Do you want Malal/Malice to be 100% canon in 40k? (sons of malice make him semi canon)
Imo I like the idea of a fifth chaos god who thrives anarchy and chaos within chaos.
If they make him true canon, how much would he effect the lore?
Do you want Malal/Malice to be 100% canon in 40k? (sons of malice make him semi canon)
Imo I like the idea of a fifth chaos god who thrives anarchy and chaos within chaos.
If they make him true canon, how much would he effect the lore?
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only if they give him a symbol better then a skull.
the other gods don't have actual objects for symbols, and neither should he.
Only if he gets a counter part for order
I don't think Malal is very interesting. I don't think it'd add anything useful to the game, and what's more, with GW's increasingly simplified way of looking at the Chaos Gods, Malal would just end up even shitter anyway.
The thing is very much that he could never be a greater god of chaos.
Malal's prime emotion is spite, which if we break it down is a form of anger and hatred and those are Khorne's turf. While Malal feeds on spite, Khorn feeds on anger and aversion period. And even if we rearranged some lore or did some mental gymnastics to separate and distinguish Malal's emotion, there's the original canon that says Malal will forever and always be a parasite god waxing and waning with the other gods. He can never "win" the great game, he's always just a leveller at best.
With that said, I'd actually love to see more Chaos gods and actually dive deeper into the spectrum of undivided. Break the monopoly of the big four, make their supremacy ever contested not only by eachother but by lesser deities, as well, and make it very clearly so at any given moment.
In a sense, AoS toppling Slaanesh and giving rise to the Horned Rat was amazing, however unsatisfying because why only take one god down? Why not make Khorne, mightiest of gods in an age of eternal bloodshed, shiver as the outburst of violence gave rise to daemons of all kinds of malicious emotion who made the skullthrone collapse under the pressure? Who is to say it was all seething hot, blind rage when it could just as well have been ice cold murder and numbing revulsion? Why not let a god emerge who brought nurgle's joviality and tzeencht's hope together so that self-delusion and naivety would form a new realm of chaos?
And why should the greater four not always be on edge because of these upstarts as opposed to just barely noticing these blimps in the void?
He would probably eat Slaneesh
Posting this homebrew again. All that's missing is a name for Malal's unique Chaos Space Marine character, some Hellforged Artefacts (we only have 1) and a 6th spell.
I wouldn't mind at all, if anything it'll simply change up the format of what we currently have. Hell, the fricking Horned Rat is a Chaos god now and he's similar to Nurgle in a bunch of ways.
Really it all depends on how they portray him and the factions related to him.
Speaking of which, for shits and giggles I've been trying to come up with an Age of Sigmar faction for Malal that's similar to what we have in that 1d4chan page. I simply have general ideas and names for units at the moment while trying to keep to the theme of Malal as close as I can.
My headcannon, is that he is disguised as Harlequin, using the elves, to fuck with Chaos.
>Malal is Cegorach
>Omnissiah is Void Dragon
Is anyone else actually a Chaos God and/or C'tan?
Just Nork, but he's cool
It would be nice if Malal was their real reason why the fighting and chaos has been going on for so long and why neither side can really gain the advantage.
>only if they give him a symbol better then a skull.
>the other gods don't have actual objects for symbols, and neither should he.
This. Besides, in the 40k-verse skulls are just generic and ubiquitous as hell. They shouldn't even seem scary to people since they've been seeing them everywhere since birth.
I love the idea of Malal. He is the natural consequence of Chaos itself. Chaos inevitably results in infighting, self loathing and anarchic chaos and that is the essence of Malal. He is the most Chaos god of them all.
Also, stark black and white colour scheme and ravaging cannibalism is bitching.
>Malal was their real reason why the fighting and chaos has been going on for so long
That would be pretty awesome and would be a frickin' sweet plot twist, really let some cool things be done with the story.
so of course GW won't do anything even close
>That would be pretty awesome and would be a frickin' sweet plot twist
No, that would be stupid as shit.
>so of course GW won't do anything even close
>It would be nice if Malal was their real reason why the fighting and chaos has been going on for so long and why neither side can really gain the advantage.
Well, that is Malal's purpose
Malal didn't have a purpose.
Stop with embarassing fanfic tier shit please.
It will also be called Jamal.
This, I would love to see Khorne get throw down of his throne and have all sort of khornish major demons representing different subset of him fighting for it. Would perfectly fit his "domain".
Also, I like the idea that even the gods aren't safe in such an universe.
>It would be nice if Malal was their real reason why the fighting and chaos has been going on for so long and why neither side can really gain the advantage.
Considering this is chaos, he would be both the reason and the result of chaos infighting.
> (OP)
>It would be nice if Malal was their real reason why the fighting and chaos has been going on for so long and why neither side can really gain the advantage.
go fuck yourself
Sounds interesting.
Maybe like Chaos Gods + Undevided making them the 5 highest gods.
And then make Malal and others into companion chaos gods?
Maybe they add several aspects to the army.
Maybe Malal/Malice should be all leechs, moscitos and ticks like?
Malal is a very interesting concept, but it should never be considered a mayor player. The same goes for Necoho but even less prominent.
I think it would be interesting if the pantheon shifts repeatedly, but always eventually settles on 4 gods, with 2 sets of opposed ones. The 40k pantheon has stabilized with Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Khorne while the AoS pantheon is undergoing a shift, with the Horned Rat replacing Slaanesh. Malal would take the place of Khorne, being opposed to the Horned Rat. It's a good opposite, while the Horned Rat tries to bring Chaos into ascendency, Malal tries to tear Chaos down. The Horned Rat uses quantity over quality while Malal prefers quality over quantity. The Horned Rats servants have constant backstabbing while Malal's servants have a sense of camaderie.
I think Malal works fine as is- he's so paradoxical as a concept that him existing in this weird non-canon/sorta canon state feels appropriate. Few would know about Mala in the universe of 40k, and even less would worship him. The few who do have to be a very unique sort of disturbed.
He's a creepy, obscure little detail and I think it's more fun to be left that way.
I like the shifting idea, it makes so that chaos isn't so static and that even the gods have their moments of weakness that they have to watch out for.
>Malal's servants have a sense of camaderie.
This is what I always pictured for Malal's servents, madmen who's only sense of warped trust can be placed with other madman.
Malal is literally Horus' magic time chamber tier retarded. Its a stupid idea that adds nothing to the canon.
A perverse part of me wants to play a malal based game and tear down chaos.
What does his win condition look like?
>What does his win condition look like?
I guess killing Totem units, God Specific Demons, Champions, and units wins you an extra point.
Unless that's too cheese.
A bunch of dead corpses including yourself. Parasitism, paradox, and self-destruction are all components of his doctrine. Considering he's anti-Chaos as well as anti-everything, it only makes sense that he'd also destroy himself. It's why it's stated that his followers don't last very long, save for a few choice characters.
I like the idea of expanding on pantheons in the setting. We have numerous anecdotal tidbits about thunder gods and bizarre alien beings or warp entities floating around, seemingly affiliated with none of the major Chaos players. The Deathwatch has lost the good part of a few Kill Teams to these entities. It's also mentioned that, while there's often a good deal of smaller deities running around, they pretty quickly get absorbed into one of the four major players, but it would certainly be interesting to see their forms before they become incorporated, or detail a few who manage to stay outside their notice simply by being too insignificant.
From a game perspective, yes, the big four are the main points, creating a two-axis system where undivided is in the middle/taking a center portion of the diagram and the big four representing an end to a spectrum each. Minor gods, therefore, become patron deities of more diverse battle tactics.
In lore, though, it should be much more that Undivided is the supreme concept to which all other gods are subject. Chaos just "is", like water, and the gods and daemons are just the sharks in it. As such of course you got the great whites, possibly prehistoric survivors who lurk in the deep, while there's millions of younger creatures who may be just as lethal sometimes and the only reason the two haven't battled is because they hunt in different waters.
It would mean that each chaos god can only be found in a distinct location of the warp, and i'm not sure how people would take to this idea, especially seeing how there's this one osbcure bit of lore that says the dark four aren't even embodied beings but rather formless consciousnesses, and as such capable of being everywhere at any given time. However if we disregarded that, we could make it so the gods major and minor are situated in a specific place of the warp, but their warpfuckery allows them to reach any believer or sensitised being in realspace.
These guys know what's up.
Undivided is NOT a god - it includes Malal and ALL other demons not part of the big four. It is NOT a unified force NOR a single entity.
Undivided is the pure force, i know, but its still worshipped like a deity, that is why i wrote 5 gods.