What if instead of being all like "We must enslave or kill all untermench non-humans!"
what would that look like Veeky Forums?
If Zarus were less of an ass
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for human children.
oh fiddlefucks it I forgot the part of him being less of an ass between killing non-humans and what it would look like
I remember some guy a long time ago throwing up a list of plausible Zarusian sub-cults which was neat.
OTOH anyone who actually wanted to play a Zarus worshiper in game would seem so unbearably edgy I don't think I'd be down for it.
He would grow a beard.
All will fall before Pelor the Burning Hate
This one?
also Pelor
Probably Pelor
unless they play Pelor
you know it
literally who
>what if we took the only good thing about something and made it not good
He's a D&D god of human elitism.
Zarus is as Veeky Forums as it gets already.
>Convert the world by fucking Elf, Dorf and Halfling qts
I can get behind the Pellangians.
It is simply natural for the weak to be used by the strong. It doesn't matter what you do to the non-humans. Focus on improving yourself and nature will take its course. The world will bow to humanity. It is only a matter of time. Only raise your hand in violence against those pitiful creatures, consumed by envy, dare perform acts of treachery to delay the inevitable ascendance of Man.
So yeah. Human god of self-improvement.
So what, just turn Zarus into Pelor? Why?
That's how you're supposed to play a worshipper of Zaurus anyway right?
No player would choose to worship Zaurus just to attack the first nonhuman they see right? right?
>not conglaturation
Well, in my campaign I basically re-wrote his entire backstory, which on one hand, is kind of over kill, but on the other, this is a "what if" thread so might as well give my Zarus version. Feel free to skip the green text, it's only there for in-story context.
>Long ago in a distant land yaddi yaddi yadda
>Gods make the Material Plane their own, begin creating life forms, and then mess around a bit in a communal effort to create a subserviant, intelligent race that will worship them to figure out which of them is clearly the best, by who is followed most
>The humans they created worship them, but it's wildly inconsistent, there is no clear winner, so in true god-like fashion most of the gods just kick the board over, abandon humans and start focusing on their own pet projects some of which they already made a while back
>Humans who were protected from others for a long time by the sheer fact that they were in the gods' spotlight, now are completely in the open, and begin getting raided by neighbours
>While divine casters are thing, they can't really save everyone, and there's few and far between as the gods aren't paying that much attention to the humans anymore
>Finally, one day the unthinkable happens. A town comes under attack by raiders, the city guard go out to meet them, and they all die, save one, who manages to fight the rest of them off using magic, but without any god granting it to him.
>Enter Zarus: First (human) non-divine magic user, Mage-Emperor of Mankind, and posthumous patron of a literally god-forsaken species
Basically, he has nothing against non-humans, but has a certain amount of spite against some major non-human groups that stole away the various (good) gods' adorations and left his people to fend for themselves.
Also, he has a fair amount of pride in humanity who following his example began researching magic, and rebuilt themselves from near nothingness to a group that once again has the attention of most gods.
i like to think of zarus as being a sort of alternate melkor, one who never holed himself up in a cave to make monster but instead became the patron of humans but was still at odds with all the other gods and races
hes also like trump in that he does what most people want but youre not supposed to talk about or else liberals try hang you
actually zarus would make a really good intolerant liberal god, kill everyone who disagrees with you
>does what most people want
What people want =/= what is best for people
You can be a racist without entering a rabid rage at the first sight of your hated subject. Reality should have taught you as much.
I've played a racist as fuck character once and the character journey of "Among X, never relax", to "All X are terrible, but that guy is okay", to "We might not actually have to exterminate all X, I guess some are okay" was fun as fuck.
Don't care
That's generally true, but I was responding to (and disproving) the assertion that Trump actually represents the will of the people. You can be an unpopular politician who is doing a good job or an unpopular politician who's shit. Make your own decision about which Trump is.
sorry to disappoint you but trump won. also the entire planet sees trump as the candidate of the people, which he is
when was the last time the candidate who spent the most money didnt win? even with all the free publicity nigger king got he still out spent both candidates in both elections
trump is literally going down in history for being a victory for the people while nigger king is going down as just another puppet of money
>trump won
True, but irrelevant to my point. Over 40% of people didn't vote, and a (slight) majority of those that did voted for Clinton. Even if she had won, most of the country wouldn't have voted for her.
>the entire planet sees trump as the candidate of the people
>rest of your autism
Irrelevant again.
That's XCOM, baby.
Sorry to disappoint you, but the rest of the world thinks that Srump is the dumbest person to ever see the world stage, and the only way Drump could be considered a victory for the people is if people only meant the executives who he has pushed into positions of power around himself.
>The entire planet sees trump as the candidate of the people.
Not really? A lot of the world sees 'Oh, America went off the rails. That's worrying'.
Annnndd thread derailed
no its just propaganda that liberals eat up since they are so desperate to be better than everyone else
He'd be like any of the other racial pantheon Gods who instead focused on protecting and governing his race.
Take your anal angst to the board where political discussions belong, /pol/. And for the non-Americans chiming in "w-we don't like him either", you have your own containment board, /int/.
That's just propaganda conservatives eat up because they are desperate to remain relevant.
how is it propaganda if he won by a landslide?
how delusional can you be?
> a (slight) majority of those that did voted for Clinton.
Doesn't matter because that's not the way the US works. You're like the losing team bitching that because they should have won because they got more yards.
Trump is the will of the NATION as expressed through the electoral college. The popular vote doesn't matter.
How can he have won by a landslide when he won by the lowest popular vote since 1824?
> popular vote
Doesn't matter. Trump won 306 to 232. That's a landslide.
because the popular vote is literally not a real thing. its just something liberals like talking about to make themselves feel better
he beat her ass through the electoral college. states that have been blue for decades went red. it was an embarrassing defeat
this guy just explained it too
How? It ranks 46th out of 58.
If it was a landslide, then almost every other election before 2016 was Mount Krakatoa.
Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan all went for Trump. He flipped states that have voted for the dims for decades. That's a landslide.
>He flipped states that have voted for the dims for decades. That's a landslide.
Lanslides tend to refer to numbers, rather than 'He did something a bit unusual'.
His numbers were nothing really spectacular.
yes most elections are very one sided.whats your point? this wasnt a close election like liberals like to claim
ok fine. his victory was also historic. does that make you happy?
>ok fine. his victory was also historic. does that make you happy?
Well, it's not really 'Also' if it wasn't a landslide.
>yes most elections are very one sided.whats your point?
That people keep using the term landslide without seeming to understand what it means.
And in 2008, Obama flipped a number of states as well. Does the fact that he won by more mean that his landslide is bigger than Wumps?
>libcucks mad about being on the wrong side of history
this is going to be 8 years of pure bliss
>also the entire planet sees trump as the candidate of the people
no we don't you delusional faggot
That just means that big landslides are easy when you commit fraud like Obama did.
Oh, so just like Reagan did in 1980?
Reagan didn't commit fraud, Carter was just one of the worst presidents in the modern era and everyone could see it. Of course, then Obama came along and decided he could outdo Carter in terms of being pure shit.
>Reagan didn't commit fraud
Get a load of this sheep.
Then he'd be lame. Also, Zarus doesnt demand slavery, just fealty and no human slaves. He's tolerant of humans keeping slaves of other races, but doesnt demand that every single non-human be brought to heel.
>electing someone as president whos only qualification was being a nigger who could put on a suit
tbf how could anyone have possibly guessed he would have sucked?
its also funny that if there was no nigger king, trump would have been seen as a joke by absolutely everyone, but coming off of 2 terms of obama anything goes
liberals cant help but destroy everything they care about
> butthurt shitlib still angry that Carter lost
> calls other people sheep
I love how you people have absolutely no self-awareness. Keep it up, you'll be out of power for decades that way.
Those states were also gerrymandered to hell and back by local republican legislatures.
The dude won, but dont make it more than it is. His approval rating is evidence enough that this isnt "a movement".
>electing someone who's only qualification is he looks like a carrot
I mean....
Was it a landslide or was it "not close"
Its exceptional. Its not a landslide. Cry more.
> states
> gerrymandered
Pffft. Get a load of this idiot. State boundaries don't change, so the state can't be gerrymandered. Gerrymandering only matters for seats in the house of representatives.
And guess what? Dims gerrymander too. Just look at commiefornia.
> His approval rating is evidence enough that this isnt "a movement".
His approval according to the same MSM idiots who said that shillary had a 99% chance of winning. The nation is behind Trump, you shitlibs are just too delusional to see that. You think people care about men being able to use women's restrooms or other LGTBBQWTF bullshit. Outside your urban shitholes, no one gives a fuck about the left anymore. Your time is done.
>His approval according to the same MSM idiots who said that shillary had a 99% chance of winning. The nation is behind Trump, you shitlibs are just too delusional to see that.
...so what metric are you using to determine that if approval polls are not to be trusted?
> only qualification is he looks like a carrot
> Successful businessman
> Billionaire
> One of the few willing to acknowledge that we're at war with Islam
> One of the few willing to actually secure the border
Stay delusional shitlib.
Oh, I didn't realize rural areas had any industry or young people.
Tell me, how's the price of corn?
The electoral college. It's the only poll that matters.
The one where he had a rather unimpressive win rate? Most presidents got better than him.
> industry
Rural America is the only place where work actually gets done anymore.
> young people
Why the fuck should anyone want to have a bunch of entitled millennial shits?
>inherited daddy's money
>shouts at people like a child
>hurr durr durr news isn't true it's all lies
>only papa carrot face is telling teh truth!
Geez it's like people got free lobotomies at Trump rallies
States are districted. Some states go by districts won, or by electoral votes per district or district block. Those districts can be gerrymandered. The dems gerrymander too, but the republicans were lucky to be in charge of several legislatures at a time in history when we can gerrymander with computer-aided precision for the first time in history.
I know its nice to believe things will be different, but if you actually kept up with his performance, you'd know it was the same as it ever was. He's flipped on china. He just flipped on the budget. He's dropped the ball on healthcare. His tax policy outline would increase taxes on all but the richest 30% of citizens. I know there are still a ton of people behind him because, yeah, we've basically just left the hinterlands of this nation to rot. If you really think that things are going to change, I can only feel sorry for how disappointed you'll be four years from now.
Also, thanks for assuming I give a fuck about queers. I honestly dont. I just want a job that pays well. Ive got that. I dont give a fuck about anything else. Im not some antifa weirdo. Im white as freshly driven snow and nothing trump does is going to effect my life.
So. Calm down for a sec because I want to ask you a serious question.
Ive heard two conflicting narratives about rural america from the same group of people.
1. Rural america is the only place that work gets done anymore. Its the core of the american economy. Rural america cannot be ignored.
2. Rural america is collapsing. There is high unemployment and a generally negative outlook. The rest of the country has recovered from the recession without us.
Which is true, because they are, in almost every way, mutually exclusive.
>"Successful businessman" who has lost more money and gone through more bankruptcies than your entire family tree
>"Billionaire" who has a net worth of less than 100 million, and refuses to release his taxes so he can prove he's actually a billionaire
>War with an entire religion, including the guys who make the guros I eat for lunch
>Secure the border from what? The guys who pick the tomatoes you eat?
I encourage you to get out of your bubble and experience things from a different light. My recommendation? Watch a few nature documentaries, or read a book about ancient history.
No, they're not mutually exclusive.
Rural America is the only place where work gets done anymore. It is the core of the economy. The problem is that all the rest of the country has "recovered" by leeching off of the productive people, thus dragging them down. Rural America does all the work, but it's collapsing anyone because the elites in DC have favored the urban shitholes and showered them with wealth taken from rural workers. Your "recovery" is stolen prosperity.
Who's going to do the work once all the old people are to old to do anything?
It's certainly not going to be immigrants, unless you want brown people touching the food you eat and taking care of your elderly.
Oh, wait.
That's it. Thanks dude. The Octists get me every time.
If there are no jobs, then what work is rural america doing? If rural america were the core of the economy, how have we recovered and pulled 2% growth if so many rural americans remain unemployed?
For some reason I actually thought this maybe wouldn't be a Trump thread.
How does this figure into the high unemployment, exactly?
As far as I am aware, states with predominantly rural based economies tend to be a drain on the federal system, where urban and suburban states tend to be net providers.
So I don't see how rural america is the place 'work gets done' unless you mean unpaid work that doesn't actually matter.
What counts as "rural" and do you have any facts to back the fact up that those areas do all the work while having everything taken from there?
You can't derail a thread if it was purposefully made for bait. I mean, Zarus is the personification of /pol/
He'd look like the less extreme parts of /pol/
"It makes sense for humans to look out for humans before others. In fact, I find it strange that there are dwarves or elves who don't look out primarily for members of their own race. What's up with that?"
"Of course humans are superior. That doesn't mean we should go around killing all the halflings. As superior beings, it is our duty to be a shining example for all the lesser races of what they can one day maybe acomplish."
"Elves are honorary humans, so half-elves are perfectly okay, but less than ideal. Orcs are shitskins, though, so don't breed with them."
"It's not gay if the outsider looks female."
>Who's going to do the work
Certainly not the millennials, so no difference there.
I was unaware that millennials didn't need to eat or require shelter.
I must have missed that meeting of the Millennial's Union.
Those fucking millenials are already the majority of employed workers in the US and the rate is growing rapidly in their favor. Look up the statistics.
Why are Trump supporters still mad? Their guy got the presidency and the republican party is on a roll. The economy is improving. But Trump supporters are still mad.
Imagine if there was a bicycle, and every so often a different person got to ride the bicycle. Now imagine that, once you got the bicycle, the seat has been locked in an uncomfortable position, two of the gears are broken, and there's a lock on the rear wheel preventing the bike from moving, and the only person with the key is the last person to ride the bike, and he won't give up the key because he intends to give it to his girlfriend who goes after you so the bike's settings aren't changed.
So the bike is Rump, and the person who rode it before is.... wall street?
And the woman who is going to be riding it afterward is Ivanka, got it.
> I was unaware that millennials didn't need to eat or require shelter.
They take food stamps and mooch off their parents for that. They don't work.
It would look like almost every other race, because most of them have at least one god who is backing their race specifically. Congrats, humans have a god who is watching out for them over all others, just like everyone else.
> the seat has been locked in an uncomfortable position, two of the gears are broken, and there's a lock on the rear wheel preventing the bike from moving
But the republicans have complete control of the federal government. They just can't do anything because of their own internal squabbling. The Obamacare repeal, for example, failed because of republicans in the house of representatives, not because the democrats still have any sort of control.
But the highest number of people who use food stamps are in red states? Which don't have young people, as user said above, because they are hard working states that don't need people who won't work, which is also why red states have the highest unemployment.
> But the republicans have complete control of the federal government.
> implying Trump is a republican
Besides, even though the republicans control the elected positions in congress, the deep state is still loyal to Obama and the dims. That's what is creating the problems.
>That's what is creating the problems.
Saved for eternity!
> But the highest number of people who use food stamps are in red states?
Bzzzt. Wrong. The state with the most people on food stamps is commiefornia.
Where are you getting your data from?
If we go by total number, the answer seems to be Texas, and if we go by percentage of population, the answer appears to be Louisiana.
Wrong. Texas has 3 million on food stamps. California has 4 million.
So, if we go by this one: snap.insidegov.com
And if we go by percentage of population, then this: hungerfreenyc.org
> It's okay that my state has the most leeches because we're breeding tons and tons of shitskins!
This is what commiefornians actually believe.
So when are Red states going to actually contribute to the national economy, rather than being a drain on the rest of the country, then?
When the blue states stop killing business and industry in the name of causes that only rich urban liberals care about.
OP, how does if feel knowing an extremely austistic liberal and some people from /pol/ derailed the entire thread?