Yugioh thread

Yugioh thread

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kys dumbfuck

How different is the mobile game from the actual card game?


Duel Links uses Speed Duels, which is 4000 Life Points, 20-30 cards in Main deck, 5 cards in Extra deck, 4 cards in starting hand, only 3 monster and spell/trap zone, no Pendulum Zones, and there is no Main Phase 2.

>No Polymerization
I mean, it's one thing to go back to the release rules, but it's something else entirely to go THAT far.

"Monsters cannot be special summoned" includes Fusion Summon, no?


What I learned from watching the anime before school

>There are a set of rules
>Every card breaks those rules
>Players can make up their own rules
>You have a card that will obtain new magical powers every battle
>The worst cards turn out to be the best cards when you need them to
>If nothing else works use fusion
>Those fucking magical hats

Shouldn't the OP have the YGO pic be some dude jerking off?

I mean, he's not interacting with anything. Just playing with himself.

>Cannot be destroyed or banished
>Return to hand
>Return to deck
>Return to bottom of deck
>Negate the effect
>Flip face down
>Send to graveyard

Idea that getting rid of all special summons will restore the game back to its original state aside, there are so many ways around this it's actually annoying.

No special summons? No problem.

Oh right, I forgot Yugioh had a difference between destroy and "send to the graveyard"

Can I get a version of this without moonrunes?

Best I can get you for now, since the card isn't out yet. After Saturday/Sunday, better pictures should become available.

Anyway, here's the text
Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King
Level 8
To Tribute Summon this card face-up, you can Tribute Continuous Spell/Trap Card(s) you control, as well as monsters. Unaffected by the effects of cards with the same card type (Monster, Spell, and/or Trap) as the original card type of the cards Tributed for its Tribute Summon. Once per turn, during either player's turn, if you control this Tribute Summoned monster: You can banish 1 Continuous Spell/Trap Card from your Graveyard, then target 1 other card on the field; destroy it.
ATK/2950 DEF/2950

that's a gay yugioh card. but I repeat myself.

Tbh I think all the "innovation" is a bad thing, not because I'm a Genwunner but because it's fucking impossible for lapsed players to come back to the game.

I stopped playing close to a decade ago, thought about picking it back up for fun recently. Turns out there's like 6 new different (and increasingly convoluted) types of summons, to speak of nothing else.

I mean, it's one thing for the meta to change, that's natural, but at this point I barely recognize the actual game itself.

It's hard to care about a game that has been around for as long as YGO but has made little to no effort to make the text on their cards not tiny paragraphs of poorly formatted gibberish.

That seems more like your problem. The core rules of the game haven't changed.

I agree it's not Konami's problem that I'm not playing anymore.

But my point is that while the core rules remained the same, there's so many new and needlessly complicated (fucking Pendulum summoning) mechanics that clutter up the game.

Again, that's just my opinion, I'm sure there's people who love all these additions, but it just feels super gimmicky to me.

but the text is getting smaller and if they want to keep making new and interesting cards there really should be some kind of formatting overhaul so newer or returning players don't have to read cards 3+ times and still miss shit because every big card has several effects crammed into 1 tiny paragraph.

The problem is that the core rules of the game suck, so any cards that play within those rules suck and any cards that play outside those rules (really fast special summons) are the only competitive strategies. The shitty rules necessitate broken cards and mechanics.

> i use this Field Magic card
> i use a stone giant to literally destroy the moon
> what

> i have a floating fortress and a ton of monsters
> i load a dragon into a turtle cannon and launch it at the 'anti-gravity ring' on your fortress so it falls and crushes all your monsters
> what

I had a friend like that. The flavour text on a standard Monster card was "Nothing can stop the attack of this mad beast" or something like that. He tried to use that as justification that any attack from that monster could never be stopped, by any means.

That sounds like it legitimately would have worked in the Pegasus days of the anime. Yugi won most of his duels not by being better, but by some bullshit exploit.

I just want to know how Pegasus DIDN'T win. He MADE the cards. He MADE the rules. Why didn't he just make a card that said "This card cannot be destroyed, ever, oh and also Exodia like doesn't work if this card is active."

Just make ONE of them, and keep it in his deck. Make a card that says "the opponent is now gay haha psyche its on a card now suck my dick gayboy". Going by the show, Yugi would have no choice but to do what the card said.

>"the opponent is now gay haha psyche its on a card now suck my dick gayboy"
I don't know why I find the mental image so fucking hilarious

>"B-but Pegasus, I'm a teenager"
>"That's okay, Yugi boy, I like my bottoms just like I like my winning moves: barely legal"

Because he didn't make the rules, he copied them from ancient Egyptian Shadow Games. Yami therefore had more experience with the game than Pegasus did.

That difference is what had my friends hating my old Crystal Beast deck. Crystal Abundance was just too much.

>I like my bottoms just like I like my winning moves: barely legal
It's not just you, that line's golden

>all that summoning in one turn

not anymore lol

But he made a commercial version of the game that he sold for profit. Nothing prevented him from altering the rules, or making new OP monsters.

As a lover of history and culture, Pegasus couldn't bring himself to change the original version of the Egyptian game.

I'm just waiting for the Motorcycle version.

I stopped playing in the mid 2000s after my Zonbie deck ate my local meta and nobody wanted to play anymore then treeborn frog came out making it even more impossible to face the dominant monarchs showing that Konami had no clue what they were doing

I came back around 2012-14 and loved the improved speed the actual deck archetypes now having coherent support and the extra deck not being a gimmick anymore. I fell in love with Madolches and had a great time.

Thennnnn it started pumping out too many OP archetypes every set lessening my enthusiasm even before pendulum came out and started shitting out 12 special summons turn one to end the game

If every competitive strategy breaks these rules you talk about are they even rules?

That's like playing MtG Vintage and then complaining about the other player having 10 mana turn 2.

>too many OP archetypes every set
>only after 2014
I don't know what game you were playing.
>pendulum came out and started shitting out 12 special summons turn one to end the game
So you're just bad, okay.

Because the rules were contructed badly.

Imagine, for a moment, Yugioh where you could only attack monsters in defense position. If all other mosters were in attack position, then you could just attack your opponent directly.
If yugioh were built like this from the beginning, it would let players protect their weaker monsters, so that there weren't such snowball mechanics in yugion. tribute summoning wouldn't be such a terrible way of playing powerful creatures, and mass special-summoning would be less necesary.

Monarchs were meta during 2016 and they are a tribute summon archetype. Qli also did it, and we're about to get True Draco, another archetype that focus on tribute summons.

Be honest, how many of you faggots actually lived through the entirely of Dragon Ruler format?

Didn't Monarchs work specifically because they could tutor up Vanity's Fiend with their Monarch interaction cards? All I'm saying is, it's really easy to make a tribute summon deck work when you make it so you can't special summon.

Monarchs could search Vanity's fiend, yes but they had better stuff going for like Storm Forth, Panthenism and Ehther who could perform some serious bullshit, and there is also Domain which locked the ED unless you get rid of tribute summoned monsters or tribute summon another monster.

Monarchs got some stupid good support, they made non targetting non destruction effects become popular with their stormforthing people's boss monsters and that's why they worked at all.

>they made non targetting non destruction effects become popular with their stormforthing people's boss monsters and that's why they worked at all
Ah, I see. They exchanged one broken mechanic for another.

I did. I played jank throughout, being too much of a poorfag to do anything else, but still. I got used to being destroyed.

Toon World... hahaha fuck you... wat?

Yeah I got nothing. Good point.

Good because it seems that recently with nostalgiafags or people who quitted because of "wow the game got too fast" or "bendulums ruined the game!!1!11" seem to be so innocent to not know the pain of living through the entirely of "Blaster eff ;)".

Realest talk, there hasn't been a game in the history of yugioh that castrated the game as much as Dragon Rulers, there's PePe but this shit caused an emergency banlist and it got killed in like a week, but Dragon Rulers lasted for nearly 2 years and people hate on pendulums the most. So laughable

People that hate Pendulum are stupid. There is nothing wrong with the mechanic. Most Pendulum decks can't Pendulum Summon 5 on turn 1. Shit that can, like Igknight is bad, and PePe could, but it wasn't why it was the best deck.

>Ah, I see. They exchanged one broken mechanic for another.

What do you even want from Yugioh? Infinite Goat Format?

That's a card now.

I'm against any cardgame that goes "this card is immune from everything, but not really, because some cards have subtle text diferences so they work because rules lawyering."

Although one deck formats are fucking awful, there is one thing I fucking love when they come around: and thats the little shits who play the decks and think they're hot shit then beating them with a budget/tier 2 deck.
I did it in dragon rulers with WattLock, and i did it in pepe with graydle frogs, and it was amazing each time.

Name 1 card.

I think he's mostly talking about destroying vs. sending to grave yard, and Targeting vs. non-targeting.
also probably inherent summons.

That's a pretty stupid thing to complain about.

got it in one

while it is simple stuff to pick up on, it is weird that the game has interactions that you have to go outside of the rulebook and card text for. It just puts off newer players, especially from becoming competitive because they essentially have to re-learn the game from however they were playing.
I cant even count the amount of times i've had to explain that MST does not negate.

Early early Yugioh used to have a charm in its kinda shitty but cool art for cards and basic gameplay.

Nu-gi-oh is just cancer all around, form gameplay to the supreme weebshit art.

I want magic fags to leave.
Im sorry that multiple card games exist and people can enjoy them.

You sure about that?

but...user....Stratos is still banned and i am fucking shocked that its going to actually be for a reason now.

i mean ancient egyptians had to watch something on saturday mornings

how about a 2 card combo then?

*teleports into your monster zones* pssh nothin personnel, kid...

user. Tokens work with links. Why would you give me a free link 3?

Seriously though Ojamas work surprisingly well with links.
Their swarm ability makes it easy to link, Knight and King can block zones preventing extra deck summons, and nothing tells your opponent to go fuck themselves quite like hitting them with an Ojama Delta Hurricane.

Links weren't gonna do shit to stop the SS spam from day 1, they were just going to be another tool of the degeneracy and anyone that thought otherwise was a gullible idiot.

It dies to so much removal it would barely stay up for a turn, no one stops here.

Honestly, the fiend barely mattered, the true power of the deck was the fact that it could vomit resources and get rid of yours while doing it and then slap you silly with 2.8k beaters it could replace with barely any effort on their part. It could also casually lock your special/extra summons if it needed as a cherry on top.


Toon World?
How about fucking all Machine type monsters?