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New movement stuff

In before being able to fall back voluntarily from CC probably meaning tactics don't mean anything in 8th edition arguments



Looks like my list from (mostly) 5ed will be even more of a Glass Cannon in 8th
>DE will be "Alpha Strike or Bust" again
Praise Vect!

>The guy she tells you not to worry about

Any change they make equates into all tactics being removed from the game.

They're in full "sky is falling" mode.

Funny thing is they'll all buy 8th and be playing it at launch.

So will this mean T1 assaulting will be allowed again, since it's no longer a death sentence?


Why do you say that?


>Buying 8th

U fucking joking m7?
That would distract me from muh templates.

>2 talissera bond knives
this guy has a lot of friends

>Close combat
Please, even humies iz tougher than you gits!

Because i have horrible feeling that DE/Eldar will be played like Slaanesh in AoS
>Shitloads of rending and speed
>if you are focussed you die in a round of combat
Being that assaulters always go first, means that high I hurts us. Not to mention we need to see what GW are going to do to Jink + skimmers

Post your dudes' reactions to the new galaxy wide anomaly


I wish Posessed will get new models, better rules, and remain troops for WB. I'd love to just run an all Daemon CSM army for fun.


>gee shas'nel, why does the Ethereal let you have two Tal'issera bonding knives?

Iniative stat is just gone.
Other than chargers strike first assault order is done by alternating activations.



Yeah, hence that Eldar are going to lose out with assault on 8th
The only way i see us not being hurt is GW letting dedicated DE CC units ignore cover

That last sneak peek was worded really shitty... Grenades-shitty

Remove nids and orks

Since Tau FTL work by doing short dips into the warp, is that massive fissure going to act as a superhighway for Tau to spread groriousry throughout the galaxy?

I hope so.

Friendly reminder
Unit position is not tactics, its unnessicary detail.


God I hope we can pick our stuff again.

Plastic non-monopose models

Fucking upstarts

This just means your tactics need to change. Falling back in aos is usually worse than just staying in combat, but thats because you can shoot into combat, hopefully they dont allow that in 40k. What i wouldve liked to see is if you fall back you roll a die and on a 1 your opponent gets some free attacks. This would be better than the current "you lost morale and didnt get away, youre all dead" or "you lost morale and everyone gets away". They are trying to combat melee deathstars.

>Running has been rolled into the Movement phase now, too. You can “Advance” when you move by rolling a dice and adding the result to your Movement to go a bit faster at the expense of shooting.
So you're saying my mob of foot-slogging Choppa boyz moves into close combat even faster now?
Now that's something I can get behind!

Somehow tau ftl method reminds me of an asian manlet humping an amazon's

>Charging not in the movement phase
>Running is random

I hope to fuck that random charge distances are gone, holy shit. Or at he least they're M+d6

It has already been confirmed that shooting into and out of combat is not allowed in 8th edition. Somebody posted a screencap of the tweet recently, I'll try dig it up

I will defend armor/toughness facings to the death!

Kinda liked templates but won't mourn their passing, and everything else is great!

Fall Back moves look fucking awesome

That is actually very interesting. On one side there's that big firewall preventing their escape without massive losses. On the other side.. convenient galaxy-warpstorm you can surf all the way to the fucking Eye.

Oh fuck no.
Fuck you blueberries. You're worse than people crying for plastic sisters.

It'll be the Sigmar system, which i love.
It's just M + d6 and you can't shoot

Some basic modeling can change up the poses a bit. Nothing you can do about plastic however.

Dude we are Slaaneshi, this is a cause for celebration.

...wonder if hit and run will just become 'You can fall back and still shoot'. That would be nice.


We dont that facings are gone, they may exist but as wounding or save mods.

I really hope this happens and we get oceanic age of sails tau with hardened explorers and sick tatoos on battlesuits

All the monopose shit is really spoiling the hobby

Oh you shut your whore mouth. Most of the models are going to be legal around the world

Speculation on how independent characters are going to work in the new edition?

I saw someone saying they can't join units, but can take 'look out sir' style saves from nearby friendly units. Not sure if that's official or not.

If that is the case, how are precision shots likely to work? A modifier to that save?

I can see sniping characters being pretty easy; just pile shots onto them and hope that they fail a few of the saves and if not, you probably hit a unit anyway. Nasty suspicion that most characters are going to have huge pools of wounds to make up for this.

Another possibility is that each character has bespoke rules for how they can avoid being targeted.

I'm leery of bespoke rules, because they have traditionally been very biased against the weaker armies. Imagine every single rule that you have being written with the same mentality that gave us the current Mob Rule or Instinctive Behaviour...

as long as they don't kill off Slaanesh like they did in AoS

>Running is random
...like it was in 7th and 6th edition too?

it's inevitable

>we get oceanic age of sails tau with hardened explorers and sick tatoos on battlesuits
This assumes the blueberries' empire won't get nommed by the nids or krumped hard by Ghazghkull's WAAAGH! during Gathering Storm.

Though I do admit the Tau actually spreading beyond their little hidey-hole in the Eastern Fringe is an interesting thought.

And it was bad in both.


they won't because waaaghs and hivefleets are after larger preys

IC can join units, in the livestream they gave an example of what keywords do with a SM captain joining a IG platoon but not giving it his special rule because of keyword space marines.

>They are trying to combat melee deathstars.

By allowing them to bypass tarpit units?

You are aware that running is already in the core rules for infantry, right? All this seems to do is lump things like moving flat out or turbo boosting into the same rule as running and change the phase it happens in (which makes no real difference except you can just calculate your total move and move your models once rather than twice).

Big question is how will they do with teur supply lines cut off.

That's a big issue for a civilization where everything is either prototypes or "repaired" by chamging entire assemblys.


It's a rare waagh or hive fleet that wont take a small diversion for fresh dakka or a light lunch.

Ethereal Mo'Szyslak

Any speculation on how psychic power might work?

I'm hoping it'll be 6th ed style casting with powers being buyable for points and psykers either being made cheaper to reflect this or being given an allowance of free points to buy powers with that reflect their mastery level.


Adding to this post, I hope that giant warp anomaly shits Daemons all over the Empire, and the Tau have to flee for their lives along the new superhighway. Without their massive resource base, Suits become valuable relics that are no longer able to be mass-manufactured, and they have to rely more on their lightly armoured troops and existing tanks. Give them a 'lost empire' flavour to fit them more into 40k, and make them really aggro refugees who suddenly swarm sectors they never have before, trying to claim new land for the Empire.

I play Tau and fuck Stormsurges, Riptides and Ghostkeels. 5th Ed lists are perfectly viable, big suits are EZ mode.

Running is just moved from shooting phase to movement phase. It's exactly the same, except you declare it earlier in the turn. I guess now you'll need to be better at determining how much firepower you need in a particular turn, since you can't run after shooting shit.

The key difference here is you can't run a unit that would have shot but their target has been destroyed by a friendly unit already. Instead you have to commit entirely to running or not.

>By allowing them to bypass tarpit units?
By preventing them from hiding in cc.

but I like big suits and cannot lie

although I really like Tau vehicles as well.

I like that idea. The whole warp charge thing never sat right with me. Probably why I run a full null maiden task force with pretty much every army I have

Why not just make it like overwatch. If you leave combat he gets to hit on 6s

I am fucking tired of my Eldars and want to join Chaos.

What do they offer?

if she's not a trap

Hive fleets send off little splinters to get all the small worlds too

wait 2 months and we'll know.

For now, they add less than marines (CSM), hordes and hordes of people (Renegades), very good rules (CD) and acceptable rules (KD)

iirc, there was a blurb at one of the last Tau vs. Imperium campaigns about Farsight rushing off to defend a Tau colony from a tendril of Hive Fleet Leviathan, so the 'nids from that fleet already know about the blueberries. And since the tendril fighting the Octarius War is probably going to lose (since Ghazzy's involved and he's been stomping the shit out of the bugs left & right. That and plot armor), that Hive Fleet will likely focus on the other 2 targets it knows about:
The Tau Empire and Terra.

Sauce if she is.

Fedoras, Obesity, belligerence, weird fetishes
just like Veeky Forums

First he was afraid, He was petrified
Kept thinking he could never live without his riptide
And he spent so many nights thinking how (you) did him wrong
And he grew strong and he learned how to get along
And now he's back, from outer space
He just walked in to find (you) here with that look upon your face
He should have changed that stupid rule
He should have made (you) leave your meme
If he had known for just one second (you)'d be back to bother him
Go on now, go, walk out the door
Just turn around now 'cause (you)'re not welcome anymore
Weren't (you) the one who tried to break me with goodbye?
Did you think he'd crumble, did you think he'd lay down and die?
Oh, no, not T'au, He will survive

Awesome aesthetics and customization, 3+ save minimum on your marines. plus a wide variety in your Daemon allies.

>you can just walk away from close combat
RIP CC units.

Lana Rain methinks

Sounds lame. I will stick to my Aeldaris :^)

You're correct, the video is bad, she's just masturbating.

>They get a second turn of charges
Durr hurr, user

not a trap
eroshare com/663idq4o

This. Also most likely super specialized CC units will get some kind of sweeping advance special rule

Last I knew all her stuff was cosplay masterbation.

I for one grew to like masturbation videos after disliking them for the longest time

>Chaos finally gets a Legions book
>Great formations with fluffy legion rules
>lol 8th ed ignores all of these


We've also heard you can spend command points for out-of-sequence charge, which may allow IMMEDIATE re-charging.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Close Combat Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away Like Nigga Just Run Haha

After they eat a turn of shooting.

Formations are garbage

I like the sound of this change. As long as assault units are fast enough, it feels like it'll put it and shooting on a more even playing field.

Why are Eldar players so fucking arrogant and smug?

So don't charge your guys into stacked gunlines. It's much more realistic and offers better tactical possibilities

Vaguely disappointing vid

This user is still a 10/10 bro