EDH/Commander General

"Where they at" Edition

Previously: RESOURCES

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread question
Where does your group meet, if not the local LGS?
What card makes you groan whenever it's played, even if it's something you can work around?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Where does your group meet, if not the local LGS?
Different people's houses. We rotate
>What card makes you groan whenever it's played, even if it's something you can work around?
BFZ Ulamog. That fucking exile pops my good shit every single time

Is this thing worth a damn in colorless turbo ramp, or is it just too much work to get online?

Would you play in this EDH game night?

Event Stucture: Each event consists of 2 90-minute rounds with multiplayer pods of 3-5 players. You'll be playing using my point system to accumulate points over 2 rounds. Point leaders will be rewarded with rewards points. The total number of points rewarded will be equal to the number of players.

Open from 5:00PM - 12:00AM!

Here is a comprehensive list of commanders which CANNOT earn rewards points! Due to their inherently powerful/degenerate nature, we shall regard these as NOVICE level commanders.


As such, we need to designate EXPERT level commanders. So far I believe the top tier EXPERT level commanders should consist of any legendary creature with NO abilities; just pure vanilla. The following commanders will start the game with 1 point in the point system.


By extension, these commanders will also start the game with 1 point but they will be regarded as ADVANCED; not quite expert, heh.


I would punch you in the dick for this awful bait

If you're running plenty of untap effects, maybe


Gogo Hokori Stax

>Expert tier
>Advanced tier
>The only difference between the two is your autism and ego stroking

This is pretty good bait. The voltron generals in the banned list was a nice touch. This is all subtle enough that people may defend parts of your post for you, encouraging shitposting.

10/10 I might put in something about banning Sol ring but not mentioning mana crypt to increase replies, but this is pretty good stuff already

Yeah, I don't like Legendary Lotus either.

Ah, good. Someone knows I'm not baiting. I saw the ad and I was just baffled as to why anyone would bother.

Johnny, the owner, sees it as a way to prevent t3 combo creep. But it's dumb. The regulars there are pretty spergy in general.

But you can buy packs with reward points, which is neat.

Also my degenerate Daretti deck gets a starting bonus point, which is dumb.

>mono-red is advanced
As it should be. Slobad here I come

Yeah, advanced faggotry. It's terminal

>Purph is "Novice" degenerate level
>yet Arcum, Yisan and walker Teferi are not

Holy shit what is this place and how do I join this league to fucking stomp these dorks

>The regulars there are pretty spergy in general.

Yeah, I only went a few times while they were in Orange. When they moved, I didn't bother. Of course, that only leaves SoCal magic in town and I can't stand that place.

I wanna support a local shop, but, yeesh.

What are the house rules that your LGS or group employ? My LGS lets players get a free mulligan and scry 2 after they keep. I'm not exactly sure how I feel on the scry 2, but it's more than likely not game breaking.

Check out Guild House in Bellflower. It's more general Veeky Forums but the do FNM and the owners are super nice. You can play any of their board games for free while in store. I highly recommend.

Power 9 in Signal Hill has a lot of the regulars from Rivals CCG (which was literally the BEST card shop/owner I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Shame Dave sold the shop) but also has the shitty Asians too.

>there's an easily fetchable, free card that literally says your opponents can't equip swords

why have i never seen this in deck lists?

It is a highly meta dependent card.

I have played EDH at 3 different stores in one city for a year and never came across a swords voltron deck.

Anyone got a Darien decklist I could take a look at? Been looking to build him, and hoping to make it more consistent, preferably without having to shell out for a Crypt and Vault.

someone at my LGS was raving about how good this guy is as a commander for monoblue control because it offers consistent draws.

he's just wrong, right? 4 mana to draw a card seems inefficient and bad.

He isn't as bad as the other gods. He is an infinite mana outlet which is always good, he can pick up a worldslayer and use it, and he can be a good early game blocker depending on how things go.

The most important bit is winning the game with infinite mana, it's part of why thrasios is so damn good.

yeah, that's what i was thinking. he's worse than a deck headed by just thrasios with no partner.

He's not the worst god for commander but he's really not very good. Also needing a colored mana to win with infinite is not nearly as good as Thrasios only needing colorless. It's not that big a deal though I guess and this goes well with Paradox engine while also being harder to kill than something like Oona, Tasigur, or more accurately in mono blue, say, Arcanis or whatever.

I really don't like the gods at all. I know Theros's mono colored gods were not that interesting either but yeesh. The one I find most interesting mechanically is probably the worst for commander (Hazoret).

Kind of. In tier 1 competitive EDH he is strictly worse than thrasios. If it's somewhere in between he is better. He will shine more in metas that actually win through combat because he can block, and more casual mono color decks can run mana doublers like caged sun, making mono-colored more attractive than shelling out a bunch on lands, and also boosting the gods ability it a non infinite way.

Even if you don't look at it that way, thrasios is at the top of tier 1 next to tazri. If a general needs to be better than that to be playable most generals are in a lot of trouble.

If you bounce or otherwise put your commander into your hand, it can be cast for it's face value cost correct?

Yes. Commander tax only applies when casting it from the command zone after the first time.

>Arjun has Hive Mind and Eye of the Storm both out
>guy eats shit from Saskia Infect before he can cause too much bedlam
>grumbles about not being able to cast Puzzle Box, Possibility Storm and Knowledge Pool

I wanted to deck him, chaos players are the worst

are there any worldgorger memes for jhoira?

You haye bad chaos players, good chaos players dont try to cast essentially the same thing 5 times while masturbating. The good ones throw out a wincon and then masturbate.

I have four commander decks.
What colours are they?

Three are red,
And green follows suit,
Black and blue,
Are each used by two.

Lastly, leastly,
We have white,
It has one,
Now, for the fun.

I have two guilds,
And one triple threat.
Then the other,
It's four colour.

Some mortal enemies,
Just never meet.
Black and White,
They would just fight.

Other enemies,
Don't meet alone,
Like blue and red,
Better than dead.

Green's friendly enough,
Meets most only once,
But red sees it twice,
Which is pretty nice.

Only one combination,
Is engulfed by another,
Like a vore-fetish mate,
Variation is great.

I made this at like 2am, unless i really fucked up there should only be one possible answer

Top 10 Penises in Anuses

#1: Your Boyfriend's Penis in Your Anus

You were pretty tricky user but
in that order.

Gruul, Rakdos, Grixis, Ink.

But then there are four red decks, not three.

pretty close though

Fuck, it's late and I'm mixing things up.
Ink, Grixis, Gruul, Golgari.

Can someone help me with a budget jeskai mana base?
Budget mana bases with green are easy but I do not know what to do without green.


I'm gonna do it EDH. I'm gonna make 5 decks, one for each of the Fate Reforged Khans.

exactly half of them are great commanders

This is some puzzling shit.
Alesha, Tasigur, half Shu Yun?


Alesha, Tasigur are good.
Shu-yun is good in tiny leaders(Half Commander.)

Ez maths.

Mulligan till you have no less than 2, no more than 4 lands. People would cry about mana keeping them from winning so we decided on that.

Still gotta reveal hand to mulligan.

So, I built Yidris when he came out and he's a pretty powerful storm commander, but every time I dropped more than three or four spells in a row the whole rest of the table would just scoop. I tried building him straight-up value but he never connected in time for cascading a 6 or 7-drop to matter.

Yidris has been always either too strong for my playgroup or too slow to even hit anyone. Is there some build somewhere in the middle I'm not seeing?

Double strike blows tho. Can't even attack directly twice

How much is your budget? Khans Fetches are still kinda affordable, and with the bad fetches(the ones that come tapped) you can get a decent manabase for a decent price. Just get 3 Shocks, All fetches you can afford from the earlier mentioned, get some checklands, painlands and fill with basics according to your color needs. For artifacts, get the signets, Solring, UW talisman, the three diamonds and a chromatic lantern. That should be enough fixing.

basic lands and mana rocks, that's as budget as it gets

Around 30 dollars or so.


What mana rocks do you recommend besides signets?

fellwar stone, talisman of progress, commander's sphere, chromatic lantern, darksteel ingot
also give calciform pools a try, drop some big x spells later

Tasigur > Alesha >>> Shu Yun >> Yasova >>>>> Daghatar, in terms of power.

In terms of fun, however, personally it's Alesha >> Shu Yun > Yasova > Tasigur >>> Daghatar, for me.

I wish Shu Yun was a little less build-around- you either build him to one-shot someone out of nowhere or not at all, and if you do your deck has a hard time doing literally anything else, and Yasova seems exceedingly fun until you realize that she boils down to "You won't actually use that ability much unless you have Conjurer's Closet or other tricks."

Daghatar is for challenge mode. For the most part, you only ever run him if you want to play Abzan for the 99, and is even sadder because Ghave exists. He's for when you don't want to be as hated as Ghave or Karador, don't want something as warping as Doran, and... and even then Anafenza is almost a strict and direct upgrade and Teneb is good if all you want is the 99.

Daghatar's flavor text is lying. There is no victory for him.

god, you just reminded me

i haven't seen a ghave deck in forever. every abzan deck i've seen in the past like two years is a karador deck. does playing ghave a bunch get too samey or something?

Evolving wilds, terramorphic expanse, exotic orchard, command tower, commander's sphere, felwar stone, sol ring, darksteel ingot, and the appropriate signets, bouncelands, triland, and maybe a rupture spire. Beyond that, you could throw in a talisman or keyrune for your most used colors if you feel like you still need more ramp.

Thanks user

Who /cockatrice/ here?
I get really tired of trying to find games with randos.

I still havnt made my mind up on which I should try. Cockatrice or Xmage.

mirage fetches and panoramas
ravnica bounce lands
prairie stream and/or irrigated farmland
mystic monastery
exotic orchard
grand coliseum
meteor crater

I'd avoid the panoramas tho, they feel slow.
Keep with the mirage fetches, pain lands are good as well, temples are nice but still over priced. Opal Palace, Shimmering Grotto or Unknown Shores, Holdout Settlement isn't bad either. Skycloud Expanse is pretty much a cheap filter land as well.

I'm hoping they come out with a new adzan commander pretty soon. Hopefully the tribal themed decks will feature an abzan elf deck.

god, i hope not. every other tribal deck i play against is elves.

Tasigur is very fun

What do you want then?

Ghave just makes it too easy to enter infinite mana loops especially if the rest of the board durdles goodstuff

"ashnods+triskelion+doubling season, everyone dies, rematch?"

i'd like to see more class-based tribal decks. clerics, knights, soldiers, etc.

the only one of those that's edh playable is wizards because azami is disgustingly powerful.

What deck should I build if I want to gain the most life possible without going infinite?

Trostani is probably the easiest.

God Daghatar is so lame when you see him next to the other 4

Look like Karlov's the guy you're looking for there

I could go for that. What's good stuff for a Karlov deck?

How many basics lands should I be rocking in a 3 color deck? It's grixis marchesa and right now I am just using one of each basic, and only put 2 taplands in (testing the new duals from amonkhet).

I want a semi-casual deck for when the newbies in our groups join up. Never built a tribal and i'm not sure how to balance well between dredge and zombies, that being said did i do good?

That depends pretty fucking heavily on how expensive the remaining 30+ lands are.

I already have all the lands in the deck. I am still missing Badlands and Underground Sea, but I'll get those as soon as I find some in person (gotta inspect to make sure they arent fake)

It's got 9 fetches, filters, painlands, shocks and some utility lands. They are pretty expensive I guess.

One each is probably fine outside of a Wasteland meta.

you know, it's funny, as soon as someone uses ghost quarter, strip mine, wasteland, or tectonic edge in my playgroup, the rest of the group instantly teams up on that guy, even if he was doing something reasonable like blowing up a gaea's cradle. i don't really understand why.

Sounds like they've got a case of the downs.

"land destruction is the worst!"

rules of edh night at my lgs are pretty fucked.

gain 1 point for killing a player
gain 2 points if killing a player for exact damage
gain 1 point for saving another player from death
gain 2 points every time you wrath 5 or more creatures
gain 2 points for exiling the graveyard of a reanimator deck
lose 2 points for every land you destroy
lose 2 points for every extra turn you take
lose all points for winning through infinite combo
lose all points for winning through poison counters

>no fun allowed: the group

>lose 2 points for every land you destroy
I feel like this one is a bit mean. There's a big difference between mass land destruction and sacrificing your wasteland to destroy some player's Gaea's Cradle, Cabal Coffers or similar land. I feel like the latter shouldn't lose you points.

>implying Infect is fun for anyone
>implying land destruction is fun for anyone
>implying someone comboing off while you can't do anything is fun for the other players
>implying taking multiple turns in a row while no one else can do anything is fun
People like you are why Commander is going downhill. Shitty fucking tryhards

a new guy showed up and brought a mill deck. it was janky and fun, not really the most powerful, but he managed to actually win. he got no points. he technically didn't "kill" anyone.

eh, the issue is that without the threat of combo, stax, and extra turn decks, no one bothers running any control and games just turn into 4-way monogreen.dec fuckfests.

>rules implemented obviously trying to promote """fun"""
>incentivize fucking over someone for having the audacity to want to play a graveyard deck
Stupid rules are awful, but that kind of bullshittery is absolute cancer.

A lot of players confuse EDH with Durdle the Gathering. You can durdle and play beaters at the kitchen table with your friends. The spirit of the format is a myth.

yeah that one pisses me off. i had a low-powered mimeoplasm deck that just couldn't function because my yard was being exiled constantly. i showed up a week later with a deck made entirely of fogs and wraths to take advantage of the "save another player" points.

This is pretty different but in my PDH group, the meta was out of control with graveyard shenanigans that basically every deck now runs Tormod's and Relic

>i don't run answers because i'm shit at this game: the post

4 color clerics

>have one deck that is super tuned
>never want to play it because people act like the world is ending playing against it
What is your bugaboo deck that causes your playgroup to conspire against you?

Leovold was banned already anyway, so I wouldn't be surprised

Time to break out good ol' Kiki-Jiki

shirei for some reason. grave pact aristocrats too strong for the group with no good answers.

Dude for real this same shit happens to me with the same deck. After I boardwipe every turn while summoning demons with Gravepact and Shadowborn Apostles everyone decides I'm public enemy number 1 all the time.

I hold the personal opinion that every deck should run one of the yard exile rocks and every black deck should run Bojuka Bog. Exceptions obviously exist but more often than not, this will not lead you wrong.

One group seems to be afraid of most of my decks.
They're understandably afraid of my Memnarch and Skittles decks, but they're also afraid of my Brion Stoutarm.
Funnily enough, they're not afraid of my Ghave combo or Hanna stax decks, but I think that they've lost their hope with those two, though.
I win almost every game with my Ayli, but they don't seem to bat an eye to that, and most of all, I'm left alone most of the games, since I'm playing cleric tribal

i'm not even running the shadowborn apostle list. i've got shit in my deck like basal thrull and bottle gnomes.

On the flipside, players who get butt blasted over having their very scary boardstate hated on are the fuckin' worst.

>guy taps out for mirari's wake and mana reflection in a single turn
>giggling looking at his overfull hand
>throws a tantrum when i kill him before he gets to untap
>"why do you even play EDH if you don't want anyone to have any fun?"