/swg/ AT-STs AT-STs Edition

Previous Thread: Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Shipfag's Starship Combat Fixes for EotE/AoR/FaD

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide


Shipfag's hangar

Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, co-op X-Wing campaign

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10/10 OP image

/swg/ Bingo/Drinking Game

Remember to hide and ignore political posts, regardless of what side they're on or who they come from.

I'm gonna cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum

>starting off the OP with RLM
This will end well.

>Reddit Letter Media

Hang with the banter, lad

>Star Wars fans can't handle youtube comedians

I want to use Integrated Holsters to make my character a walking arsenal. What're the 6 weapons that can cover most combat situations, while still being 3 or less encumbrance?


>Youtube comedians' fans can't shut the fuck up about MUH FILM OPINIONS and talk about tabletop games


Ok /swg/, to try to change a bit from the usual shitposting, how about we make a tabletop scenario/rpg module?

Woops, meant to post this here.

>Something stupid happens
>Durrhurr its okey itz just duh space opwah xD

Can we add "It's a space opera" to the bingo list? At the very least, can we stop using "space opera" as a means of deflecting criticism or feebly explaining idiotic/retarded/nonsensical/inane/stupid things?

"It's a space opera" is not a valid argument, excuse, or comment.




>it's bad when RLM fans express their opinion
>but perfectly fine when non-fans express their hatred of their opinion

10/10 hypocrite


Damn I hate nuwars. I'm done paying hollywood to force political opinions down my throat.

Women are not strong
Women are not heroes
Women are not determined or inspiring

They are verifiably, factually and demonstrably less intelligent, less inspired, less ingenious and less capable than men in almost every field. I am not now nor will I ever swallow the feminist pill of equality because the two genders very simply are not equal.

That is why I didn't like it. Because Rey and Jyn were the protagonist. I don't want that, I don't need that and I have had enough of Star Wars in my life if that's the way the franchise is going.

>Can we add "It's a space opera" to the bingo list? At the very least, can we stop using "space opera" as a means of deflecting criticism or feebly explaining idiotic/retarded/nonsensical/inane/stupid things?

If you want to go out into calc bullshit or Frodo stuff about military tactics, you can fuck off to Spacebattles.

I'll be back when we don't have a shit edition.


Fuck off. Making new thread.


Got tie x1 on. Vader ace is fun
I was already printing the adv. targeting but that image is much higher quality, thanks!
Adding ruth

I got the cards backs. using eons for most cards, if i can find the high res art.

Still hunting for adaptability increase side. Cannot find this art anywhere

>Putting words into my mouth
RLM and the other side of the film argument are both cancer. Shut the fuck up and take your film arguments to /tv/ and /co/.

We all know you are a /tv/ cross boarding shitposter

OP can you just delete this thread so we can start over.
This one's already off to an awful start.

Are B-wings the GOAT starfighter?


Aside from his one funny joke he is the dumbest character in the movie. The Force does not function the way he uses it. He also is somehow an amazing warrior capable of walking through blaster bolts and having them swerve around him, while also beating the shit out of professional soldiers effortlessly. He is a fucking Sue and this praise of him being 'the one good character in R1' needs to end. The Force. Does. Not. Work. That. Way.

No. This is GOAT starfighter.

I know, it must be so traumatic seeing anons post opinions you don't agree with!

No they look like asymmetrical shit.

Proper thread. /tv/ can fuck off back to their containment board to cuckpost.

>when you're so butthurt you make your own general thread out of line

I'm going to stay here just to spite you, faggot.

I wouldn't mind seeing starfighters inspired by 1960s jets.

>tfw no space F-4
>tfw no space MiG-21

Since when were you an expert on how the force works dumbass? Gaining visions from touching a lightsaber isn't how the force works either.

What's the point of the rotating wings?

When did this argument start too? If you hate Rogue One, you obviously like TFA so here's why it's shit too?

Nigger, I hate both of them. RO's character just happened to be the topic of discussion. TFA is equally bad about showing how the Force precisely DOESN'T work.


Why don't starfighters use missiles?

If you couldn't out yourself as /tv/ any harder

Can we stop accusing each other of being shitposters for liking different things and actually discuss the game? We need to stick it to the retard who made a dupe general.

Because like TTGL, spinning is the greatest power in the universe.

Youre the one who shitposts endlessley if it happens, not me.

They do, though. A-wings, the TIE Advanced, Z-95s, the Firespray, and many others are capable of using missiles in lore.

But I thought the lasers were the primary weapon of most starfighters

Even the F-104 relied more on its Sidewinders :^)

I love when anons get so intolerant over having any kind of detailed or deep look at Star Wars or discussion of mechanics. I guess space opera is codeword for don't think too hard.

>tfw the RLM OP weeds out the people that can't take a joke

By that logic, they'd have time travel by virtue of FTL. Do you really want realistic FTL? Do you want the usual hard sci-fi autism?

No, but I'd like to not see genuinely stupid moments like Jyn beating up Stormtroopers handwave-justified with "space opera"

They do have time travel, if you turn off the relativistic shields while in hyperspace.

Lasers are still the primary weapon of most starfighters in the franchise. Probably because they're cooler to look at, the laser bolt assets are already there, and production teams are too lazy/strapped for time/strapped for resources to create CGI missiles.

In Legends, at least, ordnance was expensive, often prone to shortages in the Rebellion/New Republic era, and unreliable. Nearly every starfighter in the galaxy was loaded to the gills with ECM, making long-range missile combat nearly impossible. Missiles were still slow and sluggish enough to be shot down by a sufficiently skilled pilot, too.

It's more of a recent hollywood thing


Fucking pathetic

>reddit letter media shitflinging
keep it in /swco/ lads

>The Force does not function the way he uses it
(citation needed)

/swco/ hates RLM. This is a /tv/ invasion

No, you hate RLM, you inbred redditor. Don't project it on the rest of us.

Ranged Light or Heavy ?
For Light: Disruptor Pistol, Ionization Blaster, Czerka Dragonstrike, Underbarrel Grenade Launcher (or some wrist mounted mini torpedoes), Underbarrel Flame Projector, Melee weapon to taste.

On a sidenote, the CorpSec riot gun with a spread barrel attachment is my fav weapon. Sweet full-auto+blast+stun setting combo. I just love crowd control and police brutality.

Because Star Wars is based on ww2 dogfights.
And the Moffs put all their credits on superweapons programs.

Anyways, have a TIE Warhead.

I have adapability decrease side, but not increase, as well.

I was looking for it, and eventually I just traded some alt-art cards for them locally.

Anyways, what cards do you have already?

I have (and have posted)

Crack Shot
Advanced Targeting Computer
R2-D2 (which everyone has already....)

And I have seen the original art for mk2 engines

How many are you printing? I would potentially want some copies of crack shot (either 1 or 6) and 1 copy of each of the TIE advanced cards.

How much would you want for those?

Do you want me to make a mk2 engines for you?

Here's r2 id you don't already have him.

If you can find the art, I know r3-a2 would be popular.

After the FAQ that happened a while ago, how viable is Palpatine now? Is he still worth using?

yeah, he's basically glued to aces now, as opposed to being able to be used as insurance.

Can't run Palp+swarm anymore, but palp aces is the same.

That's like saying {citation needed} if someone says TIE fighter shots are green. They just are.

The Force just doesn't work that way.

OP already made sure no productive would be coming out of this thread today. Maybe the start of the work week will reign it in a bit.

I'd love to see some repainted X-Wing minis though. I've been trying to work up the nerve to paint mine for a while, but I don't want to pick a scheme that ends up looking bad on a $15 model.

Since when did Veeky Forums start getting so butthurt over RLM?

If you have an iron pole up your ass and can't tolerate seeing a Youtube comedian, go post in the other thread.

I thought bridging the gap between PR and OT by showing the Empire using old military surplus as part of their oppressive industrial machine was pretty cool, but I guess if that's not Mike Strotskotzlotskaroni-approved I'd better not like it

>Implying it's just about RLM
It's also about the endless, repetitive, circular shitposting from its fans and opponents. It contributes nothing to the threads, repeats the same arguments over and over, and has nothing to do with Veeky Forums. That shit belongs on /tv/ and /co/.

Hate Plinkett, but BOTW and Nerd Crew are great


It's not that you can't like it, it's that you're objectively wrong.

Strip the HEY I RECOGNIZE THAT out of Empire and you still have a fun, iconic movie.

You can't say the same for R1

>walk by crowd of locals protesting the Empire's unannouced seizure and export of 80% of your planet's crops off-world
>cordon of troopers cuts off the street and starts beating the shit out of the crowd and shooting anyone who resists arrest
>that includes you
>get shipped off to Kessel without a trial to break rocks for the rest of your natural lifespan
Just another liberating day in the Empire

Look, I like to shitpost as much as the next user, but I don't give a rat ass about geek comedians in general, and I would rather discuss X-wing, D6 or EotE (not Saga, though). Because when I want mindless retards arguing, I go to the 40k general.
I'm sure everyone here has very valid reasons behind their hot opinions on Star Wars related media, but if user's opinions had any value, those threads wouldn't devolve into namecalling and we would have civil discussions between mature adult human beings instead.

Still good, just not a mindless get out of jail free card.

I don't understand your answer.
As in why you quoted this post, and the content.
Please reformulate.

I'm still mildly surprised no company had ever made "IN THE DARK GRIMNESS OF THE GALACTIC CIVIL WAR, THERE IS ONLY STAR WARS"
I guess it would be hard to scrape together more than four serious factions. Dropzone Commander proves that you can make a great game at that small size, but Star Wars has never been a franchise content to settle for a niche market share.

>I'd love to see some repainted X-Wing minis though. I've been trying to work up the nerve to paint mine for a while, but I don't want to pick a scheme that ends up looking bad on a $15 model.
Just copy the card art for named pilots and their squarons.

I'm about to set up a campaign of Imperial Assault with some friends. 3 heroes vs me as Imperial. What are some houserules you guys use to make the game more fun and interactive? Ways to balance the game?

No X-Wing repaints, but have some IA instead.

Your wrong reddit

>Call AT-ATs @@s
>Call AT-STs AT-STs

What did they mean by that?

Hey, /swg/, what's your favorite blaster?

For me, the Relby k-23.

"Aht-Aht" is apparently how you're supposed to say AT-AT, but I've never seen AT-STs get a similar pronunciation.

Imperial assault and Star Wars miniatures, maybe some other obscure game from the previous century too.
I wonder why they only do small scale. To put more heroes in it, maybe?

user, you're a disappointment even by this website standards.

>expression promises unlimited cum

Ok how about actual disscussion:
Rebel filler ships, say you've got about 20 points left in your Rebel squadron, what do you bring? A-wing, z-95, stolen TIE? whats worked out for you?

I've only tried A-wings, with limited success. a prototype pilot blocker worked pretty well, but I tried to just stick a snap crack A-wing in a list and it went terribly. I want to try either a Z-95 with homing missles or captian rex, although I have no idea how to kit him

Blount and an adv homing missile.

As an aside, I hate how the AT-ST is only in the movie for like 5 seconds. I wanted to see it committing war crimes on space durkas and using its secondary weapons.

Hey it at least got to fuck up one guy hardcore

Maybe they shouldn't be protesting. They should be cheering that their work is helping their Empire.

Welcome to anywhere under martial law ever.

Ahsoka with VI and Captured TIE is really good, especially if you have ships that can reposition. A boost or roll at effectively PS13 is great.

Rex w/ masterpiece, tactician, and slicer tools is annoying.

Blount with ion/adv homing is neat.

Gold squadron w/ autoblaster and R4-D6 is surprisingly irritating.

I kinda want to do some writefaggotry about Stormtroopers intervening in an insurgency on some mountainous world in a combination of Vietnam and Soviets in Afghanistan IN SPAAAACE.

They wouldn't quite be using top of the line gear, so there would be some LAAT/i's and stuff for those "Fortunate Clone starts playing" moments

Not enough for me, I wanted some Saving Private Ryan tier mutilations.

At least he died, though.

LAAT's were being phased out during the later part of the clone wars (see the new clone troop carrier in the Clone Wars show). IDK how any imperial unit would get stuck with one.


This is great inspiration.



I don't watch the show, but I'll take your word for it. I was just trying to go with some of the Soviet Afghan War aesthetic where they were using T-55s and T-62s instead of top of the line T-72s



> Look at this shit. How come we can't ever invade a cool planet, with like chicks in bikinis, you know? How come countries like that don't ever need Stormtroopers? I'll tell you why. It's lack of pussy that fucks planetsup. Lack of pussy is the root fucking cause of all galactic instability. If more Rebels were getting quality pussy, there'd be no reason for us to come over here and fuck 'em up like this! Cause a nut-bustin' Reb is a happy Reb.

Except the citation for that is my eyes.
You still have no citation that Chirrut calling upon the force in an hour of need, being an adherent his entire life, is "not how the force works".

Heres my arc with a rough try at artoo in the astromech socket

I need to neaten the nose

I'd watched 9 Rota and read about the battle actually; I think the Grau and Gress book mentioned it. I kinda want to imagine Stormtroopers as the space VDV to the Imperial Army's Red Army. Also, a nifty video even if it's using basically the same clips as every Soviet Afghan War video. Actually, this video got me into Russian rock for a few months.


Space /k/ = best /swg/