/BCWG/ Blades of the Crimson World General

Abstruthia Vult edition

previous thread I can't find any megas.

Other urls found in this thread:


Honestly? Two guys in red robes in the background of some character art and the fact that smell and taste are important to blood magic. Senses that are noted as very sharp in Victorinius in both his statblock and the lore.

That and we already have the resident "no magic no trick WAR PROWESS ONLY" faction in the Inquirias.

>Implying the Captain Ricky books aren't the best novels the series has to offer

Mega got fragged cause the devs want to use our wallets as cocksleeves. Why else would the Crimson Codex be behind a paywall? Why else would over half the lore updates be exclusive to it?

Alright, we didn't get this resolved last time. Pale Mumbler vs. basic Abomiknight squad and an Exalted Trio of Dith. Just so there's no nitpicking, there is no Abomiknight Energumen in the squad and they're not by a Towercrypt. Goddamn.

Have the Abstruthians already fixed that necromancer on the sewers problem yet?

>Another crimsonfag complains about the mega

Which edition? Cause the Pale Mumbler was OP in 2.5-4.9.
Hey! They fucked too much stuff for me to give them my money.

Is this a wargame or an RPG?


Um, no? As if Abstruthians would get their pretty little hands dirty even if it meant risking their hold on the region.

Mice prince are interesting, I like how they were introduced in the 'Rotten throne' adventure book, How the DM is told to play up the comical angle.
I mean they look ridiculous with there tarnished crown and rotten cape.
But than you read there size which is 25ft on average and there abilities like the aura of rot and the ability to just keep vomiting demonic mice swarms every few minutes.

when are the abomiknights gonna fucking do anything, they've been trying to get the cradle for like 3 editions, just move the fucking plot. also abomiknights best faction

yes, with a CCG that is a separate timeline. Also, the RPG is, last I saw, at edition 6, with an unnumbered version produced by AEG using a proprietary rune casting system

Both. Also a CCG for a bit. And a series of novels with questionable canonicity. Probably has some DOS games too. Insert disk 13 of 34 of Heir to the Crimson Crown.

Weren't they mentioned as moving on the cradle of life like, in the last release?

If we've got a mapper in here, how about a quick map with some places from the last thread? And the Counter-Empire is just the same map, reversed with inverted colors?.

like that isn't just another ploy to sell more cradle-warden kits

>Counter Empire
Don't bring those non-canon purple vampires into this.

Heir to The Crimson Crown was awesome. We need more companies like Sierra back.
And it's multiple novels, including the Timeline Quartus version of all properties that is Japan only since one of the nations was an insult to the Japanese Emperor and the nation in general. Just don't use them to support your argument, a whole bunch of the Japanese material was limited release.



The purgatan crusade still hasn't cleansed the continent from the Abomifilth?

I'm disappointed really...

>still liking the Abomiknights after the Crimson Knights ruined their shit in the last faction book.

You are just a glutton for punishment are you?

Ehhh, let's say 4.2. Still reasonably buffed but without the Inane Ravings chant that would have it stomp the Abomiknights before they lifted their cursed swords.

I loved it, but I lost the manual during a move and then I could never answer the DRM questions. "On page 45, paragraph 6, translate the 5th word into Counter-Dithian."

Blades of the Crimson World is the original wargame, taking its name from the old days when the only factions were the Crimson Knights, a few generic kingdoms, the pre-counter Grand Empire, and the Covenant of Blades. They tried bringing back the Covenant during the 'Month of Blades' a few years back, but it didn't stick.

The RPG, Chronicles of Kyran, came later. It was actually based on the books following a then-minor Kanesgrove lore figure, interestingly enough.

Then there's the CCG "Banners of the Crimson World", the books of various titles, and a mostly-complete pilot for a mercifully never made show simply titled "World of Blades".

The Abomiknights are best faction because they keep getting close, getting shot down in flames, then getting back up on that horse again to try and cure their mutations.

That is exactly what it is.

Well then, everything is terrain dependent. On a flat plain with no terrain type, its a close call, but average damage and tactical movement limitations put the Pale Mumbler as the winner 2 light wounds ahead of the rest. So one to three good rolls would fill all the penalty boxes with heavy wounds on his part, meaning at least one of the Abomiknights would be able to call a Killing Blow, since only they could feasibly tank the DPR enough to get to that point.

Why would Abomiknights even be fighting an outsider spawn? They might not like each other but unless they were directly working against the others goals they would probably just avoid each other.

Outsider Spawn have always wanted to get their hands on the Cradle. They can't get it though, because it keeps moving, because the Knights keep getting too close.

Chronicles the best, since they actually attempted to fix all the faction pandering in Blades, which is nothing compared to the shit you see in Banners.

We need to make a faction list.

>he thinks the knights are trying to get the cradle to cure the rageblight

bro that was in the primus timeline. they need it to produce on offering to summon Pertinax the gorger, the 4th ragelord, the knights have gone full crazy man. still the best though

Oh yeah, I asked this last thread, but does anyone remember when AEG had the license for Chronicles and they tried the new RuneCaster system for it? Does anyone have the core for that, or at least pics of the runes and their meanings? I wanna make them, even though its eight sets of ten runes each. What even happened to that system anyway?

Of all the (mostly-background these days) factions/race, Chorjingian are so frickin' weird: a mixture of post WW2 Japan, Yakuza Shocker from Kamen Rider and genetic-engineering alchemist all rolled into one, with fucking mutants with bolted to their skin as elite soldiers. Granted, later editions really toned down how metal and edgy they were.

I agree, which factions do we have so far? Abomiknights, duty, the anti empire, outsiders, Dith, Crimson knights, who else?

Beast cults, also plenty of minor factions, some of which are mostly lore-only outside of the RPG, since they don't have support in the CCG or tabletop wargame

I hate how they made the knights full edgelords, it was better when we had monsters with noble intentions, even if they used terrible means to achieve them.

Oot: Did anyone archive the last thread? This is a project, so I thinkmit can go on sup/tg/

The Eastern Guard of the Khalos as well.


Ustanius isn't even a princeps, idk why you seem to think he's important.
Pic related on the other hand
>fought his way up from the streets in Grand Abstruth
>proved himself worthy of joining the meritocrat council
>Lord-princeps of his own gladiator corps
>beat the Crimson knights at their own game in the battle of Garuth Pass
How can baronlings even compete?

There's the Ultrastellars, but they don't show up much outside Banners these days.

Were the Beast Cults the same as the Wild Thanes? I can never keep them straight.

>Were the Beast Cults the same as the Wild Thanes?
Sorta, there was a lot overlap, since both factions could use the other as mercenaries with a point cost discount. They're basically the same faction with two different groups inside.

inquirias, abstruthians, whoever the hooker queen is in charge of.

Ten bucks says we get a Malthorian faction in a splat book.

The Academies

Kalkesians, Norv, Chorjingia (source of the Abomiknights), Kaleria (one of the Southern Kingdoms, great golem armies for massive cheese if you get past the learning curve), lemme dig through my Chronicles collection.

Hooker queen is Norv.

What the fuck is even up with the scale/shape of the world of BCWG? I know nowadays it has way too much shit going on to even be earth-sized (or even truly earth-like, if you dig into weirder stuff like the Infraworld aka 'fucking hollow earth with elemental mutants and shit') but no edition can even keep the scale or shape consistent and that's not even going into all the planar and temporal retcon, both in and out of universe.

Help me untangle this mess, guys!

Eh, this is going to take a while... Portions of Chronicles were declared non-canon since the half the 3.0 and 4.0 writers accidentally mashed the Timelines together. Secondus Alpha was such a mistake. Can't we go back to Primus? That lore team is still active.

>The Rebellion
>Wizards republic of ageros
>Crimson Knights
>Eastern Kingdoms
>Blackened Sun
>The White Council
>The Outsider Church
>Beast Cults
>Kanesgrove Mage Academy
>Seekers of Lamalcious
>Jazz Battalions
>Ultrastellar Foundation
>Abstruthian Warlords
>The Flying City of Taush

Sorry if I missed any.

So just to be clear, I get that the Inheritor is sorta the ultimate fighter and is dutied with keeping things in check, but like, which factions agree to this? isnt it like the Khalos Kagatos of the East? am i supposed to believe that Beast Cults agree to this? Is it like just a political title played by Norv and the various thanes?

Chronicles 5.5 answered your question. It's a series of basement universes caused by massive space-time distortions from Almadii funerary rituals. So we literally have extra space, yet the overall average shape is still an earth-sized sphere.

Oh, right it's from the late writers-were-super-fucking-high era isn't it?

Actually, it was a fan theory that they canonized after Neil Degrasse Tyson and Brian Greene got on the forums during late 5.0 and proposed it.

Not sure about the others, but the Beast Cults have had their tails between their legs since the Bh'nenoi rode off on their gods. A lame dith could cow them into submission.

>basement universes caused by massive space-time distortions from Almadii funerary rituals.
Man, ancient Almadii had so much weird shit. Like having a fucking funeral screw up space time and creating a semi-contained space (best way I can explain it) which reflect the lives of their ancient-leaders. That would be like having a tombstone. That is also a place. And a moment in space and time.

And then getting this shit ransacked later and turned into someone else's military fortress or secret kingdom.

The Beast Cults don't agree to anything except that their Beast is fucking rad and anyone who want to kill or tame it needs to die.

Actually, just a normal kingdom thanks to the spacetime curvature being effectively flat despite bulging out of our dimensional space. It's just that its borders enclose an externally smaller space than it actually covers. I would have to find the PDf of their maths again, since the thread got taken down in the upcoming forum changeover to 6.0.

Wait, so you're telling me I had it wrong all these years? So what, it's basically like a 300 miles radius within a 10 miles radius to the rest of the world?

Yeah, and we got like, twenty of them bigger than that. The Counter-Empire is the biggest one at a 25000 mile internal radius with a 150 mile external. That one was caused by Jurteno Kidaniwa, the main Almadii god, performing his own funeral rite at the beginning of his godhood while disconnected from the time stream so it would be brought into reality at the moment of his death, as he foresaw the death of all of his followers before he would die.

OOC, we should really compile all the factions along with their flavors and motivations. A map wouldn't hurt either

And don't forget that canonically, all the legendary weapons are literally the same Almadii sentient weapon looping through time in different forms so it can experience as much of this era as possible.
But considering how much of the 7th Sea 3rd Edition budget John Wick bribed them with to make his "Ancient Almadii Conspiracy" homebrew canon... Never before have I seen the Illuminati be someone's magical realm.

>OOC, we should really compile all the factions along with their flavors and motivations. A map wouldn't hurt either

Doing this too much, though, makes it a setting. Not a fake setting. Might as well make a rulebook for Mornington Crescent.

And a map is impossible thanks to Which I'm not apologizing for. Seriously, that is the greatest over the top asspull I have ever done.

I'll start


> flavor

Think Hight elves+bird person+ancient Mayans

Believe in Reincarnation

Their king and spiritual leader is the Lord of Birds

Make temples out of enemies bones

Some of the high priest can summon lightning and can make truly apocalyptic events during solar eclipses

> motivation

Back in the old times they used to own half the world land

But these days there the own 1/25 of the world

They want to rebuild the old empire

So what do we got on the Abominknights, beside being a race of genetically engineered/mutated super-warriors of some kind? Who seem to be constantly at war.

In the last thread they were referred to as 'Mountain Nigs', so they're likely based out of a mountainous region.

Make sense: mountains can be carved into fortress.

Grew out of a Beast Cult.

>Queen Lusscen will never sleep with you to save her men from an unnecessary battle even though you had no intention of fighting her in the first place.

Many of them are clearly more 'minor faction' material.

I've decided to work on a very crude, very barebone map which others can expand upon or edit or just use as some starting point.

Gah, nevermind, we're too early into this mess to even bother. I suppose ideally we'd want a map which is travel-friendly to allow all those factions to buttfuck another.

And then I changed my mind. Here's a WIP, with my idea that the Empire and most factions are centered around this inner sea and central continent for maximum interactions.

Venthia il gannorn
I memorized that years ago when my roommate borked the game code trying to bypass it because she was too lazy to ask me for the manual. We got hit with that every chapter change for three months before she fixed it and removed the DRM.
I should ask her if she still has the code for the winxp port or if that got lost when a DMCA hacker virused her hard drive.

All right you glorious motherfuckers. I give to you the genesis of a new world. Please be gentle with it. And here is the file meant to be used with Hexographer. What will you guys fill this world with I have no idea but I sure damn hope it's a as good as last thread.


Dropping the Almadii distortions on this map is going to be fun, especially since the Counter-Empire distortion is bigger than the planet. Thankfully the distortion border is shared with three other factions.

Random thought: Distortions also exist in the atmosphere and underwater, creating weird time-space-bent air and sea currents, causing some weirdass seasons and weather.

Have some weird art to inspire you guys before I go to bed and we continue this mess in the morning. Maybe. Hopefully. This one has a weird filename, don't ask me why.

This it totally some southern kingdom/region where people have tamed colorful land crustaceans reinforced with mechanical parts or...something?


Ah, a Kalerian carriage golem. Love those things, and the ballista versions in all properties are awesome artillery support.
Well yeah, the Almadii performed their funeral rituals wherever they wanted. That's why you can't really see moons 3 through 15.

Most people don't get that the Kulthyuna Beast Cult really love their ancient architecture. Makes sense, since their beast demands the worlds being recreated in his chosen designs, down to the animals.

Or its the Counter-Empire. The art for Blades 5.2 kinda blurred everything together.

It's like Magic: The Gathering. The art is getting pretty 'samey' these days. Gone are the day of glorious steampunk heavy metal album cover Abomiknights!

Oh, if anyone has been watching the blades 7.0 dev thread on Crimson Tower, are they bringing back the single-unit muti-player group play rules that they pulled out in 4.6? I know its weird to have two canon RPG systems for the same setting being used at the same time, but it was a great way to get people into chronicles, and I kinda miss them, it helped show just how OP adventurers are compared to the average unit.

>Implying the Counter Empire didn't kill the sentient idea in the third universal crisis.

Third Universal Crisis isn't canon, since that was the Tales comics put out by Amalgam, and they lost the license when their story team ignored the 4495 story update in 1990. They still had it for six months afterwards since the dev team was busy with the first tournaments to determine the 4497 buildup, but everything after Tales of The Crimson World #152 isn't canon and Third Universal Crisis started #154.

Banners gave us an update on Ulderguard, the time looped village, with the 5523 Tertius Beta timeline update last month. The tournament in Los Angeles was fighting over that village, since the loop was on a seasonal cycle for the harvest, meaning almost an almost infinite supply of food from them thanks to the loose limits they put on removal of materials.
Seriously, they were just asking for players to abuse that, nice to see that they acknowledged how broken it is in universe.
I know its Tertius Beta, but some of those story decisions make sense for even Primarus, and Banners updates are free from Crimson Codex.

Friendly reminder that the Rebellion has been exposed twice to be evil and the Counter-Emperor did nothing wrong.

At this point you can count one, maybe two hands the amount of 'dead' continuities.

But remember that the sentient idea fortold that it would be rendered noncanon and stored a cognitive pulse in the exiled prince in the third timeline rendering all works canon inside the counter empire.

fuck off redboi
War for Folly's Peak when?

So it the bottom right island the criminally under-developed not!Africa?

No, it's the not!Poland.

Do you even Charts of Lore bruh?

Remember, she released this wanker from the Unmanifest because she thought her brother would steal her buttplug crystal

On the peaks of the Waving Mountains, within the great bastion called Derelictus, the Abomiknight Commanders plot for a way to reach the Cradle of Life and take direct control of their mutations.
If they were ever to succeed, their armies would become unstoppable as this peculiar form of eugenics will certainly prove too much for the Realms, or so do the wise men say.
It is to be noted that the Abomiknights do not just wish to subdue any foe they might have, that in truth is quite secondary to the main goal, which is stopping deaths and madness in their ranks due to incorrect mutation processes.
Since their Grandmaster and patriarch Rabrigan Darkseeker's willful exposure to the Pyramid of Possibilities, also called the Pyramid of Obiu'rot, an artifact that was said to be hidden deep within the Fading Chambers, his sons would all have different mutations.
He proceeded to have as many as he could; nobody knows why he would do such a thing.
Some came out with outstanding inhuman powers on top of great beauty, while some others were just misshaped monsters.
He confined the deformed progeny with maids in a decadent wing of his fortress while the rest would grow up with their real mothers.
When they grew up, the monsters would be forced to stay within while many of Rabrigan's prodigy sons would make something of themselves in the real world where many of them would become famous later on for their majestic abilities.

Years had passed and by now one full generation of deformed people were living together in hate.
Hate for their father that didn't want to see them as well as hate for the world that would never accept them, this much they understood.
They could no longer live with such seething hatred in their hearts and thus, during a night of Rubios, they forced their way to their normal brethrens' chambers.
The guards of the chambers fled without a fight at their sight, such was the dread the deformed could induce.
They tore the doors open and butchered everyone, unknowingly, even their own mothers.
When Rabrigan came to see what was happening it was already too late.
"Demons!" he shouted. "I should have thrown you off the cliff this fortress stands on the very moment you were born"
"Look what you made us into" replied Xarion Curseborn.
Rabrigan then managed to kill thirty-two of them before being overwhelmed by their latent psychic abilities and killed[1] by the immense punch of Bastabor Dreadtower, which would later on find out about his Energumen blood.
The band of mishaps then decided to keep the fortress, now called Derelictus for their operations of conquest and call themselves Abomiknights.
Over the years they have had many conflicts with the Crimson Knights and tried to kill Dardelioss Redthunder[2], one of the Crimson Lords on different assassination attempts, all failed.

[1]It is to be noted that some say the spirit of Rabrigan Darkseeker is now trapped in the Pyramid of Possibilities, within the Fading Chambers
[2]Dardelioss is one of the "prodigy sons" of Rabrigan and the Abomiknights want to eliminate them all