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can't we all just get along- edition

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First for FemMarines are real.

New Zelda has a chainsword.


Let's start with an exercise

>say something unironically nice about your least favorite existing faction in 40k then point out a flaw about your favorite one


What if the numarines are human/eldar hybrids? Also femarines

Should i fill in the finger imprints on the greenstuff using liquid greenstuff? the thing im working on is way to delicate to smooth with a tool.

>Riptide is cool I guess

>Orks are kind of retarded

>Space Marine Marines

Cute Sisters yuri fan fiction when?

I don't care. I hate cucks who cry about everything, but I know girls won't come in waves to play wh40k of they add femspess.

We will get some cool erotic conversion and people who play SoB will have something else, and if we never get female sm no one will care except cucks.

Avatars look cool
Obnoxious players

Gif should be renamed HarlemPowerRangers

Tau have nifty shoulder pads. Orks won't really amount to much probably.

Well i guess wraithbone is kinda cool.

Templars are autists but i love them nonetheless

Wraith units are pretty cool, both fluff and models
7e markerlights are boring as fuck to play with and against, and are complete bullshit against armies that rely on cover

Let's face it crunchwise they have fantastic units.
>Dark Angels
Space jews

wet finger, rub it down.

Also, 6 minutes
50% shitposts and replies.

Okay Veeky Forums
You are given the chance to go on a romantic date with and then make sweet love/get plowed by one character from the 40k universe during any time in their life
Pic related

>cool erotic conversion
Not sure if i want that honestly

thunder warriors

Nids have some truly devoted fans
Admech should not have been one codex, is a bit power creep burdened and lots of autists have been drawn to it

>Eldar have cool designs and they have a really nice lore

>"muh average man going aganst daemons in stalingrad" can be cancerous as fuck
also retarded (and often inconsistent) tactics

>tfw went to visit my local gaming club yesterday for a chat
>everyone already thinks 8th edition is going to be shit and "we'll have to really consider whether we should stay with 7th edition or move on"

Reminder to ignore shitposters.

Tyranids are still very scary and an awesome adversary in the fluff. Makes for fantastic battles and last stands.

Too much SM kills the SM. I won't refuse them, but I probably won't use the New Marines for my Charcharodons, first for fluffy reasons and second because they weren't really needed.

>Tempestus Scions had a good premise.

>Orks have too many dated models.

you are getting fem numarines instead


So how will markerlight work in 8th edition? Are they the "psychic powers" for tau? Would be pretty silly if your pathfinder shas'vre shouts sternly to lord of change and shuts down his doombolt or whatever.


>They are pretty and cool I guess

Alpha Legion

>They don't even know what they're doing anymore (or they didn't even know from the start)

Tau mechs look cool I guess, admech has almost no vehicles.

Fuck indeed, looks like your entire community is tocxic.
Not just a few rotten eggs.

My shop had the exact thing too, everyone freaked out for a minute because a lot of them were former WFB players who felt like it was the end times all over, everyone said they probably will just stuck with 7th, but as more news came out and butthurt died down pretty much everyone is ready to make the jump pretty much asap

Run to another place buddyboy. Pessimistics are the worse kind of people. And I say that as a French. We are litteraly the most pessimistic people on earth.

In my local gaming shops (games workshop store, general gaming store and 40k group) people are really curious on how it will be, even if everyone is worried about the loss of armor value and templates



Khorne has a playing style that I'd most likely like, and Tzeentch's bird are often cool my problem is only with this two. I don't really care about Nurgle and I really like Slaanesh

Space Wolves' wolfyness can definitely put some people off, and they could use a few more norse element, maybe taken from less known myths (since the most well known are already used, for the most part)

>A Melee Race

Think global
Purge local

>Cult Ambush is cool

>Marines are dime a dozen


Lots of viable army builds and strong units

Sitting back and nuking the opposing army from the other side of the table isn't exactly the most interactive playstyle

That's only because noone in Finland can summon up the will to fill in questionnaires.

Yeah, I'm just worried because this was after all the news we've had so far. And it's the only group of people who play locally, where it's actually feasible for me to get a game unless I move town.

It's the same shit each edition shift.

How would you guys do alpha legion cultists? The actual cultist models are too chaos-y for my tastes. I was thinking of doing something with scions, though not sure how i would distinguish them

pic kind of what I want to go for.





>tfw went to visit my local gaming club yesterday for a chat
>No one else showed up and I was alone in the store
Where did everyone go? They suddenly stopped showing up and I dont know why.

We used to have such fun games and now my local community is a ghost town.

The insane variety of units and flavorful rules they have makes me jealous.

>Dark Eldar
We're REALLY fucking edgy and massed poison fire works much less effectively against blobs which can sometimes make the army overall even worse than it already is.

I actually thought about Nordic countries when writing this post. And I made sure to write pessimistic, and not depressed. Although France is the biggest consumer of antidepressants, I would indeed argue that Nords tend to be more depressed.
However, French people are a lot more pessomistic. Not the same thing. You could have the besy thing in the world going, you'd still have a sizeable chunk of the population being grumpy and saying it's shit.

That's sad. We had the same thing when AoS hit, months upon months of no scheduled gaming nights.

Nids fulfill a needed role of the great big galactic locust horde.

Guardsmen are kind of vanilla bland compared to almost everything else, and the Tau were rather overpowered in the past. There is nothing wrong with their weeb designs btw fuck you

I like how the tau do real science, and tackle problems they face with a sense of actual logic.

their guns look FUCKING stupid.

Well yesterday we were 18 people away at a tourney, but that's in the unlikely coincidence that your LGS is near my game area.

>all the autists holed up home shitposting on dicka dicka and warseer about how 8th edition is "literally age of the emprah"


If you can make a new faction, what would they be?

You can snip/file off most of the chaos iconography except for the stubber/flamer model's masks. That's what I've done, since I picked up like 40 DV cultists to use as GSC/Chaos/Rebels/any other humies with autoguns

Mfw dark Eldar splinter weapons wound my guardsmen on 4s


row-boot-ey gill-uh-muhn

Can I remove factions first?

hey man... that like, hurts my feelings n stuff.

>cool erotic conversion



Grand Alliance Rak'ghoul/Hrud

>You could have the besy thing in the world going, you'd still have a sizeable chunk of the population being grumpy and saying it's shit.

Danes share the odd distinction of being the Second happiest people in the word.. and the Most complaining.

But that's just our way, instead of the weather or politics, complaints are the go-to topic.


im sorry bb

>Craftworld Eldar
Some of the Aspect Warrior designs are fucking awesome. I'm getting some really good mileage out of some old Striking Scorpions my friend gave me for kitbashing and converting my Inquisitor and his Crusaders for SWA. The arms, at least. The heads I might use as trophies for my carcharodons.

>Nurgle/Death Guard
The "we're killing/infecting everyone but we're really doing everyone a favour! Look at how happy we are! Look at how happy you should be!" motif is actually really fucking flat and dull. Also my faction enables neckbeards and bad hygiene

A guard regiment that plays differently from vanilla AM, maybe catachan or Steel legion

Steel Legion is just AM vets in chimeras user. I agree about the Catachans though, they should be much more stealth/ambush/CQC focused.

>mfw you could unironically use GSC rules for Catachans and it would work fine

How many of thses .gifs are there? I have the basilisk, battlewagon and now 'nids, but never managed to find the source.

pictures of our display board at adepticon. We did Imperial Armor IV. The board was supposed to be the holo display of Locke's last stand as viewed from orbit.

>mfw dark Eldar splinter weapons can't even hurt my necrons because you can't poison robots

Post some minis that are desperately in need of new models
>SoB cucks need not apply

I... uh?

its k

Why are tyranid players so gay?

whatre you guys working on?

Those fuckers also main Yoshi in Mario Kart.

>tyranid players
You already said it yourself



Christ, who the fuck won it if that's the kind of competition there was?



Go back to corkit

That's . . . actually really cool. Not sure how I feel about the costumes, but really, awesome board.

>Both eagles have eyes

Seriously: what the fuck?

nah, main toad

we won the display comp, feels good man

>mfw I hear the inquistor say there needs to be no witnesses and I've been logging the holorecording all night

If it counts, updating some of the non-cult legions with new stuff. Maybe IW with new vehicular toys and warsmiths or something like Word Bearers with new undivided daemon pets.

>steel legion, everything is mechanized.
>catachan, everything is blob.
what you want is ork hunters or chem dogs or dropfags



you called

At least they don't main yoshi in melee

>Renegade Knights
I guess it's nice for Chaos to get them too?
>Dark Eldar
Yeah we really need half-eldar half-daemon Drizzt-lookalikes in the faction that daemons love eating, and of course we can't win our own fights, Drizzt needs to save us from that daemon horde.
Why couldn't we have more normal (in comparison) half-eldar like Roboute is going to get?

>if i say the magic R word, I can win any argument

its like Veeky Forums is really /v/ now

She got included in DoW 3 so be happy with that

if you're going to poke fun at a community do it fucking right faggot.
>couldn't think of a name for WS but could for DD
>has to call someone else a plebbitor.
eat shit my dude