Human is always a paladin or knight

>Human is always a paladin or knight
unless old, otherwise
>Always a mage.

>Dwarf is always a warriors focused on defense. No weapons but axe or hammer. Always drunk. Also always male.

>Half-orcs is always barbarian.

>Elves are always archers.
>Male elf is always archer
>Female elf is always skimpily-dressed sorceress
>Dark elf is always sneaky assassin

>Halfling is always rogue.

>Gnome is always a wizard.

I see nothing wrong with this and this is how it should be. Separation into races and classes is superfluous. It only serves to make special snowflakes.

Alternatively, humans may have some generic class options (knight, priest, mage), but for abhumans race=class, as outlined above.

>tfw the character models in beta were just placeholders, but armor on this picture is still in the game
Not going to answer the bait post.

Have you tried not playing DnD or it's derivatives?

If you're worried about special-snowflake faggots, try playing a game that's humans-only. They're actually kind of nice because have to make actual characters instead of stereotypes.

>Have you tried not playing DnD or it's derivatives?

Why? Clearly OP has no problem with how DnD and its ilk does these things.

It's a shitty forced meme that people bitter about D&D's popularity bring out whenever faced with the question of why does no one want to play with them. Rather than blaming themselves for being insufferable cunts, they blame people not wanting to play the system they like, so they wage eternal war against popular games.

Pay them no heed.

No, it's because DnD is just shit and introduced alot of trends that have been hurting tabletop games for years.

I bet you didn't expect the reply to come that fast.

>>Human is always a paladin or knight
>unless old
>not playing an aging knight looking for one last chance to die with honor and glory
Get out of my face fag

How does it feel to be a fan of an unpopular and unsuccessful game?

>tfw have a stable group
>tfw running multiple, simultaneous and devastating one-shots
>tfw played D&D only once, for three sessions, before dropping it

The reason i ask why are you playing D&D is "why do you choose crawling when you could fly?"

>Caster supremacy
>HP bloat
>Min-maxing required to be useful/not get fucked over by luck
>Kitchen-sink clusterfuck settings
>Must play X race to be good at Y role
>Half the races in the game are furfaggotry and magical realm
>Dump stats with no use for certain classes
>Armor class
>Spell slots

How does it feel to be a fan of utter shit who's popularity has become a cancerous blight on the culture of the entire hobby as a whole?

Hello, time traveler, how is 2014 treating you?

Which DnD are we talking about here? There are at least five entirely different games: you can't just lump them all together.

Ah, so we're talking about 3rd edition and past.

Try some 2e, or better yet, B/X. None of those things are an issue there. Well, save for armor class and spell slots, but I don't see how those are a problem.

>complaining about furries
>after 2006

One of them said derivatives, which I assume, would include all editions.

>Separation into races and classes is superfluous. It only serves to make special snowflakes.

I can't even tell is these fucktarded comments are sarcastic or genuine anymore.

OK, so currently we have:
Male human fighter, big on Knowledge skills, possibly destined to be a ruler or maybe he just read too many books about knights. Defense guy.
Male human fighter, no nonsense soldier type, has been accumulating actual leadership experience so has a good chance to actually end up in charge.
Female dwarf barbarian, smith focusing on armor and utility stuff, lives with her family where the women do tend to be barbarians. Basically a nice person but constantly PMSing. Player married to half-elf's player.
Male half-elf slayer, bow focused. Does a lot of recon. Good friends with the dwarf since they were three. Married player romance forestalled by dwarf being married and half-elf being gold star hard gay.

5e (the latest edition) fixes literally none of these problems. Stop trying to deflect to defend your shitty system.

what on earth is wrong with spell-slots? i love vancian magic. i wish actual fantasy books used more of it, instead of mana (yeah, it's rarely if ever called mana, but wizard just gets tired casting spells)

>5e (the latest edition) fixes literally none of these problems

Fortunately I'm not talking about 5e either. 5e is shit.

>unironically advocating for race-as-class
Moldvay was a mistake.


Why are DnD fanboys so mentally deficient?

>Actually, I don't like it.

I'm sorry, what exactly are you trying to say here?

Have you tried not playing with always the same people?
NONE of these archetypes ever came up in the games I've seen. Here is what I usually see:

Human is always barbarian/tomboy mage girl
Dwarf is a cleric that worships rocks or a druid that has a bear friend
Elves are weird spellsword fencers, or, in one case, a cleric that used two tower shields
Halflings and gnomes are extinct in the setting because beholders ate all of them
Dark elves fight with whips and chains on the frontlines or snipe magic

that's not what people do
that's what people SHOULD do
because it's proper. it's classic. so it should be.

Where did 3.5 touch you?

>that's not what people do

Clearly you're wrong.

>that's what people SHOULD do

Stop liking what I don't like etc.

>Always male
Dwarves have women? How do you tell them apart through stort, stocky bodytypes and beards?

Literally the only half orc ever played in a game I ran was a sorceress with a name consisting entirely of consonants and a spell list solely of utility spells like shatter and shrink, played by a friend who had never played any tabletop rpg before. Good times. Go fuck yourself.

hey... you forgot... these ellipses... take them...


Women have fuller beards so they may more easily attract a mate.

>Dwarf is always...male
In all fairness, it's pretty hard to do Dwarf women who look decently proportioned.
Ever play Dragon Age? Female Dwarves look like hairless orangutans in that.
When that's the sort of janky looking proportions that people are being exposed to it's really no wonder they'd have a tendency to go with safer stocky and stout male depictions who look like they're packing a bit more on their frame.

Half orcs aren't actually a bad magic user race in 5e. If you want to go wizard and then multi-class just a level or two in fighter, you can make a pretty seriously dangerous battlemage.