Devil Thread

Glory to the nine hells, this thread is sovereign Baatorian territory.

Please post devil art/campaign hooks around Hell/RP tips for portraying the infernal legions. Demons not allowed.







>When you really really enjoy your job


Tips for playing a Cleric of Asmodeus in a party of murderhobos?

If they're murderhobos they should already be leaning towards evil. Try to sway them more towards lawful means of screwing people over so the big boss downstairs gets their souls and you get a bonus.

Greed is the seed, encourage that.

>See, demons - they're predictable. They come right at you, like bundles of white-hot rage given fangs and claws. But a devil - he'll be your friend, and like a friend, he'll help you out of a jam. Need a few coins to get by? The devil's got plenty to spare. Want status? Property? Power? He'll give you all you want and more. And what does he want in exchange? Just a little thing - a trifle, really. And it won't affect you in the slightest. All he wants is your soul.

Have a reaction image too


My warlock is attempting to redeem the Erinyes serving as her patron, and the rest of the party is attempting to sell both of them down the river.

Devils are fun but players absolutely loathe the whole autistic-arguing-over-wording their contracts tend to call for.


Wait, isn't Ghurrix that the pit fiend that they fight in the city of brass in CR?

Anyway, posting best devil: BDSM devils trump all. Always

> "Lucrezia, my dear, dear child. I doubt you rescued me out of the goodness of your heart."
> "You are right, father. I didn't." She turns and arches a brow at the party. "I can't return us to the Prime Material Plane until daddy dearest is destroyed. Don't worry, he can't break the summoning circle until you do. When we are back on the Prime, we can talk about your rewards."
> "Impudent little bitch! You swore to defend me!"
> "And I have. How could I have anticipated the Templars we hired betraying me, or being able to imprison you at the cost of almost all of their lives? How could I have known their chains would sap my strength and turn me into a feeble mortal? How could I have timed our approach to coincide with the Templars finishing the ritual sending us here? How could I betray you, when I never ordered these mortals to do anything? I've fulfilled my contractual duties to the letter. Now these brutes are going to kill you, and this castle will have a new master. And no matter how bad they are, they'll be a vast improvement over you. Goodbye, daddy."

>Devils are evil. Why should I trust you?

>“Evil? Such a small word to sum up my people, our culture, and our millennia-old dogma. I have little belief in the concept. I’ve seen holy men sacrifice innocents and be called saints. I’ve seen mothers who stole only to feed their children go to the gallows. I perceive evil to be an artificial construct, a mere description created by frightened clerks so they can determine whether one’s actions fall within or outside their narrow visions for what reality should be. But am I evil? I believe in potential. I believe that some creatures are without significance and not worthy of my hand raised to save them. Conversely, I believe the multiverse blesses some beings with extraordinary traits, with the potential to do—to be—great things. The fact that I exist to seek out such potential and help it flourish means that regardless of what you believe about such small words like ‘good’ and ‘evil,’ inarguably the cosmos has guided me to you, and as I believe in the power of that cosmos, I believe in you.”

Did somebody say demons?

Devils, it's fine.

And they get *really* upset when you confuse the two.


Technically an angel.

Here's a devil from the same webcomic.

A succubus fell in love with a mortal. Unwilling to change the mortal, she retreated back to the nine hells. Turn out the mortal have an obsesive feeling for the succubus too, he went after her.

Devil Pickle.

What part of 'demons not allowed' was not clearly stipulated in the rules?

Succubi in D&D have bounced back and forth between Devil and Demon. As of 5e, they're a general fiend that can be found across the Lower Planes.


>mfw devils try to invade abyss

poor little red boy.png


thats a .jpg, dude...