What is the best thing about HeroQuest?

What is the best thing about HeroQuest?

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The best thing about HeroQuest is the Gargoyle!

It's out of print.

That when the Wizard was used against the Witch King the latter got to take a set of magic cards from the former which lead to intense butthurt for whoever was already playing as the most useless character.

When I saw that Gargoyle as a young lad I remember saying "Ooh, I've gotta get in on that HeroQuest action"

It was simple enough for me to play when I was 8 years old

It was a gateway drug into not only DnD but also miniatures

It was actually pretty hard if you weren't at least a little strategic and smart about things

Also a gateway drug for designing your own dungeons

The one my mom bought for like 5 bucks at a thrift shop back in the 90s is now worth over $100 on ebay

Dem spoopy skellington figures with the big sickles were pretty boss


The best thing about HeroQuest is the box art. Look at the MUSCULARITY!

King of Dragon Pass.

Digital heroin.

The tiny furniture.
I have taken to replacing all my furniture with Heroquest furniture. Even the doors.

You forgot to check off "burn steads" before taking a screenshot. People might get the impression that you're the sort of person to attack the Orlundi and leave them with comfortable roofs to sleep under instead of dying in the cold like they deserve.




You can't loot them again if they're dead.

Unless they become undead.

The gravity land expansion. Had me head over heels.

>It will never be remade
Great, now I'm crying, thanks a lot Veeky Forums.

What, you don't feel like paying $150 for an (almost) complete set on eBay?

are the new warhammer quests any good

>When I was away at college, Dad sold my copy at a garage sale for ten bucks
I'm too sad to even bother with a reaction image.

I wish I wasn't an idiot as a kid, because I had the set with the metal figs, and I just kind of lost the pieces over the years.

I'd love to rebuy it for nostalgias sake, but I don't think anyone can afford to spend that kind of money just to rebuy something they had as a kid especially when I can just play it on TTS for free

Probs the shilling

More heroquest

>the shilling
Don't worry, no one is going to spend $100-200 to buy the game on eBay

>What is the best thing about HeroQuest?
that it didnt come with a video like dragonstrike

i don't think that's the same ip, user

Except it is
it is completely different, unreatend thing that just shares the name tho

Advanced hero quest, duh.

I bought the Dutch version for € 35 some months ago. Some of the furniture and the only unique monster are in poor condition though.

I haven't actually played it yet.

b-but the furniture is one of the best things about heroquest

>be 10-ish years old
>play game with dad, dad's mate, dad's mate's son
>dad's mate is a cunt - totally that guy
>play prince magnus's gold quest
>decide to use pass through rock on a random whim. Luck out and land in the middle room with all the treasure.
>that guy decides to take earth spells next quest
>assumes middle room will contain epic lutz
>passes through rock
>no doors. no exits
>dad mocks him for next 25 years

The brode sode!

I put together a complete set pretty easily, got a load of the figures from a bulk lot of old plastic monopose stuff on the Oldhammer Trading page, then about £25 inc postage on the box and everything minus the miniatures, the odd quid here and there on completing the minis. Didn't take me long and I was only casual about it.

Fun to paint actually. Hacking off the integral bases isn't though.



Yeah, some of my cardboard parts need some TLC. I was considering using the plastic furniture bits and plasticard to make some more rigid furniture, but in some ways I might as well just leave the original stuff as it is and make my own bookcases completely from scratch.

I found all the 40 or so miniatures from the D&D Fantasy Adventure board game for like £10 too. Plastic is a bit rubbery but they look okay painted, I use the big warrior for Sir Ranulph(?) who you have to rescue.

the bits

>mfw playing Gravity Land for the first time

Sup Veeky Forums

>mutant chronicles mixed in with the GW games
>no tyranid attack and/or advanced space crusade
>clearly the space to have a dedicated space hulk shelf with all the expansions and later editions, but chooses not to have one

Anyone remember WARHAMMER QUEST?
That was so fucking ballin.

Heroquest Advanced Quest is pretty rare isn't it.

I have a load of stuff for Advanced Heroquest but I can't be bothered actually completing it.

Are those painted already or did you forget to strip them down?
Because that's a messy paintjob.

I miss those simple heroic fantasy board games so fuckign much.
I hate how "fancy" the modern games look like. I just want the BASIC fantasy stereotypes without all that visual clutter.

Think theres a market for that?

Wouldn't say "messy", simple and quick maybe. Here's a similar standard in better light.

Not going to spend a load of time on old plastic especially when they get picked up and moved individually every couple of minutes.

Thin your paints. It always rolls up my toenails when I see people who could do some competent painting fuck up with thick coats of paint.

Also shading is super important and drybrusihing and washes should only be used in moderation, because they will fuck up your miniatures if you overdo it.


Same, there probably is a market but when little timmy sees cool steampunk balloon dwarfs, even if he can't paint them very well, that's where the money is going.

Dark World is another game that has some cool stuff too.

I cant collect everything dude

Zealot miniatures used to sell some nice alt models. You can get some alternative dice from a guy in Germany.

I got a incomplete dark world set in my basement.
Is it worth anything?

Is the british version. The USA version (the one with 3HP chaos warriors - the hurt) has Chaos with its own spells.

sorry better pic

We used to play an hardcore mix - US monsters but British rules for equipment so 0-1 of each, no 3 crossbows bullshit.
The Barbarian and Elf quest go from extremely difficult to impossible.
(But the Wizard can reach 4 dice in defence and the spells are saved with 6).

The old ads


And the minis had the charme like monster in my pocket

didnt knew that there were 4 expansions?


>these are bad and thick

wew lad don't go on /wip/


Im not saying theyre bad. Im saying they could be better.

Or HeroQuest with MonsterInMyPocket

Please don't listen to those /wip/ guys, those are pretty cool.