/swg/ Give peace a chance Edition

Previous Thread: Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Shipfag's Starship Combat Fixes for EotE/AoR/FaD

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide


Shipfag's hangar

Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, co-op X-Wing campaign

Have your Rebel players ever had a peaceful interaction with Imperials? Have your Imperial players ever had a peaceful interaction with Rebels?

Other urls found in this thread:


What spaceships from other sci-fi games would fit in to star wars without feeling out of place


It is an age of political shitposting. Luke, did I ever tell you about the fapping starships? It is theorized that they held Snoke, a Grey Jedi. In fear over Mice and Shevkles, Bendu lays in hiding.

In victory over the shitposting, there may one day be actual tabletop discussion. But that time will not come while glorious Kriea engages in ace combat. All of which pales in comparison to the shittiest Star Wars movie: The Ewok Movie. A Pheonix Squadron Pilot expresses Dark Greetings shortly before his death. A death that could have been prevented if someone hadn't put "Star Wars" in the OP.

Wedge Antilles hops on one transparisteel leg towards Sienar to engage in Professional wrestling. Space /k/ arrives shortly after, to debate about actual tabletop discussion With Ahsokafags. A certain light-side Sith is indeed a Mary Sue. In the end the Nucanon vs. Legends arguments can only be decided with silly lightsabers


So what would have happened if Vader had survived the events of ROTJ?

Probably would have turned to the light and helped Luke train the next generation of Jedi. Kylo wouldn't be an angsty little bitch and would probably be obsessed with someone else

So looking at the Store Championship prizes, I really want the Agent Kallus token, and that means I need to place in the top 2 out of 64.

there's a store around ~1 hour away from me that is having one in a couple weeks, and I want to know how many levels of meta I should go in.

I want to fly Empire, and I know people there will be aware of the world's results.

Do I prepare to see a lot of what won worlds?

Should I prepare to beat what beats what won worlds?

Should i try to beat what beats the thing that beats the thing that wins worlds?

Or do I just say 'fuck it' and fly a crackswarm?

In the mean time, how do you effectively deal with 'Rebel Good Shit' lists as empire? (Some mix of Corran, Biggs, Stressbot/hog, Ahsoka, and Miranda.) Same thing for Kanan-Biggs.

If you do win that and I don't, I'm looking for a kallus token...

The Serenity might. It disobeys the same laws of physics, and looks more analogue than digital. All it needs is a hyperdrive.

You have done well, my young apprentice.

Wing Commander 3 and 4.

Post ur favorite Star Wars meme in this ebin bread and win free upboats

Had my players on a cruise ship make first contact with a 'possible' Imperial contact who had a lot of information regarding some prisoners they wanted to extract, they had a heck of a time trying to find him and not reveal to other imperials just who they where. Just for the 'oh fuck' factor I threw in Sienar's grandmother taking a liking to one of them in the cabin next to one of the characters, batshit crazy, needed someone to play Bridge (or the equivalent) with and personal security that was discretely terrifying.
Course at the end of the game revealed that she was completely lucid and they never did quite figure out if she was onto them or just an old lady that needed some companionship
There was also the theft of sundry ships items on an industrial scale...

Battlestar Galactica and possibly Bab5


If a lightsaber blade is just a contained blaster bolt.

And if that contained blaster bolt can reflect other blaster bolts.

Then will two blaster bolts intersecting mid-air reflect each other?

And could a Jedi with sufficient foresight armed with a blaster shoot other blaster bolts mid-air and reflect them into other opponents?

We covered that in the Jedi blaster thread.

In a not-so-serious game?

Absolutely. In fact, it ought to be more or less mandatory, now that you've come up with the idea.

If you're playing Darths and Droids, sure. You've basically given the logic for it.

Bsg is too low tech. no sheilds, uses tube hangers

Either recap the consensus of the thread or link to the archive. Just mentioning that it was covered once weeks or months ago is a worthless contribution.

It's literally on the fucking board right now, dipshit.

Stick whatever stats you want on them, its your game

My players had a recent peaceful interaction with Imperials, in which the players saved a wounded stormtrooper from dying, and then used the stormtrooper's CO to gain access to a facility they otherwise would have had to kill the stormtroopers to access.

The governor figured out what happened, though, and sent gunships. The stormtrooper CO intentionally put his men in harm's way to help the PCs escape - a debt repaid.

It went well.

It wouldn't have, had the stormtroopers known that the PCs were Rebels.

The Serenity and the Bebop would probably fit.


You have to prepare to beat the list that beats the list that beats the list that beats the list that beats the list that beats the list that beats the list that beats the list that wins worlds.

No more, no less.

Meanwhile, deep within the corporate vaults of Krylonus Prima VII...

AoR is great for those Letters from Iwo Jima/Hacksaw Ridge style moments.


My party's scout trooper found a wounded rebel hiding out in a closet in an abandoned building. It was a warzone so the rebel of course freaked out when the player said "I pull something out of my belt" only to reveal it was a stimpack, and he gave it to the rebel.

They later figured out they were from the same planet, and the scout and the rest of the party bonded with him while holding the building awaiting further orders.
The rebel turned out to be a sergeant and gave the party intel on nearby artillery positions in exchange for release. Thanks to 2 Triumphs, I also made a point later that the party squad lead got contacted and told that the rebel guns weren't shooting as expected, like someone had told them to stop.

For that the party didn't report seeing the rebel sergeant's described ship leave the planet.

I dunno, maybe I'm just a sucker for exploring the human side of war, even in a space opera of space wizards. It can be powerful and emotional.

Tbqh I always assumed that the Force is more of the dark and light half of yourself. Fuck the cancer and other shit. If you do good actions, you're light, if you're a moustache twirling planet destroyer, you're dark.

He probably means just the appearance. Cylons would fit well would droids, hell there's a certain class of droids that's basically the metal Terminators. Vipers fit well as Incom ships and the Battlestars would work well as Rendili ships.

And yet you couldn't link to it. That's two useless 'contributions' now bud.

Probably judged for warcrimes by an alliance military tribunal

Stuff like this is much less likely to happen in a civil war because everything is much more personal.

Where do you guys watch Rebels?

Armada question: When do you activate critical effects?
Would Overload Pulse plus and Avenger ISD mean no defense tokens could be used?

You'd think if Vader reformed and went out of his way to remake his suit, he'd make the mask something other than a skull.

My character in Edge of the Empire is a former Imperial Ace who was honorably discharged for political reasons and now makes her money as a merc. She hates the rebels and thinks of them as foolish self-absorbed idealists fighting shoulder to shoulder with ISIS-tier terrorists. She would rather fuck a wookie than work with a rebel.

Crit effects go before damage, but after the defender's defense tokens - you aren't the first to look at OP Avenger that way though. You'll need another ship to trigger an OP crit before Avenger shoots.

Wait for a little for wave 6 and then you'll be able to use boarding troopers to exhaust the enemy tokens for an Avenger smash.

Post your list.

I'm a totally new so please don't be harsh.

But then I should probably put something like Ion Canon Battery on the ISD instead of the Overload Pulse?

OP of the post you linked, I actually play D6. RPGs in general are great for exploring the human side of conflict.

This is the correct interpretation, except it's even more simple: love = light, hate = dark. This is why the Jedi failed.

That could be arranged.

Ion cannon batteries are pretty good, out of the damaging ions they're one of the best right now. Usually you'd want Leading Shots on the ISD so you can apply rerolls to your red dice - that's less critical here because Vader can hand out rerolls. You've got the Intel/XI7/Gunnery combo going on and that's good.

The bad news is pretty bad though, your fighter screen is kinda weak, and only two activations will put you through the ringer really fast. Most fleets currently run 4 - 5 or more activations with two of the those being the heavy hitters and the others being support ships/cheerleaders, usually with either dedicated anti-fighter or bomber support.


I'd recommend stripping down the VSD first - without Moff Jerjerrod commanding the fleet they lack the maneuverability to be a gunship. That said they can be a pretty adequate carrier. Something like:
Flight Commander
Flight Controllers
Expanded Hangers
It can rally your squads and then punch anything that tires to get close and disrupt them.

Second, you need more activations badly. For the empire that means Gozantis. I usually take the cheap ones and then put com nets on them so they can support the bigger ships with AA and tokens. Raiders can also work for filling out a fleet, you put Ordnance Experts on it, and then either Assault proton Torpedoes or Flechette Torpedoes (the former for anti-ship, the latter for anti-squad).

As far as squadrons go, Imperials play anti-squad really well. At it's most basic you get Fel, Mithal, Dengar, and Howlrunner, a couple of advanced for cover, then load up on fighters or interceptors. Howl gives all you ties extra dice, Mithal puts damage on everyone just for engaging, Dengar keeps Mithal reengaging every turn for max damage AND gives everyone Counter 1 (which gets the extra dice from Howl), and Fel hurts anyone who shoots the covering advanced, or any of the other aces that aren't him (and assuming he is in range of Howl and Dengar, gets to retaliate with 4 blue dice against anyone without Snipe that shoots him).

Would you recommend picking up 2 raiders?
I have none right now.
I could strip squardron upgrades and everything but the title and lasers on the victory?

Also, one other thing - Arquitens work very well with Vader due to their redundant defense tokens. You just take the basic cruiser, add you choice of turbolasers and then concentrate fire all day long, using Vader for rerolls on those fickle red dice.

What would be a fair cost for a cybernetic that gave you an additional arm, or pair of arms? Building a bounty hunter, and I want to take the kit modification to the extreme, and have them modify themselves as much as they can.

Besalisk and Xexto are both 85 xp, with a 3/1/1 stat adjustment. That's effectively 35 xp for an extra manuever per turn.

Should the cybernetic take up more than one slot? or just be really expensive. Should there be setback dice using those arms for a long time (or forever), given the invasive nature of adding appendages?

Yeah, 2 is a sweet spot for raiders (it's how many I got). They make good little hunters, capable of threatening much larger ships if used right. The thing to keep in mind is when they move in to attack they absolutely cannot take a hit. 6 damage can pop one from full health, so make sure that they avoid the enemy's best firing arcs if at all possible. If you are fixed on using Avenger, the Raider-II has an ion cannon slot and can be used as an OP delivery system to set up for the ISD, but beware that move telegraphs itself really hard and is totally dependent on the raider going first and the ISD being able to shoot the same target after.

In terms of stuff to get, you absolutely want a Gladiator if you don't already have one. The Glad, specifically with the Demolisher title is a mainstay of Imperial list and is capable of death punching much larger ships. This is because the Demolisher can take one of its shots AFTER MOVING, leading to the infamous triple tap - the last activation of the turn, Demo moves up and shoots, the takes first activation next turn, putting two more shots into its hapless target before moving out of danger.

Seriously, something like 80% of Imp tournament fleets use it, it's that good.

Glad was my first additional purchase together with the Interdictor.
After I got Core and ISD at start.

So 2 Raiders and a gozanti would be a good pick up?

There will be people flying whatever wins worlds. Most of those lists take some skill to fly well, so don't expect the same level of efficacy.

Store Champs are generally more laid back, more local, more experimental. Fly what you're comfortable with and you should be fine.

Yeah, gut the victory - it works best as a carrier and the points saved will get you more squads.

To expand of the victory, it's vulnerable because of 2 things - its speed and its defense tokens.

At speed 2 with only single click turns the impressive frontal battery is usually wasted. A canny opponent can blow by you easily and you'll never be able to get the guns to bear for that killing shot. Konstantine and Tractor Beams can help by slowing the enemy down, but Moff Jerjerrod is the only way to make a Vic turn faster.
Second, as I said, the defense tokens are weak. One accurate result to pin you brace, add XI7 turbos, and attacks will drill straight in to hull almost immediately. Adding a defensive retrofit via Minister Tua can get you a little more survivability, but you still won't be able to go toe to toe with an MC80 or ISD.

That said, I do have one build of Victory that's terrible but hilarious when it works:
Expanded Launchers
Ordnance Experts
XI7 Turbolasers
If the stars align and you catch someone ahead of you at short range you can unload more firepower than an ISD into them.
The odds of that happening are pretty slim, but you can can pull some good area denial with it, or get the enemy to focus on it to the exclusion of other things.

Yes, that's a good idea. Another Victory isn't a bad idea (this after I was just bashing it) - it come with some good upgrades (like the almighty flight controllers) and ADMIRAL MOTTI.

Motti is the best commander the empire has - he's cheap, and as long as he is alive all of your ships get extra hull points based on size class (1 for smalls, 2 for mediums, and 3 for large).

You put him on an ISD with Reinforced Blast Doors, and you opponent with have to push 17 damage past your shields and defense tokens to actually kill him.

Add a second ISD with RBDs and then laugh.

Add a third and then realize you have gone too far and spent too few points on squadrons.

I've got to go to work now, I hope you found this somewhat helpful.

Thanks user!

Oldschool Elite could work well I think, based off the game and the Holdstock story. The new game's ships feel a bit too slick for me, but they could represent a shipbuilding tradition we haven't seen much of yet.
Note that going by that story (_The Dark Wheel_) Elite ships can be multicrew, at least Cobra Mk IIIs.

Only sporadically lurking but our local campaign (WEG) has a minor, emerging Force user faction use blasters.
IIRC they use blasters instead of lightsabers, magic crystal is needed, you shoot with a separate DEX skill, Control adds to damage and you can defend with your force-shooty skill instead of dodge and such.

Eh, if I did a BSG inspired school of ship design I'd just give them poor speed, massive armor and only light shield. If I wanted to get Vong style funky I'd give them no shields at all and insane point defense.
(I'd run it in WEG or Savage Worlds so it should work)
As for the hangars that's actually good defense wise.

Halo 1-3 ships would fit, UNSC ships as ancient/low-tech ships, like rebels or pirates might use, and some of the covenant ships would make decent alien ships

Malachor V was justified.

delet this

Honestly, being tried by a war tribunal after the war and at best sentenced to exile, where Luke follows his father to form a new order of Jedi. At worst, he'd be sentenced to Death, which would be his own release.

Dude. What the fuck?

The German Officer in the movie is a total dead ringer for Agent Kallus

That's Star Wars: Infinities: Return of the Jedi. Think along the line of Marvel's What If? books.

The Infinities books had some pretty batshit off-the-wall stuff happen.

I'm still annoyed they never did any Infinities for the prequels.

Why didn't Dooku just kill Obi-wan and capture Anakin in RoTS?

Vader would probably launch a suicide mission. Exile and execution don't seem like the ways he'd want to spend the last moments of his life. He'd try to make up for lost time with Luke and Leia, then go on a never-ending crusade against warlords, crime syndicates, and slavers alongside the 501st until attrition or age took them.

Why would the 501st follow him into defection?

Because the 501st and Vader are bros. The vast majority of them were Fett clones, and Big V took good care of them. Why wouldn't they follow the man who made them the most legendary ground unit in the galaxy?

Because they were loyal to him.

He served along side them during the Wars. And was among the people who treated Clones like people and not biological droids the way the rest of the republic did.

I mean, they were friends with the Jedi too, but that didn't change much come Order 66.

And yet Palps never ordered them to shoot him. Palps is dead and it'll be years before the Palpatine clone business happens, which means the 501st is free to do whatever they want and cut out the TCW control chips with no repercussion.

I can buy batshit insane what-if plots but those faces look like a tracer worked off Howard Chaykin on a bad day. Thanks for the pointer!

He'd only accept 46 of them. The others he'd politely decline, telling them to live good lives.

>implying Vader would like the Rebels

He really, really wouldn't go with their ideals. Even before becoming a Sith, Anakin was a law and order fascist through and through. If anything he'd become a Dark Jedi rather than Sith and still try to get Luke to his side, after he cuts his losses and gets the hell out of the Endor system somehow.

Grey Paladins (nothing to do with grey force use, dont worry) literally do just that.
They dont like how 'dependent' the jedi grew on lightsabers, and so they use blasters.

The character whose name I cant remember you meet in some of the novels used to do just that - she'd use the force to predict incoming bolts and then literally shoot them out of the sky.

Shit was equal parts neato and insane.

Question for the WEGfags, which edition do you think is better?

Which has the better space/vehicle rules?

Anakin would feel compelled to reform as redemption, no matter how it is he is ordered or who he is ordered by.

If Vader saw the light and was redeemed, he would do anything to help his children.

I started off with 1st and then 2nd never agreed with me. This is strictly personal opinion but I would say that 2nd added complexity that Star Wars doesn't need - it's better to work within what is in 1st.
I was never a shelf-fag with STRPG, the two basic books plus Empire and Rebellion books and Companion served well - still serve the guys I play with well today. There's plenty of good ideas to rip off all over WEG's SW publication list, though.

He would do anything to help his children, but I think he would be done with taking orders.
Everyone hes taken orders from in the past has betrayed him and fucked with him. In redemption, he would cast off shackles

>grey paladins
And this is why the EU had to be erased

I still prefer following the EU interpretation that Light = Yin, Dark = Yang. Light represents peace, Dark represents passion. Too much Light and you end up a self-righteous asshole too full of themselves to accept criticism or realize when anything is wrong, like the Prequel Order.

Too much Dark and you end up a violent, bitter, and hateful killer, like Anakin.

Galactic history is full of those events when either the Jedi or Sith would try to slaughter each other, like some neverending holy war. The only way to achieve balance is to have both sides working in cooperation.

No, not Grey Jedi. Their AW interpretation is retarded.

I mean Jedi and Sith working together to achieve a common goal. Sadly, the Jedi tend to attract very full-of-themself people who believe their way is the only way, whether they admit it or not, and the Sith tend to attract very power-hungry people who view any restraint as chains that need broken, though they tend to admit this more readily.

The Force will never be balanced until the two main religions of it learn to co-exist.

If you go back to the oldest (chronologically) books in the old EU, there was some great shit about that.

The Jeedai Rangers on Tython 25,000 years before the films had to work at the balance - they used the ligth and the dark.

Being focused only on the light wasnt so bad (because they didnt have the same LMAO WHAT EVEN ARE EMOTIONS THO? from the Jedi), but being too focused on the easy draw of the dark could be bad since it was harder to give up.

But to be a good Jeedai ranger you had to be in touch with both.

That's why the Dark side is more alluring and hard to escape. Not because EVIL CORRUPTS U but because both sides represent natural emotions, Peace and Passion, and from our own human nature we know that it's much harder to give up your passions for peace than it is to do the opposite. That's why one needs enough Peace to refrain from wholly dedicating themselves to one purpose, and the Passion to ensure they still achieve their goals. Yin and Yang.

At least that's my interpretation of it. I'm sure some people are just going to tell me ITS A SPACE OPERA THO but whatevs.

The main thing I miss about the EU force is that it had INTERPRETATIONS. You know, like anything big, unknowable, and religious. In addition to the Light side and Dark side you have the Living Force, the Cosmic Force, the Physical Force, the Unifying Force, philosophies like the Potentum or the Aing Tii, you have people who go off the deep end like Vergere or Kreia who may have good points but are untrustworthy as sources of inspiration, you have small force traditions like the Baran Do sages. It made things feel nuanced, and as a GM as long as I made it clear that I wouldn't allow Jedi Academy "Throw around lightning but still be good" I could have several players all playing good force users but still have interpersonal conflict that doesn't revolve around falling to the dark side. I'm glad that none of that stuff is going to be prohibited from being used in my games any time soon, but I'm just sad that the NuCanon is so bleak and simplistic.

Well i mean, it is a space opera, but that doesnt stop that interpretation from being workable.

It's the same one I ascribe to, pretty much.

Same guy here. Not to insult anyone, but that's what I meant to touch on at the end of Some people think Star Wars is a space opera and always will be due to its roots in space operas, and that everything around it should be as close to a space opera as possible. In their definitions, this means keeping everything very cut and dry, very simplistic, very basic, with no room for interpretation or ambiguity. Everything's basic and to the point, and I honestly hate that way of thinking.

Star Wars is so much more than when it first came out, it's become something bigger than I think even George could've imagined. As it has changed, so has its genre. It'd be unfair to call it a simplistic space opera anymore.There's simply too much content.

But the last few threads and threads before do show that some would disagree with me. Whether debating Grey Jedi, the Empire's morality, Jedi v Sith, good and evil, the intentions of motives of some characters, the workings of starships, the plausibility behind certain ship designs, political and philosophical thought within the universe, or social concepts of the cultures of Star Wars, there are just some people who truly do not want interpretations or discussions. They want it cut and bone-dry and simple, like many of the original space operas.

I don't bash them for that, but it's a way of going about Star Wars that I personally do not at all enthuse.

Fuck off Hux.

Jesus those are some loaded ships.

Generally a bazillion upgrades isn't a good thing for ships in Armada. You want it to do one thing well, and avoid spending points on superfluous things.

You're going to want one, and possibly two gozantis as support for your ISD. Repair crews are good to run next to an ISD.

Vader is also kind meh. Especially in a two ship list. He goes much better on ships that have a lot of defense tokens they don't mind spending, like the Arquitens or Raider. VSDs want to keep all their tokens, so Vader is a bad fit for them.

Thanks I'm starting to get that!
And that's for that beautiful piece!

This is what I've worked out based on previous user's suggestions.

I'm not really sure what to do with the squadrons though? Tips?
The Raider already fills a kind of Anti-Squadron role so maybe I should get something more Anti-Ship in squadron form?

>Thanks for that*
Also forgot pic.

New video, my dudes. This one's really more for the newest x-wing guys. Sorry for the low output this week, real life's been catching up to me.

You sound like my Grandpa

I'm not sure what to make of that comment

>I'm not sure what to make

Grandchildren, obviously.

Will do

Im already mad at 7 minutes in
You say block is always bad, but in your demo, you would get to shoot the other tie while blocking the other. The block was a much superior move. If you couldn't hit the other tie, he couldn't hit you.
The lack of moving the ships properly really invalidates a lot of your movement advice, as if you took your 3 turn x2 advice, means at least one tie shooting you every turn without return fire. It does make more sense with more ships on your side, but they will also have more ships which again makes it harder.
Your advice boils down to "If they want to joust, get on their side and avoid it" Which is solid advice, but 18 minutes is a long time to meander there.

For video advice, edit and plan your videos better. Whether you write out an actual script or not (I recommend it heavily. You'll find your videos become significantly better), have a better plan. You seem a little more ranty than you should be. You make several mistakes speaking, edit these out. It comes across as very amateur. I get you want more content, and faster is better for it, but looking at views/subs no one is really watching. Improve quality over quantity. As you get better, you'll get faster.
Try keeping videos to under 6 minutes. I watched your list building video as well, and thats a great example of a video that should be 3. Each list can be its own video, and it makes it easier on the viewers to find the exact content they want, while also making your videos more frequent.

Overall, I like what you're doing. More x-wing content is cool.

You're actually totally right about the blocking. I don't know how something simple like that slipped my mind.

As for the video advice: I agree with you on scripting and editing. These are things that I want to do more of for the sake of quality. On the other hand, Youtube growth patterns suggest that with the new algorithms, small channels outputting less than 3 videos a week are taking a big hit to channel growth. So, my option right now is to do 1 well scripted video every 1 or 2 weeks depending on my real life schedule or aim for 3 lower quality videos a week. The more well done videos seem like the obvious choice until you look at how Youtube prioritizes people who post more frequently. I may very well try the scripting and editing route (hell, it's what I have a degree in...), but any continuation of it would be dependent on the success of those particular videos.
I guess I'll also post this in terms of my longer-term plan. The current mark I'm looking at is 5000 subs (a long ways off, but not unattainable). At 5000 subs, assuming things are going well, the goal is to launch a patreon and begin focusing a lot more on quality. Of course this could be a pipe-dream and at the end of the day I'm making videos because it's fun for me.

Pretty much this. The more simple/streamlined the better.

Look up the rules for MiniSix. Use them, except substitute in the six Star Wars D6 attributes and rework the skills (use the 2nd Edition skills, but look into combining some and reorganizing them). Pretty much everything else should be 1st Edition.

What's a good name for a small band of mercenaries?

The Aurek Team.

Men in Tights
Bad Company
Iron Star Inc.
Red Hammer Securities
Starfighters of Agamar
The Band of the Hawk
Colossus Wasp
Guardian Interstellar
Ronin, LLC
The Metal Gear name generator also works well as a PMC name generator.

Corusca Dogs.

I already used that one

The 1313th level crew

I would argue, personally, that the Force has no "sides;" it's up to the user to choose what to bring out of it. However, it's much more common for those using negative emotions to bring destruction on themselves and others than to not.