We've seen wave after wave of "old school role playing games"...

We've seen wave after wave of "old school role playing games". These games have excavated all sorts of long-dormant elements from the distant 70's.

What haven't they brought back? Why? What remains to be rediscovered?

Fantasy games, with low/rare magic.

2e's class balance

This might be slight, but I don't believe harlots, as a source of amusement, have been brought back.

Is it fair to say that our role-playing games no longer involve child-like delight at being presented with "mature" topics?

>Playing in caves, abandoned warehouses, or tents in the deep dark woods

In all seriousness, why hasn't this made a come-back? My have we collectively turned our backs on all these wonderful atmosphere amplifiers? It's like we don't even want to slake our thirsts anymore.

-4 STR

Rolled 5 (1d100)


>tfw no saucy tart

Empire of the Petal Throne has yet to be properly rebooted for some reason

>why hasn't this made a come-back?
Because we don't want to get mugged on the way home, and usually don't have time to run out to a cave for a game we barely have time for anyway.

Wait... This wasn't ever a thing, was it?

A best. I am using them for my own RPG design. They really are the better choice than squares.

Rolled 81 (1d100)

See how the real pro rolls!

Rolled 53 (1d100)

Hoping a get a haughty courtesan for that OHOHOHOHO-style top smug

Once played in the deepest of woods at night, by candle light.
Shit was the tits, yo.

Lol, little afraid of the outside world are we?

I second this.. And I haven't even played on a hexmat

>Tékumel has spawned five professionally published roleplaying games over the course of the years:

Empire of the Petal Throne, published in 1975 as a boxed set by TSR, Inc. and reprinted later as a single book by Different Worlds Publications in 1987.[8]
Swords & Glory, published in 1983/4 in two volumes by Gamescience.[9]
Gardasiyal: Adventures in Tekumel, published in 1994 by Theater of the Mind Enterprises.[10]
Tékumel: Empire of the Petal Throne, published in 2005 by Guardians of Order.[11]
Béthorm, published in 2015 by UNIgames, was written by Jeff Dee.

I'm sure using some wiki information, you can cross-reference what they've got in the OSR mediafile folder with what year each PDF there was published in.

You're going to get all your 50$ books soaked

It was, but a handful of young men died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Playing in cool locations was already suspect in the eyes of the many and these deaths confirmed their every fear.

Those who continued playing in caves and the like continued in secret, and in time the art was lost.

>Not memorizing the books

Not everyone's a NEET collecting welfare.


Rolled 22 (1d100)

Oh goody

Aftermath was kinda cool.

You might just be taking the piss, but I think this is absolutely correct.

As someone who's reading older D&D stuff for the first time, I can say that while it was a clumsy mechanic, what ThAC0 actually did was brilliant. In short: it tied ability to hit to LEVEL and CLASS not ability score.

This is why 3d6 in order actually worked. If you look at all the classes you see that they work pretty independantly of what your score in a class ability is. Yeah, you might advance a bit faster, but your actual effectiveness isn't really affected that much.

6e should bring ThAC0 back.

hoping for toothless hag

Rolled 89 (1d100)



>dem patterned tights
>dat pastel lipstick
>probably dat unshaven vagoo too

Old school is best school.

Rolled 25 (1d100)

crucial subtable

Damn right it was.

Spoopy games innawoods was awesome, and so was playing in an old cottage deep in the Welsh mountains.



No Phones, no interruptions, no traffic noise, crackling fires, oil lanterns.
Just for atmosphere it was amazing. Especially when it gets quiet and you hear all the animals outside, great for scaring people with.

What remains to be rediscovered?
ur mom!

I wish they brought back the whole hippy culture and smoking shitloads of weed at the table.

Oldschool nerd culture > today's nerd culture.

My nigga.

In my experience weed at the table only slows things down.

That's because you're a weakling, get some tolerance. Also, smoke sativa instead of indica. Sativa strains are energizing, indica strains are soothing.