Isn't this really weird? I mean, it seems I, as the player, have decided to roll up a different character for the rest of the campaign, so why would I also want to bring back my old character? Would be really strange, wouldn't that make my old character a NPC that the GM brings back? That'd be ok I guess?
At the end of your quest your party agrees to go separate ways
Since my character has become the new BBEG for all intents and purposes, he wouldn't give a shit. They're all going to die anyway. That's what happens when your character gets the Crovax treatment when the party leaves you for dead.
Kick back and relax. Either they solve the new quest on their own while I'm out here being glorious, or, more realistically, something stupid happens that they can't deal with, even with that dashing knockoff of myself, and I'm temporarily dragged back into their shenanigans.
Probably by not being suprised in the slightest, since part of my 'retirement' included faking my death and getting a new identity.
There will be other quests and other parties, but at least my former allies are proving they won't be a liability.
They found another god?! I'll be too amused to take action.
I'm pretty sure my party would look for the Paladin if there was true evil to be fought. If there wasn't demons and liches to be fought, then I doubt he'd care much, because assuming he survives this campaign, he'll probably continue on hunting evil long after the party disbands.
My character is a steampunk sky captain that has managed to marry his way into one of the biggest kingdoms of the land.
He doesn't give a shit no more.
Go back to fucking all the hot girls the wizard can't get.
In all likelihood, he doesn't give a shit. He only joined to fulfill his quest, so it's not like he had an investment to continue afterwards regardless, and if they thought they were coming up with an excuse to replace him, that only reinforces his worldview.
I make shitty exploitative loner characters in the hope that they will learn to appreciate friendship throughout the journey, but if he got beta-kicked then that probably didn't happen.