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>army builder
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First for an in-universe reason why Freeguild stuff has KARL FRANZ written all over it?
The Sigmarite cult has humans venerate the heroes of the World that Was as demigods.
In honor of the man whose body he inhabits, Sigmar named his dick Karl Franz.
The Freeguild fucking love that cock.
Are death fags going to receive something before summer or are they all going on suicide path?
How do I get my saurus to stop bullying my poor skinks? The saurus think they are so much better because they were spawned in a bigger spawning pool but SKINKS RIDE MIGHTY STEGADONS! The saurus keep making my skinks do demeaning tasks like cleaning the temples and oiling the slann why the saurus get to digest in the sun. Skink rights now!
When did we decide to get rid of the warscroll creation site? I came here looking for it and you guys didn't have it in the OP
>custom warscroll maker
My runelord
Runelordess? Runelady?
Sigmar use MAGIC and POOF, our boy Karl was back in the game again with a vengeance
Isnt Sigmar in Karl's body?
Isnt that what happened in end times when he went super sayan?
dat ass yo.
Hey guys quick question, I'm planning on starting AoS with an army of my own making. I want to use a combination of Shadow Warriors from the Swifthawk Agents, but I really dig the Aetherwing models that just came out for the SCE, I was wondering if I could just opt to use those as an addition? Is this possible?
Yes. As long as you keep your whole army within the same grand alliance, in this case those 2 things are in Order, then you can field them
However, this game's strength is about synergy. As in buffing and unit to hero interactions. Those 2 units have none. Watch out for buffs and keywords.
Reminder to masturbate before posting
Are Flesh Eater Courts any good?
We're starting a campaign in my store and I was considering playing them since we have no one playing death armies at the moment.
Ooh i do like that one.
Pure FEC is one of the most competitive ways to run Death at the moment.
The moss really gives it that jungle vibe, but there's something nice about the simplicity of without it.
What does AoSg think? I've only put moss on my chameleons so I'm wondering if I should do the rest of my army.
>was planning on going to my local GW and ordering the Queek Headtaker model to use as my Warlord
>see this
>those doodles
You wouldnt be a girl, now would you user?
How does LOS work in AoS. In the rules it seems if you can see it you can shoot it regardless how much you can see. Which means is very hard to have other units block line of sight even when they are standing right in front of it.
Also because of this rule is placing a stegadon or bastilladon on a dense jungle base considered modeling for advantage? As it is, you can see under the big Dino's and shoot under their legs. If I fill that area with small trees and leaves all of a sudden the unit becomes a huge line of sight blocker to hide skin priests behind.
The saurus masturdate and make the skinks clean up the spawning fluids! Saurus are bullies!
Their units and abilities are all good except for Crypt Flayers which are trash. A regenerating horror unit can be hard to get through and ghouls are very self sufficient and hard to deal with when they are regenerating and coming from the board edges.
King on a Terrorgheist has one of the games best spells and is dangerous in combat as a general with red fury and the foot ghoul king spell. No allegiance so no penalty for mixing in units to cover for FEC lack of rend-2 or mortal wounds.
They usually come back within the week.
No, I just think that lizards are cute.
>wake up
>no death releases
Good to see a destruction player.
Glory to Gorkamorka!
Heaven for climate, Hell for company.
Played against them at the weekend and they seem good, bit glass hammer-ish maybe but they hit hard and are pretty fast.
At least the army I fought was like that.
Sad but true
Use common sense.
Ignore base decoration, and if all you can see is like, the tip of a weapon, or a bit of an elbow or something, consider it out of sight.
Yeah that's gaming the base. You couldn't glue a wall onto the front of your spearman bases and claim it blocks los either.
Necrarch Vampires: best vampires
Hey I was thinking of a storm cast team as allies for my seraphon, was thinking of fluffing them as having been of the amazons before their reforging, any suggestions and tips for how to pull them off in conversions etc?
our time is coming
Never ever. Wait for skyavens.
they aren't prepared
You guys think that the old factions (Gutbusters, gitmob, deathrattle, freeguild, etc.) will eventually get a battletome and new models? or will they be phased out? is it worth starting a Gutbuster army?
they never are
Typical samefagging aelfs.
fuck you autistic faggot go jerk it to your oiled dwarves some more.
>dwarf shitters
lmaoing at your life
>Didn't post shit about stunties.
Samefagger what are you doin'.
>literally the same user
except that is actually two different posters because I didn't post this one fuck you sweaty midget lover
At least he do not have 2 trisomic kids
at least he is not into gay midget porn
what the fuck is wrong with you assholes all he did was post some nice pictures of some elves.
stop being autistic shit-posting faggots.
Hey, it is the autist who complained about KO not painting their dudes correctly. Why haven't you removed yourself from these threads yet?
follow the rules in your codex you faggot
It depends on your meta but rule of thumb is that two ranks of normal dudes easily blocks LOS to a same sized guy standing behind and one rank of big ass dudes hides a smaller guy.
So two ranks of liberators leaves no real way to shoot a celestant behind them, same deal if I put him behind a line of dracothian guard
Trench craventail is better..
What is the best way to play Dark Aelves?
I really like the scourge privateers, but there aren't a lot of models, as well as Order Draconis
Ok. I will follow them. I will follow them and my painted army will shit over your grey tide.
Also, the KO are more like a navy than a marine corps.
>your grey tide
sorry faggot I paint my shit because not only do I like to win, I also like that extra level of feeling superior that comes from looking better while I do it.
awe someone saved that picture I made months ago. I feel special.
long story short that army works great in small games and only if you don't take the Tenebrael Shard because he is not worth 120 points (should be 60 at most). Even then its still shit compared to new releases.
Gutbusters are mentioned in the BCR fluff at least, so they will likely get something sooner or later. Freeguilds are mentioned everywhere, but I have a feeling they will get some (all?) resculpts as well. Deathrattle are getting some new units this year and considering Death has one Battletome I think they will get the second one.
Gitmob on the other hand has old as fuck sculpts and I don't remember the mentioned anywhere in the fluff, so they might end up being ignored. Grot Sky Pirates or something with Spiderfang and/or Moonclan might come in the near future though, considering there was 0 Grot releases so far.
Do Beastmen ever form any kind of familial bonds? Hell, do they even have family units?
I was thinking of fluffing my albino Bray Shaman and my black Beastlord as brothers, I like the contrast and it just seemed like a fun idea. Physically stronger brother protecting weaker, smarter brother.
Thinking about getting into the game finally but I can't decide which army to go with for my first army. Right now it seems to be between Ironjawz and Kharadron.
I like orcs and applying axe to face, but Ironjawz seem pretty damn one dimensional. I also like dwarfs and Kharadron seem to have a lot of neat things going for them. Barak-Mhornar looks nice code wise.
A 30 girl witchelf unit puts out like 60 damage then attacks again. I was wondering if anyone could hold against that at 1000 points then I remembered tree ancient generals can get 2+ rerollable with ignore rend-1 and heal 3 wounds a turn.
Also dear god they die to a stiff breeze with a - Save.
actually those witch elves in that formation if they pile in and attack twice do enough mortal wounds to remove that tree ancient from the table in one round.
But they die to a stiff breeze so its the epitome of a glass cannon army.
Also, they pile in and attack twice in the phase, not twice in a row. Still good, but not crazy
the 5+ invulnerable from the cauldron is something at least. but yeah, glass cannon.
Me too. My army isn't a net list and only decent. But I get a strong sense of pride Fielding it
>a strong sense of pride Fielding it
I hear you man. Couldn't be more with you on this.
I asked this early but not got answer, coming from 40k and im searching for enter in the game with an Army similar to the genestealer cult if there is any
hmm you're right I didn't look at the formation since it broke daughters allegiance and you have to take executioners as tax.
>what is a bow
Any chance of an AoS ttrpg at some point?
The separation of the different realms makes the world feel so unconnected to itself.
Tzeentchian cults are the closer thing to that, lorewise.
for those of us who don't play 40k, what exactly does a genestealer cult army play like?
If 8th edition isn't a complete fucktastrophe I do plan to pick some up for 40k so i'm genuinely curious
Shadows over hammerhal is sort of that for now. Its Warhammer quest with a GM. But I don't think he is going to do an RPG book unless they get another company to do it. Unfortunately they ended their partnership with ffg, which might have done it
>They are coming out the fucking walls!
Basically they can super infiltrate all the time and use that to spawn in surprise reinforcements, but they got like no anti air and their allies are all of convenience
As an avid AoS player who got into the hobby through 40k, then left it because 6e and 7e were complete bullshit, then moved almost completely to AoS... I am excited to look forward to 40k games again rather than avoid them. So far what I see, 8e is going to be great
>what is a bow
breaking the game if the current trend of shooting inflation continues.
It looks like they are doing the AoS treatment a bit more gracefully this time as they aren't nuking the entire setting for it
sounds like flesh eater courts
Came to say this. I've never played either but from what I've heard it sounds right.
Smug beard-things need to be torn from the sky!
You know your faction is shit when faggots only spam the same 3 pics for 15 years in every thread.
If a new battletome mentions Ass Goblins from Mars in one sentence, would you expect GW to make an Ass Goblin from Mars army?
That's a lot of mortal wounds on paper. But also a lot of buff stacking and hypotheticals that all need to happen perfectly for it to even work.
not to mention a box of 10 witch elves will set you back $50 so not on the user friendly side of the collecting spectrum.
> TFW too interesting to be part of AoS.
The KO book doesn't actually mention Skyven.
Vetock mentioned Skyven and said they were the KOs number one rivals.
This means there has been Skyven development that's not in the KO book.
actually that one didn't have the strength of khaine
This one does, makes it a lot better
Wouldn't it be MW on a 5 *or* a 6, since they get +1 to wound from the Cauldron?
yep see this the whole formation with battleline tax runs in the neighborhood of 1000 points but any unit of 10 witch elves could in theory put out 17 mortal wounds in one combat round and a unit of 20 witch elves could do almost 40 mortal wounds
the executioners churn out mortal wounds on to hit rolls of 55+ and to wound rolls of 5+ if you use the cauldron on them, it gets ugly.
I think they are more like sylvaneth.
Two principal traits:
- High mobility (you can ambush and summon units defeating your enemy with numbers)
-Some armored troops and tanks like Lemans or Goliaths
You can see them as some combination between Imperium and Vampire Counts
>Skygrots get multiple mentions, a few different stories and nemesis status with the Kharadron Overlords in their book
>Skaven are mentioned in a single sentence in the entire book
>To Skavenfags, this means they are the mean enemy of the KO, and therefore THEY will get the opposing release
This is why nobody takes you rats seriously.
>Aelf faggot detected
Skaven ARE mentioned in the book. in passing.
In the page about Grundstok Thunderers, they are fighting Skaven.
The only consistent enemies in the book at the Grots, and unanmed, presumably demonic monsters.
Vetock is just picking favourites for no fucking reason.
Is my new Blightking's banner too big?