What's the appeal of series like these (retellings of D&D campaigns)? They just seem really boring and filled with the samey cringeworthy humor as any other D&D retelling.
What's the appeal of series like these (retellings of D&D campaigns)...
shit people like shit things
Dan was only really funny in an awkward way, Chip was consistently hilarious, Dan's wife was shit tier and the guest where generally pretty funny either because they had no idea what was going on or because they where professional comedians.
I dunno man, there's even one near me that does sessions live in from of an audience, knights of the arcade or something.
It's for people who reached the bottom of the barrel of course, carry on if the idea alone of watching randoms talk about/do stuff you like puzzles you.
Consider yourself lucky for not being their target audience and unironically buy a helium tank if you ever find yourself looking for that shit as a source of entertainment... or anything that isn't pondering the depths of misery we reached as a species, really.
but it wasn't a retelling. they played the game live. I enjoyed it for what it was. how would you have done it differently?
Sometimes a game's story is worth retelling.
You tell me bru
>retellings of D&D campaigns
Same as any "battle report" ever. It was important to the teller at the time. The honesty and sincerity of their delivery should (hopefully) impart some of the emotional and intellectual value of their experience to the listener. The listener enjoys these things vicariously, and finds them both pleasing and motivating in terms of creating their own stories.
It's not as intense as the experience of battle itself, but not everything has to be.
Is "Chip" Jeff or someone else?
thanks for this m8
fun read
yea, i got him confused with chip eston, from whose line, a show they where both on.
It's literally no different from reading battle reports or the "epic greentexts" you spend all day reading here
But it's fun.
It's objectively worse, because it involves the human voice.
We get it, you're an edgy misanthrope who doesn't like people.
Go back to /pfg/,
While I am into fucking, I am not into pigeons. Thank you for sharing your interests, though.
humans, why do you like these human things? what is...joy? what is...happiness? why do you interact, it is all so confusing.
why did my wife leave me
>What's the appeal of series like these (retellings of D&D campaigns)? They just seem really boring and filled with the samey cringeworthy humor as any other D&D retelling.
he asked on a board where people often share stories about their D&D session.
>"I don't see the appeal" somehow means "No one can enjoy this"
Not that user but it sort of does. It's one thing to say "I don't like this, it's not my bag" but another to say "I don't like it and can't see why anyone ever would."