By some dimensional fuckery you get to be a wizard in real life.
You start with the power equivalent of a level 1 wizard, with three spells of your choice plus one of your chosen school (see below), Detect Magic and Read Magic, a familiar, and no cantrips (this isn't a garbage edition).
Study, research, practice, and experience will allow you to expand your powers and learn more spells, including higher level ones - almost as if you were gaining levels, which of course aren't really a thing but still.
You are, at least initially, the ONLY wizard in the world, or the only fantastic reality-bending being for that matter. But use of your magic in public view, in overtly supernatural ways, will change perception of humans that witness it, and their belief may allow others to learn magic and more fantasy creatures to step into the world.
If you're subtle and careful, though... which you probably won't be... you can delay that possibly indefinitely.
Anyway, here's the question: which of the eight classic arcane schools would you go with? And what will you do with your newfound powers of sorcery?
Abjuration I may not be able to fuck wizard shit up, but I can make sure to have substantial protection and other ease of living conditions. In the rare case that this phenomenon reoccurs, I will be ready to not become paste if they are the Evoking type and highly dangerous
Blake Hughes
Illusion is objectively the best school because it relies on its target not realizing it's magic. Where else would that be easier than in a world where magic does not exist?
Cooper Perry
Depends on your view of the matter, but Enchantment school would be pretty useful: when will Charm Person ever going to fail you?
John Sullivan
As someone who specializes in delegation, conjuration is perfect for me
Asher Mitchell
Cheese. Fuck your "8 classic schools," I'm going best magic school or nothing.
Dylan Nelson
Divination, the least overt school of magic while simultaneously being massively useful in our world.
What about when people successfully identify an illusion, though? Wouldn't that raise some awkward questions?
This is another acceptable answer.
Jayden Sanchez
Transmutation Best school
Xavier Gomez
>School Enchantment. Since perception is reality why not change some people's worlds? This school could easily be used to make ones life easier due to really allowing for a great deal of control in social situations. >Starting spells Magic Missile (classic and always great), Sleep (all kinds of uses), Charm Person (deescalates things quickly), and Unseen Servant (who hasn't needed an extra set of hands). >What will you do with your newfound powers of sorcery? Well to be honest I will probably spend most of my time at the beginning learning how to maximize the effects of my current roster of spells and work towards acquiring a few more. I would likely attempt some Purple Man-esque shenanigans (ala the show Jessica Jones) like getting some people to give me their possessions, tell me their likes/dislikes/fears, go up to someone else and attempt to have a conversation with that other person, etc. Additionally I would likely clean my entire house with my new Unseen Servant. In the end I will use my new powers to ensure I have a fairly secure lifestyle, potentially find the love of my life, and help those I can. >End goal I do not really have one. Learning Geas and Mass Suggestion would open some doors for enacting some large scale plans but that would be some ways down the line.
Leo Taylor
Transmutation so i can become smarter, faster, stonger, harder when i need to. Hell +4 int by dnd standards should put me well above most human intellects. With that i would invent things and predict stocks to become rich. Id set up a wizarding school to pass on the knowledge to a select few.
Transmutation and Conjuration are the strongest schools in D&D which seems to be what we're going by.
Probably Transmutation because Disguise/Alter Self, Polymorph, and Shapechange would be a lot more fun than summoning a bunch of dire badgers. I'd probably pussy out of Planar Binding an angel or demon since if I'm the only wizard I can't have people to help cover my ass if things go wrong.
Assuming I start at 9th level spells then you pick Conjuration since it gets Gate and you can just gate in infinite Djinn- use one of your wishes to request they Gate another djinn, repeat ad nausea or do the good old Gate in solar-use their 9th level Cleric slots to Gate in more solars.
Access to Planeshift would be nice. Say fuck this gay earth and just teleport to one of the better afterlifes and hang out with nymphs and unicorns and shit for eternity.
Actually yeah Conjuration is way better since living forever on Earth is way more fucking lame than just cutting in line to party with Outsiders.
Cameron Allen
Also enlarge, because muh dick
Isaiah Murphy
You cant successfully identify an illusion if you dont know magic is real, only unsuccessfully identify one as "something fucky".
Its like being able to identify something is off about a photo in 1918, but not that it was photoshopped by a timetraveler.
Elijah Morgan
Fuck your eight schools, I'm putting 3 dots in Time, 2 dots in Matter and 1 dot in Prime.
Bentley Green
Or alter self so I dont kill the woman. It doubles hieght and weight.
Sebastian Miller
Doesn't matter which school because the first thing I'll do is get to some physicists asap and make them examine all this shit.
Because sudden rise of real magic has some really bad implications for our universe. Or at the very least Earth.
Leo Watson
Assuming PF rules and a base Str of 11 casting bull's strength, ant haul, and enlarge person would allow me to pick up 3,120 lbs above my head
Nathan Baker
I'm just gonna be an ooga booga medicine man shaman in an urban environment and mess with everybody as I make cancer go away by applying ointments I make from toe-nail clippings, dead skin cells from my feet and sweat from my ass, rake in the big cash and cause everybody to lose faith in modern medicine.
As time continues, people start dying to the common cold and fever, again, swallowing toadcock stew, and I can go around stealing their bones and fashioning totems from them, enslaving them eternally to my every whim until I the world is subject to my eternal necromantic rule.
Kevin Thomas
Which one lets me heal people? If its a good edition, it'd be necromancy, right?
William Wood
Wouldn't you still need to be a cleric for that?
Matthew Reyes
I thought it depended on the edition, or is that just a meme? Well, if that's not possible, I'd probably go with transmutation or conjuration, start making golems and potions for the lay person.
Jonathan Parker
Conjuration is the only answer.
I can summon intelligent beings to aid, protect, and teach me. They can fill in for the spells I can't cast.
Do we get item creation feats?
Carter Diaz
Enchantment. I'm not going to even allow being found out or placed in harm's way. I'll have others do my work for me. I will try to establish a secure base of operations and through magical compulsion get enough funds to spend my days researching whatever happened to me and trying to increase my power. My ultimate goal would be to become immortal through magical or magitech means and then work to acquire the totality of knowledge.
Joshua Lewis
Either whichever one meshes well with technology or allows for teleportation. I have big goals for the world and that includes kick start the intersteller revolution. I wouldn't become the god emperor but I'll unite the world enough to get us going into space while simultaneously bringing magic and magic creatures into the world (as well as the other ones in our solar system).
Fuck it, I'm a benevolent Griffith without the omega dick baggery.
Ian Fisher
Transmutation. I'd grind to second or third level, pick up Alter Self, then start up an online porn career or three under a few aliases. If that gets me enough XP to somehow get to 7th level, I get Polymorph and make things really fucking weird.