Warhammer 40,000 General Thread /40kg/

"I'm not gonna wait for the previous thread to hit 700 posts before someone makes a new thread" Edition

>Duncan(It's a Sigmar one, but you can probably pick up a skill or 2 from it)

>8th edition FAQ:

>Latest GW teases

>List organizer picture book

>Offline list builder
Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android.

>40k rules reference in wiki format.

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for the Fruition Force


my dudes
>your dudes

Reminder that Nu Goyims Cuckshop wants YOU to get BLACKED

Could someone post that screen cap of GW sassing the tzeentch summoning player?

Hey you take what you can get with this army

>everyone butthurt over 8th edition changes are oldfags clinging desperately to nostalgia
>everyone happy to see the changes had legitimate grievances about 7e
I can't wait to see how quickly people forget about Riptide wings and Scatbike spam when they're trying to tear down 8th's rules. People are honestly so dumb, there is nowhere to go but up from 7e

Don't expect everything to be hunky dory after such drastic and dramatic changes. Odds are when the dust settles, something else will be sitting on top of the cheese-throne.

People were saying exactly the same, almost word for word when the Tyranid 6th ed was on its way. That shit ended up with a lot of depression, bitterness and canceled pre-orders

Why would people be butthurt about a new edition anyway?
If you don't like it, just play an older edition.
My group regularly plays 3ed, because 7ed is pretty shit imo.

>Aeldari getting btfo both in table and fluff



Never. Get cucked faggot.

Much appreciated, please accept this tech priest housewife as thanks



It's never a black girl and a white boy.

It's always black male white female. Coincidence detected.

Sniper Drone formations when?
Sniper Drones not being shitecast when?
Sniper Drones actually getting mentioned anywhere or being used by people when?

Chaos bros whos your favorite traitor legion and why

So how long does it usually take for stuff like this to die?

What are you anons working on?

I did a minor conversion to my my brand new Succubus using the blast pistol from the Wych box I got today. More realistic and easier to do "WYSIWYG" or semi-WYSIWYG. More realistic loadout than Agonizer+Glaive.

never, get fucked

>newfaggot can't even quote right

Alpha Legion
"I am Alpharius" is a hilarious rule and infiltrating chosen is value
Also I quite enjoy the idea of a "not really chaos" army that follows its own motives most of the time.
Also I know this may sound ignorant, but what has AL done during 40k?

today? Built a tyranid SC box + hormagaunt box in preparation for 8e. Also kept plugging away at painting my 2,000 custodes army

So do we have a bolter profile yet? Do they have -1 or 0? I play guard and being able to have that save vs bolters would be great.

My local Gw manager (who told me about a new thunder hawk, overlords, and death watch before public knowledge) said the new marines are RGs new breed. Old marines are still valid and these will have new stats. They're between custodes and current marines in the line up of things....
via Sources on Faeit 212
Sorry, the new marines will not get their box sets for awhile, "near end of summer" and there will be new assault marines and terminators coming along shortly thereafter.

Orks and Guard could maybe have a damn chance for once.

I just want order my guardsmen and hold the line. For 3 editions guard platoon play has meant auto loss. That's complete bullshit, screw 7ed, bring on 8th.



lasguns will be +1

Anyone got any ideas how to convert the tyranid bio-guns to look less stupid? All the melee weapons are easy enough, but I have no idea how I would tackle making termagants look less retarded.


I love the concept, but just like the Imperium, we have no fucking idea what they've been doing. I hope we get an update in the next big fluff book.


Eat shit space muhreens

Should be excited about the new assault rules then

How do I paint Deldar user?

Been looking to get into 40k and Deldar look the most interesting to me but seem a little bit intimidating to paint.

What if they add a 'shoot back' mechanic in the shooting phase? Like instead of the phase being one sided both players alternate between firing units, something like

>Any unit that has been shot at may fire back at its attacker ,right after it has finished its attacks,if any of its weapons are within range, if it wishes to fire at another unit it must pass a leadership test.

Basically making the Shooting Phase a shared phase where the active player fires first.

The madness is real
I am in the process of magnetising the following (excuse long list)
Crisis suit weapons+equipment (like 20 different pieces to do)
Ghostkeel arms and weapons
Riptide arms, weapons, shield generator and hips
Also finally going to start painting in my new sept colours
Yeah, well hopefully 8th edition gives us something to work with, maybe a primarch model for alpharius or omegon, now that would be something to live for

In this case yes, because the idea is to show that even people who statistically don't play Warhammer could still play it...

...Not that they will. I could be wrong, though. Hard to tell when everything has to have token genders and ethnicities these days.

I think we'd all prefer to see these two at the table instead, with the subtitle "Don't get any funny ideas guys, she's taken!"

You either go edge highlights like user or you go mono colour like my m8 Steve

Emperor's Children, mostly for traps/daemonettes and Doom Rider. Hoping Slaanesh hears my prayers and works out a plot to get his head back from the White Scars so he can flee battle the turn he comes in again.

Sorry guys, but I have some things going on and won't be able to read everyone's posts in this thread.

Sorry, everyone :/

what is shooting is like melee and some sort of initiative value is used to determine who shoots when during the shooting phase (now a shared phase)?

How dare you

It's been like 5 years since I played 40k and I am thinking of starting back up again. What's going to be good in 8th edition? Is guard worth playing?

Am i remembering correctly, +1A for all charging models?
Or is there anything else that makes orks better fir once at melee?

Either Death Guard or Emperor's Children. Death Guard is because I like the slow, daunting advance of relentless assholes who won't die and Papa Nurgle is my spirit animal. Emperor's Children is mainly because of the pre-heresy color scheme, though Slaanesh would probably be the second choice for chaos god anyway.

>that paint scheme
Not sure if I love it or hate it.
On second thought, I hate it

blob guard is good currently though.

I'd probably go for the edge highlight. This looks easy but too Necron-like.

Not the same user, but I too paint DE. In short carefully and smoothly.

I've still got some Edge highlights to touch up, but basically like this.

Nigga have you seen anything about 8th at all? +1A is current shit, not new.

No, I mean the new fall back rules that make it so guard/shooty players can set up firing lines

Chargers attack first which is big for orcs

Planning out ideas for an Ork army. My old concept was reliant on the Ork Submersible still being a thing, but that's probably gonna be out even harder with 8th than it already was.

That said, I've lost a lot of motivation since my group hasn't been playing lately. I'd try and schedule stuff, but playing 7e when the new edition is right around the corner feels meh.

World Eaters forever! Literally human Orks but even more badass.


How much 40k art shows marines at peace or resting? I kind of like it.

>Literally human Orks but even more badass.

Steve's pretty much just getting into the hobby from being a normie, so i guess he's gone for something simple and quick

At least he didn't dump like £200+ just to play unpainted shit like a lot of regulars at my FLGS do - Might actually let him borrow my BLs books if he asks

we know there's no Iniative stat in 8e anymore.

it could be just alternative activations like AoS close combat.

Yep, looks like every Dark Eldar army I've ever seen.

Poorly painted and unaware of how bad it is.

Word Bearers, because they're the only legion to remain a legion, and are also the only legion to go full 100% Chaos. They are truly Chaos Space Marines.

DG on the left, and Ultramarines on the right.

you can clearly make out plague drones far far left near hand, and you can make out the new DG character with the bell near the centre.

Newfag here,

If you have a problem with this post please take a ticket and I will call you.

Damn user do you have fucking Parkinson's?

Thousand Sons- magical, tragic space Egyptians with nice colors and design. Plus Tzeentch is quite nice. Real excited about these psyker changes, they really know how to market with how I'll probably pick up a second rubric squad because of it.
Taking a break from painting Rubrics, so I'm working on getting my main exalted sorcerer painted. Also preparing parts for my other ones.

No initiative in 8th?
So is this "fall back" rule replacing "hit and run"?

I'm just bad at painting, but i still enjoy it.

Not gonna sugarcoat it, it's tough. The first few units will be tough and you'll feel like a shit painter because your edge highlights will be straight garbage. The only thing that'll make your minis better is practice. At least, that's what happened for me.

Throw some Druchii violet on those fuckers and you got Lords of Iron Thorn Kabal.

How could you fuck up metal. I mean seriously.

GW even spells it out for people these days. How hard is it to use a wash and drybrush?

I hate to say it, but Black Legion. They've just been through so much, and they're an empire at this point. Not to mention they're exiles, turncoats, refugees, and renegades of their own traitor warbands. The renegades of the renegades, and yet somehow greater than that for it. Other chaos legions wince when they hear the name, it's actually pretty poetic that they'd be the ones to lead the Black Crusades, and to rally Chaos under one banner. All without a daemon primarch to their name! They really put the others to shame.

I'll be so hyped if the starter set has like 10 plague marines and a few plague drones. I've been wanting to do death guard and this will get cheap as fuck models. Nice.

Same boat user.This is my cultist killteam for SW:A. I'm running them as GSC because I think that's more interesting than a SM KT with some cultists. There's a reason they call it PAINting

It's similar, though it's going to be something everyone can do.

Things that could Hit&Run before might have a special rule that lets them still take actions after falling back

Good on him.

He could maybe do like a darker silver for the pauldrons and some light silver highlights and they'd look pretty good.

fall back is a general rule.
hit and run if its still a thing may be something like being anlento shoot and/or charge after falling back. though thats speculation

Legion of the Damned, all in various stages of completion. Only the guy with the combibolter/stormbolter is done

>Lords of Iron Thorn Kabal.
Nah he wanted to do some OG Kabal after i dragged him to this hobby

They look better in person, i just think he's bad at taking pictures

how could it be rolled for with no I stat
Or would it just be an activated ability or be a universal roll like 4+ that some units can modify with special rules that affect hit and run

I started as Black Heart, then wrote my own fluff instead.

I feel like hit and run should really be something like you can charge in, attack, and then retreat before the enemy takes their attacks. I mean, after all, that's what a hit-and-run is.

Those Marines doesn't look bigger except for the assault guys for obvious reasons, let's wait and see.

It's just a thing you do. No roll.

Start of movement, you can have a squad in combat fall back. If you do, they just move their movement, and can't shoot or charge or do anything else for the turn.

It makes charging a gunline harder regardless of army, but also means that it's more preferred that you just kill an entire unit on the charge instead of trying to stay locked in so you won't be shot.

Working on a rhino currently

What's your favorite ranged weapon in 40K?

Guess its stats in 8th Edition.

Anyone know where I can download Black Library audiobooks for free?

Heavy Stubber. Nothing else comes close
>s 4 rend 1 heavy 3

Death Spinners
Range 10", automatically hits, causes D3 mortal wounds

Sonic Blaster
>S 4, AP 0, Damage 1, Rapid Fire 2
>Ignores Cover bonuses to Armor
>Units hit by Sonic weapons cannot Advance during their next turn.

>Plasma Cannon
>36" Save-3 S7 D3 Hits D3 Wounds Heavy 1

Sorry I wasn't clear
I was only talking about hit and run not fall back
Rail Rifle
>S6, rend -5, rapid fire, 36"
Rend -5 is if saves are 2d6, if still only d6 then rend -3

I almost feel like a Plasma cannon should be 2 wounds flat instead of d3, in order to cut down on confusion with allocating multiple hits with random wounds each.

I think Armor saves are only on a d6 this edition. That said, Rend values might go up to -4 for things that used to be AP 1.

>mfw Terminators have 2 wounds now

Lol DG termies will be fucking bullshit.

the big man himself

Are Rail rifles AP2 in 7th?

They're ap 1

They are AP3 I think?

Good. I hope they're durable as all hell. More fluffy than people going for massed bikers