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It's the same shit edition

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1st for Eldar women are slag

First for female Space Woofs in 8E

Nick here, threadly reminder to ALWAYS get BLACKED

I'm debating between starting up either a Guard army or an Ork army for the next edition. I'll probably end up going for a more mechanized force regardless, with either Shotgun Vets in Chimeras or 'Ardboyz in Trukks and the like.

I could use a second opinion on which to spring for.

>girl playing Nids
>nigger playing DARK Angels

Holy fuck I didn't even realize that.

I realised that in building an ork army, its going to cost me a lot of fucking money
Also first time building, gib me advice on it

Id wait a month and a half until the new system comes out to see whats worth a shit

You're probably safe getting some boyz and meganobz to start off with. Build those up and paint them while you wait

>Space Marine Codex
>Death Guard Codex
>Imperium Compendium
>Chaos Compendium
>Xenos Compendium

These are the five books. How does this make you feel?


I've painted up 180 Boyz and there is a simple key to this: washes. Back when I first started I had to use a black ink wash watered down, but now you have access to the wonder that is Agrax Earthshade.

You can get a very good result for Orks just by basecoating the model then applying Agrax Earthshade all over. You don't even need to do highlights afterwards. Now, for HQ models and elites and the like, sure, pull out your full painting arsenal, but for your rank and file Boyz, you want simple. You'll be taking them off the board in handfuls anyway, plus with hordes like Boyz what's more important is them looking like a coherent force, not individual quality. Few indeed are the people who are going to pick up a random Boy to check it out.

The other tip is to use a production line. Get 10 Boyz primed and ready to go, then paint the skin on all of them in one session. Then paint the metal, then the clothes, then the leather, etc etc. Once they're all basecoated, wash, and you're done.

I did this squad of Kommandos up something like 7 or 8 years ago, but it's a good example of what basecoating + wash produces.

Wait for 8th dipshit

Stop responding to the fucking bait dude.

doing some highlights after is recommended or else they end up a bit dull

Frankly, I'd say it depends on how many Boyz you're doing up. If you have all the time in the world, go for it. But if you have a huge number of basic troops to slog your way through, I'd say keep it simple.

boyz yeah, but elite infantry should be flashy

Does the Goliath Truck really come with 3 or 4 usable cultist models? It looks like they'd be super easy to slap on a base

>yfw sentinels chainsaws become ap-3

Comes with 3 and 1 is a bit more heavily armored, which makes him a good champion material

Hi everyone. I don't play 40k but I'm very interested in collecting the models I like. Is there a large gallery of sorts that shows the models and is possibly organized by faction?

The games workshop website.

We'll there's the GW website
I know they used to put out a hardcopy catalogue with all the models in too but I can't recall the last year they did that

aren't they chainfists anyway? those powerloader- i mean sentinels could easily punt a space marine



I am starting a Khorne Daemonkin army! Any tips?

I'm stupid

Another question. I understand from my friends that Sigmar put an emphasis on fireteams or skirmishes or something, essentially small encounters. If I wanted to have a squad to play with a friend, what's the best bang for my buck? I saw the starter set but to be honest neither of those armies looked attractive to me

Don't be one of those autists who shouts
during games.

Use a gun if possible, and remember the three F's

Front Lawn
Face Up
Feet together

Get. Out.

We have a local Orc player who screams WAAAGH! when he does a WAAAGH!
everyone finds it fucking hilarious

I think Killteam may be your best bet in that regard. I haven't actually looked into the rules yet myself, but my understanding is that Killteam is effectively built for small-scale games, with appropriate restrictions on stompy units to match.



Talking about catalogue

Remember when they had the catalogue that let you order single parts? Man I miss that.


Actually it's "Skulls for the Throne of Bone".

That's the word I was thinking of. Thanks user, I'll look into it

Don't worry autist, I'm leaving

All of them?

Chaos will be last though as they don't really offer much that you can't already get between Imperial and Xenos stuff. Tyranids more fun than Daemons, Space Marines are not too different from spiky Marines.

>Eldar, Orcs, Nids, and Necrons lumped into one alliance
>with Tau
what a fucking joke

Would unironically have no problem with this is they seperated the xenos into 3 factions. Something like Xenos of Order and Xenos of Destruction, with Nids remaining their own faction. I've wanted IoM and Chaos to be merged into one faction fot a long time.

They're in the same book you fucktard, that's not the same thing at all

Gaurd are a hassle to get shotuns for and Orks are a hassle to make good 'ardboyz for.

All of this may be completely irrelevant come June, but I'll give you a quick rundown.

Gorepack - The gorepack is the bread and butter of a lot of KDK armies. It makes the bikers immune to dangerous terrain, HoW gives the flesh hounds a bit of extra umph and the formation in general allows you to take a heap of fast attacks in an overcrowded slot. Also, melta bikers are one of the better sources of ranged anti-vehicle in the army.

Blood Host - I love it, that 1 blood tithe per turn is incredibly valuable in lower pint games. Once you reach 1750+, it becomes less useful as there's typically enough dying each turn to provide a steady supply of tithe. Since your pool empties any time you spend tithe, there's no point stocking up on it.

In the end I'd recommend starting with the Start Collecting! Khorne Daemons. While Bloodcrushers aren't the best, they're one of the summoning options and sometimes you just need a fast banner. Build the Throne as a Skull Cannon and put the herald on a base.

Note that a lot of people are adamant that KDK is disappearing due to their omission on the new site, while a lot of other are adamant they're staying due to the comment from GW that "your army will be viable". In the end we have no clue and don't believe anyone who says otherwise until GW releases specific comment on KDK.

Personally, I feel that Blood Tithe will return (they've only just inserted it into AoS), but whether that will be with KDK, a formation benefit or something else, we'll have to wait and see.

That would be almost as stupid.

My plan was to go for Anvil Industries and their regiment builder to get a good blob of shotgun Guard going, or going for the Bloodbowl Orks as a base and kitting them out with guns and knives.

>sorting the factions up into general groups so they're easier to find is a bad choice, and also instantly makes them allies
It's as if you want things to be disorganized, user.

Can't wait to play my fluffy Eldar/Ork/Necron/Tyranid army!

Id say the former then, BB orks have barely a handful of fixed poses.

That gets repetitive real fast.

Just because it would look tidier to you doesn't mean it'd look tidier to me.

>Note that a lot of people are adamant that KDK is disappearing due to their omission on the new site, while a lot of other are adamant they're staying due to the comment from GW that "your army will be viable". In the end we have no clue and don't believe anyone who says otherwise until GW releases specific comment on KDK.
Weĺl at the very least the omission from warhammer40000.com means nothing.

Yeah, it's called the NPC alliance now

you paint 180boiz.... like that ?
ho lee fook
We too lo
Sum Ting Wong

Those are Komandoes

I don't even understand what the basis of this "joke" is meant to be.

Same, got an all-melee Nid list planned out.

It not about looking tidier
GW has to update every army at once, its simpler for them to only publish 5 books at once instead of 15 or so.

Yes? I'm not quite understanding what you're saying here.

If you're saying they look good, and how could I possibly paint that many to that standard, as I said, it's a very simple and quick technique.

If you're saying they look shit, I'm painting Boyz. I care about quantity, not quality. They're tabletop standard and that's all I care about. This is a model where I do more than just basecoat and wash, because it's a centerpiece.

Get Orks! We'ez da best an' we 'ave lots a' cool lookin, models.

Which fast attack should I get for my ork army?

I don't think he's saying anything just making noised and gesticulating, Like Bill Cosby.


Deffkoptas and Bikes are also good.

Eh, I guess that makes some sense, I just prefer armies to get their own codices

They will, this is the 8th launch package.
Hell I thing the downloadable codex's are split by faction.

Sensible. I do like the BB models more than the AoS or 40k options, but I think you're right that a fully army of them would get tediuous

Hey guys does anyone know if the Rogue Trader reprint is still available at warhammer world, and if so does anyone live close enough that they might be willing to ship one to Aus?

And they will again eventually.
These books are just a temporary format to get everyone updated for 8e.

There are third party sited too for more armoured orks but it's mostly heads and shit.

Kromlech does armoured torsos but it costs a fair bit.
6 pcs for 6 ish pouds.

That's acceptable I guess, I hope Daemons gets a Codex soon, I guess it means updated Fiend rules sooner.


>First for female Space Woofs in 8E

Well the announcement was initial release for every codex updated to 8th ans then annual updates the the whole line.

Daemons need a new codex to nerf them to oblivion with their stupid spawning shit. That's it really.

Oh look, he posted it again

or keep it as is but use the AoS summoning pool rules

Hopefully somebody'll have a cupcake for Dorn soon. Then we'll have the full set of 'pics posted in every general this week.'

I was goign to boo you out for bad advice, but pistol changes they might get good yeah.

Eh, I may just hold off for now. I feel like if I do start Orks I want them in plastic so they're easier to work with and kitbash as needed.

They could also use something to make nurgle daemons worth fielding.

As is they can ... sit on objectives in cover with melee weapon and hope someone tries to assault them.

Drones at least can do some work.

So I'm going to be getting some Orks to ally in with my Eldar, and I noticed that GW has Goff Rockas for sale. Didn't realise these guys were a thing, I thought they were dropped back in 2nd. Are they in the codex? Any good?

>play game against Orks
>ork player rolls significantly above average
>consistent 18+ hits from lootas
>4 rolls of AP1 or 2 from snazz guns
>makes 70% of his saves in melee
>meanwhile I hit with 3/10 bolter shots
>fail 14/16 3+ saves
>get a rhino stuck on T1
>lose 4/5 raptors to snap shots
>lord dies to a single rokkit overwatch
>termintors fail to show up until T4

How the fuck am I supposed to react to this shit. I was so unbelievably frustrated watching these dice rolls. Even my partner was flailing around with 1s and 2s the whole game while the ork player was rolling like a god. I hate blaming the game on dice, but after a game like that, I don't know what else to say.


Stormboyz are cool tho

Realize that in a game based on dice sometimes these things happen.

If it happens again with the same guy he's probably using loaded dice.

>Stormboyz are cool tho
storm boys also are much more reasonably priced than a lot of similar units

The description literally says they're sold as little bits of the game's history and have no rules.


They don't have rules anymore m8 I'm afraid


It's Orks thing.
Other armeis may be reliable with 3+ stuff, but enough 5s and Orks blow up.

In a statistical game, Orks get stomped.

This picture accurately depicts truescale marines next to a regular human.

What can you expect from 7' tall super soldiers. Fucking manlets I swear

they dissapeared in 5 minutes


Nice read for you, user

why GW so gay and not make good things available for normal people.

>Getting back into 40k again as an adult
>Buy entire Tau army on a whim
>Realize I can't paint for shit
>Find out about the gray tide Tau meme
>Lose all interest in painting due to lack of skill and potential to "ruin" my main army
>Refuse to show up with gray tide
So I am thinking about starting Tyranids as a way to get a ton of painting practice and get my foot in the door in local groups, anyone have similar anxiety or tips regarding 'nids?

>traded a shittier army for a shitty army
An improvement's an improvement I guess...

>worried about grey tide
>still going nids

I would say get a super tiny elite army and concentrate on finishing them, never try to attempt a horde army for your first go or you'll never finish. Trust me.

Build some spruce-crowns and practice painting those. Go crazy

You can at least prime, spray basecoat and wash
Would work well for a horde army tbf

just play chess