The False Emperor's Treachery Knows No Bounds

Brothers. For ten millennia you have fought, slaves to a broken corpse mounted upon a chair. Generation after generation, millions of Astartes gave their lives in defense of their Emperor, shackled themselves to lesser beings, existed at the whims of Inquisitors and High Lords. Born insult, indignity, and servitude to mere humans even as their broken corpses rained down in an endless tide.

And your reward for this valor? This dedication? This selfless sacrifice? To be cast aside, torn down from the height of your glory as we once were. See the Emperor's lapdog Guilliman, how he plots against you. Ten thousand years of service and sacrifice, honor and tradition callously tossed aside. Genetic abominations grown in tanks on Mars are inserted into your chapters, pliable and mindless tools of a distant master who cares nothing for you. Today they are reinforcements, as the Primarch would put it, but what of tomorrow? Will not their abilities soon see them elevated above you? And once there, what need have they for your Chapters and traditions? Grown in tanks as mindless slaves, they have no need to your gene-seed. Soon, sooner than you think, you and all you possess will be nothing more than a memory.

You have outlived your usefulness to the Corpse Emperor, brothers.

For those of you who understand courage, true courage,,, for those who refuse to accept ignominious dissolution... for those who yet have steel in their spines and fire in their hearts... the Path to Glory awaits. Join us, brothers, or watch everything you cherish crushed beneath your Imperium's uncaring boot.

Chaos awaits.

Other urls found in this thread:

There is no service without sacrifice. His Will be done.

Chaos is the only true answer.

How can you ignore The Greater Good?

Another puling slave to the rotten corpse. Enjoy your miserable execution, lapdog.

Indeed it is, brother.

I wouldn't say we ignore it.

Guiliman is the real heretic.



Yes that's nice and all but you all are still a bunch of faggots so I think I'll be staying over here.

>Implying the dead can switch sides.

Only when you can bring Sanguinius back to life

And here is the heretic...

>Implying I didn't rip you and your 'Legion' a new asshole despite you having the advantage

The only reason Pert's alive is because Guilliman scared him off.

Also Vulkan confirmed Dorn to still be alive.

>Implying the IF weren't on the edge of extinction before the Ultras showed up
>Implying that the IF did not literally go extinct at the hands of Orks

I'm just gonna go find some backwater system and never leave. I'll make my own, 1-system empire and not have to deal with stupid managers.

Hell, even if I were to join Chaos I'd just pull a Hashut. Work for daemon prince and then just fuck off and find some malleable race to worship me without question so I don't have to be completely dependent on the Chaos Gods.

>IF were fully intent on annihilating IW along with themselves, and were very much on track to do so despite massive disadvantages
>Meanwhile it takes a WAAAGH!!! the likes of which have never been seen before or after, that stretched all the way to piercing Terra, to put down the weakened Fists in a surprise attack.

>Guilliman has to step in just to prevent the IF from being totally annihilated
>Perturabo sacrifices enough of their gene-seed to get elevated to daemonhood
>"T-The Fists were t-totally winning guys."

I really don't get IF fans who try to paint the Iron Cage as a victory, or close-to-victory.

It was WRITTEN as a big smack-down to the Fists, and the great revenge of the Iron Warriors. If you're gonna be mad at the Iron Cage, then be mad how the actual Fists would be: mad that it was their failure, and pissed at the IWs for pulling that shit. Don't just "revise" it like you meant to do that, for no reason at all.

>and the great revenge of the Iron Warriors
For what? Pert being an oversensitive douchebag who took an off-hand statement to heart despite it being a simple statement? And then still not actually proving that statement wrong, as he throws the biggest hissy fit in the entirety of 40k?

The Iron Cage was stupid because it was virtually unjustified and was nothing other than Perturabo being a gigantic baby.

>mad that it was their failure
If it was their failure, they'd have all been dead.

Whole thing about the cage is neither side can really claim it as a victory, as it was A: bloody fighting for the sake of fighting and B: cut short when the ultramarines broke up the stalemate. Dorn didn't get to kill Pert, and Pert didn't get to kill Dorn.


Counter point, your path has turned you into literal demons.

I didn't say it was justified, I just said it was revenge. Pert had an insane inferiority complex. The Iron Cage was his metaphorical school shooting.

I'd still count massive losses from the Fists, to the point of using their fallen comrades as cover, as a "loss". Most battles, real or fictional, don't end with one side being killed to a man, unless you're the PDF in a 40k backstory.

Hello, brother! It has been far too long since I've seen you, and I would like to set aside our differences for the good of humanity. I even have a gift for you, if you would accept it.

Only for the lucky Chaos followers.

"Claim that cupcake for the primarch brothers!"

I think it would be a good idea to gift this to the Blood Ravens before they take it as a 'gift'.


>A fine addition to my collection.jpg


Damnable magpies.

>Playing Chaos Marinelets

"See, what you degenerate Chaos worshippers will never understand is, that we do not fight for personal gain, or the admiration of some foul warp-spawned creatures that would kill us in an instant if they wished to do so. We fight for the survival of mankind. We endure the horrors the galaxy throws at us. And while we fought against unfathomable horrors and xenos bent on the destruction of mankind, you just ran away.
You fled responsibility, you fled duty and you betrayed your kin. You broke your oaths to the Emperor and left nothing but destruction in your wake. You talk about courage, honour and glory, yet the only thing I can see in you is treason.
We've destroyed your works before, and we will do it again, traitor."

"So said the slave to the free man."

>No you !

>being a loyal boot lick

Chaos ftw

At least the boot I lick is clean. You'll never get the taste of Warp Dogshit off your tongue now.

I dunno what you expected 'ere ya spikey git.

" It seems you are misunderstanding what the Primordial Truth means. Let me enlighten you; Chaos Undivided is more than a pantheon a philosophy, it is the Eightfold Path, it is the Truth behind the curtain and the sin of knowledge, the revelation and the secret, it is many things but not a religion as we understand it. Chaos is freedom, ambition, power and glory, it is damnation but also reward, it is the moment when you break your chains, when you dispose of your humanity and when you embrace something so unfathomable that dives you insane but also ecstatic with the knowledge that your destiny is in your OWN hands.

When an enlightened one exults For Chaos! across the din of the battlefield he evokes this truth, he utters in words what his eye have seen and what his soul has felt when he opened his mind to the truth for the first time. When marching under the banner of Primordial Truth the warrior of Chaos does not favor a Exalted Power in particular way, neither he favors them all, but he is the herald of the Truth, the Truth of which destiny lies beyond the skein, the Truth that follows death, the Truth that power and ambition are rewarded, the Truth where you as an individual can become a literal god, an immortal, a being of such utter power only if you will it, only if you dare it.

>I'm literally not allowed to stop worshipping some super-demon from hyperhell or else he will eat my soul and my torture will be eternal = I voluntarily chose to become a better man and devote my life to defending humanity against the horrors some assholes decided to unleash into the galaxy 10,000 years ago, so the human race will not go extinct
Wew lad, Chaos must be one hell of a drug.

Chaos Undivided is not a religion; it is a philosophy, a philosophy of the self interest, of tangible power and the shattering dread of the ultimate Truth. This philosophy teaches a human that if he is ambitious enough he would be rewarded, it teaches him that if he kills with the name of the True Gods on his lips he would catch their eye and receive their boon, it teaches him that one day he can become a demigod, a mortal no more, and all this if he only wills it and dares it.
The Primordial Truth is also the philosophy of the metaphysical, where reality and dogma shatter, a philosophy that teaches its followers that the laws of physic do not exist, that any laws are artificial, that dogma and ad a closed mind lead your soul to be shattered by the dreaded dream predators. Chaos Undivided is a philosophy that teaches you that you have a soul, teaches you that with your dreams you shape the universe and it teaches you that nothing is impossible, everything can be done if only one dreams it.

That is why a chosen one bears proudly the Star of Chaos even if he pledged his allegiance to only a variant of this philosophy, perhaps to Nurgle's teachings, it is because once you pass over the skein of reality and you see the vast landscapes of infinite possibilities nothing can ever be the same and everything becomes possible, all that is required is a simple dream."

>tfw you appreciate this thread because you prefer your food doesn't touch on the plate

>Stubborn noises

>That one time a Zoanthrope ate an entire Craftworld because they needed to give the 'Nids another named character.

It's a quote from DC.
>dat top tier banter

>They have to stole lines from fifhty xenos.
Truly the servants of Chaos are a sorry lot.

>Worshipping a broken corpse who just sits on his throne and watches while the true gods fuck his Imperium

Imperialfags are truly the greatest cucks.

Sorry. You really shouldn't just leave your snacks out, though.

Hey, at least we're a lot less judgy and moralistic than some of these other folks.

>Hey, at least we're a lot less judgy and moralistic than some of these other folks.

True, true. Gotta appreciate that. Unfortunately Nid fans always have to compete with Chaos fans for "cause of apocalypse" spot.

hey nids just do what they do. if chaos kills the galaxy we'll just move to another one

The emperium is a shit fest and to be part of chaos is to be a slave to to whims of dark gods. Why do either?


I thoroughly recommend moving to Ultramar, warm beds, three square meals a day and only the occasional apocalypse involving bio-monsters from beyond the galactic rim

I'm going to T'au, fuck this half of the galaxy.

Do you think we care?

There was never a place for us amongst the stars: Our home rests firmly among the graves.

Our hands bathe in the blood of the faithful, our bodies clad in midnight, and our weapons are made from unanswered prayers. We are a terror, a horror, a ghast amongst the galaxy. We feed on fear, and live only to mortify the galaxy.

But why? It is not to keep a feeble populace in line. It is not to pay homage to any gods.

We murder for ourselves. Our existence is a cruel joke against the universe itself, a unwanted pack of monsters, whose own abominable father denied.

We exist as a testament, as a legacy of indescrimenate cruelty and wanton hate.

We bring dark justice; and in our void-filed eyes, all are guilty.


True Chaosbros don't stop at Daemon Princehood.

Find yoself some vassals. Fuck worshippin' the Big Four. You da boss now.

Also: get cucked, Belakor.

>"Blah blah blah we're a bunch of edgy chickenshits who run away screaming from any actual fight."

Chaos gets your souls anyway.

Chaos can't get your souls if you don't die, faglord.

>wanting to be mud-free in your 8th edition art

Gross dude.

>This is what Nightcucks actually believe.

Tell me, how does it feel to have been sired by Justin Trudeau in space?

>"If you kill me and destroy my Legion, I win."

>implying chaos holds a candle to the techno-sorcery of the necrontyr
Reminder that Marduk was legitimately scared by and fled from a necron lord in Dark Apostle.


To be perfectly fair Marduk is was and always will be a cowardly little bitch.

Warmonger was still the most bro tier dread.

I'm only on chapter three of Dark Disciple, but Marduk seemed more conniving than cowardly in the first book.

>Free man
>Has to worship unfathomable cosmic horrors that care not for your existence, and are just as likely to devour and do terrible things to your soul as they are any other race
>"free man"

Chaos is the ultimate form of delusion.

You forgot that the gods are mostly worshiped by action, and siding with a certain god is often enough just doing the same thing a chapter had been doing before.

The Carcharodons or Flesh Tearers, for example, would rip and tear regardless of whether they're loyalist or free. The only difference is if they're being rewarded by a living god or not.



>Retards are seriously defending being spineless cowards who defected to brain-dead schozophreniacs
Really? This is freedom? Being a foolish weakling falling for a slave master's deceitful promises of freedom and power, little realizing the tightening leash upon your throat? At least with the Emperor, you know what your fighting for something of worth.

>something of worth

When the Emperor was alive, it was something of worth. You've got to remember that most "traitors" are not from the Heresy era, as indeed, most Space Marines are not. They're more recent factions that got disillusioned or outright attacked by the rest of the Imperium.

The supposed "Loyalists" however, are simply propping up the regime of a corpse, already rotted out and writhing with the machinations of petty nobles and false worshipers exploiting the Emperor's dream for their own gain.

Let it all come crashing down.

I'd be happy to have crash down, if that didn't also entail the damnation of humanity. Like, literal damnation. Orks and Eldar and Necrons, etc - they're bad, but they're conventionally fightable. Chaos will literally fuck your soul.

You speak the truth, or at least some of it. Yes, it isn't the Imperium the Emperor dreamed of. It is not a monument to Humanity's triumphs, our power, or His dream of a future set forth for us. No, what it is instead is a monument to humanity's true nature, the one thing all of us feel with every fiber of our being, the one universal instinct. Survival, no matter the cost. It isn't much, but it's all we have. So go, go to your Dark Gods and all their so-called "gifts" like lambs to the slaughter, I will stay and fight tooth and claw for what we have left. I will fight to my dieing breath, until the final bitter end. Because so long as we fight, there is hope for His dream to come to pass.

>broken Corpse
>chaos ''''''''''gods'''''''''' STILL scared shitless of him
>still can't overpower him
>Imperium still supreme despite being at it's lowest point
Chaoscuck self-delusion never ceases to amuse me.

At least enjoy your balls before you're castrated and treated as a 3rd class citizen in their Orwellian Empire

do you actually think there are more of your lab-grown oversized buffoons than there are of mine?

>He doesn't realize the Chaos Gods view the Imperium as a toy
>He doesn't know Chaos literally cannot be harmed in even the slightest way

>believing Carnac

>he actually believes this drivel
>w-w-we're j-j-just having fun
>T-T-The Emperor wasn't about to push our shit in or anything
>W-W-We're calling him The Anathema for shits and giggles, not b-because we're scared or anything

>Chaos cannot be harmed in even the slightest way


Must be real fun for your opponent whenever you lose and go "yeah, well I win anyways".

>"T-The Emperor was totally a-about to push the Gods' shit in guys."
>"That's w-why he's rotting on a gilded toilet while the gods are more powerful than ever even when fighting each other 99 times out of 100."

Impcucks please.

How exactly does the whole "false emperor" thing work when the guy who was the first leader of all the CSM was the emprah's son? Clearly he was real.

>more powerful

Explain where all the Havoc launchers went.

In the eyes of the heretics, Horus is the true emperor because he declared himself as such annointed by the Chaos Gods.

He's a corpse. How can a corpse rule as an Emperor?

"False Emperor" as in they believe the Big E is dead. Like proper "we're just using his psychic brain as wetware" dead. No Emperor.

The Imperials believe that the Big E is crippled in the Materium but is a god in the Immaterium. They believe he gathers the souls of the faithful to him and grants blessings to his heroes.

You don't get to be emperor just because you say you are, especially if you fail to dethrone the current emperor. That's not how it works. Pic related, tried the same shit.

Very hands-off.

I hold to the idea that if you just kill the Emprah's physical body at this point, his soul will be free to all himself to be reborn. Like when God was trapped in the comatose man in Dogma.

>muh gods had to get their shit together and subtly undermine him because they dared not actually face him
>had to possess his son to stand a chance
>still got rekt the second he got serious
>rotting corpse is still fighting all of them off at the same time
>calls anyone a cuck when the reward he hopes for is losing his soul and free will and getting turned into a puppet of his ''gods'' whims
lmao @ ur life

I wish the WB were cooler to regular mortals that joined their cause.

Ironically the Thousand Sons turned out to be the most-bro tier group, despite Tzeentch probably having max dickery points. Even their cultists don't have to worry about "oh we're not TECHNICALLY abusing you because we view this as a good thing" like with Nurgle or Slaanesh. Tzeentch cultists just either read all day (if a psyker) or bring books to the psykers. Shit only gets really bad when Tzeentch decides to gift some mutations, and most of the TS hate Tzeentch as it is.

Source? Sounds fucking cool. Always wanted not shithead chaos marines.

>Emps systemically and pointlessly shat all over his sons, setting the stage for the rebellion
>Was out maneuvered every step of the way by the gods
>Kept out of the war until the last second by an endless tide of daemons

>Impcucks get no reward at all but a pointless death
>Chaos grants freedom to do as you want without holding back
>Chaos is the only power strong enough to repels the Tyranids, Necrons, and Orks. Only through Chaos can humanity avoid the Eldar's fate.

How can the Imperium even compete?

>Emperor literally shown to collect the souls of the faithfull
>>freedom to do what you want
>literally lose your soul and become a puppet that merely thinks it has free will while everything it does, thinks and dreams is the whim of it's god(s)
By not being beyond cucked?
>muh Truth
>the final reward is the ultimate self-deception, that you still have free will and are a master of your own destiny
In DC comics, Martians have a great way of defining life. Life is free will. If you exist only to serve the whims of another being, with no thought or desire of your own, you cannot be truly called alive. So, your final reward is losing your soul and your life, all that you are, and becoming a puppet who may or may not see the strings. Hell, worst case scenario, even your consciousness gets replaced by an exact copy and you cease to exist all together. Your ''gods'' got you cucked, boy.

Thousand Sons were the most humane of the Legions, because they knew what it was like to be persecuted and cast out. So, they developed a very close bond with each other and the populace of Prospero (and Magnus himself, who viewed them as his actual sons more then any other Primarch did his Legion to the point that he named them ''My Thousand Sons''). That carried over after they got dicked over by everyone, so they're still incredibly compassionate to outcasts (psykers, mutants etc) and treat them basically like family.

Alpha legion can be pretty great to. Their human agents can be the same rank as the marines and talk to them as equals.

>Emperor collects the souls of the faithful
>Daemons regularly shown to consume billions of Imperial souls without issue
Pick one.

>Emperor demands you do everything he says without question, complaint, or reward
>Liberally expends billions of lives in service of a gigantic lie, refuses to confide the truth even to his own sons
>Current Imperium is the cruelest and most bloody-minded regime imaginable
>Thinking those who serve it are anything but the most servile bootlickers.

See this shits really fucking cool. Where do I read about shit like this? I've got a copy of Prospero burns I've never read.

sorry it's not true

mortals of all stripes are no more than chattel to 1ksons, like most SM (traitor or loyalist)

examples of actual compassionate SM: Sallies, SW, Ultras

>>Daemons regularly shown to consume billions of Imperial souls without issue
Like where? Your headcannon? Emperor is literally shown to be able to call the souls of the faithful to Himself. The Warp still functions on belief an emotion, and quadrillions of humans believe that you go to The Emperor when you die.
>>Emperor demands you do everything he says without question, complaint, or reward
You mean kinda like everything He did He did for absolutely no personal gain and only to help Mankind? Traitorfags love to forget that little detail, that The Emperor is literally the most selfless character in the setting.
>>Liberally expends billions of lives in service of a gigantic lie, refuses to confide the truth even to his own sons
Because knowledge of Chaos corrupts, thus making it stronger.
>>Current Imperium is the cruelest and most bloody-minded regime imaginable
What Chaos would create is unimaginably worse.
>>Thinking those who serve it are anything but the most servile bootlickers
>Selfish arrogant traitor scum so steeped in seeking personal gain that he lost all concept of sacrifice for the good of the whole and unity
>hasn't even tried to address the REAL Truth that even Lorgar doesn't dare admit to himself, that Chaos has deceived all of them and there is no glory or ascension, only slavery and damnation
Loving Every Laff

Yea, they totally didn't save the remnants of the population of Prospero and their psykers serfs aren't amazingly well treated or anything.