Prove me wrong

Prove me wrong
Protip: You can't

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>Stupid measure of morality that doesn't work well
>Stupid measure of political alignment that doesn't work well
No wonder they match up so nicely

How are Communists chaotic/neutral?

>lawful good
Go back to /pol/


It could be... after you hit the technological singularity, and all money becomes valueless. But only then.

Realistically if you're not moderate you're not going to have a Good or Neutral alignment.

I'll prove you wrong
you're a communist and therefore always wrong

Flip good and evil

Can you show me a measure of political alignment that works better?
Chaotic neutral correlates with Anarchist Mutualism and Anarchist Syndicalism in the picture.
Hearty kek
Pol Pot was nationalist and made everyone equal by stripping the resources from the land and letting everyone starve.

Why would you want it to be wrong?

>Can you show me a measure of political alignment that works better?
No, because plotting political alignment onto a chart never works. Strips out all the nuance.

Nevermind the nonlinearity of it.

There are hard gay queer as fuck transgender loving fascists out there.

There are also God-fearing "muh man and woman" communists.

If you can imagine it, it probably exists. That goes for fetishes and political opinions.

Very funny, but no.

>Pol Pot was nationalist
Is that supposed to be mutually exclusive of communism?


>The side that promotes the well-being of the population vs the one that promotes the well-being of corporations
It's pretty clear which one slots in as good, user..

protip: when you reach technological singularity and things such as gold can be magiced out of thin air, the backing of a currency will just change to exotic particles that can't be. you will have currency backed by tachyons or gravitons or whatever.
socialism will never, ever work.

Yes, look at all the wonderful fruits leftism has brought us:

>I don't know what socialism is
Oh look it's retarded

you mean the side that promotes equalizing people by stealing from some vs the side that promotes enrichment of whole population through enrichment of every individual?

>Hurr durr tax the rich, hurr durr ebil corporations, hurr durr what's a job
It's funny how college kids who feel like the world owes them everything never once think about actually giving anything of their own.

Social welfare vs tax cuts for the ultra rich... Which one do you think is more typically 'good'?
>taxes are theft
Oy vey you Americans and your education system.

I know what socialism is, since Venezuala exists.

>state-enforced theft vs personal freedom
which one is the good one again?

Left side is anti-God, God is good, ergo leftism is evil.

rip America

I know what socialism is, since my country was under communism for about a century. It wasn't that bad, but I bring your attention to the facts that
1) Not having a job was literally a crime that you would go to jail for, so most of your americunt leftists crying about corporations would be behind bars.
2) We didn't quite gas the jews, but there's a reason they left for America and Israel.
3) We fell apart in the end.

Congratulations faggot, you managed to get everything wrong. Ancaps are the real lawful good.

Gets your noggin' joggin', doesn't it

You're wrong because the alignment axis is complete bullshit that doesn't actually take the actual nuances of morality into account.


Ancap is not anarchy, retard. "Anarcho-" means decentralization of all power structures. There are natural laws obeyed by everyone and every property can have as many additioanl, contractual laws as it wants.


So there's a king, but you don't have to listen to them?
Or is it a monty python joke?

>anything but chaotic evil

>imaginary jewish fairytales is good



Look retard, when currency changes to exotic particles, etc. society has already moved to a point where all the basic necessities of life, and most entertainment become practically free.

When the technological singularity hits, you can literally life your pathetic disgusting degenerate NEET life without a job forever, and it wouldn't cost society a cent.

Now this I dig

So? The really good, exotic things, like personal dimensions, time travel and FTL ship drives will still cost exotic resources.
The only thing that will change after techological singularity is the level after which you stop being poor being much, much higher.

I do all these on a regular basis, what does that make me?

>So? The really good, exotic things, like personal dimensions, time travel and FTL ship drives will still cost exotic resources.
And what the fuck does that really matter when you can just take your personal 3D printer to the Appalachians, have it print you a nice home with internet access and live the digitribal technohermit lifestyle?



>he's too poor to explore the universe
>6076 AD
come on, user, you know humans will always find some thing to make them feel better than their common man. it's human nature.

Fuck yeah, Human Master Race
how did you know?

Prove that God doesn't exist.


You look at the average African and you tell me there's a god.

what if there's a god, but he's a douchebag?


That doesn't mean there isn't a god.
It could just mean he doesn't like you.

Blue board user.

>thinking political philosophy can so easily 1:1 line up with morality
>thinking any individual of any alignment can have their own reasons for being of a political philosophy
this makes no sense and you're a stupid cunt

A spook.
If God exists it is most certainly evil.

>[C]ommunism is the [...] ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is [...] a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state.
>absence of the state

What if multiple gods exist?

What a stupid fucking question. Then it's dependent on the god, is it?

A malevolent god is worse than no god.
My life is actually great, but I'm a cunt.

>ultimate goal

The Khmer Rouge was leftist, you fucking idiot.

/pol/ gtfo

>I'm a cunt
Why choose to remain a worse man than you can be?

>Pol Pot was nationalist and made everyone equal by stripping the resources from the land and letting everyone starve.

Pol pot was bullshit

>"the smart people and people with connection with other countries are fucking with this country." "You are rich if you use glasses, gone to college, like to read books. You have connection with other countries if you know their language, like their culture."
>say a guy that used glasses, gone to french university, liked to read french books, and new other languages.
pol pot is the most bullshit person ever, even other evil guys like hittler, are evil but at least their follow some sort of logic, sometimes wrong/stupid logic but at least some logic

Because I'm happy

Chaotic evil would be chaotic insurrectionism

>there's bad thing in the world
>therefore god doesn't exist :DDDDD
You emotional atheist need to be slaughtered as badly as the religious retard.
May you all choke on your blood you filthy subhumans, 2060

>hating on the based pol pot

Fucking nips lolifying fucking everything.

Lawful good is anarcho catholicism

> anarcho catholicism?
Some catholic people think humans must only follow the law of god. So you would abolish the state and people would follow the law of god

>"but what if people decide to not follow it?"
Thats sort of ok, people commit sins alot of times without god doing something about it

If God exists then he is a sadistic bastard the likes of which I never wish to encounter.

>enjoy your catch 22

pol-put-kun, this is not how you please khorne

Pol Pot killed half the population of Cambodia because he didn't want any smart people in his country.
Can't make this shit up

Bait thread.
Protip: Don't respond to this garbage.
Prescription for diagnosis: fuck off back to /pol/.

Fully, and without a hint of self denial?
I don't buy it. I think you are afraid of failing at being a good man and thus convince yourself that you "want" to be a cunt, that you are happy in that whilst really, you could be happier.

Maybe there's not just one, but several? Some sadists, some not, each with their own limited power and influence?

No I'm actually happy, I have some friends, we shit talk each other, I enjoy playing video games, I enjoy eating good delicious food, I enjoy cooking, I enjoy playing tabletop games, I have fun painting my Warhammer models, I'm not rich but I can afford my hobbies, my work is easy.
My life is good and I am happy, I don't really want to waste time being "good" when I can listen to music, have a drink and paint my models.
I'd be okay with that.
I should have specified my hate is for the idea of the Abrahamic God.

If there is no G*d how do you explain children suffering in africa?

Who fucking cares lmao

Random unfortunate circumstance that doesn't actually have any intrinsic meaning.
I actually don't care, I don't want to go to Africa anyway.

>Communists are Lawful Good

True. But thing is, when the tech singularity hits and mankind doesn't go extinct, you will live the billionaire lifestyle of today for free.

That is an absurd fucking concept man.

What if the people who own the technology don't want to give it away?

welfare, control of capitalism, stuff like that

The idea at the core is what the chart depicts, not what idiots did with it on practice.
Communism's intention was "Everyone is equal and does his best to aid society", for example.

>I'll take that money to protect you from foreigners, build roads and houses, and give you medical care if you get sick

The final boss of FMA

Chances are the technological singularity will be open-source or some collaborative effort, because this ensures some kind of push-back against potential existential implications of the technology.

Commies good lol, they are in like at least top 5 of most evil ideologies.

>Lawful Good
You can theoretically be of any political ideology and still be anywhere on the alignment chart (see pic related basically lawful good Nazi) if you had to pic one ideology to represent lawful good communism/Marxism would be the worst. For starters your typical lawful good character is ether a church militant or a soldier fighting for his country. In contrast to this Marxism/communism opposes both nationalism and religion as the "opium of the people."
>Chaotic Evil
>Not Anarcho-Individualism
This thread is a spook.

>There are natural laws obeyed by everyone
>this is what ancaps actually believe

He's Talking about these:

Let's be honest here, the average working class person in the west today lives the life of an upper middle class person in the west a century ago.
The living standards of someone who is 'rich' only increases exponentially with time. Assuming this isn't a system of diminishing returns, the rich in a century hence will make the rich of today look like the middle class.
Greed finds a way.

These are all pretty good
>Pol pot was bullshit
That's true
I plead guilty
Look how many Americans are getting triggered

I'm well aware of what they are.
There are only legal rights. Natural rights only exist when a political authority chooses to protect them.

Take your goddamned /pol/ or /leftypol/ off of my fucking plastic soldier and fantasy autism meme board

It's the opposite actually, that's why they are "natural" rights dummy.

No, we won't privatise doomsday particles capable of wiping out whole civilisations.

>those tits

There's nothing "natural" about them. Does nature observe those rights? Do animals and trees and bacteria observe them? Does God come down from the heavens and make sure that they are held inviolate?

They mean nothing without an institution that makes an effort to honor and protect them.

These discussion are always absurds. Chances are the ideologies of the future will be completely alien to us. The dramas of 2298 as unintelligible to us as the Microsoft Anti-Trust Suit would be to Joan of Arc.