Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

How do we fix rougarou and make them not suck? At-will wolf shape back and forth?
Would you ever play a naiad? They're an okay fey race!
Are yaddithians a good wizard race or are they overrated and meh?

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>At-will wolf shape back and forth?


Well since we got all the others, mind posting quil whatever lords?

Shilling my campaign out one last time:

You have 4 days left to drop your applications in (maybe a few more if I am too worn out to read through them all monday).

Come help me make a scifantasy shitshow.


Is starjammer ripped?

What's the point of that top? The girls are hardly secure in it, the moment she does any sort of even slightly vigorous movement those things are going to flop out.

>lets make my wolf people better than kitsunes and changelings.
Fuck off. They're fine as is.

Give Rougarou +2 STR/WIS with no penalty and make the wolf-shape at-will

How do you reconcile one's natural scheming and strategist mind with roleplaying characters who may not be schemers themselves?

nah get fucked kitsunefag

Youkai kitsune should have been kitsune from the start.

Is this a /pfg/ related thread?

The point of a top like that is to entice and nothing more.

>look up Rougarou from last thread
>literally wolf-headed anthro people
>/pfg/ is just going to see them as shitty wolf-eared animu garbage in every thread, as evident from the OP

And it's still hilarious that people think it's "furries" that have ruined these generals, and not the weebs.

No, but I'm pretty sure that pic's been used as an OP.

Whatever, furry. Take your gross animal heads and get out.

Alright, went through and checked all the high powered new monsters that were posted last thread. Noctilca still sits at the highest published CHA score at 40 which means my busted autistic diplomancer build still works.

I wanna silently snuggle Black Butterfly!

Weebs are worse than furries desu

By throwing them in the trash and starting over

I bet she's "close friends" with Desna.

So sorry, I guess I should be all into the wolfheaded people I already fucking had in this game.

Both are cancer.

/pfg/ should be nothing but lawful neutral OD/ZS men

Even worse than weebs desu

Something tells me your scheming and strategic mind is already perfectly suited to the task of playing dumb.

You faggot, Chaotic Neutral Bushi/Brutal Slayers are obviously the way to go.

They are a bit unimpressive as a race.

I unironically love Etan memes.

>Brutal Slayer
fell right in the trap I see

>wanting furries over weebs
>wanting furries over anything
You've clearly not suffered through furry groups. Cearly.

Tell me more!

You seem to be deluded as to what Rougarou are.


... there's no such thing as a "yaoi hole", user.
It's just an anus.

She canonically hangs out with her in the outer sphere I'm pretty sure.
I think there's also some mention of her fighting off other creatures from the outer sphere, which means she goes around punching out fucking great old ones.

Lame. Also redundant, a race exactly like that already exists.

i'm going to stretch your yaoi hole

I guess they wanted a version that wasn't specifically cold-related.

Nigger I'm a double weeb and I know the OP is anime shit.

I mean I saved it, because I love kemonomimi shit, but it is only barely related to pathfinder.


Where do I go to complain to Paizo, anons? The Vavakia Demon in Bestiary 6 is so fucking low res. It looks like a tiny jpeg that was enlarged to fit the page it's disgusting.

Also, all the art by Rayph Beisner sucks.

Yeah, and people were fucking frothing desperate to interpret Skinwalkers as animal eared weeb-bait too.

You totally could if you wanted to. It's a malleable race. However, there was no need for another race that was bipedal wolves.

i hate skinwalkers, they apparently look like shit half werewolves instead of looking like werewolves and being weaker,

Presumably, the Pazio website?

Also why aren't there any sexy Archdevils? Ugh.

Pointless. It's just furrybait.

Hey now, Mephistopheles could take me any day.

they're still better than changelings and they're more capable at start than a lot of other races. they're at least 13-15 points.

I hate that shit too, I just flavor it as the latter when I make Skinwalker PCs because why not.

>Sodomizing with an agent of hell

Is leak user gone? I had a few requests
Gold Golem
Obsidian Golem
Btw I love you

I did miss Glasya being represented.

Arshea abilities make him/her lewd as fuark.
Paizo should do a +18 ERP themed AP.

Alright, so I'm new to Pf, but pretty well-versed in 3.5. A lot of big stuff stayed the same, but a lot of nuances changed. The game i was asked to play in is heavily houseruled: for example, he's using a truncated feat list that helps lessen feat tax on martial characters (found here Here's my character concept: A make Froglok (custom anthro frog person) ninja traveling with his two ninja brothers and getting into standard high fantasy adventures. I plan on maximizing sneak attack damage by denying DEX bonus (feinting mostly).

If the 9 allowable custom races, I chose Froglok because they get a whopping +6 DEX, along with bonuses to climbing and acrobatics. Fantastic for dex builds.

I'm going with Alchemist (Vivesectionist) because I like the options more than the unchained rogue, and on recommendation from you guys the other day. I'm fluffing extracts and mutagens as ninja arts.

And because my DM is batshit insane, he's allowing me to use Iaijutsu Focus from 3.0 Oriental Adventures. He was the one who brought it up, and I'm not going to argue over me getting extra sneak attack damage.

The feats I wanted to take were Quick Draw (bad, but he said I would have to take it to use Iaijutsu. Fair enough), Improved Initiative (obvious reasons) and Deft Maneuvers (which combines Improved Trip, Improved Disarm, Improved Dirty Trick, Improved Feint, Improved Reposition, Improved Steal into one feat)

I guess there could be a better way to do this kind of build, and I could always dip fighter, but this is what I came up with so far. With only one feat, I was a little worried, about being effective right off the bat, and I could stick with what I've got, or look for alternatives.

In the construction of Golems and other Constructs, is the minimum caster level something you can ignore for +5 to the DC?

ah you use elephant in the room feat taxes

good shit

I mean..sure..but we should have one of each at least. I miss Fierna/Glasya

Yes. Unless it's a scroll or potion (or something mechanically identical) any prerequisite you fail out on is just a +5 to the DC you have to hit.

also, I recommend picking up a Golem manual. Technically, they cover the cost of all the golem's enchantments and construction fees - you just have to provide the raw materials (such as the overwhelmingly large block of pure iron you need for an iron golem

*Them user

They're not lewd at all because they have no ability to actually change their biology. Succubus superior partner for being able to change for preference of partner.

did reviewanons die?

>racial feat for at-will beast shape
>second racial feat to treat your ability as Beast Shape II so you can choose to be a large Woof, gated behind +16 BAB
>third feat lets you take Aspect of the Beast. No, it doesn't actually do anything on its own, nor does it let anything from AotB carry onto wolf form
>A shitty Magus Archetype that gives a Wolf Companion and doesn't actually change the class from being Int-based, making it entirely useless for Rougarou but potentially an entertaining memebuild option for other races

there, I gave you the Rougarou section of the supplement slated to come out in 2021 all about obscure races that Paizo didn't give a fuck about.

Well, you'll probably do alright. Might not pin your hopes on maneuvers, though-you're a 3/4 BAB class, so you're already at a disadvantage when it comes to beating CMD.

Not so - you can ignore the SPELLS for +5 DC, but not the minimum caster level. You MUST meet the caster level requirement for any magical item creation.

The reality is that weebs pirate all of their books because they're cynical and tech-savvy.

Furries on the other hand, have fueled an entire alternate porn industry to satisfy their bizarre and incomprehensible fetishes. Paizo would be insane to not want that furfag money, because furfags are also buyfags and comissionfags.

Furfags can rot

Are gnolls furry?

Is Greta a furry?

Aren't Kitsune technically furry too?

But where are the teenage and mutant parts?!


Feinting actually kind of sucks, because you have to burn actions on it repeatedly. The only good way to sneak attack in combat is to flank them (there are a bunch of things that enhance flanking, let you flank from different directions, etc), or use the Shatter Defenses feat, which lets you treat shaken, frightened, or panicked opponents as flat-footed when you hit them.

Note that while Shatter Defenses requires the enemy be affected by fear, it doesn't have to be fear caused by YOU. This makes for an excellent combo with any party member who gets Power Attack and Cornugon Smash, since they can start chopping through enemies and leaving them shaken/frightened and you can follow after and sneak attack them to death.

>Deft Maneuvers

One thing to keep in mind here is that 90% of the time, Dirty Trick is the best combat maneuver to focus on. It can give multi-round penalties, it doesn't depend on the enemy having a specific number of legs or using equipment, etc.

For more damage, look at the Piranha Strike feat, which is basically Power Attack for Dex builds.

>dip fighter

Don't do that. If you have to dip anything, use Vigilante, which can get you the vast majority of Fighter benefits and a lot more abilities besides, or Slayer, which is basically a fighter-rogue in one class.

Gnolls are furry.

Greta is not furry.

Kitsune are furry.

Only 1pp Kitsune

Gnolls are not furries. Neither are kitsune unless played by kitsuneposter.

>Kitsune are furry.


It actually never says that.


It's just another prereq, and that means you can ignore it if you don't meet it.


Was Shiguru the elder meme of characters?

I sit corrected, it is stated you can do exactly as you said.

>in ages past we had half a thread dedicated to going "dude what the fuck"
>nowadays, a character like this would just get people screaming "THIIIIICCCCCCC"

Yeah, they 're pretty good.

Well, he is mostly teenaged, probably in his late twenties by human standards, but about 13 actual years.

Do the Improved combat feats not allow you to use a move action to perform the maneuver? With my high burst damage (with a Katana, it should be 1d8+4d6+STR at level 1) I should be able to kill things fast enough.

I'll look into those feat suggestions. One of my "brothers" will be a Minotaur with a gigantic weapon of some kind, so he can be the one to set them up with fear and whatnot.

I bet that faggot started this.

You know the one


>The DC to create a magic item is 5 + the caster level for the item.
>The prerequisites for creation of an item are given immediately following the item’s caster level.

Notice the "immediately following". Caster level is NOT a prerequisite, it just sets the base DC. You can actually make an item at any caster level if you can make the DC.

Thiccfags are getting close to furry levels of annoyance.

Burning a move action every round becomes a huge problem as soon as you have iterative attacks, because to attack multiple times you need to use a full-round action. Note that sneak attack applies to EVERY qualifying attack you make, not just 1/round or whatever.

Not what we're talking about

Requirements Craft Construct, cloudkill, geas/quest, limited wish, polymorph any object, creator must be caster level 16th;
Skill Craft (armor) or Craft (weapons) DC 21; Cost 80,000 gp

>creator must be caster level 16th


ey man, I like my woman as voluptuous as they come, but an ass wide as an eighteen wheeler and tits the size of boulders are a /bit/ much don't you think?

"UUUUGHHH EXTRA THICCCER UUUUH" is what half of this general is. You don't see me shilling my fetishes around.

Thank you for saying what I've been saying too, now I know I'm not the only one that realizes there's a limit to how thicc a woman can get before it's just stupid.

I forgot some of the great old ones could be neutral. Seems weird given how they're commonly represented but hey.

I see. Maybe there's a 3.5 option I can use that gives me a combat maneuver as part of a move action or use teamwork feats (which we were already toying around with). But so far what I'm getting is that I should always count on combat maneuvers and look at a few other options, but at least the basic build and idea is solid.

that's still just a prerequisite added to the list, so it can be ignored with the right check.

Well, animals are neutral, but there's nothing stopping one from mauling you to death. And some of the Old Ones are so fucking alien and nebulous that killing you or driving you insane is completely non-malicious.

THIS is a good amount of "thick", in my opinion, anything more is just plain silly.

Any reviewanons hanging around that won't mind giving my app a look? Made some pretty serious changes to Aeshma and I just want to test the waters on the changes.

Should NOT always count on combat maneuvers.*

I really need to edit my posts better.

flat is justice

The breasts seem a tiny bit too big.

ey, can't have a perfect representation. I do think that elf gal is lovely- she's not all soft and voluptuous, she's got SOME muscle on her. Those thighs look dangerous to me

Oh yeah, then why do all the Blingmaker girls have large, hefty moneybags?

Except for Franze, she's a wildcard.

A "good" amount is not posting your fetishes. You post the "tame" stuff, and someone pushes the envelope a little more, changing what is tame. Or have you not seen the threads for the last 5 months?