossible anyway, what with my soul falling to Hell as per my contract, and spending a few thousand years just learning the politics. I mean, even with the position I earned and skipping right to being a potent, unique form of devil, you have to know what you're doing or every friggin imp you meet could trip you up. So yeah, hiring another witch was a good call for them.