Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Is Eversor A Venereal Disease edition

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Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android.

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First for sisters


Never forget goys, get BLACKED at your Local Nu Goyims' Cuckshop!


4th for "man Thousand Sons termie sorcerers sure are popular"

First for Thousand Sons bros being nice to each other and having fun.


I fucking hate 8th and I want to burn all my minis in anger

Report politics.
Filter Reddit.
Don't respond to shitposters.


my dudes > your dudes

Do you play summon spam per chance?

reposting from last thread:

So guys, what the fuck is an "orrk"? I've seen it pop up a few times on other sites. I could maybe pass it off as a mispelling except that it seems to be more frequent than I'd expect.

How is this ?

just sell it and start the one you always wanted to try, user.

>some shitty old cartoon
Holy shit FUCK OFF back to /co/.

I am sick of you rebbit memers and /pol/ racists posting stupid fucking videos over our lord and savior.

Glass cannon

(maybe it's obvious, but it's not for competitive play)

>Going to a bitz bazaar today
>mfw the 8th announcement might boost my chances at getting THE DEALZ on some cheap ass minis because of ragequitters
>mfw the store is also having a 30% off GW sale due to new trade agreements and I might be able to get an extra 10% off with voucher

Looks good, just use the spare points on a staff of arcane compulsion and you're good to go.

Are you that one Bretonniafag?

Beaten by a single 10 point special weapon, but seem hilarious.


>1500 pts for 6 models that will rot and die in the face of a culexus assassin
1k sons everyone

>neophyte hybrids have real nice shotgun and autogun bits for my scrap guard regiment
>half the hands are way too genestealer claw to cover up too well with a nail cut and greenstuff

Oh well, I guess hacking at the lasguns with a hobby saw to get at the hands is still happening.

Or since my other models use skitarri bits as bionic arms can I try to make them look like that with enough knifework?

How cool are the Grey Knights, fluff wise?

Get Seer's Bane on all of them and rip enemies apart in glorious melee.

Unless they are in vehicles.

I didn't pick Grey Knights as my first army because of the rules, that's for sure.

Models and fluff are pretty fucking cool. They're like the Men In Black, but for Daemons.

I liked when weapons came separated from the hands. Not always happened but it was nice when it did.

Well it's certainly hilarious when you unleash 5 mini-orbital bombardments turn 1, but it's certainly not competitive. I hope ExSorcs get better in 8th. They should be substantially better than Sorcs considering they cost so much more.
Only 1 seer's bane per army, lad.

How should I build my tyranid warriors?

Yeah, just copied it, erased the embeds, and forgot to fix the link. Forgot to fix the rules > too.
Tried to delete the thread to redo. No big deal, since I hadn't advertised the new bread yet, right? Nope. Sistersman had already posted after like only three seconds.

Oh well. This is the dark world we live in, now, where you get a cartoon about a chick who was banging three college boys, and then leaving them for a retarded sailor who keeps tripping over his dick.

But if you change the green dude's dialogue to from, "I hate the dover boys," to "I hate reddit," you have an accurate representation of a dipshit user from last thread.

So there's that.

I mean wasn't that mostly just a Space Marine thing, I at least can't think of any non Space Marine example of it.

"Legion" and "Champion" somehow seems like an oxymoron.

My main HQ is an Archmagos (called Xander, after Gilbert Alexander from Bioshock) who led his Biologis fleet to dig in and set up their own fortified Forge System during the Heresy. He loaded his mind into his fleet's flagship cogitators, and downloads it into a new body whenever he needs to do shit. If he "dies", he's still cool, but he loses the data he had on the body, hence the "still losing Slay The Warlord" thing. However, as he is a pisspoor fighter, he dies a LOT, and his code degenerates a little every time. He's still entirely functional, but occasionally he'll do something completely off the wall for no apparent reason.

Eventually, he realizes this at the close of the Schism of Mars, and partitions the sections of his mind that are still functional off into the ship. Those are mostly the engineering, surgery and command sections as he kept those updated, but he loses all his memories, so he's a disembodied mind who controls his subordinates and uses their memories, but they gain his frankly insane capabilities and mental capacity. The raving madman who declared himself Damnatio Ad Gladium after the Heresy and led his Taghmata against the Dark Mechanicum during the Scouring, finally being killed by House Atrax storming Cyclotrathe is an ENTIRELY unrelated individual, and not at all his last body and thousands of years of memories without an actual mind as such driven by the last commands of the sentient Xander before his ascendance.

In 30k, he uses the Inar Satarael rules, and I'm working on a model for him with a spider-mech body from the old metal LoTR Spider Queen, with Kataphron armour plates and weapons. In 40k, he's whatever model happens to be the Warlord at the time, because Symbiote Consciousness.

what should I read to know more about the other factions of this game?
I'm currently reading the horus heresy

also, is there any piece of lore on the return of robobut girlyman?

Slap a Barbed Strangler on one of them

As someone who's only been on Veeky Forums for about a year and a half I'm still amazed two or three dedicated faggots can derail threads literally all day, just sitting and posting the same shit and people take the b8 every time

With magnets

Using clippers, a hobby knife, and some plastic glue preferably.

Hoping to do some damage in my local tourney next week. Maximum Gue'la casualties expected, objectives inconsequential.

We don't know because 8th may change everything about warriors

Just do what looks cool because only autists care about wysiwyg

People in general are super easy to trigger these days.

What are the chances we get new ork plastics in 8th? How long after 8th drops is long enough to tell whether they're coming?

It's mostly because this is a fast moving thread for a popular game, with a generally younger audience that's been trained in factionalism and bickering for years. It's difficult to invent or post OC. Nobody cares about your army's fluff. Nobody cares about your homebrew rules. What's left? What's there to talk about? Sure, people can react to new releases or hints from GW, but that only goes so far.

What do you want to see more of in these threads? And how can you make this occur?


Welcome to Veeky Forums, where people are fucking retarded. More news at 11.

You'll get used to it eventually. Back in the day threads on Veeky Forums used to be derailed into much more interesting threads than they originally were though!

> what should I read to know more about the other factions of this game?
Their codex, there are probably more but mostly their codex.
> also, is there any piece of lore on the return of robobut girlyman?
Read the OP.

Fuck Donald Trump and fuck white people!


>also, is there any piece of lore on the return of robobut girlyman?
All of that is in the Gathering Storm books, it's pretty lame to be honest but that's just my opinion. Well at least there's all that unresolved sexual tension between him and that Eldar witch.


Always magnets on Tyranids, especially Warriors and Fexes.

>BA/DA/SW lumped in with Vanilla
m-maybe we'll actually get even half of what they get now!

First non-sorceror.
Let's give the man a clap

All's dust y'all, let's get along.

muh eldar list for 500 pts

HQ-farseer with singing spear-105pts

Troops 5x Dire Avengers with exarch and twin linked shuriken catapults-80pts

5x Dire Avengers with exarch and twin linked shuriken catapults-80pts

Dedicated Transports
Wave serpent with twin linked Scatter lasers-115-pts

Wave serpent with twin linked Scatter lasers-115-pts

New plastic orks are going to take a while, GW are really stubborn when it come to updating old plastic kits (unless of coure it's Space Marines).
I mean just look at the poor old Khorne Berzerker platics, their from about 3rd ed if I recall correctly.

Who 'Stuck without a gaming group' here?

>no castellax
>no techthralls

>Reposting because muh dudes.

Mine unfortunately is really simple. Staff and claw. Named Tuentahm as an afterthought

The warband is more complex, having been built back when KSons had... well very little.
The sorceror is a big eugenics nut, treating his Raptors as "failed progeny", usually second or third generation warp-weak, and most of their armor painted black, whilst units like havoks are the talentless spawn of sorcerors which still might have potential in their geneseed, and so only have a single black shoulder-pad to denote their inferior status.

Mutants are just rubricked, and he's constantly trying to capture or bargain for pure psyker geneseed to throw into the pool.
Why a "fenris obsessed" HQ decides to traipse around doing genetic tests on his warband... well that's a plot hole I never reallly filled.

IG trucks when

I've heard they have them for logistics purposes but they don't have models. Tauroxes are too butt ugly in every way, and not in the cool butt ugly way like Russes.

Are any ultramarine successors as space-roman as they are? Most just seem generic-marine-flavor.

Uh guys?

There is something charmingly goofy about a Leman Russ, the FW ones almost make it look cool even.

Well, I fell for it.

How does you HQ work anyway? Do you need the Mechanicus codex?

Battle Reports, discussing the lore, artfagging, making memes. Nowadays it's just a neverending flamewar speckled with salt about anouncements

Ah, you missed the best years of Veeky Forums, it was a wondrous place, nice game discussions, fully painted armies, anons giving actually useful painting tips beyond "thin your paints", excellent conversions and many wonders now lost to us, now? Now we're left with faggots and shitposters, and with eight as controversial as it is this general will devolve into further decadence

Was gonna re-link it and scream "pick your team!" but figured I'd be a decent dude for once.

Is deffo bait

>IG trucks when

-I- care about your army's fluff, anons.
Seriously, do you have any fluff for your army? Did your Tyrannids eat any interesting planets? Do your Tau have funny story about their home planet? Is there a favorite flavor of orphan your CSMs prefer? Even if it's just 'I put some extra bits on this one guy', I'd like to hear it!

>Ynnari, Death Guard and Thousand Sons as new factions


I'd love some shitty cheap trukk-esque technicals.
In fact I've already sort of got the models for it.



To be fair, this feels par for the course when you're between editions. It's an awkward time.
Once the new edition is out, and the Great Flame Wars flare up to the highest level, then calm down again, we'll have something more useful.

If you're playing pure skitarii, you won't have an HQ but instead you use a special HQ-less detachment and them make one of your 2 wound Sargents you warlord.

I like russes too. The model is goofy, but is just screams TANK!

Thanks for reviews. I made that list after playing with a TSons who killed ~60% of a necron force by mind-controlling troops. We lost, but it was hilarious beyond measure.

So, hows everyone feeling about Armaggeddon becoming a threeway throwdown between orks, the imperium, and khorne?

I've seen a few good conversions. I'm trying to follow a tutorial to make this truck so I can turn it into a manticore/deathstrike for that sick Red Alert 2 V3 missile launcher

I am, Veeky Forums should set up a grid battle mat with backgrounds and terrain placement decided via vote to the generals OP, then all us middle of nowhere/NEET fags can play via Skype or something

Well, the first one was Imps v Khorne, and the second one was Imps v Orks, it'd only make sense that the third one eventually involve all three.
Also, if I post 'Steel Legion plastics when' often enough, does that improve my odds?

>reverse looted ork trukk

I like it, especially the prospect of Angry Ron making a return.

Then either actually contribute or lurk moar newfag.
The threads getting derailed is bad, but people bitching about it getting derailed only makes the problem worse.

Too bad. I might roll them. I recently saw youtube.com/watch?v=ge18Ieyi9bI and i was thinking on painting my army on a similar color scheme and give my HQ a square head like the one of the protagonist for the first part.

>When I just posted one
>Zero (You)s

8th isn't even very controversial.

The vast majority of people think it's going to be great. The people bitching and whining about it are those who bitch and whine about absolutely anything.

What i meant to type was:
It looks like the new changes will be a significant buff to nids and orks with their weak saves being ignored by mortal wounds and their nonstandard psychic powers being better on average

I can't wait for Chaos butthurt over Ghazzy Krumping Angron.

I will be p much till 8th. Don't suppose anyone is in comfy driving distance from Western MA?

Consistent with its history. The 1st War for Armageddon was Angron and his forces vs. the Imperium. 2nd/3rd Wars were Orks vs. the Imperium.

Too capable of combat. I'm more thinking something soft skinned that's basically a taxi.

Something like a Tauros with a flatbed.

Share the tutorial, my man. I've always wanted to make a cool DKoK diorama and that might work well in a muddy road.

>tfw the warp rift will never be fixed and the imperium is permanently fucked to suit chaos

I'm stuck in the only area in Michigan that doesn't have a gaming group.

Kinda sucks as I had one years ago.


You can always hope.

I'm thinking he'd be the next demon primarch to pop up but Mortarion's giving me a run for the money.

Yeah, I didn't miss that throwback.

As someone with an explicit track record of bitching about Superheavies, forgeworld, Str: D and people in a gaming group doubling up on races...
I dislike that assertion.

My Tau army doesn't trust Ethereals so it serves under the Farsight Enclaves. Im not very original.