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do they have ultra cocks?

1st for women marines and there's nothing you can do about it cis scum.

2nd for Age of Ultramar :^)

I prefer female guard

We already know what the girlymarines look like.

can someone post the picture that compares the new space marine to the stormcast eternal?

Inbound Emperor resurrection thanks to Cowl and Yvraine.
Robot Girlyman was just the beginning

Let's start the thread off with some positivity before it inevitably devolves into shit-slinging.

>Your army is getting it's new codex outside of the "Grand Alliance" big books that launch out of initial release along with 2 model releases/updates.
What is on your wishlist?

Dark Eldar
>Plastic Incubi
>Plastic Drazhar (revealed to be Arhra)

But they do get ultra cucked when the quality primarchs show up.

>implying any self respecting feminist would play as mary sue: the faction rather than the humble imperial guard which already has women in canon and regularly defeats horrifying xeno and traitor superhuman invasions by sheer grit and ingenuity

Just super duper powered bottoms

They're not called Mary Sues when feminists are involved, they're called stronk independt wymen.

>that yellow text
>not making a tau plot amor joke

I want to fuck a Space Marine

A reason to take Rubrics

>any self respecting feminist
>not wanting to SMASH the boy's club that is the spehs muhreen chapters

Knarloc riders
Great Knarlocs

That's great news, tbqh.

She is not nearly that attractive in any other depiction of her. Canonically she's butt-ugly slag

>Already have an all girls club "no boys allowed" with the Sister of Battle. Wants to break into the boys club because they take "no girls allowed" as a challenge despite the boys respecting the privacy of the girls club.
And here I thought I was out of middle school already. I guess that Bowling For Soup was right, High School never ends.

>Implying any feminist even knows about the existence of the Imperial Guard

>Canonically she's butt-ugly slag

Nah m8, she fine

>implying they're getting rules
gw doesn't sell them anymore user.

>Guilliman has a foot fetish

My water is shut off, can I thin my paints with coca cola?

Who else is gonna put their numarines on cork bases?

> That
> Attractive

Alles ist klar.

An all boys club is segregationist.
An all girls club is a necessary safe space.

I see no way this could go wrong.

I thought in America cola came though the tap?



10x more so than Honestly thought people were meming about her being waifu-tier until recently. People have shit taste tbqhwyf

In america coke comes in bags

To hide his true identity.

>consorting with xenos

stop shilling yourself bel

No she is cute.

>More named characters than just fucking Skulltaker.

>Plastic Aspect Warriors
>The Slicing Orbs of Xandros

there are going to be new spess mehreens?




>might as well be a bald man in a corset

ok explain this theory. Cawls not a psyker either.

You sure?

I prefer mohawk.

Reps for bald babes

Renegades and Heretics
>Support in the new system
>Please dear god

>a lowly inquisitor DARING to presume to judge the son of The Emperor

that platoons stay
that all those FW tanks have rules
lots more customizability

Hey guys! Why did the Dark Angels Cross the Road?

Is there a good guide to painting different hair colours somewhere?

Gonna pick up some wyches for SW:A, and hopefully they'll be useful in a Deldar army in 8e, but I've only seen info for the red/brown, and I don't want them to all have the same hair.

Hey lads, come check out the Geedub General discord, we have a pretty healthy community of players from all the GW games, it's a fuckin decent place to hang out and talk about hobby shit.

>"Oh boy, I wonder what surprises are in store for us in the new shooting phase!"
>it's fucking nothing

Why did I ever think there'd be a major change?

>fan art made to make her look like a weebs wet dream
>the same as canon depictions
Sure bud

To switch sides to Chaos!

An entire phase change for one shitty dork angle character.


He knows far too much about creating new soldiers, truest heir to the Primarchs.

Obviously this is shitposting.

>no templates
>anything can hurt anything
>armor and cover saves combined
what do you consider a major change?

Yvraine almost single handedly makes me want to start a Ynari army, simply because of how fucking hot/awesome she is. God dam, dudes.

Are you being literal, because I can't find the article.

I've heard it mentioned a couple times, but don't see one.

Don't shit post my bane post

If platoons don't stay we won't be able to properly horde army! I'm more concerned about our Leman Russes being too weak or too expensive, the orders system (which is what made infantry really work in 7E going away, Artillery and the Deathstrike in particular loosing their luster, or losing the ability to take shotguns on veterans.

As for a definite wish? I hope the rules for the Marauder Bomber are good because I plan on it being the centerpeice of my WWII US Army bros.

>all these Yvraine cucks shitting up the thread
Where is cheetah user when you need him

When it comes to buying bases for my units, I've been thinking. Most place sell in sets of ten. But would twelve be better? You would end up with a couple extra to use for specialists, characters, alternate models with different gear, etc.


How hard did you look?

Don't tell me what I can or can't read

Seems like basically this to be the new face of 40k

But then they won't need to sell as many sets.

On the other hand he could be Fabulous Bile.

We just need to know if taking it of would kill him

I think all will remain the same but orders will be simplified to a shooting one and an advancing one.

The main question is what's going to happen to a LR's main cannon? It would seem weird if it was a D6 hit so maybe it will become an anti-tank weapon and the lascannon will be less common.

Do we have any idea if Guard Veterans are still going to be able to take shotguns?

Those are general weapon changes, not changes to how the actual phase plays or new moves like how running is now part of movement.

Something like having to announce which units are preparing Overwatch is what I'd consider a major change.

thumbnail looked like a knight titan

kek'd when i clicked on it


Thanks for the link.

I hit up the website, and all I was getting was the FAQ, information about the segmentum/armageddon, then into stuff like movement.

Put /40kg/ in the title, you fucking retard.

>Fighter plane
>Transport, possibly flying

>Pic related

Genestealer cult

Says it all really.

Probably, i mean i'm not expecting major changes when it comes to most army updates, just a quick pass to make them functional.

Adepta Sororitas is a safe space for female warriors, it's in no way comparable to the sexist gender restrictions imposed by the Astartes simply because they can't handle the thought that women might challenge them if allowed to compete with them on equal footing.

They've already confirmed on Twitter that platoons are still in.

I want to get into 40k, should I buy that cool Magnus statue and the thousand sons?

I wanted to do a Black Templar army back in 09, I'm glad I never did.

Next to their codex being taken away, and not long latter them just handing them out like candy, they lost some fluff that made them so special, and now seem to be about little more then story cannon fodder.


Not sure if bitching about SoB or bitching about marines.

But they've added a bigger reason to have rubrics by improving smaller psykers and stuff. I'm really excited since I won't have to take so many Tzaangors anymore now
I dunno. Maybe a Silver Tower or something? I'd rather they just update all the chaos legions already so my buddies can have cool models and new toys for their armies



Nah, too many people glued Lascannons to the Hull, GW included.

It's a large blast, so I bet it'll be something like D6+3 Hits, S8, AP-2, D3 Damage. Hopefully Heavy or Lumbering behemoth will still be around, too, because firing a BS2 battle cannon without being able to scatter onto other units will suck, and sitting still is for artillery.

Amen brother.

Veeky Forums

Early Leak of new Noise Marine Superheavy!

IA actually gave the guard a tank that blasted music to stun enemies and invigorate allies. So it's not impossible.

Hello, my friend wants to pick a 40k army to start off and he wants to get the thousand sun/daemons of tzeentch to start on, is it good or should he go standard CSM and them move onto thousand sons?

>Transport capacity: 5 Ants

Das not a statue mang, is just ver big model

Thousand sons are fine but watch how to paint videos

Daemons of Tzeentch CURRENTLY is better than CSM, with Thousand Sons being thoroughly worse than either.

But new edition could change everything so yeah.

I like to build and paint Dark Angels.
I have played maybe 3 games ever.
I dont have that many models

I own
Belial/ Lib in termie armor
dark shroud / dark talon
3bikes 3black knight bike comand squad
5x DW knights/ DW comand squad/ 15 termies
Drop pod/ ven-dred
10x SM troops

i want to buy somethng new tonight to start building and i might start playing in 8th edition. what should i buy?

>Cryptek Variants are back
>Some kind of anti-psyker canoptek construct

Hell just make it a monstrous creature with a big gloom prism on the back that operates under the same rules as a Culexus