>8th edition around the corner
>ZERO mention of SOBs whatsoever
this is the end of all hope...
8th edition around the corner
they did tho
They will be replaced by womyn Space Marines and Space Marines of other genders, so remember you are valid, fellow tumblr user.
That doesn't mean shit.
Ayup. It's over, the SJWs and Degenerates won. Female Space Marines are canon now, SoB are getting Squatted any day now.
It's gonna be a glorious shitshow, like a Metathread about Quests, except with 40k lore.
I would buy plastic Sisters in a heartbeat. GW why :(
Skitarii are the superior middle ground between space marines and guardsmen. I don't understand why people would play them for non fluff reasons. And usually they're played by creepy neckbeards.
Models are cool though and I have some because of that. Hoping they get a buff to be honest, I wouldn't mind using the models I have as allies.
God I hope they do, I want to watch the board explode into an orgy of autistic rage.
>It's gonna be a glorious shitshow, like a Metathread about Quests, except with 40k lore.
So most 40k lore threads since 2008?
>Female Space Marines are canon now
Only thing I'm coming up with is the deamonculaba
You're actually retarded. Go on the community site and they have their own section, worry wart.
i mean it wouldnt surprise me at all and i am expecting it to happen. one of the reasons I've already checked out of 40k
at least with fantasy being dead gw can never rape its lore again
Okay their bud
>>ZERO mention of SOBs whatsoever
They're on the new website, they'll continue to linger on in shit.
There are only two genders you fucking shitlord
i think you mean there are only two human genders
Do you think they'd really think that such a move would gain them more new customers than old ones that will explode into incoherent autistic screaming?
I really don't think it would.
Of course, GW and good ideas go together like Chlorine trifluoride and orphanages.
What is she holding in her hands?
Too big around to be a gun.
Pic related is a complete and accurate representation of how many fucks I give.
3 kits. It would only take 3 plastic kits to make me happy.
A Sisters kit
A Seraphim kit
A Repentia kit
The immolator as transport/tank kit is fine. I know it would set them back in releasing 3 kits for Space Marines but damn, the old models really start showing their age.
>Of course, GW and good ideas go together like Chlorine trifluoride and orphanages.
So, only in China?
Man I want my sisters like the next one but shit user, turn that autism down you will kill us all
This. Is that so much to ask for?
Eldar players have been waiting 30 years for a fucking plastic Striking Scorpion kit, and GW actually LIKES Eldar.
Count yourself lucky that Sisters haven't been squatted, since clearly GW must realise by now from killing WHFB that they can get away with that again.
Fuck off eldar player. Boo hoo fucking one of your units is metal, call the waahmbulance.
They're a separate faction on the website, not rolled into Imperial Agents, so I expect they'll get a codex along with everyone else once 8e drops. Prolly no new units, but it would be their first real codex in forever.