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Tell me about an oddly specific fantasy you have for cyoa purposes.

Eldritch deity CYOA.

killing frogs with infinite magical power cyoa

This and cult/religion cyoa

I'd like to be the older brother of a shounen anime protagonist. I've had this fantasy ever since I saw HxH, specifically how Illumi and Killua get along. I'd be less insane though.

Pick your Bossfu update coming through. Feedback welcome although I'll probably use it in my new cyoas, as I don't think this one will need more updates.

>Which boss did you pick strawpoll

List of noteworthy changes:
>Added shadow to the text
>Added job descriptions to all bossfus
>Added "All romantic options are completely facultative" to the introduction
>Janet changes
Work environment less hostile for less ambitious anons
Fleshed out the advantages of working under Janet
Fleshed out the differencies between Janet's and Erica's leadership styles
Alice had a mental breakdown and had to quit her job. Vivian took her place.
>Madeleine changes
Replaced her chef with Gordon Ramsay
Added more info about her attitude towards the player
Made it clear that the work hours are flexible and the player won't spend too much time at work
Fleshed out the differencies between Janet's and Erica's leadership styles
Stated that Erica offers the highest starting salary
Made Erica less oppressive towards submissive players who survive her trial period
Added more info about the work environment
Made secretary path more attractive by stating that the player will earn more than regular secretaries
Made Beatrcie unavailable for beta cucks
Gave Monica and Beatrice new, less pixelated bodies

The CYOA is set about 50 years after the end of WW2, in an alternate timeline where the Japs didn't attack Pearl Harbor, the Nazis didn't attack Russia during Winter.
You are born to a family of Germans who were born after the end of WW2. Your parents have never known a World where the Nazis weren't superior.
There is a tiny "resistance" of Russia left. Each day they get smaller and smaller.
None of this is outright said in the CYOA
The whole CYOA is told in a very bright, cheery, comfy tone. Possibly centered around going to a boarding school because the Japanese have "colonies" in German-controlled countries . There will be options for a /u/ relationship with a cute, meek darkhaired girl.
Even the option of picking your Slave -
that doesn't explain her personality or even show an image because the Jews are less than dogs and you do not acknowledge them are portrayed in bright colors.
Basically, the whole World is happy. So happy you can't help but go to sleep with a smile on your face imagining this perfect World.

>the Nazis didn't attack Russia during Winter
So, like IRL?

Can I be a Boy?

Ever? Never?


Don't be mean to the /pol/tard, he's fragile. And yes, facts are mean. Play along with his delusions.

Can I be a Boy and kiss other Boys?

ghost cyoa where you die and come back as a ghost
but not as a cute ghost, a spooky ghost.

No. Unless you're breeding a nice blond, blue eyed german girl you are a nonperson only fit for the furnaces.

fucking bmp format

Things I considered by decided not to implement:
Didn't make her a single mom, more challenging work environment should be enough.
Didn't add people working in the restaurant as "standalone" coworkers because it would feel like changing an already working bossfu into something almost entirely new. Unlike Janet, Madeleine didn't need an overhaul.
I realize she's still not going to be very popular after the buffs but decided against making even bigger changes because it would feel more like adding a new character than fixing a flawed one. I hope she'll steal some anons from Erica and Roxanne, but if she won't, I'll just consider her a design failure.
Wanted to describe Vivian as attractive but promiscuous or militantly feminist. Decided not to because didn't want to repeat the mistake of adding a character nobody would like. Marc's different because Marcfags know they'd fuck him but would never admit it, even on anonymous vietnamese throat singing forum.
Vivian is still described as a free spirit but I didn't state that she'll certainly cheat on the player. It's up to him to keep her faithful and I thought it's better to leave it unwritten.
No big buffs because fuck you. Making the job more lucrative or making Zoe helpful in meeting qt grills would make this path way too attractive.
Considered making her much fatter but realized almost nobody would pick her if she wasn't moderately attractive.
Considered dropping more hints that Jared is gay but didn't want to make it obvious. Would have to redesign the whole workshop path to be able to drop more subtle hints.

Wanted to make it clear that Erica's more into mental domination and Monica's more into physical sadism but Erica's description is already way too long.
Didn't cut the parts about Erica's nervousness because A) they make her more human and B) removing stuff is gay
Didn't make Corinne more attractive because I saw at least one user say he would pick her and she's already super hot and intelligent so more buffs wouldn't change too much. Taking the kid away would kill her character, making her a wasted space in the cyoa.

Elise is unchanged and therefore remains best girl

Janet sounds like a terrible boss, making your best employees spend time and effort in sabotaging each other instead of working together was one of the reasons for the financial crisis.

It will never be made. You can imagine being a boy and not going to the German-Japanese boarding school and tenderly dominate a submissive Jap

please tell me this is a joke, and you aren't actually this clueless

Shadow under text looks horrible

The Janet changes are great. Big fan of Vivian.

>remembering that thread where people came up with a Limbo version of this but it never got made

What were they again?

Has anyone done a smug anime girl waifu cyoa? One that's full of irritating smug smiles and equally smug personalities?

No one did. Some idiot wanted SDA to make a cyoa about... nothing. That's what Limbo is.
No but go for it.

SDA's posting.

Don't know, haven't been here for a while. Though I do remember someone making a neutral cyoa for that OTHER seven sins cyoa setting. Did that ever get made?

horrible because of execution or horrible in general? I added it because anons complained about Madeleine being hard to read without shadow. I could give her a different color I guess.

Might as well contribute.

A combination sci-fi and fantasy setting with spaceships, magic, elves, and a bit of an arabian motif.

>Though I do remember someone making (...)
>Did that ever get made?
You literally contradicted yourself

Jobs remain outside my interests/expertise, so I'll continue picking based on which one I'm least likely to fuck up and/or get absolutely fed up with.
In other words, still picking Elise.

Damn, Wrath has just the wrong drawback. I guess I'll take Gluttony.

I meant hearing about it, my mistake there.
So did it get made or not? It was posted around the time of the remake.

Gluttony will literally kill you in days.
Pride and Sloth are the only even somewhat useful.

>that Gluttony drawback
>implying there's something wrong with always feeling slightly hungry
>implying it's normal to feel bloated and stuffed 24/7

America was a mistake.

>Gluttony will literally kill you in days.

It did not because the idea of neutral of two extremes is fucking retarded and everyone with a brain knows this.

All the others either don't interest me or have too big drawback, so no second pick.

I see. Thanks for the information.

Anything interesting happen within the past couple of weeks? Been a bit busy with other things.

>your metabolism skyrockets
>how will it kill you
have fun if you go without food for 6 hours

>Your metabolism skyrockets
If you understand what the metabolism is you understand why you will be in agony until you die in a few days.
The tl,dr version includes feeling like you're boiling on the inside (because you are, your mitochondria working extra hard e.g. if you're OD'ing on DNP will generate heat), you will need more food than you can eat (that's what skyrocket means), and even if you do eat enough calories, remember that protein synthesis also skyrockets. Chips and soda and whatever else obese people eat does not have much protein. You cannot rebuild enough muscle to offset the breakdown.

I would not wish this on my worst enemy. Death by starvation is horror. You die from suffocation because you break down the muscles in your lungs meaning you can no longer remove phlegm from your lungs.


>Study genetics/cybernetics.
>Become good at manufacturing them.
>Have the resources to do so.

Best choice, hands down.

I have a really slow metabolism. So if it skyrockets that would put me at normal levels.

>download a video of any anyone doing any thing...so long as it actually happened
That's actually broken. Since it's not restricted to only working on sexual events, you can see literally anything in history. The drawback isn't even a problem from using the active like this.

Author here. EVENTUALLY

maybe you shouldn't think so deeply about demon offering to magic your ass into nonfatness.

maybe you should go see the dictionary about the word skyrocket

You can bet your ass I'd be thinking deeply about anything a demon was offering to me. They don't tend to be the most honest folk out there.

I'll take Pride and Wrath. Pride's powers are amazing, and I already have a relatively short attention span. There's nobody I really hate, so Wrath's passive power works well for me-it gives me some satisfaction when Pride's drawback causes people to be asses to me, but I'll never mind too much when they get sympathy. Doubt I'll ever kill someone, but it's a pretty powerful tool if needs be. Could also arguably be used for good (eg for corrupt politicians who have good policies but don't live up to them, martyring them will punish them whilst having the public idolise their policies).

>Any event in history.
>They still think you're a pervert.

>Washington, sir. What seems to be the matter.
>I just realized [blank] is a pervert.
>Who is [blank]?
>That is what worries me.

>I have a really slow metabolism
I will literally stab myself and post proof if you can post your T3 results from your doctor.

Why would I go without food for 6 hours?

for example when the food in the fridge runs out and you have to go to the barren wasteland that is """outside""" you dumb frogposter

Look, user, it's not my fault you don't know what metabolism means, or blindly accept a demon's word.

Don't stab yourself.

I was given 3 iodine injections to fix my hyperthroidism by an incompetent doctor. Now my thyroid is dead.

>He doesn't get his food a few days in advance, just in case something important comes up.

Where are the new Angel pics folks were talking about?

Why is it when the world has created tens of thousands of Pepes the local frogposters insist on using only a handful.

Up your game fool.


Some need to keep their value.

You think I'm made out of rare pepes, bitch?!

>iodine injectons
>to fix HYPERthyroidism
What the actual hell? Holy shit what the fuck

>tfw no microorganism druid cyoa

It's such a beautiful day CYOA when?

You lost your third eye, now you will never join the psionic awakening. Sad days.

Do you...do you think you could alter history like that? Forcing the thought of user being a pervert at a crucial moment in time?

Anything's possible!


You don't even need to do it in a crucial moment. Just by making the slightest change earlier in the timeline will impact the movement of quantum particles (as it is truly random and chaotic in nature), making the metaphorical butterflies fly on from that point of divergence. The number of changes will increase the further down the timeline you used it.

Reposting, because I didn't get my build done in time.
>Defender's Kit
Better safe than sorry.

Nothing else has enough space.

Easy sounds nice.

>Water Slime
Absolutely free.

>Sub-Area (Dark Cave)
>Corral (Soothing Music)
x Phosphor Slime
>>Boom Slime
Hopefully, the Phosphor Slimes should help the Boom Slime relax a bit.

>Corral (Plort Collector)
>>Rad Slime
>>Rock Slime
>>Crystal Slime
And this is why I picked the armor.

>Garden (Mix)
>Chicken Coop (Vita-Rays)
>Compost (Increased quality)
Enough to feed the slimes, and a good deal extra to boot.

>Private Room (Right Mood)
>Science (For Science!)
Xenobiology is best biology.

Net profit: 9 coins, Rad plort, Hunter plort

Time to see what sort of slimes I can make - though I'll need an assistant if the farm gets too much bigger.

Some comments:
>How much money do the contracts give compared to raw sales?
>I assume that the mechanics are slightly different than the game, such as slime breeding instead of Largos. Did you think of any combinations?
>There really isn't any reason to take a Sub-Area of anything besides Dark Cave or Jungle, unless you get the free things from Flatlands or Rainforest.

Is the object of this cyoa to win every-man-for-himself/free for all style, or to eliminate the opposing team?

I don't want to fuck my boss and get fired if I no longer satisfy her. As such I read the job first and ignored how thirsty the waifu may be.
Job is straight-forward and simple. First job is firing the cook because I am not letting a dick that can't communicate work. Frankly that he has had a job here shows Madeleine is not fit to be the owner.
Also firing the lazy piece of shit waiter.

I don't even see a reason to keep reading. All i have to do is fire two cunts and it sounds like the job is smooth sailing.

that's old version.

And ruleswise there's basically very little reason for anyone to stab each other, except Netherlord vs Beelzebub and Everyone vs Slayer.

Guardian Angel assuming it's the good version. Not participating in Edgelord vs. "I am not an Edgelord!!!" if it's the shit version.

Forgot to add the
>Playground (Waterslide)

Remove the Compost to make room for it.

It's to chose cool powers. After that, whether you fight for yourself or others, alone or in a team, it's your call.

The real objective is this.


>lost your third eye
i think that's a good thing, i wouldn't want to be a mutant

>user keeps proving to retarded authors not to post their FUCKING WIPS

remove this
looks pretty gay

She already seems like best girl.

Can't wait for the rest

>Isn't a person
>Is best girl


Animals aren't people either, and I'm pretty sure there are females of those.

paladin monster girl cockroach cyoa

Be an evil god, you are powered by the sins and crimes committed by people within your territory, gaining more from some sins/crimes than others based upon your choices. So while say murder should give you more power than someone committing rape, if you choose rape as your thing you could get more power from rape than murder.

If your intent is to make the Zoe option the clear shittiest option that's completely fine. I just thought it was weird you kept talking about "balance" when that one has by far the shittiest job. (And I guess there's nothing there for waifufags either, so it has nothing to compensate for having the worst job.)

Did this CYOA ever get finished? I only have a WIP copy from about a week ago and wondering if the author ever filled it in.

Rankings (based on job only. who cares about waifus):

> Top tier

Madeleine - easy and running a restaurant is pretty comfy
Janet - she's tough, but at least you get to do "creative" stuff I guess

> Medium tier

Roxanne - secretary isn't really that bad of a job
Erica - some good potential for money and growth, but you do have a crazy boss, which isn't good. Also, very much the rat race.

> Bottom tier

Elise - manual labor is boring, but at least the work environment sounds decent

> Shit tier

Zoe - for barely any pay and weird hours you "get" to follow around a vapid youtube "star" talking endlessly about paranormal bullshit

You posted in the wrong thread, my man.

You should ask in /d/ where that belongs, you've got explicit uncensored stuff in there that doesn't belong on a blue board.

Dangit guys, I just got fired!

>an easy and flexible job with a friend
Doesn't sound bad to me. If someone came up to me and said they needed my help with this stuff, I'd do it. Besides, as a NEET, I already have few expenses, so I don't need much money to support my current lifestyle.

>Running a restaurant is pretty comfy
No it isn't

In animu land it is.

In the real world, I don't like any of these jobs and will just keep doing what I already do, thanks.

Miracle is still my choice.

Kingdom/world creation CYOAs. Not necessarily being a god, but it could be king/queen/demonlord/eldritch abomination, etc.

Inb4 2edgy, but I think this actually has some potential, too.