Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

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alright Veeky Forums

lets see how long we can go without mentioning 8th

>also first for orks
>melee army
>4" movement value



Anyone else here getting ready to get BLACKED at their FLGS?

>Girl playing Nids

Xth for tourney fags being BTFO by 8th, even though some of the worst helped "play test the new rules"

>lots of daemons
>lots of human everywhere
>no qt tiefling girls
What the hell? Who wrote this setting?

what army does Veeky Forums think will rise to the top in 8th?

i think GKs are gonna become super good
>termies got buffed and they get them as troops
>psychic phase is more reliable
>assault army that can now assault out of rhinos
>every unit is a psyker,who can spam smite and dish out millions of mortal wounds
>power weapons everywhere for the aforementioned melee buff
>really good monstrous creature for the buff MCs are getting

i dont regret selling my knights a few months ago because it let me buy tickets to europe, but man i bet they are gonna kick ass

>Girls playing Nids
>Black boy playing Salamanders

The degree of self-awareness in this picture is disturbing.

>Khorne daemons invading Armageddon
>people doubted the return of Angron to finish what he started


What is the main ideological distinction between marines and imperium?
Secular vs God-Emperor fanatics?

Any Loyalists here? Im a new player and im starting a new Space Marines army, now im in the fence between rolling simple marines or salamanders, but I have a few questions:

-Are there any brown space marines chapter? I might roll them as pic related, is there anyone similar or will it look too bad? Bolter would be black and grey.
-If I roll Salamanders, I will buy stuff from forgeworld to make them more unique, but I was wondering if the FireDrakes and the PyroClasts are actual real unit? Or are they form 30k? Can I play them as something else?
-I've read the new version of the flamethrowers in the 8th edition, knowing it are Salamanders still as good?
-Lastly, will my Start Collecting Space Marines kit I brought be good to paint green and then customize with a few pieces from forge world?

thanks in advance.

Those are Dark Angels, stupid idiot.

44 Seconds. If we go by this post which may not have been seen before being posted

Otherwise was 3 minutes and 59 seconds. either way a new record.

>-Are there any brown space marines chapter?
There are any number of successor chapters. You can make them be descendant from whatever chapter you'd like.

for the rest you'll have to ask someone else.

how many threads have you successfully derailed with just this one pic?

>Are there any brown space marines chapter?

No, because it's an ugly colour. There are literally no brown coloured armies unless you count IG for the purposes of camo uniforms. The image you posted is a literally walking turd.

2) They're only from 30k at the moment. You can play them as Assault Terminators.

3) We don't know what salamader's Chapter Tactics are, specifically, whether they have changed or not.

4) Yes, that seems fine.

Girls are gross according to GW

That is why their female model look like trannies.

>Bolters losing potency
>Negative armour modifiers everywhere


Racists of warhammer, would you quit 40k if the Emperor is revealed to be a Black Woman?

are you really so biased to think that the tourney people who helped play test secretly unbalanced the game?

if thats the case the sprawling jewry in control of 40k really is unstoppable isn't it





2 ghost swords or ghost axe and force shield?

>not super model= tranny
>trying to make a pretty face with pewter in 1990

GW is also British so they've probably never seen an attractive girl to base their models off

>got 'em

Saddest part is Orks are again just gonna be reduced to the dudes the Imperials kill before Uh-oh, the true enemy has appeared, its Angron!

I actually hate the revelation Ullanor is the Ork's actual homeworld. I mean does any other faction in this game literally not control their own homeworld? (only if they have one we know of, of course).

you don't get it b8 user
yeah people would quit, but thats because they fucked with the lore, if the emperor was always black then no-one except for the 3 actual racists here would give a fuck
but if you mess with old fluff you will invoke the collective screeching of a million nerds



Americans we aren't still salty about the burning of the white house.

Actually a brilliant plan to keep women away from the hobby and so culture wars out of it.

What the fuck did you use to remove the mold lines? It looks horrible!

eldar got run off their homeworld by slaanesh

being without a home is kinda the eldars thing

So would it make sense to paint them brown with white or black scale capes and claim they are from a Salamander chapter and use their special rules? Sounds really good, thanks
Will play them as terminators then. I have the 7th edition codex and I like them, i'll cross fingers they don't change them too much. Thanks for everything.

pick one

force shield!

Yeah but they don't have one in the current fluff. Of the faction's with designated Homeworlds we know of Orks are the only ones who don't control it.

For goodness sake Orks have literally been defeated on their own Homeworld and lost it 3 times. At this point the Ork Homeworld is literally more of an Imperial or Chaos world than it is Orkish. Like imagine if The Imperium got kicked off Terra twice and the world was turned into some Tau Empire World or some Ork fortress. Fukkin depressing

>there aren't culture wars in 40k communities

user next time run a hobby knife softly perpendicular to the mold lines, don't try to cut them off parallel, you'll take chunks out of the model

The idea that the Emperor could be a woman is ridiculous.

The Humanity vs Xenos conflict boils down to Catholicism vs Paganism. The whole game is a giant culture war.

>Humanity vs Xenos conflict
>not Humanity vs Chaos conflict

You had one job.

>personally angry about something that happened over a century before i was born

what I'm I a slavery apologist?

Then why nids exist? They are the go to girly army. Along with Chaos marines.

Your whole post is a giant shitpost.


Get angry for things that happen before where born is a sign of mental retardation.

You can maybe be upset and work to prevent those things from happening again, but expect people to get worked up for things that happen before your existence is stupid.

Wait... Now I understand the new lore! It is just kids writing shit lore forgetting the old stuff because reading is not cool!

Salamanders are brown.

And also

Eldar - Celtic Pagans
Necrons - Egyptian Pagans
Orks - Ancestor Worship
Tau - Atheism (Okay not technically Pagan except that it elevates sciences and random chance to becoming gods)
Tyranids - The unknown and unknowable.

Chaos - Also still Pagans yes.
So I guess it Humanity vs Everyone else is all just a giant culture war.

Is anyone able to pre-order the Gromrindal model? It sends me to an error page every time I click the "Order now" button.

dat shitty mono mixing tho

Not that many, honestly.
At this point, it's not even getting much response other than one or two brief 'yup, that's a pic' mentions.

I used the citadel mobile line remover (tm) but it worked fucking awfully as it's not a sharp enough edge. Don't have a hobby knife yet so I use a mixture of that and a kitchen knife which is a bit of a struggle! Anyway cheers for the tips I'll get a hobby knife. Any advice on swords vs axe and shield?

even Veeky Forums won't fall for the same meme for a week straight

Oh indeed. Could've sworn that there used to be a version on youtube that sounded much better, but I must be misremembering that.


yes, exactly. if the emperor was a woman then the title would be empress.

You'd get more (you)s if you were funnier.

Yes but no one cares what kneckbeards think about the real world. Especially other kneckbeards. The WH40K setting remains delightfully free of "topical" social and political commentary.

It's just big guys, big guns, big aliens and big explosions as far as the eye can see. 40K fans get riled up arguing about things like whether the Tau fit the setting and whether the Ultramines get too much focus. Not whether the Tau are appropriating Asian culture and whether or not the Ultramines are a dogwhistle to white supremacists.

Which is great.

>even Veeky Forums won't fall for the same meme for a week straight
You must be new here.

you kidding? Veeky Forums doesn't respect comedy unless it's some weird balls-out fuckasslong story with a pun at the end. if you want (You)'s just post rage pics and neckbeard will do as neckbeard does.

whats the easiest way to grind (you)'s on the 40kg?

i find asking really open ended questions about the lore or hobby really gets a lot of responses because its actual content


>he doesn't go to a store where the GW manager has banned political talk because it's erupted into near brawls

>he doesn't have 2-5 people arguing outside the store during lunch breaks or after closing almost every day

>he doesn't have people at the store constantly making references with political undertones or trying to find some way to shoehorn trump into a conversation

lucky dude

>All is not yet dust

man what a shitty environment

>always sunny music plays
>The thousand sons get turned into dust

Go back to 1d4ddit

Americans love to talk politics, especially if they don't think anyone will challenge their view

the vast majority of people at my two game stores are some flavor of republican, which basically turns the places into massive echo chambers

Tell them they're all liberals pretending to be rightwingers. That usually sets them off.

>Be a respectable Magos
>Your daughter is going to her first meat bag dance
>She shows up looking like this

Why does the Omnissiah hate me so much?

My local GW's manager would openly talk about her political views during business hours. She would also talk shit about customers behind their backs.

Found the problem

>openly talks about her political views during business hours
>talk about customers behind their backs

Concentrated cancer.

>be me
>21 year old center left liberal
>tell 40 year old dude
>gives me standard shit about how ill learn when i get older and how liberals are all bernie cucks
>tell him he's probably a lot more of a liberal than he thinks, because he likes personal liberty and personal rights
>erupts into autistic screeching
>finish my game and buy some nesquik with my NEETbux and go home on my razor scooter

Is that a heavenly glow coming from her cootch?

So as it turns out, there's no good space on my Librarian to stick a bolt pistol.
Considering most Marine infantry have bolt pistols that are almost never modeled and are accepted in tournaments, how likely is it I'll run into an issue with the pistol not being modeled on the lib?

It brings in more trannies though, which is great. There are 2 qt trannies that play at my store.

if you're an american you must have the other femGW manager in the country, because theres only 2

the one at my store hates political talk because she knows it's cancer to a store and is just a chill person in general

>center left liberal
You are a bernie cuck, you faggot. Don't ever (You) me again.

holy fuck shut up

Please stop. Politics suck, today they suck more than usual. Mostly because retards like you think the left and the right still exist.

I wish GW actually showed up to events in the US. Looking at all the Warhammer World shit is annoying knowing I would have to spend multiple grand just to visit it.

Like, GenCon is the biggest tabletop convention in North America, but they have absolutely 0 presence there.

>bringing mentally ill people into the store is a good thing
Go back to 1d4ddit.


Funny thing she has several masters in engineer and a turbo slut.

Bless her smart and slutty heart

>Armageddon II: Electric Boogaloo no convenient Deus Ex Machina edition

>>finish my game and buy some nesquik with my NEETbux and go home on my razor scooter

Nesquik is life

>Pretending people who spend thousands of dollars and hours on miniatures are mentally sane

Okay there pal.

Despite being 50% of the population, I've seen more trans-women that play 40k than women.

>not wanting to fug qt traps
I bet you frequent HFY threads too.

; ^ )

What's their band name, again?

>Enter thread
>"Maybe some 8th ed stuff is out that I don't know about"
>thread desolves into stupid /pol/ shitslinging competition
>"I'll see myself out"

enjoy your aids