In a world where forces of darkness are a real thing, like Chaos in Warhammer 40k...

In a world where forces of darkness are a real thing, like Chaos in Warhammer 40k, are inquisitions necessary and justified?

There is no conceivable universe where the inquisition wouldn't be controlled by the forces of darkness.

To a degree, certainly. But I think we can all agree that the Imperium's versions of inquisitions are excessive and inefficient. And social reforms would probably be a better way of combating the pernicious forces of the archenemy. I mean, how many of us would sincerely work for Chaos knowing what we do and living with the standard of life we have? And I mean seriously give up our souls to the Chaos gods who we know will probably betray us. And even for the rare soul who would, if their friends, families, neighbors, and colleagues were properly educated they would certainly report them.

If God is the ultimate authority, then an Inquisition is never necessary. By being the ultimate authority, it means God is merely using the forces of darkness to punish the sinful, and therefore, the solution is to further devote oneself to righteousness.

Alternatively you're a papist cuckold and honestly your latin chanting and idols can keep you out of hell.

*honestly think

What good is a prayer if you don't even understand what it means?


There'd probably still be powerful individuals arrogant or bored enough to try it. The exact kind of people who you least want in contact with dark gods.

To an extent, this. The Inquisiton of 40k and the Witch hunters of fantasy are necessary there because the Chaos gods are not subject to and overruled by any greater power that wishes to see humanity do well.

Any setting with a singular, all-powerful God? Nah. Big I a shit that only does harm. Serving the devil to serve God (i.e. "doing necessary evil to do good") is a crock of shit.

The Inquisition doesn't sound like an organisation. It sounds more like, these guy have been given a blank check to do whatever the hell they want. They don't look like they are working for a well-drilled organisation, or taking orders from anyone.

Wasn't it done mostly by Protestants and not the Catholic Inquisition?

Mainly done by dumb southern Americans

>It sounds more like, these guy have been given a blank check to do whatever the hell they want.
In technical terms, Inquisitors do have an unlimited mandate. There's no authority that can refuse a demand backed by the Inquisitorial rosette.

In practical terms, an Inquisitors authority is limited by his political and actual power and the extent to which his fellow Inquisitors agree and disagree with him. They aren't a well-drilled organisation, they're a vaguely associated group of individuals. Some areas may have more formal groupings and rankings, others less formal.

I think the HH books have overwritten this now but in the Inquisitor book, the first game book ever for them, the original Inquisitors formed in an attempt to resurrect the Emperor. That led to some of them attempting to replicate the power of Horus which led to Horusian and then Xanthite heresies until over thousands of years that line of thought was integrating into a mainstream (though controversial) faction of the Inquisition. They've always been shady as fuck.

Sir, I protest, we only burn niggers.

For a setting like 40k absolutely they are necessary. Corruption from exposure is often subtle and grows like a cancer. In a setting where people are placed in situations where "needs must" the taint of chaos easily can take a foothold often without the individual's knowledge. The old saying: those who play with the devil's toys will be brought by degrees to wield his sword, holds quite true. The mere knowledge of chaos can mark a person's subconscious which, without proper and lengthy conditioning, can germinate into actual corruption.

Over time whether through the trials and travails of a harsh galaxy, the boring affairs of noble responsibilities, or the simple hope that something changes, a darkening of the soul creeps in.

Downtrodden resent their oppressors and seek succor from old traditions that promise them deliverance. Young nobles use their status and power to sample the myriad exotic experiences the galaxy offers to escape the affairs of state. A warrior prays for strength and victory over his foes. A mother cries out to a seemingly uncaring sky for someone to save her dying child.

These are all human experiences and behaviors but also act as tender for the fires of damnation should corruption take root.

Only if they're effective.
Based on real-world inquisitions it would probably just waste time and resources harrassing innocent people while distracting you from the actual threat especially if the forces of evil are smart enough to not equip themselves with spiky skull badges with text saying "I'm the bad guy".

The thing you're looking for more is what we call an "investigation".

>I mean, how many of us would sincerely work for Chaos knowing what we do and living with the standard of life we have? And I mean seriously give up our souls to the Chaos gods who we know will probably betray us. And even for the rare soul who would, if their friends, families, neighbors, and colleagues were properly educated they would certainly report them.
Haven't you been to /pol/? They'd happily follow any force that promised them they'd btfo all the liberal sjws and jews and what friends and family they have are unwilling to respond to heaps of warning signs.

The hope of deliverance comes in the former of esoteric powers or dark knowledge that could topple governments. The pleasures bought by wealth and prestige soon grow stale and more debased delicacies are sought. Blood sacrifices are offered to ensure victories no matter the costs. The infant can be saved but there is a price; what cost wouldn't a mother pay to save her child?

Bit by bit the darkness takes hold. Heresy is like a tree. You can prune it's branches, hew it's limbs, but it grows back ever stronger. You must kill the root before it grows and it takes certain skills to detect the seed of it before it breaks ground.

>the liberal sjws and jews
But these are the forces of Chaos. /pol/ would end up being recruited into the Space Marines.

>worships chaos frog
>lol I don't care if trump keeps his promises I just voted for what would cause the most funny chaos
>wooo world war 3!

Also I'm pretty sure the space marines don't recruit from basement dwelling keyboard commandos from cushy safe worlds that have never seen conflict up close.

> anusflustered leftist detected

>butt-devestated /pol/fag detected

Space marines only recruit from savage worlds, you retard.

Try to actually think and inform yourself on a topic instead of twisting and forcing everything into your "le epic struggle against the degeneracy conspiracy leftist boogeyman XD" so you can feel like a "baddass warrior" for shitposting online.

Also fuck off back to your containment board.

> confirming my observation: the post

>still replying
Back at (you)

Majority of witch/heretic/jew burning in Europe can be traced to Catholic inquisitions, both Papal and Spanish.
You're probably more familiar with the protestant witch burning as that's what has received the greater publicity in the Anglophone world.

>I think the HH books have overwritten this now but in the Inquisitor book, the first game book ever for them, the original Inquisitors formed in an attempt to resurrect the Emperor. That led to some of them attempting to replicate the power of Horus which led to Horusian and then Xanthite heresies until over thousands of years that line of thought was integrating into a mainstream (though controversial) faction of the Inquisition.

Actually, in the original fluff, following the end of the Heresy there were 4 "trusted servants of the Emperor" who met to discuss what to do now that the Big E was dead.

2 wanted to ressurect the Emperor because "humanity needed his guidance", and 2 thought he had ascended to godhood, and to interfere was folly.

The 2 ressurectionists left to investigate how to do it, and the other 2 integrated themselves into the Imperial Hierarchy and formed the Inquisition to oppose the ressurectionists.

Centuries later, the original intent of stopping the ressurectionists was lost/diluted, and when the Inquisition found the ressurectionists fighting against the same evil they fought, they brought them into the organisation oifficially.

Well yeah, but it need not be a religious indeavour, things like Hellboy or Cabin in the Woods where its a government deal would be much more likely.
Theres something quite unnerving about an anti-evil KGB though.


Depends on how the darkness operates.

In LotR, there's no point to it. The darkness only grasps people that already own power, and therefore the Inquisition will be powerless to stop them anyway.

>hi lord saruman, we're from the inquisition, and we just heard rumours about you
>oh that's fine, come in. my uruk-hai will relieve you from your mortal coils
>*stab stab stab*

Inquisitions only work with an insidious evil that works its way upwards into society, instead of working its way downwards into society.

>Haven't you been to /pol/? They'd happily follow any force that promised them they'd btfo all the liberal sjws and jews and what friends and family they have are unwilling to respond to heaps of warning signs.
Don't fucking remind me. I get fucking sick thinking about having to share a website with retarded autistic socially retarded virgins that ACTUALLY BELIEVE they can influence the real world by PRAYING TO A FUCKING MEME FROG.

This is the kind of shit that creates shit like the Jim Jones cult or Scientology.

Unbelievers will swing from the trees my man.

No, he's right. They'd die in droves, but /pol/ is exactly the kind of people they'd want for Space Marines. /pol/ ultimately believes in nothing, and doesn't have any closely held values.

Other recruits would be too deeply ingrained. Pick highly religious people, you get a Chaos cult. Pick dudes who strongly believe in principles, you get Chaos renegades.

You pick someone who ultimately just really wants to hurt someone else, you get a Space Marine.

Calm down.

>t. braindead Yuropoor

Well, you're certainly not going to stumble upon fortuitous gets with that attitude, Mister. But Kek is a forgiving god. Repent, and you shall find his blessing.

Space marines are child soldiers. They recruit from either hell holes or rarely places where children are raised with strong sense of duty and physical capacity. So basically nothing like any of us, /pol/ or no.

You mean like IRL?
Pic related

>He doesn't understand memetic magick

Historically, England as a newly Protestant country did a lot of Catholic burning. Burning at the stake being the go to punishment for heresy at the time.

But when it came to witches, things get very exaggerated in the modern idea. The vast majority of people accused of witchcraft were found not guilty and the few that were were hanged not burned. Even in the height of the Civil war with the Witch Finder General roaming the country, no burnings.

>The Great Meme War
>fighting off paid shills and having a more effective online presence through volunteer efforts than a multi-million dollar enterprise in the form of CTR
>exploiting the tools of our enemies against them, perhaps best seen in HWNDU
>pooling the collective autism in order to track down and capture a flag within days after a livestream that displays only the flag and the sky with no discernible landmarks
If /pol/ can manage to locate and man an operation to capture a flag in rural Tennesee based on contrail patterns, local fauna, and then a game of Marco Polo with autists driving around county roads honking their horns to ping the camera and then go on to repeat the effort when the next flag was placed in another country, I have pretty good faith that it'd make a grand recruiting ground for Alpha Legion.

>memetic magick.jpg

Well yeah. Chaos has no higher plan for humanity than fuck it up. Its them and us and if you are not with us you're against us.

They already have too many opinions, too old, too technocratic and focused on personal fulfilment. We're not space marine material. Its okay, they're make believe.

I mean, I was arguing for them/us being Alpha Legion material, which they/we are. The more standard Loyalists, definitely not. Even if not official marines, the entire board could basically be mobilized as Alpha Legion operatives.

At least some of the actual inquisition's actions are justifiable in the context of the times, why would a fictional one be any different?

Got the fuck back to /r/thedonald and jerk yourself off over there, newfag. Nobody cares what you nu-/pol/ aspies do in your spare time

>basically be mobilized as Alpha Legion operatives.

We'd be the false flag Alphariuses, 2bh. We're not capable of anything else.

Kek, careful with that analpain.

>he doesn't deny being a redditor

You just don't get it my man. It's sad. I can sit and post about the hardest metal on earth (diamonds) and it bothers people like you.

What can I say? We've both got autism, but at least I've weaponized mine.

lol you are for sure alpharius user

Praise kek, rewarding the faithful.

That's not how you play the info game user. All you've done is force your own narrative. Outside observers don't believe it, and I know I certainly don't.

All you've done is delude yourself.

Improve yourself. You're being laughable right now.

>still not denying being from reddit
Wew lad.

That ain't me, bucko. But good job at creating boogeyman and seeing rebbit everywhere you look. Perhaps it's because you have it open in another tab?

are you from reddit?

>no you

Totally reddit. You're clueless, kid.

>If I screech loud enough, surely they'll start believing me!

Typical libcuck. You still think this Nixon-era tactic still works? We fought it for years and won. It was easy.
Knowledge is half the battle, and we already know your entire gameplan.

Watch this, you're about to complain about a samefag.

nice samefag, reddit

Oh please, you and I both know what a stagnant hellhole /pol/ has become. You may claim not to be one, but you still unironically believe that nu-/pol/ has any meaningful impact on the US election. You are still as stupid as one, spewing your memes and acting like you actually had any control over who won. I used to defend /pol/ when people called it an echo-chamber, but nowadays those people are fucking right on the money.

Don't put words in my mouth. What are you trying to do?

You're getting shitposted at by three separate people, but you still act like you've got any sort of moral highground. Joke's on you kid, you don't know shit about the golden rule.

Fucking newfags and shit.

You sound upset. Why do you still have emotions in 2017? Trump won FFS

It must be fun samefagging on boards with no IDs.

Goddamn dude, come on. Stop posting and think about what's happening here. I don't even need to meme about you getting played like a fiddle, it's true.
Step back and think about where you've gone wrong. You're playing exactly into what these people are saying.

>Oh noes, multiple people disagree with me! Better whine more about samefagging and reddit!

You do realize that any moron with mspaint can edit these to look legit, right?

Do you really that such a high opinion of yourself that you think someone is taking the effort not only to samefag you, but then also edit screenshots to create a false narrative to persecute you? Holy shit, dude, take your meds.

Where the hell do you think we are?

>he doesn't deny being schizo

But read the last sentence of my post. It's not like contacting Chaos is super easy and some loner could do it entirely on their own. Their friends and family would see it.

Nice Jojo reference.

If you taught people about Chaos, the number of people who would turn to Chaos willingly out of anger, desperation or spite would probably outnumber the ones you save.

Do you seriously believe of our mindset today would be okay with slaughtering anyone mildly tainted by Chaos?

Shitty pussified sun god < Multiple Pantheons of Heroic monster slayers that instill a lack of fear of death and near feral ferocity in their followers.

Fellow brother, continue to post in good humor and
repeating digits will be yours!

Why do /pol/ autists get a hard-on for 40k?

>liberals ruin another thread with their ultimate ass devastation

Not really. Just tell them that it's unlimited power then they would, but if you tell them that it's destructive and unreliable and that you'll probably be eaten by a demon and that even if you do rise to the level that you would be more than fodder, the influence of Chaos seems to destroy most people's minds and/or bodies.

>t. Butthurt that everyone hates his dumb politics

Well yeah but that's what the social reforms are for, give people a reason to not generally be miserable.

Warhammer is a fun setting. It's baroque and grandiose and it creates situations that are very fucking metal. It's very fun to follow along with fanatical fun that leads to monsters, battles and over-the-top body counts but it's not a good place to exercise or find example of justice or reason.

It's a silly world that helps satisfy a desire for fantasy violence. It's logic works to give reasons for violence. It's really fun because while some of those reasons mirror things in reality, they are really quite far removed from nay for of sanity.

In reality useful things usually get done by way trade, legal and social reform and diplomacy with war being just one aspect and even then it's usually more about logistics than GLORY. It's not heart pumping action but it works.
But we have to slog through so much of that day to day it's a lot more fun to deal with unnecessarily extreme reactions to extreme situations.
The answer is yes because in that world ultimate evil exists and all methods are excusable to stop it in a violent extravagant way.
The answer is no because the Warhammer setting has no meaningful use for justice let alone necessity.

I feel like a killjoy for posting this but I for some reason a lot of people seem to forget that Warhammer is setting made for fun. It's something out of Heavy Metal, a grotesque, satisfying mirror to reality that lets us laugh at ourselves while satisfying a baser need. It's not an example of how we should lie our lives.

>everyone hates drumpft!!111!!
>The presidential election was only a setback!