Who is banned indefinitely from your table Veeky Forums?

Who is banned indefinitely from your table Veeky Forums?
What did they do?

>Anyone that-
Yeah cool, specific examples pliz.

A girl who spend a whole session playing on her phone and then complained my plot didn't make sense and was too confusing.

Eric. Teleporting around to be in every scene 'cause he must be the center of attention, playing a evul characters who immediately tries to kill the party, outright cheating (casting infinite spells until someone calls him on it, not deducting health, having shit not on his sheet, etc)

Fuck you, Eric, and the horse you came in on, you piece of shit

No one is "banned", per se, but I refuse to run a game with fewer than 50% female players. It's the only thing I've found that keeps male players from overrunning things with spaghetti and rollplaying.

it's subtle.

Roll20 random an hour before his intro session: "I feel like doing something else tonight, see you next week".

We're a pretty casual wargaming group, and on orur main game of choice, we have a kind of "ask for minor takebacks if approved by opposing team" thing that we've done because we have literally hundreds of pieces per player and it gets overwhelming and easy to miss something.

Anyway, let's call him "Robert", one day had an absolute meltdown over it, despite the fact that the rest of us had been playing for years that way in group. Not just vetoing a given move, but ranting at the whole concept and unilaterally deciding that we shouldn't play this way anymore.

Didn't just get him out of our table, he was friends for like 15 years with one of the other guys there, and they had a bad break over it.

Oh, right, specific examples.

This wasn't the case that finally convinced me to make the rule, but one of the worst cases was for a one-shot.
>guy, female ranger; personality: stripper
>guy, transmutation wizard; personality: wizard who uses transmutation
>guy, gunslinger; personality: *teleports behind you* nothing personnel kid
>girl, rogue; personality: decadent hedonist who prefers to charm her way out of a fight

Also a big part of why I abandoned Pathfinder, incidentally. Similar problems.

Maxi and Micheal.

Maxi because he decided to hog the spotlight and if I didn't budge, he'd try to derail the game. When I decided we should give him a proper character driven session, he "lost access to his skype account" and started talking shit.

Micheal decided to play his non-combat character that conveniently would be overlooked in fights as a combat monster. He got so offended that his taunting of a clearly stated, defined and outright told to be powerful being ended with him falling unconscious that he ragequitted and then started talking shit about me on facebook.

I generally don't like passive aggressive and cowardly manlets, so here we are.

pulled a knife on me over salami. Don't fuck with research chemicals, kids.
Nother wasn't banned, just stopped showing up as the alcoholism dragged him out.

>pulled a knife on me over salami.
Please explain.

It's not even subtle.

>Making a tabletop system and asked a few friends to help playtest it.
>One dude doesn't like it.
>okay.jpg, different strokes for different folks, don't take it personally.
>Would openly badmouth the system in front of potential players in our tabletop club.
>Would badmouth it on our tabletop club's fb group if I offered to run whenever a DM couldn't make it that day.
>Ask what's up
>More or less boils down to differing opinions, he prefers crunchy games and my system was more rules-lite.
>Then says "well, maybe people are just pretending to like your game" when I brought up that other people in the club said that they enjoyed it.
I haven't hung out with him in years. He did other shit that pissed me off but that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Also, if you care, the system is "done," in the sense that I can't think of anything else to do with it at the moment at least.


Well let's just say the salami is a euphemism.
Unfortunately I couldn't go to the police because we were both on research chemicals at the time.

Not yet, it's only like one page long and I'm not 100% sure if I'll think of something later.

I was eatin salami, I said finish your turkey and pickled jalapenos before you try and take my salami, dude pulled a knife. I shouted him down, asked him to leave, game fell apart as he immediately tried to split the group up by "me and my REAL friends are leaving."

You owe us a story now.

I mean, that seems okay if it didn't turn into a barely-concealed masturbation fantasy. I'm guessing it did.

Autist who rules-lawyered a game of War on Terror, ended up yelling at my kid brother and then being screamed at by all of us to fuck off, then came back to the next game game group meeting with his copy of the rulebook to prove that he was actually right

the only one was basically this weird stalker who was nonstop harassing another one of my players.

harmless, but creepy and annoying. fucked off the friend grou after he realized that he couldn't use it to get closer to his unfortunate object of interest. as far as I know her boyfriend has managed to make him fuck off for good.

what do you mean minor takebacks?

One person, but two others left with him

>Play D&D with group of friends for good while
>A player's boyfriend and his slightly autistic side kick join in
>some edgy, overpowered homebrew class and necromancer, respectively
>party member about to get hung for something or other
>different party member with no real reason to save him tries to save him
>combat starts
>everyone rightfully groans, but rolls for initiative
>time goes on
>oops it's been 3 hours, we have 8 or 9 people at the table, combat takes forever
>had work in the morning, said I had to call it quits, DM gave an excuse of my character running away or passing out or some shit
>talk to friend next day
>find out Edgy McHomebrew threw a tantrum over how long combat took
>and about the member saving the other member
>and about the campaign
>and about D&D
>told him to fuck off
>his girlfriend followed
>DM canceled his campaign since one of the people dropping out was vital
>weeks later
>autistic sidekick still playing
>but whines about D&D, says we should play "the original" version
>DM has his buddy run us through that one Tomb of Horrors campaign
>autistic sidekick never showed up to a session again
>never mentions playing D&D again

Oh snap, I actually forgot the most important person.
>guy, female cleric; personality: heals people
He'd actually prepared for a one-shot of his own so when I "got a migraine"* I handed it off to him. But based on the short while I was there I am absolutely certain stripper guy at one point or another climaxed onto some draft of that character sheet.

I have no evidence, but I am nevertheless absolutely positive it is so. Like how Adam Levine definitely insist on playing nothing but Maroon 5 music while he's having sex, or how Lana Del Rey cuts pictures of Florence Welch out of magazines and scribbles out the eyes with sharpies and pins them to her bedroom wall.

*Not actually fake, but I've powered through worse.

>running a game when I pick up this guy.
>Guy is constantly off track, "losing his sheet" and is just SUPER rude.
>complains about how he doesn't get to do stuff.
>a plot about electing a new school president (we were playing weeb shit) comes along and he says he wants to run too.
>let him.
>he loses because he just doesn't do a good job of running his campaign despite me trying to make it as easy as I can for him.
>all the other players hate it and don't care at all, glad to see it end.
>Guy is glad it's over too.
>Guy tells me I shouldn't have let him run because nobody liked it.

I fucking swear. Didn't get to ban him but fuck if he's ever playing in anything I run EVER again.

In addition, different guy different game

>Guy is super rude, cheats like crazy and argues so much we just have to ignore him.
>Super messy.
>Starts showing up late to sessions or missing them and not letting the GM know.
>GM asks him nicely to be more considerate but Guy just finger-points at other people and says he's not as bad so it's okay (untrue).
>Suddenly starts missing a bunch of sessions in a row, good riddance.
>Shows up late to a session, unannounced and starts in with his usual messiness and arguing.
>GM asks him what's his deal with doing all the shit he's talked to him about and missing a bunch.
>Guy gets super snippy.
>GM tells him to leave.
>Guy throws a huge fit on the facebook group and tries to take people with him.
>Not a single person goes with him.
>Game improves vastly with his permanent removal.


He is a ginger..so no big loss. His crime?

Dumping lantern oil into the cargo hold of a ship...a ship the PC's were riding on.. because " lol watch this"

Challenging the city watch guard Captain to a duel; then spitting on him after losing.

Stealing a horse because he spent all his gold on booze n hoes. Getting caught and throwing a fit when the ng PC's wouldn't bust him out of jail.

Rubbing his dick on the food at the inn because "lol"

Trying to steal from party members because "lol"

Setting the cleric on fire because "lol"

Stealing from the gnome Craftsman and getting caught as a neutral good fighter

Attacking a wandering druid with intent to rob... because he might have healing potions

Arguing with every npc because "lol"

Jerking the ladder out from the mage because "lol"

>Years ago, start up a game at local uni group
>All inclusive, even the tards show up
>I run a game together because
>get a super-sperg autist, my first one, I couldnt pick them out of the crowd yet
>Im running a generic scifi future game
>he wants to be "a super spy"
>Okay cool; lets hash out the particulars
>"Cant I just be a superspy? Why do we have to write things down.

He proceeded to completely fail to make a character sheet, fail to plan for combat, fail to pick out suitable equipment for a 'master sniper', fail to adhere to any sort of party cohesion (I even railroaded that together and he couldnt manage it) and then in a big setup to an ambush on some enemies, on the shopping trip for supplies, he proceeds to put someone in the party to gunpoint because "Theyre not buying me what I want! I dont trust them!"

Luckily a friend in the party puts him down in -character and the rest of the group was okay with him simply being uninvited from the game. Fucking Spergs

In my old online group, the only person I ever banned was a guy who completely overshared everything about his life and insisted on making every conversation about him. He was a very "pity party" type of person who would constantly go on about how hard his life is (spoiler: it wasn't).

He also had a knack for making extraordinarily poor decisions and ignoring advice. Not just ignoring advice that didn't fit with the answer he wanted, but just ignoring advice entirely, then going on to fuck up everything. It wasn't an immediate ban with him, though. We gradually got so sick and tired of his shit that one day all of us agreed that it was time.

I later found out that self-sabotage was a running theme with him, and that mine was not the first group that he had been permanently banned from. Someone else who had also banned him described me as having "saint-like patience" for putting up with him for as long as I did.

Why did you give them that many chances?

I fear these may have all happened in one session

This player sounds amazing. You fool. He is an organic plot hook.

It was one thing when you were creeping on your ex at my table. She's a big girl and asked me to let her handle your "relationship" so I chose not to step in until someone else called you on your stalker shit. Oh I wish someone had.
But you had to go and try to punch another player in the face when his character (surprise) killed yours. The fuck were you thinking going after a Werewolf 3 hours after chargen for no reason beyond "I'll put this dog in its place and the others will recognize me as their natural superior"? His actual autistic words And then you were stupid enough to have a go with a guy who has 35 pounds of muscle on you in real life, you butthurt motherfucker.

It's nice to know the city buses banned you too.

>It's nice to know the city buses banned you too.
Now this I gotta hear

>how Lana Del Rey cuts pictures of Florence Welch out of magazines and scribbles out the eyes with sharpies and pins them to her bedroom wall.
Care to elaborate?

Not much to hear.
Tried to dance to some anime OP on the bus and almost kicked another patron. So he started "blading" everywhere.

A better story comes afterward. GF told me about one time she had a class with him before we were a thing. She was waiting for the bus and he was rambling on at her about Persona or something (he has a major hard-on for one of the chicks from 3) and the bus showed up. Of course he was banned at this point but he REALLY needed to tell her more about his waifu, so he roller-skates from downtown all the way to the college so he can pick up where he left off. Of course by the time he gets there my gf was inside the building and he had to sit by the fountain for the first ten minutes of class chugging water so he wouldn't pass out. He never finished his story either.

Had a particularly nasty removal from one of our SR games.
We tend to be a pretty tolerant group, but this player really wore everyone down.
This player in question
Cheated in character creation to the point where they were roughly 120 karma ahead of everyone else.
Power gamed the shit out of there character.
Used the "Its what my character would do" justification to do super dickish stuff.
Constantly whined and complained when they didn't get there way.
But the thing that ultimately put the nail in the coffin was the fact they were completely unwilling to work with ANYONE. They refused to have any other character associate with there character in a means that wasn't a groveling yes man. Player flat out threatened to kill another for making a joke at there characters expense.

Anyone who likes jojo

......did you say "roller skate"?

Not really banned, but we forced a guy to leave a game store entirely because he openly stated to two Jewish people (me and a friend) that everything Hitler did was a good idea and that he would love to have a swastika tattoo on his chest. I didn't really have a say in him being banned, but the other guy was a primary share holder in the store, as well as its lawyer.

Not so much banned, but I played with an Ur-Weeb once. I have anime-watching friends, I'm jokingly the one who hates Japan because I don't like anime, but this was a special level of autism.

>Party consists of Friend's wizard, Dopey the martial, Edgy the cleric, and Edgemaster, the weeb.
>Party is busy playing murderhobos/low-level mercenaries in fantasy not!silesia, Pathfinder because it was free and new at the time, and I was dumb.
Edgemaster: "I want to play a samurai."
>"Huh, okay, uh, the class? Because we're basically on the other side of the world from not!japan and-"
Edgemaster: "No, he's a samurai. Son of a diamyo. His father was betrayed and executed by the evil Emperor."
>That's... uhm. Something, alright. Still, it doesn't really fit with the setting, do you have anything else you'd like to play?
Edgemaster: "No. He escaped the massacre of his house at the age of ten, fleeing with nothing but his life and his father's sword-"
>Uh, look, that's a lot of backstory and all focused on a completely different locale, I'm not sure how much of it i can make relevant he-
"And he trained with it on his own, becoming a self-taught genius swordsman as he fought off the Emperor's assassins-"

>Edgemaster was recommended by an otherwise good player who I've been liking, they're pressing me to let him in, so I think about it, decide I can stretch some stuff and try to weave in some weeb-plot-elements for him, okay
>Edgemaster spends all his time being a dark, broody loner (who hits off with his friend, who is playing a somewhat dark, broody loner, but she at least socializes)
>acts like an asshole to everyone
>everyone; their employers, the random dongs who do them favors, his fellow party members including the wizard who is the nicest thing ever
>Point out, "Hey man, if you're just going to be an ass, nobody is going to want to do anything with you."
Edgemaster: "It's fine. I don't care."

>Well, what can you do, right? If he enjoys it-
>a few sessions later, Edgemaster complains about how he doesn't get to RP. Other PCs and NPCs will talk to each other, show concern or render assistance, whereas everyone seems to be giving him a wide berth
>Friend's wizard, saint that she is, goes, "Okay, I'll head down and see if I can strike up conversation with Edgemaster, maybe show some concern, do some friendly RPing and get him involved in the-"
>Edgemaster proceeds to be an asshole to her
????? WHY?

>Later on, Dopey, is kind of dopey.
>Knows rules okay, but isn't very good at strategic choice. His character sheet is essentially Legolas, but he's trying to play a sword and board fighter half the time
>occasionally gets frustrated with results
>Edgemaster pops off and starts being a cunt out of character
>Dopey doesn't deal too well.
>I tell everyone to cool down, knock it off, be civil, don't be a cunt
Edgemaster: "I'm not here to be nice to retards."

Christ. In hindsight, though I maybe shouldn't have let him in in the first place, that's when I definitely should have kicked him out. 20/20, etc. He eventually left when his friend's character died.

Gareth. "That Guy" to a T.

Without exception played meaty bruisers, and would cheat whenever he thought he could get away with it—from changing die results when he thought we weren't looking to adding items to his inventory that he didn't have. He had zero patience for any kind of encounter that wasn't direct combat, and would steer every encounter into conflict regardless of the goals or wishes of the rest of the party. I attempted talking to him about it multiple times, but he just went on about how it wasn't HIS fault that nobody else optimized their characters (as though building straight barbarian in 3.5 was "optimized"), and how he shouldn't be penalized for trying to play his character because that was just their personality.
With every. Fucking. Character.

I cut ties with him years ago for unrelated reasons, but I stopped playing any kinds of games with him long before that. He cheated at whatever other games we played too—if we were playing M:tG he would draw if he thought people weren't looking, and if anyone tried to call him on his shit he would say he was "just getting ready for his turn". When we stopped inviting him to / informing him about games nights, we had some of the best games that I can remember having during my teenage years.

What more is there to say?

Had a guy who made a little girl character, named her after an undertale character, and went out of his way to split the party and try to kill the other party members.

His last character before that was an eco-terrorist who tried to wipe out the first town to prevent them from harming the environment.

I assume it's some kind of obscure private gesture of hatred but I don't know from what logic or why.

Yeah and if memory serves, Prices Fork Rd. didn't have the bike path at the time.

But bikes weren't "cool" enough for him anyway.

It's a movie cliche. It's a thing serial killers do, often to pictures of their victims (or intended victims).

What year was this?

I can't tell which of you fuckers in which, now.

We kicked him back in 2010 I think.
The bus shit happened about a year later.
Why, do you sometimes see a hungry skeleton skating around Blacksburg?

Greg Porter, is that you?

Nah man I have no clue of this place you're talking about. I was just hoping (against hope it seems) that this took place in the 90s or something when roller blading was still relevant. P3 shoulda clued me in though.

Is no one going to point out OP's "get'?


No. Nobody was going to point it out, because this isn't /b/, and gets are stupid.


>Specific examples
So we had this one guy who was pretty well known for being a "that guy" for taking everything that happened to his character waaaay too goddamn seriously.

His other sins included
>Creeping out the female gamers with his constant magical realm bullshit
>SJW nonsense that he tried to drag into the campaigns, then tried to get the female gamers on his side
>Stealing other people's food then acting like it wasn't a big deal
>complaining about the food when it was provided freely to him because it didn't fit whatever bullshit diet he decided to be on that week
>Not optimising his characters well then getting butthurt when other people surpassed him
>Showing up late constantly
>Overstaying his welcome until physically removed from the house

But the final straw in which he was banned from the table is that he threw a hissy fit over a supposed slight and began insulting a bro tier gamer about his IRL relationship trouble (Guy's fiance left him and "that guy" said it was all bro-gamers fault)

So basically he's perma banned

Nope. But it wouldn't surprise me if Kevin's autistic bullshit impacted other people. He may be the most socially retarded person I've met personally, but he has a knack for pushing himself onto other people's lives. He shows up one day and won't leave until you directly threaten him with legal action.

No, that would've made sense. All of this is fairly recent from when I went to college in the same town as him.

I will gladly share stories of this particular "That guy" if you wish, Lets call him "Allan" for now

Please do, sounds juicy

No wonder. That place is notoriously shit for tabletop players. I could rattle off at least a dozen that guys that plagued my time there.

original and story were actual salami.
I'm still waiting on the salami euphemism story.

>I refuse to run a game with fewer than 50% female players

t. entitled rollplayer

Was he BPD? That sounds almost exactly like what happened to my parents a few years ago.

>complaining about the food when it was provided freely to him because it didn't fit whatever bullshit diet he decided to be on that week
I am forced to ask, does this mean that:
>Stealing other people's food then acting like it wasn't a big deal
Was happening at the table? Not in game or in character, but physically?

Bought a bottle of tequila cause it was on sale. emptied that bottle in the span of a few hours. Proceeded to decorate my bathroom floor and front yard with said tequila. I would consider a second chance, but he is going half way across the country (likely due to drinking related issues)

>It's nice to know the city buses banned you too.
No shit
its nice to hear when "that guy"s are so goddamn spergy they get banned IRL from places as well. I've got one

So a new Hobby game store opens in our area
>They have a facebook page months ahead of time
>ask for help building and decorating the place
>So we decorate and build the place
>The storage closet is only accessible through a hidden door
So sperglord general comes in after the place is finished and I shit you not starts telling the owner and operator about how shitty his store is managed and how HE would do it much better because you know, he's just so much smarter than anyone he comes across

He seriously believes he has a genius level IQ due to a single internet test he took and is always making up new disorders that he apparently has.

His exact words are "I can't be blamed for the results my brain comes up with, and less intelligent people just have to recognize Im right even if I cant explain it"

Paired with "You just aren't smart enough to understand that I am right"

So basically he creeps around the store, insulting the employees and owner in condescending ways and bothering people until he's simply asked to leave, where he has to have it explained to him by multiple people during and after it happened.

This only fuels his persecution complex (Wahhh Im so smart Im isolated)

I really don't want these people to breed, but I have the sad feeling that they will

>Was happening at the table? Not in game or in character, but physically?
physically, when someone got up to use the bathroom or get a drink he would just reach into their snack bag or their plate and just pull food off like it was no big deal.
We called him out on it and he honestly didn't understand why we were upset, his exact words were "But I was hungry geeze, don't make such a big deal bout it"

Jesus. And you didn't kick him then and there. You've got either commendable patience, or some serious trouble asserting yourselves.

praise kek

>complaining about the food when it was provided freely to him
To answer your first question, my roomates and I cook for the group sometime and everyone chips in a few bucks if we don't order pizza or get snacks beforehand.

So I would cook something like a beef, potato and vegetable stew for everyone, then put bacon in it for some flavor, then he would pour his soup into the sink saying "ohh, bacon is really bad for the environment and your body"

>By samefagging, I can make myself right!

>commendable patience, or some serious trouble asserting yourselves.
Little bit of column A, little bit of Column B

I tried talking to him about it multiple times, but flaws aside the guy was always super enthusiastic about campaigns, and often helped prepare and write stuff. He ran a few campaigns, they always started well then fell victim to his bullshit and petered off.

I would have kicked him out for that alone. That is incredibly disrespectful.

>Says bacon is bad for the environment
>Pours it into the environment.

Stellar decision-making of him. I would be raging if someone poured something I cooked down the sink if they weren't going to eat it. Fucking hell.

>gender quotas
Kill yourself.
You might as well be saying
"No one is "banned", per se, but I refuse to run a game with fewer than 50% white players. It's the only thing I've found that keeps black players from overrunning things with min maxing and murderhoboing."
Stop being a prejudice asshole who stereotypes people like that, honestly it's just better to look at the individual background of who you're playing with then do epic quotas based off arbitrary factors.

>So I would cook something like a beef, potato and vegetable stew for everyone, then put bacon in it for some flavor, then he would pour his soup into the sink saying "ohh, bacon is really bad for the environment and your body"
> then he would pour his soup into the sink saying "ohh, bacon is really bad for the environment and your body"
>pour his soup into the sink

What a wasteful fucking shit nugget. If you don't want the soup, fine, but don't fucking THROW IT AWAY YOU PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE.

>being THIS buttbothered by an image of the emperor

Bathe in the Emperor's light, HERETIC!

But the starting ideas to my longest running campaign came to me when I was coming down off of research chemicals

not to be that guy, but that's technically free speech

I think part of it is to avoid the stereotype of a bunch of foreveralone dudes at a table pretending to be elves

By some bizarre rule of culture having women at the table makes it more acceptable

nah, had a thing for hallucinogenics. Got to a point where even the park stoners gave him a wide berth. My mom had BPD, I'm familiar with it, so I don't think so.

having 3+ girls at the table i found to be bad cause they just chat or do things on there phone.
i can stand 2 cause they chat nonstop for 30sec and then go back to the game.

Are you in RI?

One guy doesn't know I won't run a game for him. We were both players and he was just an attention whoring, whiny, me me me type who would cry and scream until he got his way. I don't want to deal with that as a player or a DM.

Other guy is just a killjoy, constantly complaining about everything, doesn't bother checking out the setting and gets mad when the good guys beat the tar out of his neutral evil edgemaster cleric, then cries about how he's being punished for playing his character and that everyone should accommodate him.

I get a lot of main character wannabes and that's the sort of thing that always pisses me off. I'd rather have a table of guys who just want to bash skulls and roll dice than people who cry when they get outvoted or punished for their actions.

>we forced a guy to leave a game store entirely because he openly stated to two Jewish people (me and a friend) that everything Hitler did was a good idea and that he would love to have a swastika tattoo on his chest

>arbitrary factors
It's not arbitrary. I'm tired of running bad games. Men are generally bad roleplayers.

>min maxing and murderhoboing
Those are both just subsets of rollplaying. So really not any different from the problem I've already averted. Even your exaggerated hypothetical fails to poke a hole in the system.

Which only applies on public grounds. The game store is private property. You're only free from government censorship, user.

If the laws didn't work that way, Veeky Forums couldn't ban furfags.

well... here is my experience with this. 1 girl who wants to play will make everyone behave and beat them over the head if they don't. otherwise as long as there's 2 guys who want to dick around then it doesn't matter what you do they will dick around. the only thing having more girls is bound to do is convince the girls to leave.

yeah, good point, my bad for some reason I had pubic property going through my head.

We'll look at that, ya proved him right


>mfw my name is kevin
>mfw kevin is the joke name of the universe

name a single decent kevin, you can't

>It's not arbitrary. I'm tired of running bad games. Men are generally bad roleplayers.
Never said they weren't generally bad although from personal experience on avg male/females are generally on-par in terms of roleplaying skills.
My point was is you should look into the backgrounds of your players and just make sure there are more roleplayers than rollplayers instead of using epic gender quotas.
>exaggerated hypothetical
How was it exaggerated at all?
I just replaced men with blacks and rollplayers with different kinds of rollplayers.
I mean a person who roleplayed with generally bad roleplayers who happened to be black and arrived to the same 'solution' as you would be doing the exact same thing.
The problem with the system is that you're potentially missing out on good games with guys who are good at roleplaying due to your own prejudice to bad past experiences.

Kevin Keene from Captain N.

I do think men can be good at roleplaying, given a good nudge. Like I said, they're not banned. I just stack the deck demographically.

I wouldn't want to run a game of all women, either, though given the choice I'd pick it over all men any day.

I laughed way to hard at your image


Hilter did nothing wrong.

kevin smith from killer7
(and irl kevin smith wrote some good /co/ shit)