What's your opinion about future queen of Imperium being an Eldar?
What's your opinion about future queen of Imperium being an Eldar?
I'm cool with it
The Emps was okay with xenos so long as they weren't trying to undermine Humanity's domination of the galaxy
Is she a Dark Eldar?
If she got rid of the stupid hair style I wouldn't mind it so much.
It will probably be the end of the Eldar, which only pleases Imperiumfags. So it's a shit deal.
She's a Craftworld Eldar that went through several different paths. Then she worked her way up in the Wych cults in Commoragth.
>Implying Macha isn't destined to bone the Emperor
I'm okay with this.
Ack-shuallly, I once had this crazy idea: some Great Crazy Fucking Working happened, inextricably linking the fortunes of Humanity to those of the Eldar.
By which I mean that ANY time any percentage of Eldar* died, including so few as a single Eldar, a random corresponding percentage of humanity dies. Note that the God-Emperor of Man is still human! As are Space Marines, Techpriests, etc. On the balance, this works both ways, but enough humans have to die basically simultaneously (IE, within the course of one battle) to add to up to so many as one Eldar for an Eldar to snuff it, whereas any time an Eldar so much as falls off a jetbike and wraps himself around a tree, as many humans as his percentage of the Eldar race just randomly croak.
*Including Craftworld, Corsair, Exodite and Dark.
The Imperium would 180 so hard from xenociding the Eldar to protecting them it'd give a Space Marine whiplash.
>Not having the eldar pair off with humans to breed them into the species
What are you gay?
>*to breed them out of existence
FTFY There is no way the Eldar could survive that, considering how big the Imperium is.
>Eldar dissappear
>Their babbies don't get eaten by Slaanesh
>Their genetic lineage continues in the human race
>Lots of human on eldar ganbang
I like it
Eldar fuck for days to produce a viable offpring. In order for this to work you are going to need like 10 guys taking shifts
two simple sollutions:
After slaanesh gets killed, ynnead revives Eldar. Big E revives Humies. congrats, now they're equal
collapse of Golden throne causes human eye of terror and wipes out most of humans. so now WE are equal to eldar in quantity
there's enough men in the imperium to be able to fill those roles
How would it work on halfbreds?
if first halfbred will be killed (100% casualty) both humans and eldar will go extinct?
Aside from the fact that it's not canon.
>inb4 that librarian
>inb4 Commorragh experiments
>inb4 that one pirate
Having a non human as queen would probably undermine humanity's domination of the galaxy.
>Muh canon
>In 40k
>where canon gets cannoned in every edition
not if eldar would turn out to be humans
I dont have opinion on shitty fancic that arent canon
Assuming half-breeds were even possible, I'd say they were probably counted as human for most intents and purposes, but Eldar if targeted for extermination BECAUSE they're not human. Why? Because the fucking Warp, that's why.
So xenociding them is a terrible idea for both races.
Pic related.
On a vaugely-related note, can those blue mofuckers get in on this "Hey, can we be hyuuman too" train?
Like, seriously, replace the fucking AdMech with the Tau Earth Caste. Fire Caste would be just as happy in the Imperial Guard as otherwise, and you bet your ass that the average Guardsman would be worlds happier (and the enemies of Man considerably unhappier) if plasrifles replaced flashlights.
Why is she barefoot? Is GW catering to footfags now?
>On a vaugely-related note, can those blue mofuckers get in on this "Hey, can we be hyuuman too" train?
err, no.
In nearly every fantasy settings it is implied that Humans and Elves are related to eachother.
similarly there was this trend in 40k regarding mankind and eldar too in old days, but was changed later.
Thats why it is silly to seriously consider 40k canon, as they change it in nearly every edition.
Who gives a flying fuck about genetics? I just want to see the God-Emprah of Mankind point at the aderpable little blue fuckers and say "You see those guys? They're mine too, 'cause I say so. Now stop fucking trying to exterminate them and get to work distributing their scientific advances to my Imperium, and send them ten thousand shitsloads of Guardsmen to protect them from Heresy."
>Implying BigE will screw anyone but macha
He doesn't have to SCREW the Tau, just claim them as his own and demand they be treated just like every other citizen of the Imperium. (IE, shittily, but protected from the crazy bullshit in the Warp, etc.)
Though, I used to have a really, REALLY batshit insane 40K idea wherein the Emprah died, and was, in fact, reborn... As a female Tau Water-Caste. With full Emprah-level Psyker power, an immunity to Ethereal bullshit control and the ability to project a bubble of "fuck you, you don't control me anymore" to other Tau nearby, and ridiculous diplomancy skillz...
It's heresy then.
I can only imagine how that would feel for the Emperor. After having lived through the highest of mankind's technological advancements, the Tau must look like orks banging rocks together. And that's the shit to be distributed to help humanity.
Tough fkn times indeed
>The Emps was okay with xenos so long
imma stop you right there, the Emps was for the complete purging of any xenos even ones that showed docility or willingness to cooperate
Reminder that HumanXEldar assholes also support black men fucking white women.
Purge these xeno-loving cucks.
>Comparing Noble Eldars with Niggers
>Comparing Supreme Humans with Niggers
>Superhuman Emperor marries Super Elves
Space Numenoreans incoming
Long live Emperor Guilliman.
The Emperor is not a human, but some kind of group mind of undead shamans - a Chaos God in flesh, basically.
Therefore, the Emperor being the Emperor undermines human domination of the galaxy.
Therefore, the Emperor must be purged in the name of the Emperor.
Alternatively, if the Emperor does count as a human, then the most efficient way to ensure human domination of the galaxy is to have the rest of the humanity join him - to make humanity go the way of Eldar and become a Chaos God (and either eat or enslave the rest of them). Xenos could be kept around as an energy source.
With the level of control the Emperor seems to have you could even combine the best of both worlds and keep the Imperium running while dead humans join with the Chaos God of Humanity, thus ensuring human domination of both Materium and Immaterium, potentially turning grimdark into noblebright.
Not true. The Emperor gave xenos a choice, submit to humanities domination, or die. He wasn't out to make the galaxy solely humanity, just ruled solely by humanity.
Piss off.
Death of the Eldar culture to spawn halfknife-eared abominations.
>humanity and space elf-kind uniting to also have adorable half-breed offspring
>fit, well-toned but attractive and slightly pointed eared offspring for everyone
fixed it foy u's
>some kind of group mind of undead shamans
Human shamans.
>Waifufag too fucking retarded to see the bigger picture
I bet the dumb waifufag won't complain when niggers and mudslimes destroy his culture.
I don't see why that would be a problem.
Eldar and humans can't interbreed you fucking moron.
How the fuck do you compare Elves with mudslimes and niggers, you retarded bafoon?
Main point of Elves in fantasy is to be a perfect version of human!
Not my queen.
But silly user. You are the dumb male elf who watches his wife get stolen by niggers and mudslime and see his culture raped.
Silly HumanXEldar shippers, don't you know all of the Primarchs are gay?
nope, even the Space Wolves would give xenos the chance during the great crusade (in "Prospero Burns" they try peaceful negotiations with the Olamic Quietude until they are forced into action)
it's only after the end of the Heresy and dawn of the inquisition that humanity started taking a zero xenos policy
>if i shitpost hard enough, i'll get (you)s!
No, user, die nameless.
You are wrong, Roboute is also only primarch who loved woman in canon before.
Eldar are Ubermensch. They're whiter than you.
I'm a /pol/ regular too, but idiots like you that swarm out of there have to go back.
Eldar are literally quicker, smarter, better than humans. They may not be curvy, but their bell curves are just the way I like them.
I'm perfectly okay with this.
What's the point of your fucking reply?
You just confirm that Imperium Humans are niggers who want to taint the Eldar Ubermenschen.
I was defending the Eldar culture while waifufags want to turn them into shitty fapbait to spawn more shitty abhumans.
It's /pol/ and other useful idiots who are trying to turn back progress and return us to the Dark Ages.
And if you succeed, your reward is to be Russia's bitch.
But I guess some lessons need to be relearned every few generations.
Cliched as fuck.
Here's a magic-realm-tier thing:
Humanity cannot outfuck the eldar. Not in the current canon situation, but in a different scenario for a lack of a better term.
If ever humanity and space elves ever get along and both races are capable of interbreeding, humans can't outfuck eldar. And likely, eldar genes will start getting more dominant over the human gene.
In a more simpler way: If eldar and humanity become allies to the point them pointy-ears can legally migrate to Earth. Expect alot space half-elves becoming more and more common in human territories and even in Earth. And expect even certain human traits being bred out of existence and being replaced with fit and thin bodies, tappered ears, colorful eyes, and really angular facial features and also being taller.
Humans just cant outfuck the eldar...
I got this "info" from the Nobledark 40K thread.
remember that xenology itself is still "canon" due to the Deceiver's shenanigans
and before that Eldar/Human inbreed was "semi-canon"
If there's a Fucking Fact, is that After 1984, every school around this fucking planet forgot how to teach history, and after 2004 the world became dumber and easier to manipulate than Kelly Bundy
nowadays we have /pol/, SJW and every extremist shit coming out of a tom clancy Novel
>watch jamal and ahmed rape your wife
It is a technological and cultural advance of the current situation.
Where you don't even get to watch!
Is it Anthony Burch approved though?
there is nothing wrong with pol you fag
>the Emperors Flagship doesn't give one fuck about gravity and just lands on planets
Roboute is a pale imitation.
>/pol/tard defending a xeno
Ok, I don't mind, regarding Eldar, since elves are upgraded human 2.0 anyways, but...
boy this is retarded
Glorious half-breeds
>Fetishiszing being breed out of existence.
Nobody is bred out, you retard.
He means that according to fluff Eldar genetics are strong and therefore it will remain in halfbred generations no matter what.
If massive interbreeding will take place, no one will outbreed no one
rather to races will unite in general
It sort of makes out in a roundabout fashion that she is just Eldar and doesnt care which path she takes. This is what gained Ynneads attention or some shit.
she is Eldar, her internal socio-political alignment is more complicated than Craftworld/Dark/Exodite/Harlequin/Corsair
>assuming half breeds are even possible
Fun fact they were back in the day.
Is that a motherfucking kavat? Are smug sphess cats spreading?
My point is that you're an idiot who can do no more than regurgitate /pol/ memes about racemixing.
Not just organisms are in evolutionary competition with each other, but also and primarily single genes. That means if succesful genes are spread through all populations of a species, the succesful genes profit massively.
If Eldar and humans mix, that means the genes giving Eldar intelligence, speed and dexterity get spread through mankind. In turn the Eldar genes get spread across the whole galaxy and are no longer in danger of dieing out. Every gene benefits from that.
Even human genes benefit, by virtue of their host organism being better suited due to higher intelligence.
tl:dr Grow up and read up on actual genetics.
t. cuck apologist
>I watch my wife getting fucked by the superior gene man to provide me good genetic children
Holy fucking shit.
Space cats were in 40k since 1987.
>wanting xeno genes
Fucking gross
Tell that an eldar. He will understand that and throw his daughters towards humans so they can waifu them while his race ceases to exist.
He's probably just shitposting senpai
There is a reason they call them mon-keigh, eldar see humans like animals, so unless their race is into bestiality.
Those animals in Eldar history dominated them until some hero came along, so by the Eldar's own admission they are no match for humanity without a legendary hero.
>Those animals in Eldar history dominated them until some hero came along
I may lack reading comprehension right now, but are you seriously implying that the undisputed masters of the galaxy until they shot themselves in the foot were dominated by the humans in their history? Even for the time after the fall is this a very, very bold statement.
He refers to name applied to extinct species which Eldar fought.
Like most political marriages, it won't have love, and it most certainly won't have issue. Plus, most governments of men or Eldar are not inherited along genetic or matrimonial lines. Only places like Knight Houses, Navigator Houses, and backwater planets with light tithes can afford nepotism, and no Eldar Craftworld nor Kabal can afford to do so. Those with the will to rule, the skill to exploit or govern, and the intelligence to survive assassination will end up on top. It is as meritocrac as you can get. So why would it matter if anyone married anyone? If Yvraine and Roboute have the means to split the galaxy in mutual agreement between them, what posible extra significance could a ring give to that? Such an act would already imply such vast quantities of power and trust (or mutual assured destruction) that marriage pales to describe it.
Why must it be a political marriage instead of a simple alliance? The outcry on both sides would be far to much to let this happen.
Ask OP, I agree with you
Same view that humans have towards non-humans, that are not emperors chosen, therefore, for humans its both bestiality AND heresy at this stance, so whats your point?
Guilliman and Yvraine shall change this and bring both races dominance in galaxy. ok, thank you
If fucking Black Templars could spare some Xenos' civilization I'm sure the rest can too
I want to put a bullet inside Yvraine's head!
But it would be the humans dominance over the galaxy.
>Who is Chief Librarian Astropath Illiyan Nastase?
I want to suck her heels while she verbally abuses me.
An outdated piece of lore from a past era that waifufags desperately cling to.
>It would be Eldman/Humdar dominance over the galaxy
Nothing wrong with that.
>Only the newest edition is canon guise jeeze
He wasn't in the edition before the newest either. Everything about that guy is not canon, not only his heritage.
>[Screams internaly]
I shall wait and see. I am not gonna trew a tantrum because humies and eldar did not backstab each other for once in canon.
Commissar fuklaw would commit a suicide, thats for sure
Are you implying that the Emperor would be capable of consummating marriage with a xeno, rather than taking one look at Yvraine's eerie fey body and going instantly limp?