Warhammer 40,000 general /40kg/

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>8th edition FAQ:

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

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Whats their band name again?

How do you think Grav is going to operate in 8th?

So discussion from last thread. Should GGA, RGG, or other "notable" posters have a 1d4 page?

Deals 1 damage per hit, has -6 save modifier and Vehicles have -d6'' movement. Now it has a niche while not overshadowing other anti-tank weapons like meltas or lascannons which may do more than 1d6 damage per hit.

My biggest fear is a tidal wave of "almost identical but not" special rule bullshit in the new edition. Like each infiltrating unit infiltrates different for muh flavor, or this guy's shield is completely unlike the other guy's shield. When special rules are forced (as they are when the core rules are four fucking teen pages long) they should at least make them as broad as possible.

Fuck off no why


This is personally my biggest hope. Why the hell are shields used and created by a chapter with specific hidden STC plans the exact same as one who just uses the bog standard ones? There SHOULD be variation!

Why not just give them unique wargear? It's not exactly a rare thing among different armies. There's plenty of room for variation in the current system, GW just doesn't add it.

In AoS there is a wide variation in what shields can do for example Sigmarite's shields let you re-roll failed armor saves of 1, and Chaos Marauder's shields let you ignore mortal wounds on a 5+.
Mortal wounds ignore armor saves, and cover saves improve your armor save instead of being a separate save type making the ability to ignore mortal wounds rare.

>fourteen pages
Might as well play Brikwars tee-bee-eych

I ended up getting maybe about 30 or 40 vanilla marines and some old codices circa 1999-2001 from a guy clearing out his attic. I know nothing about the game other than snippets from what I've picked up on Veeky Forums, but I figure I can do something with the marines. The codices I'm a bit iffy on since I'm running out of shelf space.

Here's what I got:
>Codex Tau
>Chapter Approved
>Codex Dark Angels
>Codex Battlezone Cityfight
>Codex Armageddon
>Codex Blood Angels
>Codex Space Marines

Is there any reason to keep any of these?

Stop asking, answer is always no

Go back to 1d4ddit

Fires of Cyraxus canceled due to 8th, or is FoC 8th compatible?

> Starting a new thread when the old one has less than 300 posts.

Are you soft in the head or something?

The previous general is still on the front page, dude. Don't blow your load so early.

They might be nice collector's items, but the rules themselves are useless.

So as a new player who has thrown together a a couple free Speece Mureens and a purchased box of grechin, I think I have decided on Orks. They sound fun, more ways to play than IG. Anything to expect besides "you lose alot xeno scum"?thing of playing fast as hell units with heavy loota support. Waiting till release to buy books and have yet to paint models.

Start painting now, shit takes forever.

Dont know the rules yet but painting(after MUCH reading) sounds fun. Trying to decide what units to start getting but weapons confuse me, are there equal sluggas and shootas in boyz packs for example?

Stop your fucking naming shit you fuck

Probably reworked since it's completely incompatible

Hopefully cancelled because no one likes space gay communist anime trash.

yeah you get both shootas and sluggas. 10 sluggas and 10 shootas i believe.

and 1 rokkit and 1 big shoota.

It is speculated to being 8th compatible hence the delay.

Holy shit thats awesome. Im planning a central trukk rush force, bike/storm boyz flankers, and eavy armor units with lootas. Read shootas are better damage output and the slugga/choppa combo is only good for CQB

This is exactly what I was thinking. Make it easy to wound with grav but make it deal very few wounds.

>that picture
>nothing but suits

God, I hate what Riptides did to the Tau aesthetic.

>implying tau had any "aesthetic" in the first place

your entire army looks like shit, plays like shit, has lore that's shit and will get smashed to shit in 8e

Get fucked xenosfag

>Implying flanking does anything.

I like the idea though.

Those are for nice reads, m8, but 8th edition is here in about a month or so.

8th compatible.

Remember that you can only choose one or the other, and that you should paint your boyz clothes and vehicles in camouflage to show that you're a real Blood Axe!

The idea is mostly to keep the enemy occupied with the fast units and trukk boyz and just unload with shoota boyz and lootas. Speaking of looting, are looted vehicles a thing? Or is it outdated/unused rules?

Been thinking more of a Death Skulls and Evil Sun collaboration group. ES need parts for the badass vehicles, DS need s fast get away, win-win.

Looting isn't currently a thing as far as I'm aware, but with 8th ed around the corner what's currently a rule won't be current in a month or so.

>implying I play Tau
>projecting this hard

You must be a Guard player. "Muh ww1 aesthetic"

It's funny because I don't play Guard and Guard has none of those.

Hell, the only Guard that has any relevance to WWI is DKoK

Typical Tautard players


>What is the Leman Russ

Go back to 1d4ddit


Are scatbikes gonna get buffed or will they stay to 1 wound per hit and suck?

Go back to 1d4ddit


No more glancing things to death = suck

So what do you expect fromthe weapon profiles, that will be released today? Which weapons should be rebalaced completly?

Oh no, now you'll have to focus them at light armor and infantry now. I doubt transports and the like will have that high of a T stat.

Look at what you did Veeky Forums. This is all on you and your whining over plot progress. Ever heard of be careful of what you wish for? Are you happy now? How much more of the setting must be ruined and sacrificed until you're satisfied.

Considering we got 4 unit profiles I expect probably the same amount of weapon profiles. Probably bolters and some anti-armor weapon, followed by a pair of melee weapons.


>Are you happy now?
Yes. Is this shitposting or serious? I can't even tell anymore.

Why are Grey Knights and Deathwatch under Imperial Forces.

I'm fine with it.

Do you guys bring a physical copy of your army lists to games like a print out or written in a notebook or do you have it digitally?

>playing Warhammer 40000
there's your mistake

there's only three alliances you fucking ape

Imperial, Xenos and Chaos

stop this 5 faction meme

Anyone made an analysis of this map? Like entered the names of the planets and landmarks into the lex and see what's their importance to the setting, or see what major planet that are not consumed by the new warp storm eating the heart of the galaxy.

Yes. I was always against "plot progression" but I'm honestly really satisfied with this particular one.

I hate what they did with the black templars and Guilliman but aside from that I like the new plot progressions so far.

If a Dreadnought has 8 wounds, a Rhino will have at least 5 and a save.

And? A scatbike unit is still going to shred a Rhino easily. Maybe 6 wounds with 4+ armor? Gonna go down really quickly.

The fuck is all the purple shit and where did it come from?

And? Scatter lasers aren't anti-armor weapons anyways. It's the equivalent of a multi-laser, an all rounder with the possibility of damaging light vehicles.

I think returning the Primarchs would have been cool but then they do stupid shit like having Guilliman be ambushed like 20 times in the fucking book, lose an army of dudes, lose his fleet including the Macragge's Honour, not have him do stuff and his dumb battle with Magnus, that went nowhere. It's just stupid all around.

A Rhino takes 2+ units to kill now, double the wounds plus a save will eat up a lot of firepower.

Those are Warpstorms. Everything in them is either dead, dying, or worst.

What are you hoping gets good in 8th


Well I expect the bolter to have Not!-rend.
Then I hope we'll see the Plasma gun and the Lascannon.

That'll cover the Infantry weapon, the elite killer and the iconic (if unappreciated) anti tank gun.

The Heavy bolter and Missile Launcher are the ones most in need of attention.

Bonus points for flamer/meltagun to showcase the template replace and the functional anti-tank gun.

The entire train of thought with vehicles getting a the same statline as everything else is making them more survivable. Eldarfags that spam scatbikes to glance the shit out of everything can just fuck off.

Use your actual anti-armor weapons or kindly fuck off.


As long as it doesn't take a Fire Dragon squad to kill a Rhino.

Legion of the Damned

You mean a Fire Dragon squad that NEEDS a transport to do anything, or a FW Hornet? We have so many options!


hopefully scatbikes still deal 1 wound per unsaved wound, and low volume, high-powered anti-armor does something like 1d3 or 1d6 wounds per unsaved wound.

>Literally half his crap can have a Brightlance slapped on it

0 sympathy

I neither want nor need a 1d4chan page, that's fucking retarded, and also violates the site-wide rules for 1d4chan.

No egoboos 1d4chan is NOT for pages dedicated to specific browsers of Veeky Forums, namefag or tripfag, regardless of how well-known or liked/disliked they are. The only exception to this is the drawfag page, which may list known drawfags and describe their usual subject matter. Please refrain from qualitative analysis of a given drawfag's talents or personality, as drama will inevitably ensue.

I already have a user page, which isn't related in any possible way to what Veeky Forums tends to call me. Nor would I ever have any interest in being referred to as raptors user on 1d4chan, or for raptors user to become associated with my account on that website. End of story, fuck off.

What alliances? it's "sides".

if they're not spamming scatbikes they're spamming d weapons so your armour is dead anyway

That's another upside. Now D wepaons will probably be less stupid in comparison to other heavy weapons

D weapons are confirmed to no longer be a thing.


Why must you keep posting this same stal bait, thread after thread? We know you're a faggot. You can stop trying to prove it.

I wonder how Knights will be statted in 8th. I'd expect somewhere around 16 to 20 wounds, T8+ and a good save.

Cunt used to do it without the image macro, I've fours of his text spams in my fucking filter still.

At least this one is a single easy to remove post.

Presumably because all weapons will have a wounds stat, though for most of them it'll be 1. It ought to be one of the big differences between anti-infantry and anti-armour.


> I2 but going first anyway!

As long as Wraithknights have 20 wounds and the Heavy Wraithcannon/Ghostglaive deal 4D6 -3 wounds.

>Use your actual anti-armor weapons or kindly fuck off.

>plays Necrons


Considering it's an entirely new edition, what we currently have or don't have is mostly meaning less.

I totally forgot about this. It has probably been full blown cancelled and they need to rewrite the rules from the ground up. Might also explain, in addition to Heresy stuff, why Forgeworld took so long to bring out a new book.

Has any new edition rendered someone's collection near-unplayable?


I can't wait to field this

> That Guardsman
> TFW Cadia is gone, and the purple-eyed brave motherfuckers will gradually become rarer and rarer throughout the galaxy, as they all die out on various war fronts.
> TFW your people are going extinct soon.

No but there's a chance for new wargear or new units that render your previous choices either less effective or make previously bad choices actually worth taking.

I print it out, but then someone always changes the point value so I end up hand writing it after I add it up in the calculator.
