>there are people who hate fun so much they tell others what their characters can and cannot wear
There are people who hate fun so much they tell others what their characters can and cannot wear
>there are people this bad at trolling
If I'm not the GM I don't really care one way or the other, but honestly I don't think it's entirely unreasonable for a GM to say "no, that outfit wouldn't make sense in this setting".
I mean you wouldn't expect a knight in gothic plate in a sword and sorcery setting where everyone runs around in fur and loincloths, just like you wouldn't expect someone in metal lingerie in a semi-realistic medieval fantasy setting.
There are people who hate tits so much they don't want them in their games.
My players' characters can dress as slutty as they want, but if you're a fighter trying to engage monsters in close quarters I expect you to cover up with some real armor. Sluttiness is for rogues, bards, and mages only.
It's not about telling you what or what not to do.
We're just kind enough to let you know that you're about to embarrass yourself without telling you straight which would hurt your feelings by making you realize what a cringy sperg you are.
I force all my players to wear hats that looseley correspond to their class.
Even if they dont wear hats. The only exception is the monk because "Baldness" counts as a hat.
That's literally classist.
What about barbarians?
So if I play a druid I need to have a tree on my head?
As a fan of sexy armour, context is important.
If someone tries to create a character in slutplate in a dark, gritty fantasy setting, the GM and the rest of the group is entirely justified to tell them to knock it the fuck off.
On the other hand, if a GM and the rest of the group are fine with a goofy fantasy setting full of weird and wonderful outfits that nevertheless function just fine, the person insisting they should stop because it's not realistic is also a total asshole.
Nuance, y'know?
The obvious answer is magic. Whether enchanted boobplate or ordinary armour glamoured to look sexy.
Warriors can be slutty too!
the druid wears a Phrygian cap with antlers attached.
Hes also a Trudvang style dwarf so he look s abit like a grumpy garden gnome.
The ranger wears a hat with trophies on it, the Paladin has a Sallet and so on.
I don't know about you, but I don't enjoy a guy RPing as a chick in slutty armor.
This is the biggest issue. Tits and cheesecake are fine, watching a socially retarded neckbeard drool over them is not.
Actually you know, I COULD buy the mage doesn't need armor argument, but thieves? Ok, it needs to let them be sneaky and shit, but armor is a necessity for someone that goes backstabbing the BBEG right on his ass, far from the fighter.
I don't know if this is awesome or terrible, probably both.
I don't know. When I think dark or gritty, I think something like Warhammer or Conan, but of which feature scantly clad babes.
When you're a walking muscle tank with natural armor, you can dress as slutty as you want.
You're thinking of pulp. Dark and gritty would be Berserk and Dark Souls, neither of which have boobplates.
Conan is cheesy, at least when compared to actual grimndark shit.
WHFRP I think aims for the picaresque, not really the gritty, certainly not fanservice.
Dark and Gritty =/= Berserk-style only
Berserk was just an example: there are other ways of dark and gritty, but none of them feature boobplates because there's a third word that's usually associated with dark and gritty, and that's "realistic".
Boobplates aren't dark and gritty. Boobplates are cheesy.
That's my bar for it. Also realism. I have a story in which I was DM,
>be me
>play with decent group
>decent people
>play a campaign with group as character
>DM couldn't keep doing it.
>am voted the new DM
>start a new campaign
>one guy decides to make super slutty looking human female fight.
>tell him I'd rather him not, I did so privately and away from the rest of the group
>he said he can't see why it's a problem
>start campaign
>end up in town
>have local clergy call his character out on her skankyness
>guy gives no shits
>clergy makes it impossible for party to talk to anyone in the town
>eventually the party bard rolls well enough to get someone talking
>party heads to dungeon
>decide to remove one of the rests I had planned in the first dungeon(basic goblin den)
>makes party use up their spell slots and health potions
>party heads back to town, near dusk
>party tells slut to stay outside of shop while they stock up
>have multiple men approach slut character and proposition her for sex
>player of slut is visibly upset but taking the challenges without complaint
>continue campaign in similar fashion
>player gets smart and buys cloak and wears in in town but removes it outside of town
>begins to describe and RP the slutty descriptions more
>keep taking planned rests out of the missions, make the party more reliant on trying to get NPCs to help out
>have NPCs proposition slut as much as possible without breaking immersion or character
>this goes on for numerous sessions
>as time goes on, have party become more and more known and recognized
>slut character becomes known as slut, even though the player never accepted any propositions
>rest of party is fine because they are enjoying the extra challenges
>they are getting more upset with it as the campaign goes one because the gag is getting old
>decide to press it
>have NPCs and random events where people are actively sexually harassing and then assaulting slut character
Do continue.
You sound like an arsehole, but you might as well continue.
The world will react to the actions and impressions of the player characters. If someone dresses like a slut they're going to receive wrong kind of attention. I think it's as good way to teach the players out of this stuff as there are.
You sound like you're being a dick. Passively aggressively fucking with someone IC for OOC bullshit just makes you an asshole and a shitty GM.
If you really don't think it's okay, then put your fucking foot down OOC and tell them that it's not okay rather than warping the whole game around your inability to accept it.
>Waaaah the world won't let me get away with playing my fetish characteeeer
>Dark and gritty =/= weird and wonderful outfits
>Dark and gritty = Dark Souls
And just like that a shitposting session begins, join us next time in Shitposting planet
I would never call Dark Souls gritty. It's high fantasy as fuck.
If you don't start drama, there won't be drama.
>Yet. While OP post is fine. There are characters that aren't even thinly veiled fetishes.
>(Sometimes) Other peoples fun makes me uncomfortable, which ruins MY Fun.
So since assuming I'm the DM, what now OP?... What now?
>Fucking with someone for OOC shit
>Their character dresses like a slut and the world is reacting to that
It's almost like odd races and out of the norm behaviors should get a reaction out of an immersive world.
Except that isn't the situation. The poster clearly, directly stated they did not like it OOC. Their actions are not rooted in an 'immersive' world, they are rooted in messing with the player and punishing them IC because the GM was too pussy to put their foot down OOC.
They directly fucking admitted to removing opportunities to rest from dungeons and to focus more heavily on it than they otherwise would have for that exact fucking reason. Can you even read?
My ego only requires one response
Let me explain though, the guy is a decent guy and the rest of the party didn't really mind the initial slutty armor and me adding that to the game. It was only as the campaign continued and I sort of scaled the difficulties in nearly every instance up a bit more then should've. I did so around the slutty armor, NPCs would be distracted by it, or wanting sex with the character be part of the deal. I was trying to get him to be like "i go to the blacksmith and add pieces to my armor"
I only began the pressing when I realized everyone was getting tired of it.
>eventually have local noble succeed a grope attempt and had player roll a charisma check
>character slaps the noble
>roll d6
>bodyguard leaps into action
>party had to take care of business
>massive bounty on their heads
>search pushes party deeper into the mountains
>lots of encounters
>few rests
>party does really well
>finally they get close to being able get a boat and cross the sea far enough, fast enough, to not worry about being chased
>local mayor doesn't recognize them
>asks party to clear out orc den
>orc sentry outside den is captured
>turns out they are a small group of advanced scouts
>if scout party doesn't report back, orc tribe will still raid area
>half-orc wizard in part decides to see about making a truce and sending the tribe against the city where they had the bounty set on them
>party approves
>has to go through large city to quickly reach tribe
>near constant sexual assaults during journey through town
>I'm basically reading erotica at this point
>makes it to tribe
>tribe is massive and will overrun entire province
>will agree to raid the city the party wants raided if the tribe can settle there
>needs to get surrounding countries on board
>party has to become famous
>party becomes famous
>gets the 5 largest kingdoms to agree to meet
>Dark Souls
>Dark and Gritty
More like derp and shitty.
From the sound of it, they were only getting tired of the slutty armour because you were making such a pointlessly big fucking deal over it rather than just saying 'No, don't do that' OOC like any reasonable fucking GM.
>GM decides instead of starting a fight to make the world more reactive
Sounds like a pretty decent tactic to me, a warning was given but was not listened to. Stay mad that not everyone wants to hear you pretend to be a slutty woman.
If the party wasn't handling the less chances to rest well enough, I would've scaled back. I wanted to force them into the towns as much as possible to increase interactions with NPCs, hopefully trying to convince the guy to wear actual armor. But then the whole thing took on a life of it's own and ended in a satisfying conclusion if you would allow me to continue the story.
Except I have repeatedly stated that if it's not okay, the GM should flat say 'No' rather than being a pussy and half arsing it?
Ahh, you're either terminally stupid or a troll. Sorry it took me so long to realise.
About time you caught on, don't get so worked up over autists this board is going to shit because of it with everyone and their fucking mother replying to obvious bait.
Hurry up to the part where (s)he gets raped by orcs and you are banned from DMing and speaking to nieces or nephews ever again.
You can wear whatever you want so long as you pay to have it made/make it yourself (you can't buy a non existent style off the rack), and are willing to deal with a lower armor bonus and pay your public indecency fines.
Lol actually the conclusion is far more satisfying then that.
>peace council meets
>representatives draw up demands and boundaries and borders
>orc tribe is large and can take over the country in question
>problem comes from legitimacy
>I didn't plan any of this at the start but I built each nations entire political system and it took 2 full sessions of just players negotiating the final treaty
>third session
>nations need one final thing
>guarantee the new orc kingdom will be stable
>they want party to become advisors
>orc tribe chief is fine with this
>as long as party works for him and teaches his population how to read and do stuff
>professionalize his army
>help build roads
>that sort of stuff
>final caveat
>orc chief wants to marry slutty fighter
>party members are like level 12 at this point and want the entire thing to end, campaign was supposed to end when they were like 8th or 9th level
>party agrees
>next two sessions are spent leading the orc army to conquer the nation
>create orc NPC that follows party around during battles
>final battle is fought
>make slutty fighter marry newly crowned orc king
>player is upset he lost his character
>hand him 12th level orc fighter with buffed stats
>he is pleased
As some have stated, I probably shouldn't have let it get that far, but I did. The party responded well to the extra challenges so I never gave it a second thought. I did after that campaign was over, make a house rule that unrealistic slutty armor was not allowed
So in the end you rewarded him?
I dunno, I still think you should've had him raped.
But I multiclass!! Are there special multiclass hats, or do I just pick one?
The key as the GM is to warn them that wearing a chainkini in your low magic, high adventure setting is likely to get them killed, and then let them get killed if they don't listen.
I built the orc den to fuck them up and have his slut fighter captured
then raped
but when one player wanted a truce, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to build an orc kingdom which would eventually be led by a half-orc. I built the kingdom in such a way too, where there were a large number of humans still in the nation, and they are basically used as farm laborers. The idea is that eventually both the orcs and humans will be outnumbered by half-orcs
>there are people who think 'fun' is a defence for being a huge cringelord
>He says while posting anime.
That's unintentionally hilarious.
>rage, i get so mad that i GROW MUSCLES
>flurry of blows I'M THE FIST OF THE NORTH STAR
>improved evasion, i can literally stand and do nothing and not get hit
sure sure
>magic. fucking MAGIC
>slut gear
Is the wearer of the slut gear of a mystical slut class that allows her to wear such armor and not be penalized, or indeed gains bonuses for it?
That's what allows all those other examples to function - special training.
If she doesn't have anything, she will just be stabbed.
How do you know what a character is wearing? Does that come up frequently during your games? Even if it was just a picture during character creation, is it really going to impact the game at any point after that?
>If dragons can fly, then pigs can fly!
Get better bait.
>Armor Proficiency is not training.
Proficiency in fists isn't the same thing as Flurry of Blows.
Why not?
In my group we all get pictures for our characters and everyone writes a really detailed description, not a rule just what we all do. In my group, the guy made a human female fighter, fine, but very descriptively described her as like super curvy and basically a chain mail bikini. I made a story about it above. at one point I gave him splint armor and he was like "no I'll keep wearing my chain bikini"
I should've made him have like 5 AC instead of the PHB stat, but hey, new orc kingdom that will eventually be taken over by half-orcs
If you allow anything to work in the world just because "It's got magic!", there will be no internal consistency and no logic for the players to grasp on. The world will fall into chaos and the entire game ceases to be.
Flurry of Blows is Speedforce fists. Trained without spells or any supernatural help. It's an extraordinary ability.
If 'silly outfits can be functional and effective armour' is the point at which you think that starts being a problem, you must prefer playing super low fantasy settings.
Okay, so that's my point exactly. He described it in detail during character creation, and then again when specifically asked (by you) about it. Did that disrupt the game somehow?
Explain Rage, Flurry of Blows, Improved Evasion and the shit ton of other Extraordinary abilities that spit in the face of physics
then i'll take you autistic shitfit more seriously.
Every other subject presented in the above post has an in-universe explanation to it, usually special training plus magic. Slut gear has nothing. There is no reason to wear it.
I just told you. Training and magic. And you yourself just said Extraordinary abilities.
The pig is half dragon. It's biology.
'Glamoured magic armour'
It's D&D. Magic is all over the fucking place. A minor illusion spell in the name of fashion shouldn't make you blink an eye.
I made NPCs either shun his character and the party, or they would proposition for sex, or actually try to grab his character, or try to add having sex with character a caveat for the deal. I also made the dungeons more difficult to force them into towns and cities more often. Eventually his character had to marry an orc king.
Seems like you're the one making it a problem
>there are literally people on Veeky Forums, in this thread, RIGHT NOW that don't understand that settings' level of realism and acceptable aesthetics can differ
Not in my setting.
If you don't like it you can run your own campaign and do all the work.
so you were extra dickish because of the description. gotcha.
It's depressingly common, in my experience. People who somehow cannot wrap their heads around the idea that other people can have their own distinct but equally valid experiences, opinions and preferences, and that those being different isn't an innately bad thing or something you need to defend yourself against. It's somewhat bizarre.
You have to let me play a character who looks like this, regardless of setting or genre, or else you literally HATE FUN.
I order you to change your setting to accomodate whatever I feel is fun. You are my personal funslave.
You sound like a colossal dickbag and a bad DM.
I mean the thing in that hat is literally a parasite. It's stained with blood. Pic related: he has a similar kind of parasites the demons and men in blighttown were infected with. It is the crown of the exiled King of Izalith, who likely was unfaithful to the witch (you can trade the hat for another ring of favor and protection, associated with the fickle love of the goddess Fina). It's not exactly the most cheery business. That said, gritty doesn't have to be strict realism.
That's not actually true. Xanthous magi are seekers after the golden sorceries of Oolacile (confirmed in 3). Why Jeremiah is a pyromancer is a mystery.
>everyone laughs at the chainmail bikini wearing fighter
>forced to eat their words when they get their asses handed to them
>becomes legend
Yeah, the samefagging totally isn't obvious here at all. Nope, not at all.
>my ego only requires one response
A passive-aggressive weakling has a character orc-raped because he doesn't like her armor. If this story was actually true the PC would have started beheading everyone who insulted her attire.
>I built the orc den to fuck them up and have his slut fighter captured
>then raped
So you railroaded an encounter for orc rape to punish a player you were too beta to just say no to or inflict an AC penalty on from the beginning...
> I couldn't pass up the opportunity to build an orc kingdom which would eventually be led by a half-orc. I built the kingdom in such a way too, where there were a large number of humans still in the nation, and they are basically used as farm laborers. The idea is that eventually both the orcs and humans will be outnumbered by half-orcs
And then you railroaded them into losing to a superior force that goes FULL MERKEL and submits to greenskins instead of wrecking the boogerboys with superior human cavalry and siegecraft where humans become rape-slaves to eventually form some derpy globalist paradise.
Am I missing anything here?
Quick question, was your setting Saudi Arabia and are you a Muslim?
I will, and it will be better than yours.
There's nothing more cancerous than a DM who acts as if Rule Zero applies in real life or with people who aren't stupid enough to join his awful game.
Pic related. Why do you have furshit saved to your HD?
Yeah. Some people DM to feel worth in their life where they have none.
yeah you missed keeping the /pol/shit out of shaming a DM for being a fucking idiot
>hurr globalist jewish cuck cuck cuck cuck
>Pic related. Why do you have furshit saved to your HD?
2017. Not having an external drive to hide your porn in.
Here's a better question. Would you let one of your players play as a trap?
>in b4 Veeky Forums uses the wrong definition of trap to be funny
It's like becoming a chatroom mod, they just want to feel like they have authority for once. Rather than it being a game or a story, it becomes personal. Like Shit DM above repeatedly calling orc marital rape and conquest of human lands via railroad "satisfying" and talking about "his ego demanding a response."
However, in retrospect either he's a much worse DM than I thought, or he made the whole thing up, and I'm not sure which is worse. See, a 12th level Fighter still using chain just...doesn't happen if you're giving out appropriate rewards, they should have plate long before then. Falling behind the curve of AC vs monster accuracy should have been a much bigger problem than rape-happy NPCs.
>hiding your porn
>having your porn saved
>being a furry
Three good reasons to find a noose and neck yourself.
Yes? Crossdressing and androgyny is a time honored piece of fiction.
Someone has to have homebrewed playable mimics for most fantasy games by this point, right? Those are basically living traps.
At least he has three reasons, while you're just stuck with
>being an autist
>implying that wasn't you
>implying your argument didn't stem from the darkest swamps of the Autism Continent
Have the response you deserve.
Have done, am currently doing so and will continue to do so in future.
For bonus points, some of said traps have worn sexy armour.
>I was about to have to argue back but I've seen you posted a /pol/ meme, eheheh
Oh shit, this is actually a good point. New question, is it sadder to BE that DM or to PRETEND to be that DM?
It's not a strawman if OP is literally saying it's wrong for a GM to say a character image is inappropriate.