Filename thread

Previously on Veeky Forums

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I don't get it


Read a book, whydontcha


It's a joke about Drizzt dual wielding scimitars



>LV 20 and still casually ignoring the BBEG.

Isn't -1000 below absolute zero?

aye. Therein lies a joke.




Fae corgies!

Fuck off, small-sized Cavaliers are awesome.

>Did not understand the setting

Shit like this happens every time I run a campaign with a particular group
They are my favorite group

The DM in that one wasn't too clever. There's all kinds of twisted shit he could have done. I mean I can't imagine Hell would have been all that interested in being flooded anyway so you think they could have just diverted it through other portals flooding cities. Also not sure why somehow passing water through heaven would necessarily make it holy water or why heaven itself would be happy about portal madness, meaning the players could have wound up with enemies on both ends of the divine spectrum. I mean if heaven was willing to help you'd have thought they'd have gotten off their damn clouds earlier. Not to mention the holy water could have become tainted with all the cross-dimensional shenanigans and then being dumped into the ocean. Seriously they could have been looking at a series of planar water spirits mixed with heaven and hell, they could have been all fucked up and just looking to rampage across the world and murder everything.

It IS adorable. I never was one for small elves, too creepy like living barbie dolls, but this is kind of winning me over.




I would play a game about The Malediction Prophecy if I could.

Would be better as
>Something something Bluff Check

I actually put together a World of Warcraft themed version of that song about a month back, it turns out that stress patterns are a bitch though.

Needs a filename. Probably about Paladins.

That sounds like a fun game.

It's why MaidRPG has the Butler.

Sorry, all I can think about is a shitty joke involving Bayformers Optimus.

Eh, that's not a particularly amusing image on its own, and all I can think of is something to do with either falling or fighter vs. paladin battle-cries.

Well, don't leave us in suspense here, how bad was it?



>David Eddings books



>The Librarian gets polymorphed into a crazy lady

>I have not a single creative bone in my body, not a single creative cell, not a single creative molecule ; filename threads aren't exactly the most complicated of artistic constraintst, you select an image of your own choice and adorn it with a text of your own choice that you can totally invent or reuse completely at your will, and I'm still horribly failing at both stages, and I will now bitch and demand that other people choose a text to adequately title the picture I failed to choose well.jpg

This picture is so wrong it hurts.

Holy shit muh dick.

I want one.

>Eye is a different size and color from her other eye



This looks promising.



Umm, it was titled "I am the very model of a Legion Semi-Casual" so take from that what you will. I'll figure out how to format it for posting on Veeky Forums if this thread is still up in the morning I guess, I'm too drunk for this shit currently.


this is a good one

So wait, is she bluffing someone or did the snowman bluff her? I NEED TO KNOW DAMMIT

Try and use your noodle, friend.

Silly user, it's impossible to dick a snowman because the cold is a dick's worst enemy beyond enemy crabs.

Even if you train yourself it'll just break off in the snow queen anyway.

Ye of little faith

All you really need is a condom of insulation, or maybe just a strapon.

How does anyone on Veeky Forums not know the glory of Oglaf?

Ridiculous and NSFW:

this is that comic with the loli vampire

i need source

I know it's not porn but she's cute


It's okay, we know you're imblying to seem cool in front of the rest of Veeky Forums. We don't judge, merely laugh.


Awesome read, fucking oriental folklore is spooky as hell.

Did you just assume my reading history?


Or recognized your obvious failure at retention.


I was going to be annoyed but then I noticed who made the video. Then I just wonder how it would incorporate him vomiting



>lvl 99 bard

Reminds me of that one thing I've read where a chick gets summoned to generic fantasyland to become the guardian of their god or something and proceeds to be angry for the duration of the whole thing.

>Woman dressed as knight
Sounds about right.

Are you suggesting she forcefully took the eye of some other girl (who may or may not be a sempai stealing whore)?

That eyepatch is really convincing. Maybe she blotched taking her own eye out but still thought the gesture was a good idea.

what game or story is that referencing?

Give John gills and make the pencil a dildo.



blood alone

I read it in his voice because of the filename. Goddammit.

That pic is Beautiful.

Would have been funny if they tried launching it into space. Then you start getting devils sucked into space.

What does Veeky Forums think of Star Vs.?









I'm pretty sure I just watched someone die.


Did the literal pieces of the suicide bomber flying through the air tell you that?




Didn't know there was a suicide bomber involved.