Is there even a way to perform this event properly??

Is there even a way to perform this event properly??

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You need actual wisdom to play this game well, which you obviously lack.

Do you understand how a strategy game works? The "proper" path is going to depend on how badly you want friendship with the ducks and by extension the beastmen, and how precarious your food/land situation is at the moment of contact. There is no one answer. And there is no answer that only has benefits and no drawbacks.

Sure. Options 1, 2, 3 and IIRC even 4 are workable. You can also raid them twice without consequences. Once you do the third raid though, the unstoppable Beastman army arrives after and fucks you do to death.

If I remember right, someone did manage to avoid it completely by raiding the ducks so heavily he forced them off their tula and never suffered the reprisal raid.

The ducks are bros though, why not just make a pact with them? IMO the Humakti deathduck is way more annoying because your guy can be legendary, absolute top tier fighting skill and still lose the contest and die.


Which game is this and can I fuck the ducks?

>If I remember right, someone did manage to avoid it completely by raiding the ducks so heavily he forced them off their tula and never suffered the reprisal raid.
Can confirm this (for the PC version at least). If you beat them in the surprise raid and take their land, they'll disappear and you won't get duck events except the swamp duck ones

that game is so fucking hard
It's addicting but I'm not a masochists so I had to stop

King of Dragon Pass.

Humakti death duck cheats is why he has an enchantment that will let him defeat the first enemy he fights

You have to send a regular weaponthane at him and let him kill that one, then he'll demand a greater challenge, at which point you sent your general who hopefully has the highest tier in war

Worst but avoidable event coming through.


I once raided them so hard in my first and last raid against them that they picked up everything and just left their lands to me.
For some reason I really hate the little fuckers.

Wait I just picked the Steam port this one up on sale, is making the ducks give you food a bad idea?

Friendly reminder the steam version is a phone port, pirate the original it has more content even if the res is lower.


>that game is so fucking hard
Only if you play it the wrong way. Play it the right way and it's easy.
Fortunately, the "right way" is rather broad category. Read manual.

Doesn't GOG have the original? Or is that also a port?

Or am I thinking of something else entirely?

GoG has the original, yes.

They said that the phone version had more content though.

Thanks for the warning senpai. What about the GOG version? They tend to have older stuff.

Okay I'm confused: is Steam or GOG better?

Steam/Phone version has more art (which is all pretty nice, no complaints), but all the same events.

UI is objectively worse than the original, though. Turns the cool settlement screen that displays what your town looks like into a text menu.

More content, more art, more transparent gameplay (mood +/- et al), worse interface

Does anyone know what influences exploring in the Dragonsreach Wilds? Most of the others I could generally figure out what stats were important in the leader, and whether a bigger or smaller exploration party was good. I never really could for the Dragonnewt area. I want those treasures dammit!

git gud.

Is this an ending game or neverending one?

It can end in "victory" or defeat if you know what you're doing and play well (and long). It is by no means a game you quickly play through.

There is an ending you're supposed to work towards but I think it's possible to ignore the goals for winning indefinitely.

Ironically, it's easier to do so in the "quick" game than the long game.

But yes, you can play indefinitely in the long game as long as you avoid doing 6 (IIRC) different heroquests, which is one of the necessary triggers for the endgame event sequence.

At the beginning of the game, you choose if you want to play the "short game" or the "long game."

In the short game, you play until you meet the proper conditions to form a clan through uniting yourself with the surrounding tribes, and then have to meet a number of victory conditions (including not falling apart) within a ten-year time limit. It's hard, but not undoable.

In the long game, you attempt to become king of the entire map. I get the suspicion it's pretty much impossible to do because, both times I've tried it in my experience, at a certain point the "troll kin" show up and instantly destroy youwithout any chance of fighting back, kill all your weaponthanes, burn all your crops, slaughter all your cows, and then the game goes "well guess you have to rebuild from nothing with no resources!"

Short game is really fun though.

Troll kin are invincible or very overpowered?

I'm sure winning is possible, I've seen play recaps where it's been done, even here on Veeky Forums

I did, couldn't understand it. I also can't seem to maintain a tribe larger than 950-1000

Trollkin probably requires some sort of relic or magic to defeat

I've won, and I've never gotten the trolls destroy your clan event. As long as you don't constantly antagonize the Trolls/Trollkin, you won't get Cragspider paying you a visit. And if things get really bad, you can always do the Issaries the Concilator Heroquest to calm things down.

Trolls will periodically raid your Tula, and fighting them is much like fighting any other enemy. However, if you really piss them off, they bring up their local Demi-Goddess cragspider to beat the shit out of you. However they're not the only group that can get this event; IIRC, the HUmakti and Uroxi cults can also do the same, as well as the Beastmen, Dwarves, and the Dragonnewts.

So demigods are invincible?

At the very least, I've never found anything that is even remotely effective against Cragspider. While they're not necessarily invincible in setting, they're way out of the proverbial weight class of one little Orlanthi Tula.


They will /end/ you.

Holy shit. New things to discover about this game every time.

You can kind of break it long term with farming and resources but basically, it's like a roleplaying game to the utmost. The way you win i.e. make good decisions is by making the decisions an Orlanthi clan leader would make.

I feel like if you don't choose trolls as your ancestral enemy this is easier/less likely to happen.

Not either of them, but I find early game, the first 3-5 years or so, you win not by being a generous and vengeful Orlanthi clan-leader, but by managing to get enough of a food store to survive the winters and get trade routes together. The key to winning the game is to get about 8 trade routes and 32 crafters ASAP, as that will generate wealth, which drives everything else.

The roll for peace would be extremely hard without a scholar of the ducks if the ducks didn't have an emissary to work with, and combat is always a spotty proposition depending on your numbers.

Wait, that for RuneQuest.

That's about how it should be. You can get it up to ~1200 before then they start breaking off on their own. 1000 is good, that's what you need to work with.

The guys who made King of Dragon pass announced a spiritual successor called Six Ages two years ago that's supposed to be set in the same world.

We're supposedly getting information on it this year, which I'm still excited for.

The world is Glorantha. You can even play Runequest, the Glorantha roleplaying game user? What's covered in KoDP is actually a tiny part of the setting. There are places in the world (which is flat) where you can't even see Kero Fin.

Where my boys at? Where my Runic Men?


Huh, never actually saw the Troll apocalypse event, no matter how many nobles I fed to Cragspider.

Lucky you!


how many years ago was that now?

If you go for the long term and defeat the cragspider there's a really cool scene where you get to decide the fate of the trollkin.

I seem to remember hearing it was bugged in some versions.

Wait, so different from that other user said the craigspider is killable?

The game ended in December of 2012.

it is killable, but getting the proper event isnt easy

Remember Veeky Forums
>Violence is always an option
>There is always another way
>No one can make you do anything

I do believe they're trolling.

Cragspider's not a normal foe, plus of course she's got a friggen True Dragon at her command.

(Also, "deciding the fate of the trollkin" is ridiculous. The trolls wouldn't roll over, and the trollkin would just flee at their first opportunity)

Fuck me. It doesn't feel like that long. What the fuck have I done. I didn't ask for these feels.

I know, brother. I know.

I used to sit in bed on my old lappy and read the threads. Comfy times.

There were actually playthroughs before that one.

Ands theres been playthroughs after, if I remember correctly, but none are a like and that oen always stuck with me.

But they were our god damn Runic Men. They fuck planets, steal cows, trick the gods, and have thousands of babies.

What is this? I'm something of a newfag, who is nonetheless a KoDP fan.

Long ago, a brave fa/tg/uy ran a King of Dragon Pass game called The Runic Men, after the name we selected for our tribe. That game turned into such an unbelievable combination of astonishingly good luck, meme-tastic quest resolutions, delicious fanart, and genuinely unintentional bug exploits, that it became a sort of meta-Let's Play of the game, and damn near the whole board got sucked into it. The Runic men, by the end of the game, had essentially metastasized to fill the whole map, had annexed or destroyed essentially every single other tribe, married into the Horse Folk, befriended the Ducks and the Dwarves by accident, ascended their founding chieftain to Godhood and killed another God, and had accumulated such a frankly ridiculous amount of magic that we were sometimes sending Council members on God Quests successfully four times PER MONTH. We had so much land and so many women that at one point, half the residents of the tulsa were babies. We had more cows and goods than a culture is supposed to be able to get, and user at one point managed to - purely by accident - get exactly twice the soft-coded limit on Weaponthanes by mass-recruiting while the entire Thane population was out doing a scripted event. It was glorious.

This should point at

>ascended their founding chieftain to Godhood
You can do that?
How the fuck do you do that?

The Legend of Sven Kodslayer Godking. I truly do not remember. It's all in the archives, on sup/tg/ and the various foolz-spinoffs.

>Softcoding is a computer coding term that refers to obtaining a value or function from some external resource, such as a preprocessor macro, external constant, configuration file, command line argument or database table. It is the opposite of hardcoding, which refers to coding values and functions in the source code.
How do you determine that something in the game is soft-coded?

In this instance, I'm using the MMO terminology. Soft-coded in this instance means that the game's natural balance should prevent it from being possible, but it can be attained by exploiting loopholes and without hacking. In this instance, if I recall correctly, the game prevented us from hiring more than 72 Weaponthanes, but we sent all of them off on an escort mission, then hired more while they were gone, so that when we came back, we had a full gross of them at 144.

In layman's terms, it's the difference between using a formula and using a table to determine an answer. In D&D you would say roll 1d20 + X and compare against Y. Where you're dealing with the D20, X, and Y in-game. That's hardcoded. However, rolling 1d100 on a table, the answer is predetermined for the specific result, no math involved, just reading something from a sheet. That's softcoded.

Can't find Runic Men anywhere on suptg.

The other archives, perhaps?

The complete Runic men. As you can see, the links no longer work, but the thread numbers may be transferable to the more recent archives.

>Population 1934
How the hell they didn't get event for splitting up the clan

Most of them are babies. Babies can't split off.

He lived fucking forever.
Then, as the endgame approached, we got an unrelated event along the lines of "the priests report an upset in heaven; the gods are getting shuffled around" and immediately after he died.
This was the chief we'd had forever, we were trying to get him to be the one to found the kingdom but it would just have to have a younger man. He was legendary everything. He was a caster, a fighter, a you name it. And his death was immediately preceded by earthquakes, divine restructuring, and the the omens fortelling a new age. (Referring to marrying the horse people, I think.)

I've never played it, so my event recollection may be pretty blurred, but I think that was what happened. No actual ascension, but there was only one way to interpret it at the time. I wish I knew enough about the game to be able to adequately articulate how awesome Swen was.

>Two (2) tricksters
Why am I never this lucky.

Veteran from first thread reporting. Sven best ghost president king.
We need to change that image to include two bulls since we managed to pull that twice (thanks to our lawmaker I don't remember his name, that man was lawyerboss).
Not the actual event but if I remember someone tried to and we bribed em with cows.
We actually took a wrong turn on three quests that ended up giving us better results than normal. Sven came out thrice revitalized so that might have been it. We sent him to try the cow godess quest for some reason when he was already complaining of being old, and he was vital and kicking afterwards. He ascended during the heroquests, or so said the game but without consequences beyong being legendary at everything forever.

Our fucking trickster was the only nigger that outlived him and was infamous for fucking young priestesses. I believe that's how he kept himself alive for so long. He was old before sven showed signs of old age. By the time Sven died he looked like a fucking vampire.

Guy was a fucking vampire or something. He lived longer than any of the original founders.

Also, may I just say, gentlemen, that I am delighted that so many of us are still around?

I like to remember the good times too, nowadays a playthrough would have sent us to Veeky Forums or something. Newfags too stuck in their own asses to have fun.

I wish I had been there to see it, it sounds amazing.

>Sven Godslayer, technically kinslayer since he killed the stormgod when the game said it couldn't be done. He did everything and Garranth somewhat managed to cover for him.
>Natalina, if I remember correctly we owed her (and sven) our trading routes, most of our food supply and a few quests.
>Orlkarnth, could only be killed by game fuckery when he was very old during a very suspicious raid in which the enemy had more weaponthanes than their clan would have been able to support (and spending magic as if it was piss). Singlehandedly murderraped a chaos beast that liked the flavor of our weaponthanes.
>Dorasa, can't remember much.
>Maniski, Born of the law, bapped a few spirits in the head when they got rowdy. negotiated with the ancestors a change in some olde laws. Got us out of ANYTHING the trickster did. He even made a fake small god of the rocks give us real visions of the future and a bunch of magic after he humilliated it in court AND wrestled it to the ground. This was shortly before dying peacefully in his sleep.
>Beneva gave good advice sometimes, can't remember much either.
>Orlaront, thief of magic, vampiric terror of the virgins from and beyond the pass, (also the nigger that went gay one night with the bulls), with help from sven and maniski he ridiculed our enemies time and time again, impregnated their women, pissed on their faces, and even joked a hostile spirit into leaving us alone. Gave hilariously destructive advice until he got old. Fucked every single priestess that came to bless our cows and overall provided so much street creed and stress relief that thread was bursting with replies.
>Garranth, He had the balls to tell the horse spawn queen to bend over just as he was coming inside the mountainrock. She accepted.
>Enastarra managed to work out with mid level stats for most of her career. She even finished an Uralda quest were we thought she would die from the wounds. Was never as good as Orlaront.

Because the ducks are literally the Spawn of Chaos. Making a pact with them fucks over your relations with dragons and gods.

How do you avoid this?

How do you get these things to show up?

Runic Men Represent!

>tfw don't have my harddrive with runic men reaction images

Orlkanth was originally from another clan that merged with the runic men. His passion in life was making sure children learned how to read. If I don't misremembered he died when he was bitten by a snake

Watch me brutalized these niggers

getting a haunted house is worst

Is this true? I always go duckbro since they believe in our gods and I have won several times

so uh, should I get the GOG or Steam version?

read the thread

Beastmen are all the spawn of Chaos. They just don't all have to be creatures of elemental corruption.

>had accumulated such a frankly ridiculous amount of magic that we were sometimes sending Council members on God Quests successfully four times PER MONTH
Did they become the new Godlearners?

This game made my morals shift tremendously.
>First adventurer party
It won't be said that we refused to show hospitality to strangers. Let's celebrate!
>Second Adventurer party
Kill them all and burn the corpses.

My sup/tg/-fu failed me. You wouldn't have the link, perchance?

If you don't win by a certain year another clan does, and then the game ends.

First you get a random event where your people find some eggs. If you let them hatch you can get dinos that you can try to train for combat or for work, the probability of success of either is random and may depend on the skills of your clan ring.
Not sure how to trigger the initial event. Having a shrine of Maran Gor may or may not help.