I always like hearing about other people's stores and shops, especially with all the crazy fucks that come with them.
Let's tell some stories about our Friendly Local Game Stores, Veeky Forums!
I always like hearing about other people's stores and shops, especially with all the crazy fucks that come with them.
Let's tell some stories about our Friendly Local Game Stores, Veeky Forums!
I'll tell a few to get the thread started:
>Working in an FLGS in a small town
>Dude comes in and asks if we buy Magic cards
>Tell him that we do
>He leaves after introducing himself and sends me a friend request on Facebook later that day
>Every fucking day, several times a day, he sends me photos of cards
>"What's this worth?"
>I tell him what sites we use to price things and so-on
>Tell him that it will save him some time if he does it all at home then comes in with an idea of how much his stuff is worth
>He agrees
>Ten minutes later, he asks "What's this card worth?"
>I say, "user, I just sent you the sites. What's wrong with them?"
>He says, "I can't figure them out. You do it for me."
>Tell him I will do it, but only if he sends me a text list, not 87 bulk-rare photos a day
>Price his lists, give him trade value/retail value prices because that's what he asks for
>He comes in every single day and demands that I give him the trade/retail value for his cards, but in cash/store credit
>I calmly explain the system to him and "that's now how this works."
>He says he gets it
>Asks me if we're buying uncommons from Standard
>"Only Fatal Push right now, to be honest"
>He starts sending me photos of uncommons
>"What's this worth?"
>It's shit like "Make A Stand" from Oath of the Gatewatch
>Tell him that we're only buying Fatal Push as far as uncommons go
>He send me three more photos of uncommons
>"What about these?"
>He says he understands again
>Comes in with a stack of uncommons
>"What are these worth?"
>I leaf through it to confirm this fact
>Tell him that we're not buying uncommons
>"Even if they're good ones?"
>Mfw this shit happens every day
Like, it'd be one thing if he was a kid. We do get some kids who come in and think they can get TOP DOLLAR for their commons that their mom ran through the laundry.
This dude is 22, though. He's married and has a paying job.
I don't get it.
>Uncommon Guy comes in today
>Hands me a stack of bulk rares and a couple semi-nice things like "Coat of Arms"
>Price it out
>It comes to be about $15 in store credit
>He accepts and buys a couple of things
>I start entering the cards into our terminal/collection tracker
>He says "Hey. Don't sell those cards. I might need them back in a week or two."
>I tell him that I can't do that because you can't operate a business on "maybe money"
>He says he'll just buy the cards back right then and there
>I get confused
>"Why would you sell the cards at a reduced rate when you had cash in your pocket?"
>"I dunno. I thought this was a good deal for me."
>He asks to buy the "deck" of stuff back
>I price it out and it's a little over $20, just somewhere about $23.
>Tell him he owes us $20
>He starts to whine
>Not complain
>Whine, like with elongated syllables and stuff
>"But Anoooooon! You only gave me $15 for iiiiit!"
>I tell him that he can't just sell something then buy it back at what we paid for it
>Especially when he used the store credit to buy stuff out of our stock
>"But, but! I thought I could net myself a few dollars by selling and trading up with you guys so I came out ahead each time"
>I'm fucking flabbergasted
>Dude just outright admits that he's trying to game the system
>I calm down to keep from blowing my top and strangling this guy
>I tell him that, if he wants his stuff back, he'll have to give me $20 in buylist-priced cards or cash/debit
>He starts handing me bulk rares
>It's $3 for the stack
>He sits there a minute
>Pulls a Liliana, The Last Hope and a Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet ouf his box
>Tells me he'll give me both of those if I give him his "deck" back
>I ask him if he's sure because that's heavily in our favor
>He says he just wants his deck back so he can sell it later
>I just stare for a minute, take the two expensive, playable cards back and give him his bulk back
>mfw I may now be retarded from all of this.
Who's the creepiest, most spergy, horrifying individual that comes to your FLGS?
For us, it's "Scary Gary."
>Gary is a very, very large man to the point of being ill because of his weight
>Gary waddles into our FLGS from time-to-time now that it's under new ownership
>He was perma-banned by the previous owner for allegedly shitting in the bathroom floor after his ass wouldn't fit on the toilet seat
>New owner is too kind/nice to tell Gary to kick rocks
>Gary comes in one day when I'm working
>Owner is a special-education aid while he gets his teaching degree
>Gary finds out that owner works in a high school
>"user, I bet it's really difficult working in the high school, especially with all of those half-naked girls running around. It's hard not to stare, isn't it?"
>Owner's eyes get huge and he stutters out, "I-it's not that hard when you're not a f-fucking child molestor..."
>Gary says, "Hey, I'm not a pervert, I just can't help but look at these indecent girls."
>Owner asks Gary to leave and go to another shop for a little while
>Gary comes back one day when I'm working
>Sees our bulk rares have gotten mixed up
>He offers to sort them and keep me company
>Feel conflicted because I feel bad for him and that he is treated like subhuman trash
>But I also understand that he's kind of earned that label
>Gary waddles out, but not before he looks at the new comics
>Sees the Iron Man series with the black girl, Riri is her name, I think
>"Why are her clothes so tight? I can't help but notice that she's very curvy and you can see everything."
>"Gary, she's 15."
>"I know! I know! But she's really pretty and it's hard not to look. I'm sure you've noticed."
>"No, Gary, I haven't."
>He waddles out to get lunch and go to the doctor
>I spend the next three hours sorting the cards so that he doesn't have to stick around when he comes back
I hope that people don't think all nerds are creepy kid-diddlers like that.
"Scary Gary" has a best friend who is a 45-year-old woman who still wears tutus over her goth Tripp pants and shit.
>Goth girl has two kids
>Nice kids, if a little weird
>One year, before I started working at my FLGS, I was in college
>Sitting on the far end of a couch
>Goth girl and her kids come in
>Kids plop down in the middle seat
>Refuse eye-contact so they won't speak to me
>Kids start jabbering to the person on the opposite end
>"Want to see our pictures?"
>Kids have a large photo album
>Person smiles and agrees
>Kids open the book and there's photos of dead animals
>Little boy points to a dog that's been run over with its stomach burst
>"This one is my favorite!"
If I hadn't seen it then I wouldn't believe it.
Goth girl is crazy, though.
>Used to work as a journalist
>Goth girl overhears me talking about it with my friends
>She brings me her business card because she needs to report about some injustices
>It's a piece of printer paper that's been shoddily-cut into a rectangle
>I politely accept it
>She tells me that the state is violating the rules and laws set forth by the ADA
>"That's pretty serious. What's going on?"
>"Those cocksuckers won't let me have my license."
>"Why do you think that is?"
>"Because I'm severely epileptic. I am considered 100 percent disabled and can't work, but I don't want to walk everywhere."
>I feel my eyes getting as big as dinner plates
>"Th-that's a safety issue, though."
>"But it's not my fault that I'm epileptic. Why should I be punished for things I can't control!"
>I tell her that I don't think I can help her, but I'll talk to my boss
>Tell my boss and he tells me not to ever bring "this crazy bitch" up again
She still emails me sometimes to tell me about her being promoted to the head diocese in her church and about how the fuckers in government won't let her drive.
Not a fucking clue how she got my private email address though...
To be honest, my shops are actually not all that bad. Well, except for one shop, but even that one isn't that bad, just run down and weird. The story that follows, however, is not that shop, but a nice one that is rather open, large, and welcoming.
>be in comic/gaming shop
>really, really have to shit
>go into toilet and lock door
>hook latch on door
>I still don't know why they have these on doors with working locks in some bathrooms
>it's a single toilet, and I go about my business
>door knob rattles as someone tries to open the door
>door rattles again
>door starts getting yanked on really hard
>doorframe around the lock gives way and the door opens only to get caught by the hook latch up top
>grab door knob and start fighting the person who is trying to open the door
>I lose the tug of war for the door
>hook gets ripped out, and the door swings open
>huge guy stands in the doorway staring at me
>I'm staring back, half naked, wide eyed and scared
>he just stands there staring until the owner sees what's happened and rushes over to throw him out (it's a big, busy shop)
>apparently, he does this occasionally
>owner applies another hook lock on the door frame
>now I know
>Be the only black guy to work in our fairly popular store
>Be the most socially adept and informed regarding comics most shifts
>Occasionally flirt with SJW Co-worker because ya boy likes them thicc
>Dude I've been calling leprechaun and who taught me how to play Magic comes in
>He often makes jokes regarding my race, but never distasteful things and encourages me to give as good as I get
>Once invited his fiance over to the store just so he could introduce her to me because he genuinely considers me a friend
>He's shaved his head and is no longer wearing his tattered hat
>"Ay! Doctor Midnight!" I'm not facing him so, initially, I just roll my eyes and stop flirting with sjw co-worker because it's time to call this red haired fuck a leprechaun
>Notice his new cut and make a joke about seeing my reflection in his scalp
>"Feel free to use my head as your voodoo crystal ball"
>He and I both chuckle heartedly as sjw coworker pointedly scowls
>He and I begin to talk about recent comic book adaptations we're excited for. I mention Black Panther and he of course jumps on it
>Behind me, SJW coworker is getting visibly worked up as we speak, but since only leprechaun can see her I am none the wiser
>I joke that his comment has hurt my feelings
>SJW Co-worker goes off. Calls him a 'misogynistic, racist, homophobic asshole' all the while I'm standing around wide-eyed
>SJW Co-worker walks out screaming that she's done here
>Leprechaun and I stare at each other before owner walks over and asks Leprechaun to leave, since he contributed to a scene at the store
>Leprechaun is a cool dude and just does it
>I am questioned and by the end of the week I learn that I have been moved from the main register to the comic section register (Sees far less action) and Leprechaun has been banned for 90 days
And that's the story of how an SJW quit, I got no pussy, Leprechaun got banned from our store and I started to take dance lessons on friday nights, since I was now free
---and this man is not banned from the store fucking WHY?!!!
Probably because he has money? I dunno. The only other story I have is from another shop I also go into to buy things. Most of the people there are friendly. They have an ungodly good book section.
It's just that this one employee, whenever I come in, will not stop staring at me. And I don't mean in the same way the guy who ripped the door open was staring at me. He stares at me in a, "how dare she come in here," stare.
The other employees are actually happy to see me, because whenever I enter I have a tendency to buy things. They're generally friendly and helpful to people who come in, I've found. Just that one guy. Occasionally, people play games in the shop, and I can tell if there are girls in there playing in a D&D group because you can see his anger from the street even before entering if he's near a window.
What the fuck, dude? That's messed up. The place where my dad (white) works is full of a bunch of islander dudes and they give each other shit based on race all the time. Also a black dude who joins in.
Man, if everyone having fun you don't need to get offended on someone else's behalf.
Yeah, it was such a weird situation. I lost a position I honestly had to fight for, the owner isn't a racist but he was worried I'd have to deal with 'bigots', Leprechaun got banned and SJW just disappeared.
Literally no one was better off after the situation. I really liked being up front too, I got to talk anime with the weebs, magic with the more experienced players, tabletop with the other fa/tg/uys and nerd junk with the hipsters.
Overall, I think the situation was handled poorly on every conceivable level.
Just another perfectly good thing ruined by the goddamn Irish
A-at least I can prepare potatoes in a more delicious way than you.
If you're so good at cooking potatoes why didn't you just eat them instead of starving?
Two of us go to a nearby game store, after seeing an ad for an "All day D&D" session.
>A game is just starting, so we lurk a bit and listen
>4 players, I'll describe them
>The DM: wheelchair bound, long hair, fat, sorta dirty looking grog, but all-in-all, he sounded like he wasn't a moron or freak
>The young guy, looked like he was in college or high school, and was the self-proclaimed "funny guy", specializing in loldumbness
>The normal dude, seemed sorta quiet, had obviously came prepared, since he had a 3' high stack of books (We'd later find out he was the Rules Lawyer....or the Supreme Justice of Rules)
>The failed goth guy. Mid 30's.....skinny, nose, ears, lip, and forehead all pierced....tried to do funny voices, and used a lot of The Simpsons slang. He failed a skill check and said "AYE KURUMBA!!!!", and found it amusing
They took a break, and we spoke to the DM and a the normal guy, both seemed friendly, and welcoming. They were looking to expand their group and invited us to roll up some pcs.
>We ask what the group needs, since we're jumping in mid session
>DM : Make what you want, we'll restart
>We make up a fighter and a thief
>DM starts us off.....wait for it....in an INN
>Where we'd all just met, but became instant friends....
>2 humans, a drow, a gnome, an orc
>a fighter, a thief, a drow mage, a gnome bard, and an orc cleric
>we're quickly railroaded into getting a lost necklace for the innkeeper, from an abandoned tower where he'd dropped it while exploring years ago........
>first combat, is vs some rats....9 of them........big ones
>loldumb guy throws a keg of oil at our feet, and lights it......forcing a group saving throw
>the normal guy, argues with the DM for 10 minutes about the radius of the blast (he felt like it should be 1' LESS than the DM was saying)
>The goth guy tells the loldumb guy to "eat his shit stained shorts man."
>We kill the rats, and head downstairs
>A fearsome skeleton is lurking.....
>the cleric (who didn't have any healing spells today), says "oh, my cleric FEARS undead, so I bail....run back upstairs"
>The goth guy wants to ride a board down the stairs like a skateboard, and smash the skeleton with his staff
>the loldumb guy.........drops another cask of oil and lights it on fire
>The thief dies, the fighter is at 1 hp
>the loldumb bard dies
>The normal guy, is again arguing with the DM, this time about the DC to skateboard down stairs on a board with no wheels
>my buddy runs up and smashes the skelly
>we find out the bard, has no weapons, not even a fucking stick....he spent all his starting gp, on ...........OIL CASKS
>The cleric (normal guy), ran all the way back to town, and bolted the door to his room
>The goth guy takes 1d8 damage for failing the skateboard trick, and dies
>my buddy says, fuck this........and kills the bard.
>we get up, and leave without saying a word
Fuck random groups.....just fuck them
>wild card, bitches!
Merlyns Science Fiction-Fantasy Spokane Washington:
>The owner Jon is a really nice and super-mellow guy.
>Jon ran for city council 6-7 years ago wearing a Starcraft Terran Marine costume (pic related)
>GF is allegedly super-hot, but I haven't met her. Fatguy at the store stated, and I quote, "I liderally jizzed in my pants when I first saw her."
>Store is located in a "socially aware" block of downtown called the Saranac Commons. About as hipster as they can try to be
>But they still sell candy bars, doritos, funyuns, and coke They know which side their bread is buttered
>Interior of the store is nearly warehouse size. Real industrial feel to it; completely un-like this bookstore Jon owns just down the street.
>Saranac Commons was also the meetup location for the last march for science.
>In 2015, Macklemore filmed the video for "downtown" right across the street. That's literally all the grungier parts of downtown Spokane.
>Store sells comics, old sci-fi novels, Magic (heavy-heavy MTG scene there), Star Wars minis, Games Workshop, etc.
>Last time I was there, they had a very realistic-looking 6-foot tall green dragon on a chain.
>I said Jon was mellow, but he's still a human being. For example, don't mention GW around Jon. It literally triggers him.
>This one guy came in asking about the new Age of Sigmar (?) from GW and we saw a new side of Jon that day.
>Apparently, he's real oldskool about wargaming and RPGs. they fucked up all his favorite rules or something. But he still sells GW anyway.
>I don't know how he can stand it.
>Jon's been running gaming/comic stores since the 80s (maybe even the 70s)
>But he looks like he's only in his mid-30s. My guess is he's taking Infinity Serum.
>Otherwise, very quiet scene for gaming. Mostly MTG.
>There's this one utter trainwreck of a MTF tranny that looks exactly like Jame Gumb
>Wears faded gingham dresses; desperately tries to get in on all the RPGs
>Haven't seen Jame in awhile tho
>I said Jon was mellow, but he's still a human being. For example, don't mention GW around Jon. It literally triggers him.
>This one guy came in asking about the new Age of Sigmar (?) from GW and we saw a new side of Jon that day.
Can you elaborate? I actually live near there and want to know whether he'd sperg out if I bring some 40k shit or something.
He just gets loud. Not "imma chimp out on you" loud, but preachy loud. It's probably the one clue I have that he might be an old man with botox and hair dye. You can hear him all the way from the game tables. I heard 40K is going to change to Age of Sigmar soon (?), so it might be an even worse idea altogether.
On a positive note, he's very busy tho and not always there. But he does show up unexpectedly.
Besides, the scenery on the back wall is really dusty and old from the looks of it. They need new scenery so bad, but the 40K scene moved to Gamer's Haven in the Valley and Hobbytown USA up north. Every store has its positives and negatives.
Don't you dare. Don't be that guy.
I don't think 40k is going to Age of Sigmar, GW has outright said they're not End Timesing it.
You misunderstand, I was asking so I WOULDN'T accidentally fuck with him by bringing my army or trying to talk about 40k.
>I don't think 40k is going to Age of Sigmar, GW has outright said they're not End Timesing it.
I wasn't referring to the universe/fluff, but rather the ruleset.
>live near a FLGS called GameStar (actually a chain, but a relatively small one in the pacific nw)
>regularly head in for FNM and modern
>end up going in for the Aether Revolt game day
>2 rounds in, 2-0, sit down with my next opponent
>5 rounds total, so losing here isn't even a massive detriment to landing in top 8
>dude whips out a budget version of Mardu Cars
>ends up getting pretty screwed on draws on game 3, clearly not happy
>i say "good games, man" and go for the handshake
>dude looks me in the eyes for a few seconds before slamming his hands onto the table and raising his voice a bit about how dumb of a deck i was playing, and how i didn't deserve the win
>walks outside, disappears for a couple minutes
>comes in afterwards and apologizes, said he was just "real mad cause i had to drive 2 hours and probably won't even get this yahenni's"
>end up talking to the dude for a bit, turns out he's pretty cool, if hot-headed
>ends up leaving after going 3-2, before prizes are handed out
>due to loads of folks dropping / tying, he gets 8th place
Gotta drop my flgs story. Not a cringe, really a story of mismanagement and slow economic death, which is probably a more likely thing.
>Just getting back into tabletop games, been hanging out at the local Thursday weeknight wargames club (In a church hall)
>Not playing because poor fag, but drink beer at the bar, pay membership, etc. Went with my friend who played 40k
>Make a bunch of mates who we end up hanging out with outside of club
>Some of the club members start a FLGS in a nearby town
>Go with club mates
>It's brilliant. Just like my FLGS from my childhood memories
>Tell them I'm looking to get into Warmachine, but little low on cash
>Tells me that's fine, grabs commanders for every faction blisters, asks which one looks cool
>I pick Sorcha. He invites me to base coat it in store, and even helps me develop a paint scheme, using the store paints.
>In the store, there's maybe 20+ people upstairs and down, playing games and painting, great atmosphere
>Have a great time, vow to comeback
A month or two passes
>Go back, bit of cash, pick up a few more minis
>Ask if I can base coat them in store to paint with store paints
>"Sure if you've brought your own undercoat!"
>I guess thats fair enough, buy some white spray
>Paint for a while, then get asked to move because someone has 'Reserved the painting table'
>I move, that seems reasonable
>Guy comes in, sits down, unpacks all of his miniatures, paints, brushes, a loaf of bread...
>Wait what
>Bread, ham, cheese, etc, makes a full sandwich and sits eating it doing no painting for like an hour while making small talk with all the other painters.
>Leave and think its gonna be while before I come back
A few months later
>Go in because want some paints, and maybe a figure or two.
>First thing I notice, less painting tables, less gaming tables, more space
>Well maybe it was getting cramped
>Less people
>Less Staff?
>Ask if I can do some painting, and where the store paints are
>"Sorry we don't have store paints, people were taking the piss"
>Oh that sucks, sit down at table, worker comes over and keeps critiquing me, suggesting paints, grabbing them from the rack. Telling me my paints are gone past their sell by date and I need new Army Painter paints
>Oh shit, we GW now
>Leave pretty quick after figures have dried, decide not to come back.
What I found out later from people at the gaming club
>Store was founded by three guys
>One guy, the most charismatic, was straight up stealing from them
>Would open 10-20 booster packs of Magic cards a day, and not charge them
>Would take pre-orders in cash, take the money, then either not place the order, or place the order, but not charge it, so when the person picked it up, they'd have to pay again and have no receipt
>Eventually stopped coming to work and disappeared with around 5k of the stores money.
>Trouble was he also the guy phoning all the game companies, getting free shit, getting promos and stuff.
>Got a load of free mantic promo materials, free Infinity stuff, dreadball stadium stuff. Basically if a company was giving promo material, he got it for the store
>Also used to organise groups of people going together on big kickstarters in store together, managed to to get games like Robotech Tactics into store when literally no other store in the area would ever have it.
>Now the store has no soul, no money, and no new games
>You go in and theres' xwing, 40k and magic. No variety on the shelves. You can order stuff in, but at that point, why dont I just order online
>They had to move to a smaller store and no one goes there anymore.
Watching a FLGS die is sad.