Rank the members of each cycle from worst to best:
A. Lorwyn Command Cycle
B. Zendikar Rare Tapland Cycle
C. M11 Titan Cycle
D. Theros God Cycle
E. DTK Command Cycle
F. Kaladesh Gearhulk Cycle
G. Amonkhet God Cycle
Rank the members of each cycle from worst to best:
A. Lorwyn Command Cycle
B. Zendikar Rare Tapland Cycle
C. M11 Titan Cycle
D. Theros God Cycle
E. DTK Command Cycle
F. Kaladesh Gearhulk Cycle
G. Amonkhet God Cycle
A.Cryptic>> Primal> Austere> Profane>> Incendiary
B. Valakut>> Emeria> Oran-Rief= Magosi> Agadeem
C. Primeval>> Sun= Grave= Inferno>> Frost
D. Purphoros> Erebos= Thassa> Nylea> Heliod
E. Kolaghan's> Atarka's= Dromoka's> Ojutai's>> Silumgar's
F. Torrential> Verdurous> Noxious>> Cataclysmic> Combustible
G. Rhonas> Kefnet= Hazoret>> Bontu> Oketra
Bontu is better than Kefnet
Rhonas >>> Kefnet = Oketra > Bontu >>> Hazoret
Definitely not.
Menace is a nice keyword to force something to happen in a God v God stand-off, but flying is more generally relevant, and Kefnet is a lot easier to turn on - Bontu pretty much has to go in a token deck and you have to make something new for him to eat every single turn, whereas drawing cards just happens automatically
There's no further need to discuss
user, I don't think you understand how easy repeatedly making a token is versus having seven cards in hand. We have planes walkers galore for tokens, drawing cards? Not so much
Kefnet is seeing play in 5-0 MTGO lists so I'm going to say no. Bontu is shit.
Bontu needs an Aristocrat list to fit into and I don't see one forming right now.
Unless WoTC somehow reprints CoCo in Hour of Devastation, I don't see that happening any time soon. All the good Aristocrat creatures are in Shadows Over Innistrad Block, which is rotating when Ixalan comes out.
Yaheeni? Syndicate Trafficker? All the fabricate cards that synergize with them?
I will add however, in a Servo deck I'd much rather play Herald of Anguish than Bontu.
Agadeem is bad, but nowhere near as awful as Magosi. No way Dromoka's is on the same level as Atarka's.
Magosi is aight
Wizards can't put a question like this on their surveys because players who do their surveys haven't been playing long enough to know what all these cycles are.
So they ask the question on Veeky Forums.
I would say Combustible Gearhulk is tied with Cataclysmic. Both effects have that chance to completely change the outcome of the game.
But other than that, /thread.
Just because on the whole Bontu's condition is easier to meet than Ketnet's doesn't immediately mean he's better. Decks can be built around maintaining a well stocked hand which Kefnet will fit into them perfectly.