Stat me, Veeky Forums

Stat me, Veeky Forums

Ravnos antediluvian.

Nope. Hes less a Character and more an Event.

Fuckmothering Vampire

That's pretty much what antediluvians are.

>I killed a LOT of people to get this title. I deserve to be addressed as such.


We get it you saw the abridged series.
Lord forbid you put any effort into thinking up a joke yourself.

That's what the Antediluvians are. If I'm remembering correctly their main power or something is named "Plot Device."

It's really all I got, the anime sucks, the abridged series is all I can manage.

>the anime sucks,

The disembodied gun-bound soul of Bruce Willis is displeased.


I've never played in a even remotely good let alone coherent WoD game so I'll have to take your word on it.

It's difficult to stat him. And it's not the stats. He's definitely got super stats, but nothing comparable to a god. He has been killed over and over again.

It's just that he has so so many lives and unique abilities. Statting every single ability and fully ruling out the multiple life ability is a feat, and when he "unlocks"......that's as many people noted, a full scale event.

One person can't do this.

We need Veeky Forums.

Sure hope you're talking about the original anime and not the Ultimate series.

The OP of the original anime was really good though.

At least the easiest thing to stat is his coffin, mainly because it's implied that if you can destroy that you could bypass his life system and just murder him.
At least I think, I don't recall if that was Ult or original that established that but I know he had something with his coffin.

One would think.

But his coffin is almost never even mentioned, much less fully explained.

I mean, is it just some regular coffin with some locks on Alucard? Or actually something powerful?

I have no idea.....

Either way he doesn't want people near his coffin. I read on a VS thread some point that he actually got nervous when somebody tried to destroy it, but is that actually true?
If so then it's either sentimental, or it's his achilles heel somehow.

I'd swap the "original series" and "Ultimate" in that sentence.

The original series had a shit ending and terrible animation.

Ultimate had shit drawing and mediocre everything else.

His coffin appears in The Dawn, going to post a few pages of it.



And that's it because Hirano is a lazy fuck.

Well, at least we got to see the based Captain again for a few seconds.

chaotic angst

Level 12 6 levels worth of monster powers gnosis 30

Plot Device/10.

Pre-Hellsing, pretty much what you see in the "Dracula" novel but with more zombies and less ugliness.

During-Hellsing, functionally more powerful then an antediluvian although less in the sense of plot device scale powers and more in the sense of requiring you to burn immense amounts of resources to even have a shot at killing him.

Post-Hellsing, full plot device.

+1 Cheeky Dickwaffle

>Fat Nazis!