How can you accurately and precisely predict what another character says or does without magic...

How can you accurately and precisely predict what another character says or does without magic? How do you build a character capable of such?

Outthink that player/gm.

Depends on the setting, it also depends on the kind of game you're playing. If a player has decided to give a character some sort of catch-phrase, that much might make it easier. Generally speaking in the flow of things naturally it would be almost impossible to legitimately pull this kind of thing off.

However, if you are playing a loose and fun game, you might be able to pull something like this off on the fly, and depending on the players and how on the wavelength of rule of funny(or whatever applies) they might say the same line to create a dramatic moment. It really depends on the players you have.

git gud

Sense motive.

I do it in shadowrun with commanding voice. It lets me even say "your next line is" for the ability use

Is there any real reason why you jojofags spam this board?

I've been trying to figure out why you do it around the rest of the site as well, and I can't for the life of me figure it out. Like, what the fuck is wrong with you?

What part of you is so vapid and empty that you're compelled to make shitty threads all the time? Hell, you do it like three times a day in /v/, and there hasn't been a decent jojo video game in decades.

Is there some part of your brain that's underdeveloped? What makes you like those idiots trapped in /mlp/ and /jp/, who literally can't save themselves from their shitposting tendencies, and are locked away in asylums of their own urges?

What is wrong with you fuck heads?

I merely thought that the character was fun and the mechanic would be interesting to play through, yet no system I know of has a mechanic that'd let it function.

I don't visit the board that often and usually only skim at stuff. I didn't realize JoJo was posted enough to give you PTSD, and for that I apologise.

Sort of reminds me of that pancakes comic that's posted on /v/ a bunch

For the life of me, shut up with this bullshit. You're nowhere near as clever as you think you are, nor are your tracks that masked.

Go ahead and pretend otherwise when you're called out on bringing up this desiccated corpse of a comic from decades ago, but then go ahead and try to explain the rest of the spam you tards to on the rest of the site. Even if you want to act like you're not a retarded spammer, you are still posting a lukewarm topic that reads more like an excuse to post your spam than anything worth actually discussing, because even a toddler looking at a rulebook for five seconds could answer your question for you.

You sound troubled.

I'm sorry to have offended you, I will kill myself immediately to make up for this great shame.

thanks for ensuring jojo will be spammed even harder you fucking moron.

How can someone be such an absolute retarded to go and make such retarded posts? You are literally posting
>here's how to make me reply to cheap trolls please don't do this okay?

Is DON'T FUCKING REPLY such a hard concept to you retards?

Why bother making your post? No one is stupid enough to believe that being quiet about obvious spam slows or even stops it, and now you just look like a jojofag hoping to perform damage control.

Look at the sort of shit they do on the rest of the site. Hourly spam in /v/, spam by the minute in worse boards like /r9k/ and /pol/, and weak attempts around the rest of the site, even here. Hell, they do it on any board that sees even modest traffic, and the only places they've just given up on are the slowest boards.

They're a plague, and being quiet about it is half of what let them grow into such a cancer as they are now.

Veeky Forums has infinitely worse shit going on on it than jojo - thinly veiled fetish threads, furries, D&D - each in far greater amounts, and I have never once seen anyone post to any of them in such vitriol as you do right now.

Are you sure you have directed your crusade to the correct thread?

If you're going to be a dumb troll, at least don't be so obvious.

Fuck off back to... /pol/? You seem like the /pol/ branch of jojotards, considering your love of the word crusade. Or, are you part of the /b/ faction? Still really haven't made a dent there, despite all your efforts. Best take your own advice and go direct your crusade efforts over there rather than wasting your time here.

Calm down.

>No one is stupid enough to believe that being quiet about obvious spam slows or even stops it,

but surely you're not dumb enough to think that posting in a way that screams "IM MAD DELET THIS RIGHT NOW" is going to do anything beside encourage the spam, right?

>They're a plague, and being quiet about it is half of what let them grow into such a cancer as they are now.
Even if your retarded assertion was true, sperging out and telling them how much you're upset isn't exactly the optimum strategy either.

At least if they're ignored, there's a chance that they'll get bored and fuck off somewhere else, rather than sticking around while seeing how far they can push your buttons.

That's a whole lotta words for what amounts to STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

I'd say that good WIS would give you the ability to predict what someone is saying. Maybe roll a sense motive or insight and on a successful roll, the DM gives you a notecard saying what they're going to say or something?

It's a good question actually.

>Sense Motive
A successful check lets you avoid being bluffed. You can also use this skill to determine when “something is up” (that is, something odd is going on) or to assess someone’s trustworthiness.

This use of the skill involves making a gut assessment of the social situation. You can get the feeling from another’s behavior that something is wrong, such as when you’re talking to an impostor. Alternatively, you can get the feeling that someone is trustworthy.

See also: epic usages of Sense Motive.
>Epic Usages

Detect Surface Thoughts
This lets a character read the surface thoughts of a single target (as the 3rd-round effect of the detect thoughts spell). There is no saving throw to resist this effect, though the target can use Bluff to disguise his or her surface thoughts (see the Bluff skill description), in which case this becomes an opposed check (any result lower than 100 automatically fails). The target must be visible and within 30 feet of the character.

I don't know who you are trying to fool. It's a particularly stupid question, even so far as stupid questions go.

Well I mean, if you can come up with a means of predicting what an opponent is going to say, would that also mean that you can predict what an opponent is most likely to do?

Would predicting what an opponent will say distract them long enough to set them up for a brutal counterattack by you or an ally?

Also, how would this work with AC? Would this be how Monks get their WIS bonus to AC?

I mean, just because you're deadset on shitposting the thread doesn't mean that there can't be a good discussion.

You sound like you're trying very hard to milk a dull topic out of any threads of thought you can muster. You don't seem very good at it. In fact, it's kind of pathetic, in a "greasy fat man trying to run a mile" sort of way.

Is there any real reason why you frogfags spam this board?

I've been trying to figure out why you do it around the rest of the site as well, and I can't for the life of me figure it out. Like, what the fuck is wrong with you?

What part of you is so vapid and empty that you're compelled to make shitty threads all the time? Hell, you do it like three times a day in /v/, and there hasn't been a decent battletoads video game in decades.

Is there some part of your heart that's underdeveloped? What makes you like those living dead trapped in Veeky Forums, who literally can't save themselves from their escapism tendencies, and are locked away in asylums of their own imagination?

What is wrong with you fuck heads?