Looks like Guilliman has created new Space Marines and will lift the ban on the Chapter limits.
Indomitus Crusade
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What the fuck
They literally repeated the twist going from whfb to aos.
>Sigmarines in MY 40k?
It's been a very long time since GW proper had good writers. They all quit, what, 10+ years ago? Around the time the fluff stalled, for the sensible reason that they couldn't pull it off right. They still can't pull it off right but clearly felt too much time had passed.
That said, FW has at least one solid writer. Their asides on pre-Imperial life are fucking amazing.
It's the best way to sell new models. That, or just make a new playable race. Bring the squats back, dammit! I want tyranid vs squat fanart !
>It's been a very long time since GW proper had good writers. They all quit, what, 10+ years ago? Around the time the fluff stalled, for the sensible reason that they couldn't pull it off right. They still can't pull it off right but clearly felt too much time had passed.
This sounds like what happened to the Imperium. The best of what they had is gone, and it's horrybly stagnated, not being able to go back to the glory days.Reality dictates fantasy, much?
I feel that Sigmoute Gillbert, in a storm cast by eternal war, is reforging new champions to fight against the realms of chaos.
I hope they replace the sigmarine at the front of their hq with a guillimarine
That's a lot of fucking space marines
Huh, "Roe-boot-ay Gilliam." So that's how it's pronounced.
just like the audiobooks
I fully support GW in this direction mainly because it's an actual direction and their two and a half decades of doing nothing but exploring the past was getting boring.
Also Big Boy Blue was the perfect choice for leading the imperium, like or hate the ultrasmurfs.
More like they saw one of the reason the Horus Heresy is popular. Honestly don't know what you expected them to do other than either this or the Imperium being on the defensive from Abaddon, Ghazghkull, and the Tyranids. Actually the Imperium is probably still going to be on the defensive and this is merely Guilliman being proactive rather than reactive. There is the whole matter of the galaxy being torn in half and it making travel extremely difficult.
Thinking about this isn't like AoS at all since the Imperium is still possibly in a better position. The beginning of AoS was Chaos having dominion over all but one Realm and pockets of survivors managing to eke out an existence or in cases like the Ironjawz or Kharadon, managing to thrive because they love fighting and took to the skies respectively.
Is not Guilliman something overdramatic? The Imperium was not only passive. They were also often in the offensive.
>and will lift the ban on the Chapter limits
What part of the video are you getting this from?
Let me see if I understand this.
They blew up cadia because reasons, but now they are simply adding orks as well as chaos and replacing it with armageddon, right?
untamed, unsubdued, ungoverned, unrestrained
untamable, ungovernable, fierce, wild
>literally the most generic latin word they could have picked
Can't wait for a schism to break out between the Mechanicus and the Imperium and Cawl because the new arch-traitor and take his marines 2.0 with him.
Unrestrained / Fierce Crusade actually doesn't sound that bad
>"Traitors, mutants, daemons, pay heed to the coming of my armies."
Ohoho. Note that he didn't mention aliens.
Put some shoes on you daft bint, this is a battlefield.
Almost like there's a giant warp rent through the galaxy and traitors/daemons are everywhere.
>Ohoho. Note that he didn't mention aliens.
apparently when Yvraine gets on her knees it is not to pray
Just go ahead and fuck my setting up senpai, just fuck it all up.
>Check out our boy over here slating GW for using latin
Have you not been paying attention
Gonna need an explanation on that pic and who it is as well as what the Dark Mechanicus is and who they worship because god damn if that pic doesn't make this Dark Mechanicus look cool as fuck.
The user I quoted thought their use of 'Indomitus' was proof that they were going to fuck with the lore, when in reality it's just meaningless latin flavor. I wasn't slating GW for using latin, I was making fun of that user for expecting it to mean anything.
It's a sign that there is some sort of crusade without limits or rules.
Robouteh is basically calling for another great crusade in his fathers name.
Which heavily implies needing legion sized armies.
I love this so much because if it's true, to have the Primarch of the Ultramarines come back after 7000 years or w/e and shit all over the HOLY CODEX and be the one to tell all the chapters to get their shit together and form legions again is hilarious.
During the early days of the Horus Heresy the Mechanicum faced a civil war of their own as Fabricator General, the figure head of the Mechanicum, and his allies threw in their lot with Horus. As the rust plains of Mars was stained in blood and oil Forgeworlds across the galaxy chose their sides. The modern dark mechanicus, in shunning the Omnissiah and the Emperor's light, debauch in foul techno-heresies including but not limited to the powers of the warp. Xeno tech and malicious invention are also possible additions to the Heretek's arsenal.
I meant to throw this in. It's the the character from the first picture pre-Heresy.
Dark Mechanicus are basically those who sided with Horus, and reject all limitations on science and technology. They're the kind of people who think trapping daemons inside machines is a good idea.
>bring fallen chapters back to life
>the lamenters stay kill because of a paper work error
Also I'm pretty sure that's the Forge built atop Olympus Mons in the background.
>Which heavily implies needing legion sized armies.
It doesn't imply that in any way. The Imperium has done a ton of crusades with regular sized chapters.
Jesus christ
>implying its the same people complaining
And the Imperium is still a clusterfuck of horribleness because of it.
The video implies something new, bold and thought up by the tactical genius of a Primarch involving creating new genetically engineered soldiers worth of their Primarchs geneseed to be launched into a new Crusade.
We'll see what happens with the new space marines but it makes sense that either a new legion is going to be created or just a new founding. But the direction GW is taking 40k implies SOMETHING new and unusual.
>thousands of chapters get the go ahead to finally expand beyond a thousand and Legion up
>thousands of new legions are born of both quick growing astartes and even more powerful super soldiers and weapons.
>Guilliman, Cawl, and whatever else random Imperial scientist sue create a brand new batch of Primarch 2.0s
>Xenos become folded under the Imperial banner and now become vastly expanded because 'muh imperial bias' with lots of new races and subfactions with loads of OP soldiers and war machines.
>40k Chaos gets spitroasted by Matt Ward's purgation of the grimdark so bad that once all the Chaos gods is killed by the now millions of newly retconed Primarch and Emperor/Golden Men tier mary sues, they begin conquest of the Age of Sigmar universe thanks to warp shenanigans and finally link up with Sigmar's golden empire.
>and then finally, the long forgotten squats can return to 40k in their new airships.
Actually rewatching the video again it could also just be squads of veterans like the centurions or something lame like that.
Yeah, I was perfectly happy locked in stasis forever. If I wanted to do something different, we had 10,000 years of history to explore, like the HH. The people who complained about the timeline not moving are - okay, I'm sure some of them are still complaining because they don't like the directions of the move, but I think for the most part they're happy.
That said, while the plot they've revealed so far is very 'meh' to me, I don't begrudge the decision to move things forward. Again, if I end up not liking it, I've got all that time in the past - including the aforementioned period of stasis.
High Lords are probably none too happy.
How long until the Bohemian Grove themed Minotaurs chapter tries to usurp control while Rowboat is busy?
do you think the nu-marines gonna have mk7 helmet options? and jump pack and terminator variants?
I wanna use them as regular astartes
>They're the kind of people who think trapping daemons inside machines is a good idea.
It isn't?
FW will probably write a book about the Secret Second Heresy
>Implying Guilliman didn't simply bring back Thunder Warriors and call them new
Considering how shit the dinobots have proven to be, I'd say it isn't.
The idea that only a million Marines could make any kind of difference on a galactic scale was always absurd, to be fair.
Not really. The Imperium was at th Height of its power around the Ullanor Triumph. After that, it went downhill, sliwly but durely, and ha been losing territoryalmost constantly ever since. The few pockets of expansion were quickly counterbalanced by the countless worlds that have fallen to Xenos or chaos.
MFW when Kelbor-Hal is still alive and makes Kelbormarines so Chaos can have fancy new sprues as well.
All signs point to a new Elite units, not a new faction. They might create them by vat growing them, but on a galactic scale you still need to make several metric fucktons more to actually replace the space marines through and through. People saying SM are getting replaced are just shitposters.
Wouldn't that take the wind out of the sails of Space Marines though? I mean their whole shtick is being the best and they definitely take second place to Thunder Warriors.
Guillimanman just said on the video that he was making soldiers that can wipe the floor with Marines.
The new marines will cast aside their bretheren as inferior. So to did the space marine look down upon man, and the new marine swill look down upon the old.
Your doom is at hand. It will be a slow one. As the model sales increase for new marines the old ones will get less and less. As old marine molds break no more replacements will come. Soon you will be like the imperial guard and officially SOBed. Part of the lore, but with no support.
Now get up the chain you lowly space marines who failed the Emperor.
Entire writing team needs to be fired immediately.
As far as I know the dark gods, there is a entity calmed the forge of souls but idk if they're related, the dark adepts might get employment by it
So... isn't that a bad buisness plan for GWs? I mean telling their largest group of customers that their special super humans are actually pretty shit to NEW IMPROVED SPACE MARINES.
If anything it sounds almost like a Mary Sue army. "The Greatest of the Great are the Space Marines... until now that is! Robot Darkness Hemingway Gorillaman is new to Imperium High School and has trouble making friends! Thanks to the powers he borrowed from his dad (who he's better than because he can get off his chair) that all might change! Will his new army of cyborg super friends be able to keep him from being bullied?!"
>points to Sigmarines over Chaos Warriors over at Fantasy
>Definitely take second place to Thunder Warriors
Someone hasn't read the lore.
Sigmarines aren't actually better than chaos warriors, though. They're just chaos warriors that aren't evil.
basically the same rules, until you start looking at the elites/heroes for both sides
It's basically confirmed that current marines are getting squatted and will slowly have their models discontinued and replaced with Ultra-Ultramarines. Just as Ward planned.
Well, funny thing is, I wholeheartedly disagree with both of your statements. I really like history and would rather have had them focus on small conflicts in a large Galaxy. More obscure crusades and the like painted against a background of a vast and old Galaxy submerged in strife. Not the "hurr Durr look so epic lolz we fight for za whole Galaxy in one spot with 3 peoplz".
Also lorewise Guilleman is a traitor to the Emperor and far from his favourite son for any prominent position. Horus was the first choice, Form the second. Sanguinous maybe third. Guilleman is a decent primarch, but he was even defeated in an argument by a raging ball of muscle with axes.
I feel like Chaos Warriors fan are far less likely to be frothing insane autists than vanilla Space Marines players. Especially since Chaos Warriors weren't suddenly replaced by MEGA WARRIORS.
Fuck off, stop spouting bullshit. I swear you shitposters ruin this board. It's like when FoC came out and people were sayig the pylons blew up Cadia.
Wasn't the emperor supposed to be the undisputed master of gene-sculpting? Does anyone else find it a bit wierd that some magos and the accountant primarch can make better space marines with ease?
>inb4 black library fluff
It's not bullshit, user.
Its bullshit.
You mean like when the World Eaters took 4 to 1 casualties fighting Thunder Warriors?
Someone must have been experimenting with forbidden bio-archeotech for the past 10 thousand years. Some one whom has also been quoted saying:
""Unlike you, whelp, I once walked the same ground as your Idol . I breathed the same air as him. And I tell you this, without lie or artifice. He never wanted to become what you have made him! He did not wish to be your god-thing. He abhorred such ideals! The slavery of your crippled, blind Imperium would sicken him, if he had eyes to see it."
>Ohoho. Note that he didn't mention aliens.
>apparently when Yvraine gets on her knees it is not to pray
top kek
It makes a lot of sense. Minotaurs even look like Spartans compared to the Athenian look Ultras go for.
>not Roman
This is the first thing I've seen in 8th that I've outright hated. These shitwizards better not be trying to Sigmarine 40k. I think I'd be just about done with my CSM if they become second fiddle to NEW GAMES WORKSHOP MARINES.
>Also lorewise Guilleman is a traitor to the Emperor
This is a stale meme. He formed Imperium Secundus when the Ruin Storm made it impossible to travel to Terra and he thought the Emperor was dead. He was trying to keep his father's dream alive. It explicitly was not a power grab because he refused command and instead gave supreme authority to Sanguinius.
>This is the first thing I've seen in 8th that I've outright hated
pretty much
just feels like a way to get the largest demographic to buy entirely new armies
Ffs I can see Pepe in the sky
You don't think it's a certainty that DG won't job to Guillimarines in the new starter box?
I play IW. We're getting jack.
As a self-employed GW writer, this is obviously not canon. Every morning I take my coffe, give my momma a kiss, and work hard for the company, and they dont even pay for me it! Wew, all the comments on imageboards and forums I have to correct, all the endless pages of rewritten lore and wikis, its a hard life I tell you, but someones gotta do it? And who else but me! Mr. fat, unmotivated, lazy, failed, unemployed, neet. I am the hero GW deserves, but doesnt want. good night sweet dreams, rip in princes
Stay forever butt mad
The video literally says they found some ancient lore to do it, AKA an STC or some archeotech. The Emperor was a genius but even he was limited by logistics.
I wouldn't be surprised if they made cult marines on par with these new ones just for balance purposes. I also wouldn't be surprised if they didn't do that either.
I like this. Even if I'm doubtful of the writer's ability to execute it well.
It resembles the Vulcan Imperium in Age of Dusk here and there.
Finally, what if the newmarines aren't a genetic modification, but using a power armor patterned after what Guilliman currently uses? Being able to regenerate crippling wounds would be a great boon for a diminished Empire. It would also cause rage to sigmarine haters because the lore sounds similar. Guilliman isn't suposed to be an inventor, but like romans, improve upon the work of others. Like the true logistician he is, he managed to mass-produce the armor's mechanism.
>comments are disabled for this video.
Its already happening with the new restating bro.
And vehicles getting toughness now.
I've had misgivings about other things, but this is the worst.
>people are buying 30k stuff more often now
>therefore we're making 40k into 30k by copy-pasting everything significant about the setting
In before they bring Horus back and render the Horus Heresy a completely irrelevant bump in the road for humanity.
>what if the newmarines aren't a genetic modification
They straight up say they've done new things to the human body to make it betterer in the teaser. No real getting around it.
They are, there's no what if. They're creating a new breed of soldiers. Otherwise they could just focus on producing the armor and not have some miracle tech to create new soldiers.
And Guilliman isn't doing it alone, did you even watch five seconds? It's Caw who led to the idea, so Guilliman not being an inventor is completely irrelevant. And again, Cawl. Why the fuck would mass-producing armor be on Guilliman, he has enough shit to worry about with statecraft and being commander in chief of the IoM.
How super space marines could work:
-Repeat what they did with centurion suits. They're just sprinkled throughout the chapters and aren't all that common
What NOT to do:
-These chapters make regular space marines seem like imperial guard. Look at all their cool chapters!
They are going to be reinforcing chapters according to the video so its not a new faction but a renewal of the Adeptus Astartes.
They said the also mentioned rebirth for ones that were wiped out.
What if they are growing nu-marines directly from geneseed tithe instead of neophytes?
Do you think there are going to be a few captains and chapter masters who might not be so keen on these random "You+" guys being sent in? On one hand, they are powerful, but on the other hand it'd probably be severely emasculating.
How the shit do you bring back dead people? Some Ynnari magic? Aren't human souls consumed in the warp anyways?
Not dead people, dead chapters. Like putting old geneseed in new dudes.
Does anyone have a script for this?
"With the Emperor's ???, we have blended..."
Is it vision? fission? or what?
It means replenishing ranks. The yiffs got BTFO'd and are down to like 300 marines so they'll most likely get their numbers restored by these new marines. Whether or not Cawl and Bobby G know about the Canis Helix and if the new yiffs are even made with Russ' geneseed are another matter.