Filename thread

filename thread

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>It's a Op wants to start a waifu thread, but hides his shame behind shitty filenames episode I approve, but com'
on step it up



Make it so number 1!


Isn't swimming typically strength based anyways?

>Kyouko and Sayaka epilogue - Good End.jpg

>implying user actually plays games and would know this

I think in some systems it falls under athletics, but yeah, that's the joke.



In the book, it was 20.






I get that reference










This show was a lot better than people give it credit for. I mean, it's exactly what it says on the tin, but... it really does a pretty good job in most episodes. It did get weird with the Werewolf on the Moon episode though.


If he's a werewolf on the moon, is he always transformed because he's always got so much moon on him or is he too close for it to count?

I am ok with both.

I've always wanted a serval. It's a big kitty!

Nah, It was Genetic Modification or something or other, and it turned out that he was being controlled by a clone of Moriarty. It's really all a bunch of 80's Sci-fi detective tropes, but you've gotta appreciate it for what it was.



Came here to post this.

Technically you retire from the campaign after reaching level 21.



I found it disappointing, but to be fair the thing that annoy me is that Holmes is too competent, which is every Holmes ever. By that, I mean that I hopped that throwing Holmes in such a different environment would have at least sort of phased him. So you would have Holmes with is reasoning, but so far behind in various sciences that he have to rely on the other characters much more. Who know, maybe even an episode where he is wrong because he didn't knew something was possible. Also I'm annoyed at how Scotland Yard is totally incompetent but again, every Sherlock Holmes ever (and it's not the worst case of that).
But I like the idea, however random it may seem.

>Implying that isn't normal Shadowrun.




>That ending

Trust no one. Not even your hiding spot.


>constricter pupils
>ears back
that bird ded.







I though Veeky Forums's worst nightmare was VirtualOptim becoming a Mod, his first act as a mod was to do absolutely nothing because the board has already become exactly as he intended.

I'm not going to sleep tonight

I know this is just shitty tumblrstyle but insect elf idea has merit.

>the board has already become exactly as he intended
Can you please point out the nearest female elf snuff fetish post you see?

This series got worse as they kept adding more bitches to the main character's house, what are they up to double digits by now?

Was better when it was just him and the snake.

DESU the series was better when it was just a set of 2 page hentais about "Daily life with X".

Honestly... between the lewd-posting/subjugation of elves, the Pls no Bully threads, and the Elf-hate threads we're pretty much already there. Besides that, he doesn't want Veeky Forums to think like him... in fact, he doesn't want Veeky Forums to think at all.

He just wants Veeky Forums to stay easily triggered and unable to ignore obvious shitposting, and devote half our time getting angry at shitposts by replying to them... which we already do.


mentioning cancerous namefags should be a bannable offense.

Holy shit, it got a cig too.

What do you reckon Jim Profit is up to these days?

>and devote half our time getting angry at shitposts by replying to them... which we already do
Personally, I enjoy being angry - otherwise, I wouldn't visit Veeky Forums in the first place.
Anger means passion, passion means argument, argument means genuine discussion.
I'd rather our discussions looked like the actual IRL Roman/Anglo forums, with savage banter and people passionately argumenting with each other, rather than the limp-wristed, excessively polite "discussions" other Internet forums (like Reddit) are famous for.

I agree. At the same time, there should be a limit to how many times we can argue about 3.5/PF


There really shouldn't.
You realize that our community isn't stagnant and has a steady stream of comers and goers? By perpetuating the discussion on the same topics, not only we keep them informed of the board's general opinions, but also find hidden aspects that we didn't consider before thanks to the newcomers' input.
Until someone wants to discuss the topic, thos threads will exist. When the topic runs out of steam, it will die out on its own, even if someone goes through with copious baiting, because no one will be interested in biting the bait.


bitches don't know bot my teacher's arrested into perfect storm combo for 61% damage


Is that loss?


That sounds great! Except in practice it is just an echo chamber in which people ardently and ignorantly argue meme-points whose factual basis long since became irrelevant.

Being angry is not the same as being passionate. Belligerent discourse is not necessarily quality discourse.

No one changes their mind, no one is saved, we're all here for life and it has never mattered.

I've changed my mind dozens of times and I still do











What is it?


yu-gi-oh fuckery

in trading card games, if in the start of your turn you cant draw a card from your deck, you loose, the deck user uses is made to fill your hand with your deck so when it passes turn ou automaticallly lose


So it's an elaborate "fuck you"?

>player A initiates some sacrifice-summoning combo
>player B responds with: whenever opponent's card dies
>player A changes the plan and instead of going for summing big shit for looping the sacrifice part of the engine
>player B draws their whole deck
>player A passes turn
>player B loses to being decked (unable to draw card on their turn)

I didn't understand any of that.

I like you.

In all its glory

The top player plays a card that allows him to draw from his library every time his opponent summons a monster.
The bottom player proceeds to abuse summoning mechanic to mill through the entire opponent's deck, which makes the top player lose the game because he can't draw on his turn.

No it doesn't.


needs a better name