Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

Stormcast Eternals Edition


>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE

>army builder

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I'm getting tired of the Put Idris Elba into everything meme

You were sayin?

Whfb grognard on suicide watch.
their wife sucking Stormcast BBC while they dream about being in 1990 and complaining about gw price.

Post your dudes!

Here's an updated snap shot I took quick

Looking good Chaos Dorf user!

edge highlights look clean, gems look like gems. two thumbs way up user, nice job.

My Stormcast are the Kangz of Azyrnsheit, they hold up chaos

Here's my 1st 5 zombies
Will be posting my Mourngul later once the base is dried

Since you post your minis, I might as well post some of mine. Here are my Blightkings + Sorcerer,I posted them a few threads ago, so tell me what you think about them

And here are a closer picture of the sorcerer

Leaders for my Brayherd, two brothers. The stronger Beastlord with black fur, and the smarter albino Bray Shaman.

Ding ding ding. (You've posted this enough lad).

Thanks guys, I'm gonna try and finish this unit this weekend and I've got a light box set up to take proper pictures, hopefully they'll look good when finished!
I'm liking how they look! I quite love me some Nurgle troops

Ghost Lesbian Chariot Vertical assault go!

Fuck you Stormcunts, Death Thread.

Not my fault my life is busy and i like to contribute
But yeah Mourngul soon

Pics of some Ghoul Skinks

It's nice to see another Brayherd player

Feel free to read my fluff about them, and tell me what you think. I am open for constructive criticism

I have a dilemma. I have bought 2 Spire of Dawn boxes so I could split the cost with aelves player some time ago. Skavens are not my favourite AoS faction but they were cheap as fuck and I hoped for some skaven releases.
With 8e hitting the stage soon I'm not sure what should I do. Death Watch is basically confirmed af a faction in 8e starter set (it's not but we saw the pic on gw site and teaser) so I could mix it with nurgle daemons and use this a a shared army for both AoS and 40k. I like their aesthetic and fluff in AoS but my 40k favourite faction are Tau.
Right now I'm torn between
- Buy a start collecting for skavens to build a cannon and bell and sell monks then spend the rest of money on small tau army (I will end up with "meh army" and "I love it army")
- Sell rats and buy 2 start collecting of nurgle daemons and a half of 40k starter set so I will end up with "ok army" usable in both games

I want to play small games in both systems (1k pts) so I know I will not go into huge armies in any way

My primary hope for GHB 2.0 is to make magic more interesting. At the very least, giving the Grand Alliances a pool of spells their wizards can draw from. Only having 3~ spells per wizard, most of which being pretty dull, is disappointing.

I'd also like for them to modify the Rule of One in Pitched that prevents you from casting more than one type of spell per round. I would like it to instead be changed that you can only cast one kind of spell on a singular unit one per game. IE, you can only cast Mystic Shield once on a single friendly unit.

Screw the haters, I think vanilla stormcasts look rad

All waiting for the bases to dry and put some rocks and shit to finish

Just pick the aos army you like most.

My headcanon is that the covering of his base is this guy's diarrhoea

Gross dude.

Also is anyone else amused by 40k players freaking out about their game having mortal wounds now?

Well, 2x nurgle SC! + one or two heroes like Epidemius will be enough for vanilla AoS army? I'm not WAACfag - just don't want to run auto-lose army

Yeah, some of them are stupid enough to not realise that gw is just ripping f the AoS magic system so they will also copy mortals wound saves and magic rolls modifiers

Nurgle is pretty easy to play with, and they are fun and tough opponents to face, so go for it user!

Reposting so i hopefully get an answer this time

I need some help with a pretty basic question. Me and my friends are just now getting into AoS. I grabbed a start collecting seraphon box and my buddy got rattlebones. However I seem to be lacking the build instructions for the saurus warriors. Is this a normal thing? If it's not how do I go about getting my hands on them?

Well, then I will probably wait for the 40k starer set and new rules release so I will see if daemons don't end up as a unplayable piece of shit in 8e. If yes, I will just stick with rats and Tau.
Also if we talk about skavens - is two sets of spire of dawn a good starting point for a rats army? I was thinking about a Start Collecting just to give them a Warp Cannon, Screaming bell and Plague Priest

I've been following the teasers over on the warhammer community site and so far it's looking like 8th 40K is going to be an improved copy of AOS in almost every way. So much so that you could probably read the warscrolls for your 40K units and play 8th without even reading the rules so long as you know the rules for AOS.

I hope that AOS 2nd will incorporate the improvements they are making to 8th.

I want to see the new scrolls first but I will probably be jumping into an elder army once it drops.

Still a WiP. Being color blind is suffering so i stick with base tones I can see.

Shitty picture. I finished basing them all last week and they look so much better. Getting another priest and an Eternity Warden this week.
I've never won a game.

I dig that sorc a lot. What's the head?

It's from the Blightkings box

My feels go to you user

When it's bring your (extended) family to battle day

Why are their pauldrons on wrong?

Thank God for drybrushing
And Gamer Grass

How long does this ability last?

The Creator’s Will:The Engine of the Gods or Troglodon, and any units from the Thunderquake Starhost within 8", are guided by the will of their creator. At the start of each combat phase you can declare that all of those units will either be swift, in which case you can re-roll charge rolls and failed hit rolls for them, or savage, in which case you can re-roll failed wound rolls and save rolls for them.

If I choose savage and then move my troglodon more than 8" from a bastiladon, does the bastiladon keep the ability forever?

Painting some Golden Oldies. Got 3 done so far, since I decided to rebase what I already had, and now I want to paint some Arkanauts.

Life is suffering when you have so many short things to paint.

Bonus picture of Ironbreakers before I decided to disgrace them with round bases.

I almost regret doing it, but I will struggle to use them to play AoS around here, not to mention WHFB, so I figured I may as well so they match any new stuff that comes out

Look at the way those Suarus guards are trying to get in front of all the skinks, because they think they are better than the skinks. Suarus are bullies and suarus guards are the biggest bullies. But skinks deserve rights too! look how the skinks tame that mighty bastiladon, that is proof skinks are better and should not just clean the temples, feed the suarus and oil the slann.

go back to mexico.


Bully! You may have come from a bigger spawning pool but we are equals. Stop making us wash your jock straps while you bask in the sun to aid in digestion.

What spawning pools? What digestion? Y'all are holograms.


Grots Battletome when?

After Skyven.

Nigmar General

>/aosg/: unironically enjoying being a cuck edition

I'd expand the rule of one to include other buffs beyond spells too, seems silly that you can't multicast or stack mystic shields but you can with bronzed flesh.


Do you think you're girlfriend would prefer a middle aged bald black man wearing a half done set of gold plastic armour?

I really don't give a shit about black AoS players, they're the same nerds and autists as white players.

Girls, however, are a whole different matter because they bring their psychological games and social rank obsession with them everywhere they tread.


You've posted this so many times and still haven't painted the teeth, huh?

My local GW confirmed all the hard ack Sigmar novels go OOP tomorrow and will only be available in paperback.


They're just Zombies m8

>"I hope no one notices my toupee."

Just pulled the trigger and ordered some Dark Elves. Got a box of dreadspears/darkshards, which I'll probably build as darkshards, a box of scourge privateers b/c they look badass, and sorceress/dreadlord on black dragon.

It should all be here in a week, and I'm stoked.

Reminder to buy round bases

And they'd go from 4/10 to 8/10 if you just picked out their teeth.

Shit I forgot about that. What size for the units? and what size oval for the dragon?

Yeah it's a very good base since you have enough clan rats, heroes & weapon team to play some good games. just add a the stuf you're mentionning & you'll have a good 1500 points with magic, shooting & big units. You could add stormvermin or Stormfiends for more rend / power.

Off-white, grey or bone?
I managed to get the bases right, and i like the skin thanks to warbosstae

Hey, anyone got tips to help me with an idea I had for former amazon stormcasts, they only have one female mini and she's part of a box game I don't have interest in

Keep your fetish shit out of the game.

>Being threatened by black guys like a beta

Nurgle is always good, you can build up towards eventually getting the awesome glottkin.

They were ment to be allies for a seraphon warband, United over common history and mutual respect.... it was ment to be fluffy

Yeah, magic in general needs to be fixed. It's too limited to be interesting in most cases, both in terms of choice and restrictions.

Off-white and make em look super gross.

Raging heroes has some lady knights that work in both fantasy and 40k I think, slap some stormcast and lizardmen gubbens on them and you're solid

Well i'll take your word for it, maybe add some Blood for the Blood God too.

Will post them once the entire 20 box is done

Have to say, he could just put yellow contacts on and switch to a sword, and he could probably get mistaken for Elba's Heimdall.

When will they fucking remove double turns?

after 40k 8th comes out they'll do AOS 2nd and make the changes to AOS they just put into 40k 8th.

40k 8th is AOS minus the shit no one likes plus some slight tweaks.

I bet they might even make the two systems fully compatible with AOS 2nd comes out.

In 40k you dont even get a ward save vs mortal wounds
dont like that rule 2bh

Compatibility would make everyone go full sperg so I doubt they'll do it.

Also AoS is supposed to be the intro game while 40k is it's more complicated cousin so I doubt they'll fold all the new rules into AoS.

On principle I don't mind double turns, plenty of games have double turns. My problem is it uses Games Workshops oldest and most favourite resolution mechanic: the random dice off.

If initiative was based on something, a stat your general has, the size of your army, the scenario being played, etc, etc.

Literally anything is better than just being a random roll off.

Mortal wounds are too strong even with saves against them. Easy sources of mortals are too common for how hard it is to get even meager 5+ and 6+ against it.

Good luck. Just remember that we criticize because we care. The skin on them is so icky, and picked out teeth would be great.

There is unironically nothing wrong with double turns and the inclusion of the mechanic is what gives AOS its own unique twist.

>I bet they might even make the two systems fully compatible with AOS 2nd comes out

I don't doubt this, though. Imagine how easy it'd be to sell "buy an army for AOS, use it in 40k!"

>its own unique twist
You mean top tier armies being more stronger than usual? Because of a fucking random dice roll?


>gets mad about rolling dice in a game about rolling dice
Wanna know how I know you dont play the game?

I kind of like being able to plan around controlling going first or second based on setup count. Don't like double turns, play beastclaw or load a whole KO army in 2 ships.

If you get blown the fuck out by a single dice roll, you deserve to lose. Every time I win, it's because I correctly positioned myself in a way to take advantage of or mitigate the losses of the double turn. My opponent didn't think that far ahead.

Why/how do beastclaws or KO in 2 ships ignore or negate double turns?
Genuinely curious, I'm new

If you finish deploying first before your opponent, you get to choose who takes the first turn. Therefore you could prevent getting fucked by a double turn (and potentially take advantage of one) by going second.

Beastclaw doesn't really have an advantage during deployment as their battalions are shit. Some factions can make one-drop armies with certain battalions.

this is bullshit
itll be exactly like AOS. there is no "invulnerable/ward saves" in AOS either except for everywhere there is and don't call it that.
pic related.

>buy an army for AOS, use it in 40k
will be limited to "open play" and "narrative" game formats

Sometimes I think that these bitching morons are not even playing 40k or aos

So? It's still a fantastic marketing gimmick. "One army, two games"

>I doubt they'll do it.

>be games workshop
>want people to buy shit from AOS and 40K
>customers don't want to learn two sets of rules
>make 1 set of rules for both games
>only difference between games is the fluff
>anticipate major sales increases
>pat selves on back for genius

It's not a fantastic gimmick if the majority of your market throws a bitch fit over it.

You've done nothing to convince me.

Making Daemons playable in both settings is enough and it doesn't trigger any nerds so everybody wins.

Why do you think giving either game a way of making armies extremely accessible and, ostensibly, cheaper to get into, would trigger nerds?

I know the fanbase is, in general, autistic, and complains about everything, but a 4th game mode where you can mix models from either game would only be seen as bad by the spergiest of spergs, aka, people not worth marketing to in the first place.

>You've done nothing to convince me.

I don't think you need to be convinced for GW to do something that will improve sales and increase the accessibility of their products to their consumers.