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Games #529
I've noticed a pretty big resurgence in the last five or so years of sandbox-style campaigns...
Tumblr Ruins Everything
EDH/Commander General
GM crafts a beautiful setting
/wbg/- Worldbuilding General
I'm the only member of my gaming group who knows how to shuffle cards like in pic related...
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Dungeons and Dragons is Bad
So what is this bullshit? Does that mean we're suddenly going to see a price jump of several % in all of Europe...
What's your opinion about future queen of Imperium being an Eldar?
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Warhammer 40k General
/pfg/ Pathfinder General
/osrg/ OSR General
Why is everyone so picky about everything ever? Where do I find better friends?
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
The False Emperor's Treachery Knows No Bounds
Your setting now has a race based on the giant river otter. What are they like and what niche do they fill?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #143: Too Stupid to Fail Edition
What do cursed keys do?
D&D Alignment Thread
Is there a way to do Super Speed without it being overpowered?
NASA has created 3D printed chainmail for ships and space suits. Are we looking at the predecessor to future armor?
I need help Veeky Forums...
/nwg/ - Naval Wargaming General
If you were building a setting based on Greek mythology...
So wait a second... Cypher just "escapes" from the Golden Palace?
Who is banned indefinitely from your table Veeky Forums?
Outsider Update !!!
Warhammer 40k General
Plan on GM'ing a SMT/Persona campaign soon and i've never actually been a GM before
Need a dark secret for a character
/stg - mtg/ Standard General
Post Your Absolute Favorite MtG Card
In the future of space, what are some good reasons why all the women would wear miniskirts?
Was the meme about goths playing WoD tabletop games accurate? There don't seem to be too many of them around nowadays
G-GW is still bad guys!
Is D20 modern Decent?
L want to run a Touhou Project game. How do l do it? What system?
Why does Veeky Forums hate storygames? It seems like anytime Fate or PbtA come up here...
I'm playing in a JoJo game right now, the players are doing a scene so I have some time
Anyone got any small games like Risus?
Are child characters the most annoying shit ever?
Is anyone actually Surprised?
MTG: Creatures
How many slaves would be sold in a major slave market in a day Veeky Forums?
Warhammer 40k General - /40kg/
/WMG/ Warmachine and Hordes General
Argo Brigade: Hearts and Minds Edition
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General:
WIP - Work In Progress General
Reaction thread
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Tell me about the flora and fauna in your setting Veeky Forums is it earth-like? alien? something from the past?
Indomitus Crusade
You're a wizard - choose your school of magic
How the fuck is making a few million super Space Marines going to solve anything?
Warhammer 40k General - /40kg/
How does one do a beast race properly? I, for one, really liked the way Elder Scrolls did theirs
The thing about the bleak nihilism that's the basis of 'cosmic horror' is that it means not just humans are...
After playing for a few years, I realized that in most cases...
What's the best system to play a game based on pic related?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1472: The Heart Does Go On Edition
Computers can't assess this position
/swg/ non-shitposting edition
Orc Thread
/swg/ AT-STs AT-STs Edition
Kingdom Death: Monster
MTG: Legacy General
/WFG/ Warhammer Fantasy General
Starship or Sci Fi Maps
Magic as consistent science with people studying it like scientists
Spring Qualifiers - Final Day
Warhammer 40k General - /40kg/
In your mind, what is the picture that best represents the despair and the cold sadness in Warhammer 40k ?
Shadow War: Armageddon General /swag/
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
So a bunch of rando Serbs decided to make an animation out of Love Can Bloom (Seen here: ). And while that sucks...
Handling player ambition
Do you hate Ultramarines?
Was this a fair way to make a paladin fall?
If Zarus were less of an ass
New shooting phase
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Drawthread Do Not Die Edition
Prove me wrong
Drawing your characters for D&D. Post the info and I'll see what I can do. Pic related is an example what I can do
Gimme some seldom done settings/inspirations
So fellow fa/tg/entlemen what is your favorite type of setting and why?
Why do so few Sororitas fall to chaos...
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
Magic the Gathering Boners
Warhammer 40,000 General Thread /40kg/
Name a more cancerous card
If they weren't trying to kill us I'm pretty sure we'd get used to the unimaginable horrors after a few years
Mongorians vs Fullplate
What could conceivably convince a dragon to willingly give up its hoard?
Infinity General: Budget Cutter Edition
Mmmm, yes
Warhammer 40,000 General Thread /40kg/
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Why do people complain about fighters having nothing to do out of fights when you should be a rogue if you want to be a...
Devil Thread
Why Roboute?
EDH/Commander General
/a/non told me to show this one to you
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1471: Tears in the Rain Edition Part 2 Electric Boogaloo
What would the primarchs want in a waifu?
Alright Veeky Forums by fortune, chance and conquest you've come into possession of exactly 1,000 elf slaves
Previous thread: >>52967103
/STG/ - Star Trek General
I liked doing this last thread, so let's roll up a new superhero
/cyoag/ CYOA General - Speakeasy Edition
Bows need strength
Hi Veeky Forums!
In a world where forces of darkness are a real thing, like Chaos in Warhammer 40k...
Elves of the setting have addictive personalities
My character's soul is fused with that of a demon
How could you justify a traditional party in 40k with different races? Like, say a Space Marine, an Eldar...
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
An alien Champion says his race will invade Earth unless someone can best him a game of skill
Character art: Rogue edition
/swg/ Star Wars General: Cute Boy Edition
Tell me about the satanic scare papa Veeky Forums !
Warhammer 40k General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Has anyone ever tried to GM and just completely fucked it up?
Is there even a way to perform this event properly??
Do you want Malal/Malice to be 100% canon in 40k? (sons of malice make him semi canon)
An atlas would wreck everything in 40k in a 1v1 fight
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
Oh No!
Official Amonkhet Survey
/wbg/- Worldbuilding General
Not letting a player make a chaotic evil character in an otherwise good party
Has the (secular) Imperial Truth survived anywhere in the 41st Millennium besides a few Space Marine chapters?
Alternate currency
"comsic horror"
/GFT/ Game Finder Thread
So rolling is shit because someone with really high stats in everything is always going ti be better than someone with...
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
We've seen wave after wave of "old school role playing games"...
/btg/ Battletech General!
If you kill the leader of a Might-Makes-Right/Evil Darwinist group, do you inherit their position? After all...
ITT: Video games that would make great setting for tabletop rpg
Idea got shot down because its not "PC"
How do you deal with a character that's immune to everything?
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
What are the quintessential Veeky Forums memes that one must know to be able to truly enjoy this board?
Has anyone here played Afterlife?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Well, Veeky Forums, whats the best way to exterminatus this shithole and wipe out its population?
The warp is the domain where raw emotions give shape to sentient creatures...
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
How do i counter a destiny hero deck? im having problems dealing with cards end dragoon...
What are the pros and cons of human only space opera?
Yfw 1hp left
So, tell me again why Intelligence isn't used as a stat for fighters...
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
What is his endgame?
What does Eldar think of Emps?
Why don't Dwarves celebrate Easter?
Feudal society in fantasy worlds
PF or 3.5e
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
What's the problem?
Filename thread?
How are your goblins? Humansized, Tolkien Orcs, useless comedy relief gremlins?
L5R Storytime thread: Crane Dredd overtaking Stonewall edition
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
What's the best alignment?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1470: A Pox On Both Your Houses
Did Relic changed the canon to spite us?
/exg/ - Exalted General
Why does Veeky Forums hate Slaanesh?
Argo Brigade- Nail 'em Up edition
So you have a city with multiple buildings that are not only super tall but contain numerous shops, housing areas...
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
WIP General
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
/awg/ Alternative Wargames General
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Why do players think it's okay to intentionally ignore plot hooks
I summon you to this thread!
"You think people are worth saving do you? You call yourself a hero!?"
Steampunk Rome
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Forging the Blades of The Crimson World
Can M&M be used to run non-supers games
C-can I join your party?
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
I just started wondering
After a PC dies, the player rallies the rest of the group, and by unanimous vote...
Crazy adventures in a campagin
What is the dumbest/most dangerous thing that the wizard in your party has ever done?
What is your ideal society?
What the fuck was wizards thinking when they unbanned this but banned Leovold?
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
"Your Holiness, there is disturbing news from Romania
Stat me Veeky Forums
An honest discussion about AOS
Kamigakari General /KG/
What's the appeal of series like these (retellings of D&D campaigns)...
/osrg/ OSR General
There are people who hate fun so much they tell others what their characters can and cannot wear
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
Over and over I hear people say, "traps that just boil down to rolling perception...
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1469: PORKCHOP SANDWICHES Edition
Anyone here play bolt action?
EDH/Commander General
Barbarian Maidens, Amazons, and Lady Knights
Couple days ago in a Finnish shitposting thread someone jokingly proposed the idea of an apocalyptic situation by which...
Nukes are boring, zombies are meh, grey goo scenarios are old news and the superplague trend has come and gone...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Lets build a Post-Apocalyptic world
I'm making a not!Europe fantasy setting but I don't really know much about it...
How can you accurately and precisely predict what another character says or does without magic...
/cyoag/ - CYOA General:
Your current character needs into this establishment
Traveller General--Hivers do it Just As Planned Edition
I cast greater twinned maximized repeating chaining splitting homing scorching ray
The fighter and barbarian rely on strength
Stat him
What seems cooler. pick your favorite and explain why
/WMG/ Warmachine and Hordes General
Which setting is better developed, Warhammer Fantasy or 40K?
Setting Aesthetics
Character Art Thread
My character is a Kobold
How do you roleplay as a character more intelligent than yourself?
Warhammer 40.000 8th edition General /W40k8thG/
It's a "God"
The king put out a call for adventurers to fight an evil dragon and offered his daughter's hand in marriage. However...
Join Tau
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
/WFG/ Warhammer Fantasy General
Last time on Song of Swords:
I'm looking for a superhero game that doesn't have tons of math (GURPS)...
Let's make a sci-fi setting
"Why am I risking my life for these fuckers?"
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
Playing D&D
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
So say the Imperium succesfully defends a world from a Xenos invasion, a Xenos that uses tech like Eldar or Tau
Help Cestree!
How the fuck exactly 40k is HFY? Seriously?
How do I get my players to stop having in-character lewds in my online game...
It's his birthday today
/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Can Emps restore deceased human souls after he becomes strong enough warp god?
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls lore general
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1468: Weird Ocean Things Edition
Running a Mutants & Masterminds game, I don't know how to carry on the story for my players
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
What would Tolkien think about this whole "conquer Mordor with your own orc army" thing that's been going on with this...
Good systems for dogfighting and/or spaceship fighting?
Magic item bread
Requesting help with a Legend of Zelda campaign
Warhammer 40,000 general /40kg/
Rank the members of each cycle from worst to best:
Pathfinder General /pfg/
/gdg/ Game Design General
MTG Standard General
What alignment is Jean-Luc Picard?
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kAoSg/
Filename thread
Name a better deck box than this. I'm waiting
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
"But mah class balance!"
The Adventure Zone
I'm sick of magic systems. I hate how every spell has a discrete effect...
/BCWG/ Blades of the Crimson World General
What are some notable Warlocks (not wizards) in Fiction be it videogames, books, television shows or whatever
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Malifaux General: Wild Edition
What would you think of a fantasy setting that resembles the D&D standard...
/swg/ Give peace a chance Edition
FLGS Stories
EDH/Commander General
New Rumor: 40k 8th edition release date and DG
Chapter Master, how is it that an 8 foot tall superhuman in shiny white armor, wielding a heavy weapon...
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Is anyone besides Matt Ward excited for Age of Guilliman?
Eldar souls are extremely bright
So let's say you wake up in a shallow grave and discover you're a long-dead skeleton who's revived magically...
Is there any way to base a fantasy nation on a modern ideology and make it interesting?
5th Edition D&D General Discussion
ITT we have a conversation about a setting that doesn't exist
Are MBTI types good for character creation?
Want to run a historical game
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1467: Straight outta Zendikar Edition
Mages Guild: Foreign Exchange Wizard Edition
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kAoSg/
INT is thinking Joshua was right
Flames of War General /fowg/ Cleaned my brush in my drink edition
Khorne and Khaine
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
ITT: Lawful Good characters only
Map Thread
Legend of the Five Rings General: Not Canon Edition
Back attacks aren't real
Does Veeky Forums still play Dungeon Crawl?
What do you think about old guys as villains?
Marcus Level
How do you feel about meta-mechanics like this, Preparedness in GUMSHOE, Aspects in FATE, and the like?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Let us speak of foxes. Not just foxes, but coyotes and jackals as well. In any culture that has these canids...
Pokemon RPG
Shadow War: Armageddon general /swag/
Kamigakari General /KG/
A good black deck - internediate
Anybody else think that katanas are a little underpowered?
40k Mercenaries
Is the witcher the perfect example of neutraldark?
What's the best place to hide a Phylactery?
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
Warhammer 40,000 general /40kg/
ITT: We generate a superhero from Marvel's Ultimate Powers book
Which race has the hottest males?
40k Funnies
I'm doing worldbuilding, what's vital for people in a shelter?
Super high fantasy settings?
Ways to cheese a Tarrasque. In. 5E?
Is life more comfortable for a mortal in a world conquered by LE devils/baatezu or a world overrun with CE...
Apart from federation and imperium like, how could an interesting human faction still look like in space opera?
Nobledark 40k Part 25: ROADTRIP YEAAAAAAAAAH edition
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
What exactly did the Silmarils DO besides be shiny and look awesome?
/40krpg/ 40k Roleplay General
Filename thread
Warhammer 40k General - /40kg/
PC deaths
What are some technologies that could have been developed far earlier than they were in our timeline?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Board Game General /bgg/
Under what sort of science fiction circumstance might Finland become moderately relevant...
Please tell me there is an explanation for this Veeky Forums
What's a good name for cat people that's not total gibberish and doesn't mention cats?
WIP General: nip edition
Warhammer Fantasy General - /wfg/
Is this weapon retarded
Is it possible to roleplay through sex scenes without making it downright erp...
BBEG transforms from dainty sorceress into hulking dragon when you finally confront her
Why aren't we talking about this?
Warhammer 40k General - /40kg/
If a deity's power is proportional to how many worshippers they have...
Will 8th buff plasma cannons?
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Is it ever possible to talk down a nihilistic BBEG who thinks everything is so horrible it should all be destroyed so...
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1466: My Failing Organs Edition
A question to our local science fiction buffs: what are some of the logistics of orbital bombardment...
All players roll 3d6 in order
Old Fairy Tale Style
Drawthread: Killin' It All Night Edition
Warhammer 40k General (40,000)
I need some food monsters for my silly Hungry Burger deck. I have Mystic Tomato. Am I missing any?
The people to the north worship a deity who protects them from modern armaments...
A prime source of comedy is for the heroes to enter a foreign culture...
After massive amounts of the underdark become uninhabitable, drow are forced to the surface
What would you name an occult book and what neat things would you do with it?
Every fantasy setting is Eurocentric, for the most part. Sure, you'll get the occasional far east setting...
What are some good limitations for infinite ammo guns?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Do necromancers ever get attached to their undead underlings? Do they ever find them cute?
What system would best fit something akin to the Persona series?
Argo Brigade - First Edition Edition
Was he Chaotic Evil or True Neutral?
Character Art Thread
/Hhg/- Horus Heresy General
Have you ever offered or been offered slaves as a reward for finishing a quest/task/mission, Veeky Forums?
The DM
In the game of chess, the game is not officially concluded by the actual capture of the king
Fallout: Australia
Delicious Homebrew Stuff
Be Black
/osrg/ OSR General
Is it poor form for reasonably intelligent enemies to focus their fire on the most threatening yet least well-defended...
"Well this was a pleasant chat, human"
Yugioh thread
MTG: Snowflake/Lore/OC/Waifu General
Making star wars homebrew game
I beat the Dawn of War games, is it canon if you kill the Ethereal the Tau immediately give up and flees?
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
Best Boss/Battle Music
Making A Badass 3.5 Monk
L5R Storytime thread: Son of Stonewall part duex edition
Do you suppose Technomancy could ever be expanded upon in D&D that doesn't try to be some shitty Shadowrun clone (and...
The Monster Girl Game
Infinity General: Pheasant Rank Edition
Why so many people get unreasonably angry about "fetishized races"?
/40kg/ Warhammer 40k General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
EDH/Commander General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1465: Over-Repeated Songs Edition
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Which Chaos realm is the easiest/hardest to invade and destroy/conquer?
What if Warhammer 40k had taken a religion other than Catholicism as its foundational inspiration?
8th edition around the corner
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
Modern vs. Magic
>Characters in settings who the writers warp the world for
His druid doesn't sacrafice animals
Amazons, Shield Maidens, and other Warrior Women
The noblewoman the king married is actually a shapeshifting fox spirit
A wealthy countess invites you and your friends to a Call of Cthulu game on her private train
/swg/ Star Wars General: Renposting Edition
Have your ever taken inspiration from speculative zoology when making a race?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Duel of the Fates Edition
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Started reading up the new schlock mercenary rpg, and they have an interesting take on initiative...
Warhammer nostalgy
Why do you guys hate Idea of Eldar and Human interbreeding or Half-Elves in general
If I found a sword that eats souls am I justified in murderhoboing?
Make up shit about your culture/faith
Empire disintegrates in city-states
For the DMs
Which one of these three Interstellar Empires, at their height, is the strongest?
/wmg/ - Warmachine/Hordes general
MTG Lore :Elf Hippie Does Everything Wrong Edition
Custom Guardsmen Regiment
/40kg/ Warhammer 40k General
Talking animals are a staple of fairy tales but I rarely see anything about them in the context of Veeky Forums...
What settings have techy warlike races...
Who would win a war between Arachnids and Tyranids?
Age of Emprah 8th Edition
A thread for the little things
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1464: Once Upon A Title Edition
How long can your character survive in the Necrodancer's crypt?
Rogue Thread
3rd party bitz
So how do you like "guns" in your fantasy settings:
To dogs, humans must be elves that live for hundreds of years...
DMs, if a player challenged another to a duel to the death would you let them do it or would you intervene somehow?
That Guy Thread
Was this Wizards first attempt to kill legacy? Will they be doing more in the future?
Human is always a paladin or knight
/5eg/ - 5th Edition D&D General Discussion
Why the fuck are people even slightly attracted to Tau?
Potions may be crafted to mimic any spell, not merely spells with "self" as a target...
/40kg/ Warhammer 40k General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
What fantasy tropes of medieval history are not historicall accurate?
That Guy Game
Warhammer 40k general /40kg/
Are MtG Cards Ugly?
5e Math, Take 2!
They won
How do all those "hunt monsters, cook their meat...
Cyberpunk 2020
Lich/Undead wizard Thread
Every Fucking Time
Never played this, want to try it out for the first time
Mtg Standard general
Other than energy shields and heavy armor, how might a spaceship defend itself from attacks?
GM/DM Help
Pathfinder General /pfg/
I love lesbian characters! PCs OR NPCs! They're the best & cutest! Post and talk about yours!
MTG Modern General
Unpopular Opinions
Star Wars campaign
PDF Share Thread # 64
Warhammer 40,000 general /40kg/
Warhammer 40,000 general /40kg/
Stat us, Veeky Forums
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1463: Once More With Feeling Edition
Back in the day
5th Edition D&D General Discussion
Stat me, Veeky Forums
So what is a good d20 fantasy game that isn't Dnd or pathfinder?
What're the worst examples of Dindu you found in any setting?
Let's build an EDH!
How does your setting handle gladiators and other bloodsports...
It has recently been uncovered by the Eldar Harlequins that Nurgle is in possession of the Eldar Goddess Isha (whom he...
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
What is the best thing about HeroQuest?
Which is the most powerful guild?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games